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Hey guys,

In this post I want to share my dialogue draft between Roxxi and Heidi for the "dating" section of the game. Heidi will be able to call Roxxii once every single night to talk about :
1.Her homeworld (Description of Catachan jungle)
2. The Catachan's Hero (Description of  Catachan famous hero like Sly Marbo maybe...)
3. Catachan's greatest war

The idea of this conversation is about Heidi asking Roxxi about the place where she came from , what it's like and what sort of things exists there. Which is the notorious Jungle covered death world of Catachan. I know this is not sexy lewd convo because some of you ask me to put more lore-story into the game. As for the lewd scenes, I put them in the "Asking her out" option that you can choose when your relationship point with her is high enough.

Here are example of the first conversation topic where Heidi asking her about her homeworld. I'll post the script of the other two topics tomorrow.

Note : This script is not 100% finished and I might wanna change some lines a bit later.

("Ask about her homeworld")

Part 1
Heidi "Tell me about your homeword. I heard it's a jungle World."
Roxxi "It's not just a Jungle World. My place is the deadliest Jungle World in the galaxy. We have to constantly rebuild our settlements, but wherever we build something, the jungle redoubles its efforts to destroy them."
Roxxi "No human settlement in there is ever truly permanent."
Heidi "That sounds dangerous."
Roxxi "But If you like muscles, you'll like this place."
Heidi "I sure do. You need big muscles to survive there."
Roxxii "Yeah... humanity is near the bottom of the food chain. Half of the planet's human population does not survive infancy, and half of the remainder does not live past the age of ten."
Heidi "More reason to keep making babies."
Roxxi "Yep! we do love babies."
Roxxi "Tell you what, It's very easy to get laid there."
Heidi "Sounds sexy!!!"
Roxxi "Well that's because every day my people spend fighting in dangerous surroundings, and children will have to be quick to learn survival tactics and only those who are tough, fast and have good aim can even hope to survive into adulthood."
Roxxi "They learn to shoot before they walk."
Roxxi "So we need babies!!! like lots and lots of em."
Heidi "And you people make cool babies!!!"
Roxxi "Not only that, every single of us learns the craft of making knives from our parents and making one's own knife is considered one of the tests of adulthood."
Heidi "Well, no wonder you're well-known as 'natural survivor'."
Roxxi "Yeah, survival is the only thing that matters."
Heidi "Tell me more about that place."
Roxxi "Not now girl. I'll tell you next time."
Heidi "Okay then... Goodnight."

Part 2
Heidi "I wish you can take me to your homeworld one day."
Roxxi "Carefull of what you wish for, girl! Every animal species there is carnivorous, and every plant species is poisonous."
Heidi "Tell me more about the plants."
Roxxi "Well, there is this brain Leaf, a vegetative carnivore. Which is just a small tree actually. But it is able to attach its tendrils to the spine and brain of any creature, taking control over their body."
Heidi "I'm curious what they're going to do with my body after it succesfully take over mine. What else do you have there?"
Roxxi "The Sucker Tree. This plant looks harmless to the untrained eye. It has fungal-like growth on top of a seemingly normal trunk. However, the trunk can twist and turn when it detects prey, bending over to drop its suckers on top of the heads of its victims, and quickly drains them of their life fluids and then flings the corpse away to ensure that future victims are not made suspicious by a pile of bodies."
Heidi "Sucking bodyparts doesn't sound bad to me, except maybe when it involves this plant.."
Roxi "................"
Roxxi "Believe me you wouldn't want to see it..."
Heidi "Hmmm, not really... but somehow I'm anxious to see one of those."
Roxxi "The next one is the Spitting Cactus. It is a deadly form of jungle cacti, and is able to fire toxin-coated spines directly at nearby prey."
Heidi "I'll bring the antidote in my pocket then. You know, just in case..."
Roxxi "I can teach you to make that antidote if you want. I am very skilled in combat medicine."
Heidi "I bet you are. Your homeworld environment is so hostile back there. You must have gotten poisoned many times before. And yet, you are still alive."
Heidi "How about the animals?"
Roxxi "I'll tell you about the animals another time."
Heidi "Well, okay."

Part 3
Heidi "Do you have any pets there?"
Roxxi "No because if I see anything near me that moves, I'll burn it."
Heidi "Please don't burn me."
Roxxi "I'll make that as an exception."
Heidi "Tell me more about the animals that live there. I know they are dangerous. But how dangerous they could be?"
Roxxi "Let me tell you one of the most famous deadly animals. The Katachan Devil, a voracious insectoid predator, looking somewhat like centipede. They can be as long as a train but are very bulky and slow-moving."
Heidi "A Slow moving train? I guess escape is still possible for the unlucky humans who confront one."
Roxxi "You are correct! But mostly people from other planet will pass out the first time they see one."
Heidi "I bet they will... What else?"
Roxxi "Many of Katachan's most lethal killers are small and seemingly harmless, so they will almost certainly kill you before you even see them."
Roxxi "For example, The Heretic-Ants. One bite from these ants will put a fully grown man in the infirmary for a month, two bites will give them around a day to find treatment before dying, and three will simply kill them outright."
Heidi "I'll make sure to put my sweets away if I ever go there then. I don't want to have any of those ants inside my bag."
Roxxi "There are also many types of reptiloid serpents on Katachan, like the Flying Swamp Mamba, the Coiling Death Cobra and the Katachan Black Viper. Some have toxin that is so powerful it can kill you under 30 heartbeats."
Heidi "Now I understand why one soldier of Katachan worth as many as 10 common imperial guards."
Roxxi "Yep! We're not like any other imperial guard. Let me tell you this, even the most suicidal of military engagements are nothing compared to spending a day in my homeworld."
Roxxi "Every day is a battle to survive there."
Roxxi "Not to mention that we are the most uncomplaining, determined and valorous soldiers of the Imperial Guard."
Heidi "Yeah, I believe you are. Your planet's only export is soldiers."
Roxxi "I should go to sleep now."
Heidi "Okay, good night."






I for one am all aboard the lore convos as it would be neat to see how characters from known planets talk about them


Beep Boop is pleased