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Yandere Simulator is a romance-themed game, so Valentine's Day is the perfect time for a big announcement or big update. That was the plan, actually, but things didn't work out. 

On January 1st, I looked at the amount of progress remaining to be done before I could release the game’s official demo, and calculated that there was less than 2 months of work remaining. I planned to release Osana on February 14th – Valentine’s Day. Yes, that's right; today is the day that Osana was going to be released…but it’s not happening.

Over the past 25 days, I’ve been subjected to the largest avalanche of hate and harassment that I’ve ever experienced. It’s several orders of magnitude worse than what I was put through in 2018, which prompted  the Hate and Shame  video. Every day, I consider making an “I quit, I can’t do this anymore!” video, because absolutely nothing is worth the amount of abuse that I’m receiving.

I was already morbidly depressed before this happened, but recent events have pushed me down to the lowest point I’ve ever been at. The severity of what I’ve been put through has completely killed my enthusiasm for the project and robbed me of all motivation to work on the game. It’s impossible to be productive under these circumstances. The only thing more difficult than finding a reason to keep working on Yandere Simulator is finding a reason to keep living.

The longest-ever gap between two of my videos was 50 days, occurring between the Live-Action Trailer and Guidance Counselor video. In 7 days, on Feb 21th, we’re unfortunately going to break that record. I’ll try to release something on March 1st, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be possible to find the energy required to make a video, when it’s already hard enough just to convince myself to get out of bed in the morning.

If you're donating money to a guy, the last thing you want to hear him say is that he isn't getting any work done and wants to quit. However, I have to be open, honest, and transparent with you. A lack of videos / significant progress is pretty serious, and I can't just leave you in silence without an explanation. So, even though it sucks to admit all of this stuff, I choose to be honest with you, rather than just pretend like nothing is wrong.

I'd like to believe that pretty soon, "treat YandereDev like shit" will stop being a fad, and I can return to business as usual. I'd like to believe that on March 1st I'll have a cool update, on March 15th I'll have an even cooler update, and on April 1st, the game's anniversary, I'll have a really awesome update. But, at this point in time, there are so many uncertain factors that it's hard to say for sure exactly what will happen. I don't know what to tell you, but at the very least, I want to assure you that I don't intend to leave you in silence, and that I'll communicate honestly with you, even if good news is scarce.



I finally got to download to play this game I've heard so much about! I didn't get to play much but I wanted to come here to help as much as I am able to currently. It's honestly breaking my heart seeing how cruel people can be towards you for just trying to do something you like doing.. I do want to let you know that I'm a new fan and I think what you're doing is awesome and I hope you continue doing it and ignore all the horrible trolls out there!


Hearing anyone say it's difficult to find the will to live breaks my heart. Hearing it from someone who has created a project I've become so attached to is devastating. I don't understand the motivation behind all this abuse at all! I'm an extremely impatient person, but I haven't minded waiting for Yandere Simulator because the updates keep my enthusiasm and excitement alive. I've been following for a couple years now, and yeah, it's an objectively long time, but it's not like I don't have other things to entertain me in the meantime. YandereDev, I just became a patron today because the SNAP update got me so excited that I wanted to contribute to the momentum your updates have shown in the last few months. I had no idea you were still going through abuse and a state of depression after the Hate and Shame video. I really hope you'll consider taking on a volunteer or hiring some kind of email moderator/community manager for the sake of your mental health. There's no shame in not being able to handle that kind of thing on your own. I know I never could! Wishing you happiness and inspiration, even in these troubled times (both personally and what we're all dealing with on a global scale right now).


Thank you for your support and your encouragement, I appreciate it very much. <3