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I'm sorry that so much time passed between the previous update and this one!

I've been making steady progress on Osana/Raibaru, but I can't visually demonstrate most of it; it's all either spoilers or bug fixes.

I still want to regularly upload content to YouTube, so I spent a few days putting together a street scene to prototype the concept of a street with stores that sell beneficial things for the player.

I hope that you enjoy it!


A Tour of Yandere Simulator's New Street

To learn more about the game, visit https://yanderesimulator.com For development updates, visit https://yanderedev.wordpress.com For cool merch, visit https://crowdmade.com/yandere If you're concerned about rumors, please visit https://yanderesimulator.com/debunk/



Lots of detail in this update! All interesting stuff. Personally, I would keep the music store. You already have the assets anyway so there's no benefit from tossing it. Even if buying tracks is obsolete, it should still stay in the game as it will give you something to spend your money on; and gamers will still enjoy the collectathon aspect too. If all the shopkeepers are meant to be individuals, a vinyl geek who resents online streaming could be a fun character to interact with. It could also be a way to gain favours with other pupils - get Info-chan to hack and delete someone's Saikou Music account, and buy her a CD as a consolation. Anyway, keep up the great work!


what a pleasant update to see. it's a lot more functional than the older town from the old builds . keeping yourself on track is a struggle but you are clearly motivated and always coming up with new ideas for this game . it has come a long way and constantly improving! I see you are tightening up the graphics little by little and increasing more opportunities for the player to do things around their environment. keep up the good work, Yanderedev . it truly shows your passion and drive.


Those are some pretty creative ideas! Thanks for the feedback, and the kind words, as well!


I've liked this idea for a single "arcade" street since even before you first proposed it -- it's a good compromise between a town (which would take too long) and nothing at all (which limits gameplay). I'm also happy you mentioned weekends this time, as it made no sense that Yan-chan would be totally inactive on weekends if she learns about her upcoming rival Friday evening or whatever. Also, count me as one who supports the retention of the music store. You showed clips of the Options menu in Sonic 2. I'm sure you know as well as I do that the Sound Test in that game is used to unlock the level select screen, which was in turn used to unlock Debug Mode. So since you've said you'd like to retain some of the sandbox build cheats in the final game as unlockables, maybe you can use the music store for that function as a nod to classic console games? I'm not sure how you'd go about programming it though, so maybe I'm just sounding like an idiot. Anyway, keep up the good work!


I have not followed the development of the game from the early stages - please at some point gather all the "plot important" videos and posts that will be still relevant for us n0000bs. Relevant: While I am patron for some time, I have not tested the demo yet, nor I plan to until Tosana is implemented. I really hope the game will be "friendly" to newcomers at the time. Not everyone would be a pro that has played the demo for years when the game comes out. I believe it would be a mistake to build the game's difficulty based on the "pros" only that already know many of the tricks and mechanics. Perhaps different "difficulty" settings?

Carly Dingman

Yessssss yakuza nii-san!


omg i love that you're making so much new progress! ^-^

Sarut Saiklangdee

Love it Dev. Thank for keep up the good work.


Been following since 2015. Every update never ceases to amaze me. So impressed w your vision for this game.

VR AnimeTed

Interesting updates! progress is looking really good and the town should be a great way to help build out the world.


Thinking about the stores some more, another function of the street would be to create a "hangout" and additional functionality for the school clubs. Going to club sessions at school isn't quite enough to stay a member of the club, and you also have to attend an evening hangout social event once per week - if you skip it, the club gets grumpy that you're not showing the right attitude (it seems a Japanese frame of mind to me, like all those salarymen who can't go home because they're stuck in mandatory corporate drinking sessions). Say you're a member of the Light Music Club - one evening they get together at the Music Shop to chat about classic albums. Or that you're a member of the Science Club - they organise a weekly trip to the Electronics Shop to browse for components and gadgets for their next robot; the Cooking Club help taste-test new dishes at the Ramen Restaurant; the Delinquents go smoking around the back of the bike sheds; and so on. Going to these social events would take up some of Yandere-Chan's time and limit what she can get done that evening but the imposition is a way to balance the club's ability buff. It doesn't need to just be that, the hangouts could also have a constructive, positive effect: it would be a way to encourage the player to use the street more if they have not been taking advantage of its features; also during these social events players can purchase useful items at a discounted rate as Yandere-Chan takes advantage of the club's frequent-customer privileges. Finishing up and going home late after-hours at the end of a club hangout could also provide an opportunity to trigger some of the yakuza events that you have been talking about in previous update videos.


I really like the idea of you adding a street. However, I hope in the future, yandere-chan can explore more of the street or other parts of town. What I don't like about the street is that it's so blurry and I can barely tell what I'm looking at. I hope you fix this problem.

Erik Schwarz

A Radio is a little :/ i think a voice recorder whithe some recorded Voices of other students or animes are more Efficent.

Erik Schwarz

For Exempel: oh i am a student someone plays a Radio song is Nice / Or: Oh my god sounds like some one Fights against a Yakusa clan white giant robots .... I must see it! I Really hope i can latter in the Game Help some studends it make my sad to see Kokua in this situation :(


You want a playlist of "plot important" videos? Well, I suppose that would be the video "Yandere-chan's Childhood", although it's summarized in the game's intro cut-scene, which you'll see when you start a new game. If it's your first time playing, the game will have tutorial pop-ups that give a brief summary of each gameplay mechanic, as you encounter those mechanics. Hopefully, this will make the game as friendly as possible to newcomers.


Those are some pretty interesting ideas! I think that going to club sessions should be enough to stay a member of the club, although I agree that spending time with the club outside of school could be an option if you want to raise your reputation.

EV Brock

That's what we call break the cutie. Raibaru is so distraught that she refuses to believe it's Osana that's dead even when she's cradling her corpse. I find the reaction unexpectedly interesting, actually. I was even thinking what would happen to Raiburu if she makes it through the first week and Osana has been eliminated. As far as the street goes, I like it. It doesn't need to be overly complicated and I like being able to use it as a possible wat of finding info/buying items and stuff. Even as a first version it looks pretty good!