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Dear My Top Tier Patrons & The Noble Sponsors,

This post is about me sharing the script for one of the dating cut-scenes between Heidi and Roxxi for this month's build update.

The idea of this scene is about Heidi asking Roxxi on a date to the library in the Headquarters and then they will have sex in the inquisitor office in the evening. In this scene, Heidi will lend her prosthetic dick that she bought from Styx shop to Roxxi and get doggy style sex twice in a row that night.

Note : This script is not 100% finished and I might wanna change some lines a bit later.. 

I hope you enjoy the script, let me know your opinion in the comment below, or if you have something you'd like to add/change.

----------------------------------The Script begins here ----------------------------------

"You lead Roxxi to a table in the library. You sit next to her and pretend to read."
Roxxi “Why the hell are we here?”
Heidi “The library is a great place to talk.”
Roxxi “I don’t often come to places like this.”
Heidi “Not a reader? I wouldn’t have guessed by those muscles of yours.”
Roxxi “What does that mean?
Heidi “Oh, nothing.”
Roxxi “Why don’t we just go to the office?”
Heidi “Cause the Inquisitor is still in there. Why don’t you tell me what that skull tattoo means?”
Roxxi “I thought you wanted to fuck? My ink ain’t the way into my pants.”
"You rub your hand on Roxxi’s leg."
Heidi “Easy now. Work with me here. We’ve got to waste a little time til the office is clear. Don’t you know anything about foreplay?”
Roxxi "What?"
Heidi “You know, sexy talk and stuff before getting to it?”
Roxxi Uh, right. I wanna eat you out til you pass out.
Heidi "Damn! You’re not good at this."
"You both laugh and get shushed by the librarian."
Heidi "I’ve got a moisturized prosthetic dick that I bought from this cool shop in undercity. You can put those hard muscles to work by pumping me from behind till I pass out. First, let’s get these sweats down to your ankles. I want to rub those meaty legs and give you a little preview of what’s to come."
"You slip under the table, pull Roxxi’s sweats down and caress her legs. She’s not wearing any underwear."
Heidi "These firm legs need a massage. Oh, look! The bushes have been trimmed, but there are some leaves stuck in the branches. Let me clear those out."
"You bury your head between Roxxi’s legs, giving her pussy some special mouth attention."
Roxxi "Yeah….! Clear every last… one of them!"
"Roxxi pounds the table loudly, enjoying your good work."
"After a bit, Roxxi is sweating and covering her mouth, trying to stay quiet. She looks like she’s holding her pee."
Roxxi "Ok, ok. You can take a… time out. I might fucking blurt something out… if you keep going."
Heidi "Does that mean you liked it?"
Roxxi "Fuck yes! Give… me… a moment."
Heidi "Whoa, look at the time! We should be able to get to it soon."
"Roxxi is semi-passed out on a stack of books, that are supporting her head."
Heidi "Are you going to sleep?!"
Roxxi "Wake me up when it’s a go. I need to rest off your mouth action."
Heidi "Fine. Just don’t snore or you’ll get us thrown out of here."
"You and Roxxi enter the Cordelia’s office."
Heidi "No! Don’t turn on the lights."
Roxxi "I can’t see shit!"
Heidi "Grab my hand. Come with me."
Heidi "Not my hand, but fuck it. Hold on."
"You make your way to the Cordelia’s desk. A nearby window provides some light on your bodies."
"You both are naked. You are carrying the prosthetic dick with you, which Roxxi has grabbed a hold to."
Heidi "Ok. Right here."
Roxxi "Is this a desk? Shouldn’t we clean it off first?"
Heidi "No need. We can tidy up later. You know what to do with this."
"You hand her the prosthetic dick."
Roxxi "You sure I don’t need to wet you up a little?"
Heidi "Nah, I told you. That’s what this futuristic dick is for. Now, I’m in position. Get the right hole."
Roxxi "Don’t worry."
With you bent over the desk, Roxxi grabs your shoulder and pumps away.
Heidi "I knew those muscles of yours could handle this. You… can go faster, you know."
"Roxxi speeds up."
Heidi "Keep it... coming, bitch!"
"Roxxi speeds up more."
Heidi "That’s right! Don’t... stop!"
"Papers and sweat fly. The desk is shaking. you are still bent over, clenching your teeth. Your brow is sweating. The sweat on you both glistens in the night. Roxxi continues her pace before slowing down."
Heidi "“Y-Yea, if you keep doing it like that~!”
Roxxi "You want… to take a break? You’re shaking."
Heidi "Yeah… I got the jimmy legs… You… mind carrying me to the chair?"
Roxxi "Sure."
"As Roxxi picks you up, a book falls from between your legs. She cradles you and gently places you in the nearby chair. Your legs are shaking, like you have restless leg syndrome. You kiss the tip of the prosthetic dick."
Heidi "Mmmm... tastes like chicken! Give me a few, ok? Then… we’ll go… again."
Roxxi "Can you handle a second round?"
Heidi "Oh, sure. I’ll be good to go--"
"You slip off the chair, landing face down on the floor. You raise your arm to Roxxi."
Heidi "Help me up. Walk me to the desk."
"She picks you up to the desk and give you a second round."
"You scream and moan as she pumping you again."
Heidi “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum so hard!”
“Your body spasms as you begin climaxing"
Roxxi "Fuck, Yes!"
"You fall asleep in Inquisitor office"

---In The next Morning---

Cordelia "What are you doing in my office???"
"You're wide awake and can not see Roxxi anywhere in the room."
Cordelia "Tell me something. What do you smell?"
Heidi "Lemon-citrus?"
Cordelia "Anything else?"
Heidi "Nope."
Cordelia "'Sex' is the word you’re looking for. Do you have a guess how to get my office cleaned?"
Heidi " Are You a neat freak?"
Cordelia " That’s right, play stupid. “Freak” being the word of the day here. You fucking kids think shit just existed in your time. Like your elders never did things, and better at that, than you. Back then, you’d get multiple dicks up your ass. If none were available, something else was found. And suffering in silence was best option. Now, we treat people with a modicum of respect. Relatively. The next time you want to bang someone in here? Call me. I would’ve told you to use the tarp in my closet or at the very least, not leak pussy juice on my favorite book!"
Cordelia "Now, get the fuck out! If you utter a letter, a word, a sound, I’ll put you on von Tydon’s gang-bang duty"







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