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Dear Friends,

I've been focusing this week to do arts. My plan is to have 3 LEWD scenes into this month's update. So expect to see more of art update post in the next 2 days. In this scene, this jungle lady borrows the dick prosthetic from Heidi. Please wait until next week for that prosthetic complete design post.

I've also just hired a professional writer (English native speaker who has gaming script experience) to help me write some part of the lewd scenes script for the dating section with Roxxi. I'm gonna give the spoiler post of his writing after it finish to the $10 patrons and noble sponsors tiers in about 2-3 days.

By the way, I have also hired another writer to polish the library text. I've revised the library background story for this month because I just realised there is a bit mistake in the "dark library" concept. The "dark perverted" section inside the library should be the "black library" that'd been taken from the Harley Quinn. And Heidi needs to pay the veteran space marine librarian  to translate those words into something that she can read. I'll also put more lore (yeah, keep 'em comin') into the game. So the codex and the lexicanum will be used to put more of those info. For those of you who are interested to help me writing the lore for codex and lexicanum section please hit me up through private message/discord.

Ps : I'm still unsure about Roxxi hairstyle though... I think I'd probably just cut her hair short. Mullet hairstyle is too 80s don't you think?






Idk hiver punk hairstyle might fit her


Either giver her shorter, utilitarian hair, or give her longer hair in a ponytail