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Twelve whole minutes of Osana and Raibaru progress! Whoo hoo! Enjoy!

Usually I try to offer some extra insight here on Patreon, but on this case, there simply isn't much for me to say that hasn't already been said in the video, so I'll just let the video speak for itself.

Thanks again for your support!


November Osana and Raibaru Progress Report

By the way, in case you're curious about the new reputation graph... I knew that making a dynamic graph would eat up a lot of my time, so I asked another programmer to take care of it for me, so that none of my time would be taken away from Osana.


Carly Dingman

Interesting stuff! The gift shop is a great idea.


Good! Now, a few questions that have little to do with the video: With Osana implemented, would there be a save function in the game? Are there planned elimination methods for Osana that can take place before the last day of the week?


The video speaks very well for itself. You know as well as I do there have been fangames and ripoffs of YanSim for some time. What they lack is this attention to detail that the real thing has, which you show more with every update. I'm sure it's been frustrating for you more than anyone how long the development process has taken, but I know it'll be worth it in the end. And of course carefully laying down the fundamentals like this should hopefully make it easier to implement future rivals. I'm looking forward to trying out all the ways to take out Osana. Hopefully it won't be too difficult for a filthy casual like myself. Keep up the good work!

Karolina Belomestnova

Yandere dev, Yandere dev! I love the idea of anonymous gifts, but please, if you’re doing it, please add an opportunity to write notes to Senpai as well! Even if it’s just a template with options, like the “Meet me at...” note. It’ll help deepen the relationship even more. And maybe add a bit more variety to Senpai’s reaction based on the contents of the note.


When I play the Hitman games, I am *constantly* saving and loading. I am extremely reliant on the save/load feature, and if I wasn't able to save/load in Hitman, I don't think I'd enjoy it nearly as much as I do. So, I see saving/loading as a crucial feature for Yandere Sim. I definitely want to have it in the near future, but it would introduce a lot of complications, so I'm really nervous about promising it for the Osana demo. Most elimination methods can be done any day of the week. With that said, there are a handful of scripted events that can only take place on one specific day.


Oh, right! I was considering this at some point, but completely forgot about it. I was thinking that Senpai wouldn't take the gift seriously unless there was a meaningful note attached. So, for example, if you say "Sorry for your loss" after Osana gets expelled, he would think it's weird. But if you say "Sorry for your loss" after a death, he'd be able to interpret your note as a condolence.


wow! im so excited for osana to be implemented~ thank you for working hard on the game ❤️


Sad to see the music shop go but the gift shop is a suitable replacement for it. As Yandere-chan lives in a seaside town (Beach Episode! ;) Bonus DLC!) I imagine that there would be several tacky souvenir shops selling chintzy tat, so a gift shop is thematic and fitting. Gifts could also be a way for the game to demonstrate Yandere-chan's lack of empathy and inability to understand people - Senpai is mourning the loss of a dear friend and our heroine sends her condolences with... a fridge magnet. Or a novelty bottle-opener.


Leaving aside all the talk of emergent gameplay in the last comment, I just wanted to show my appreciation for how this video showcases one of my favourite features of Yandere Simulator. I've always liked the concept of Senpai being affected by Yandere-Chan's campaign. If you murder all the rivals, Senpai thinks he's cursed. If you matchmake away all the rivals, Senpai thinks he's unloveable. If you get all the rivals expelled, Senpai mistrusts his own judgement of people. However you win, he loses! It's thrillingly sinister.


Ah, I'm glad that there are people who remember and appreciate that aspect of the game! You've nailed it; I couldn't have summarized it better myself.


Those features are adding a lot to the game, it's a really great update ! I hope the final game will provide numerous endings for Senpai, not only if you eliminate the rivals in the same way, but maybe it could also change if a certain rival is eliminated in a certain way ? The most obvious examples I can think of are his sister and Osana : if his sister dies he becomes depressive or whatever, if Osana is framed for murder he stops believing in friendship and leads a life where he distrusts everybody since he didn't realise she was a monster. But we can probably imagine a personalized thing for every rival (if you give a good ending to the nurse he decides to become a doctor, etc). Anyway, it's a late game feature and not a current priority, but I think it would be fun and make us want to try every combination. I also agree with the reputation update, it's much better this way, and well thought. As always, thank you for the good work !

