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Hey guys, just dropping a development update here.

Right now I'm in the posing stage of development. All the characters needed for v0.1.5 are already made, and I'm about halfway through as far as posing goes. Here is how my development process goes:

Think/Write Down The Entire Next Version → Make More Characters (if needed) → Pose ALL Scenes/Start Rendering Scenes → Make Animations → Get Sound For Animations → Write Script → Playtest/Remove Bugs/Final Edits → Release

v0.1.5 will be basically everything that happens before Jennifer's Birthday Party (during the day), and v0.2 will be the entire party itself (at night). I take my time when I pose because I really dislike unnatural or unrealistic poses and lighting. Especially given the quality of my models, I want to make sure every scene looks and feels natural and realistic. Everyone in Godson has their own unique personality and way of speaking, so the scenes need to reflect.

This game will have no annoying sandbox elements and will generally play how it is right now, so no surprises coming in that aspect. At certain points in the game, you will be able to text certain people and have conversations, but that's about it as far as anything regarding sandbox elements. The game will stick to what it's about; MILFs, Sex, Choices, and of course the actual plot itself. It's best to keep games like this simple and to the point. You will understand what's going on as far as the plot from v0.1.5, everything will start to make sense. I'll try to not post images that spoil it.

Just to talk about the choices aspect, if anyone is wondering why there are so many choices (which everyone likes), I just personally find games like this more enjoyable. I'm sure you enjoy games like Starfield, Baldur's Gate 3, or Cyberpunk, and that's kind of how I'm doing it in that regard. Also, I wanted to avoid anyone complaining about how the MC acts. Some people may want to play as a macho playboy, while others may want to play as a gentleman. So I left it entirely your choice.

At the end of the sex scene with Marnie from v0.1, there will now be a C-SHOT (patreon-friendly wording) scene. Basically, there will be 3 different levels of how much you want to UNLOAD after sex. You will also be able to pick where you want to as well. People have been asking for this so I figured out a way to implement it. Honestly, this was always coming. The scene with Monoa was never intended to have one because it's just a flashback, but the scene with Marnie will for sure have one and all the ones that come after. I'll also be fleshing out the first scene when Marnie comes to your room just a bit more - based on player feedback.

Every version of the game, including the in-between .5 versions, will always have lewd animations, every time. So always expect to get your fix of whatever you're looking for with every version. This game is supposed to be hott, sexy, and fun. Hell, it's an adult game. You'll enjoy each character's personality and backstory and will have a very fun time with all the choices available.

I want to apologize for not having many images to show in this development update. Usually, I post a lot of images, and I will do so in the next development update next week. I have just been going hard at making scenes right now but I will have many previews for you next week. The woman from the third image is a new MILF I made named Janice. She is Marnie's best friend, and she can't stand Marnie's sister.

Next pin-up that will be coming will be 360-degree shots of Marnie's sister (nude), and I'll also be posting the poll so everyone can vote on her name. I'll also have a definitive window of when v0.1.5 will be released in the next development update. If you are in the higher tiers, remember you will get access to the game early.

I can't begin to express how deeply grateful I am for each and every one of you who's chosen to support this journey. Your enthusiasm and backing make all the difference as I pour countless hours into creating what I aim to be an exceptional and captivating Adult Visual Novel. Your unwavering support not only fuels this project but also elevates its potential. It enables me to continually raise the standard of quality, setting new benchmarks in storytelling, gameplay, and overall experience. In essence, you guys are the cornerstone.

Thank you all again and I'll see you in the next development update.




When do you hope to release the next update?


What are your plans for file size? The game is quite short and it's 2GB already.


I'll have a definitive window of when v0.1.5 will be released in the next development update