Edward Collins

Got a question. I know your focus is on Osana/Raibaru, but when the demo comes out, will the skills also be fully implemented, or is that a final game target? You've fully implemented Phys Ed, Numbness, and Seduction, but only level 1 of Chemistry, Biology, and Language are implemented, and Enlightenment and Psychology are not implemented at all.


I was originally planning on having level 1 of every school subject implemented, since that's the max you can achieve in week 1. The more I think about it, the more I wonder if perhaps school subjects are one of the game's least-interesting mechanics, and can simply be removed. Does anyone even like / care about school subjects in Yandere Sim?

Edward Collins

I like it. Although it sounds like you haven't thought much of the school subjects lately. I see several of problems with removing them completely. First, school would sort of become a background, and that might be ok, but I like school doing something. Second, as I already said, you've fully implemented Phys. Ed, which is gotten in school. Numbness and Seduction are gotten by reading manga. There needs to be something else offered to go with Phys Ed. Third, Biology is a part of kidnapping a student, and removing that would have you retuning how kidnapping works. Likewise, removing Language removes the ability to forge suicide notes. Fourth, both Psychology and Biology (and to a lesser extent Language) have potentially useful bonuses- atleast according to the Yandere Simulator Wiki. Biology could allow you to commit less bloody murders, Psychology would you to torture your victims more effectively (or it could also add to your gossip/compliment effects). Language could allow you to forge notes allowing you to do things like skip school without or with a lessened penalty. And finally, you thought long and hard on how to implement the Gaming Club. Removing subjects would also remove the gaming club's benefit. And also, if you remove the school skills (and the need for study points), what would be the drawback of being late to (or totally skipping) class? Sure, there might be a reputation loss, and you wouldn't be able to join the Student Council, but it wouldn't be the worst penalty in the game.


Fair points. I considered these things, too. Having to make adjustments to the kidnapping mechanic, suicide note mechanic, etc. Plus, removing the school subject / study point system would rob the game of some depth. If I really think about it, it's probably best to leave the currently-existing system in the game, and expand on it to make it more worthwhile and worthy of attention.

Edwin Geng

Hi new patreon here :D, I got curious about this game ever since I played Doki Doki Literature Club and found something very similar to fill the void in my heart. I've watched some let's plays of this game and I was intrigued. I plan to donate at least $100 in increments of $5 a month (as it's the most I can afford right now due to financial circumstances), but I am interested in the development of the game and would love to buy the finished product on steam or wherever you're distributing this. As I AM new to the concept of this game (yes I am aware this game has been in development for ages, I just live under a rock and didn't know about it until recently), please forgive me if some of my questions have already been answered (I realize you do get a lot of questions), but I do have some inquiries out of curiosity to the game. 1. Is the game free to download and play? Where can I find it? Is it on your site? 2. Is there a pacifist and a genocide route like in Undertale, where you can eliminate rivals through non-physical violence vs. obviously killing everyone brutally? 3. I saw there was a cooking club... I heard rumors about cannibalisms... is there a way to eliminate your rival's bodies by cutting their parts up into food and then feeding it to other people? 4. Does Yandere have parents or do you plan to put in any sort of family? Is there any interactions with her parents and her? 5. Will there be special events like Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc?


Hi, and thanks for your support! 1. Yes, the game is currently free to download. I should mention that the game is presently at the stage of a "debug sandbox"; you can't kill any rivals, just test features. 2. You can choose to eliminate any rival with lethal or non-lethal methods. (One option is to simply pair a girl up with a different boy so she stops trying to enter a relationship with Senpai. Completely bloodless, nobody gets hurt at all.) The ending won't depend on whether you went "pure pacifist" or "pure genocide", but will depend on the most dominant methods you used while playing the game. 3. There is currently no cannibalism-related content, but it might be a very appropriate way to eliminate the rival who is in the Cooking Club. 4. Yandere-chan's mother and father are currently in another country. There is lore for the exact reason why they're over there, and what they're up to... 5. I really *want* to say "Yes", but this would prolong the game's development, and it has already gone on for too long. I'd like to concentrate on simply implementing the currently-planned content, and not add new items onto the list of things that need to get done.

Edward Collins

I also have an idea for the game. It would need to wait until after the kickstarter finishes. but there should be an eleventh week where you actually try to win Senpai's heart (just like your rivals). Or you could kidnap and torture him (like Yandere-chan's mother did. If you befriend Osana and Hanako (in particular) or all your rivals in general, they could push Senpai toward liking you.


I've considered it a few times. It's too early to confirm/deny if it'll wind up being a feature of the final game.