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Here is a look at Marnie's sister. This is the final version; finished some finishing touches on her today.

Just for clarification and comparison, I posted a side-by-side. I sculpted her head pretty much by hand, just like I sculpted Marnie's head. I wanted to make sure they had similar features but also different at the same time. I think I did a good job. Like I stated before, I take character modeling very seriously. It's what I'm best at in my opinion, just making things look as realistic as possible. That's the point of adult games, ain't it?

Anyway, she has much smaller breasts, and tons of MILFY features. I sculpted her butt as well and while it's not quite as big as Marnie's huge ass, it's definitely a nice one. I took the feedback you guys gave and made sure to keep the body types clearly different so everyone has a variety to choose from. Marnie is more of the voluptuous, lots of makeup type while her sister is more of the natural, slim-thicc, no makeup type. 

Her sister is also a lot more self-aware and perceptive. Although there is a perfectly good reason as to why Marnie had no problem jumping into bed with the mc, Marnie in general isn't very self-aware and not super intelligent. You can definitely describe Marnie as a people-pleaser and carefree, which fits with her being an exhibitionist.

Her sister on the other hand is a lot more Perceptive, Intelligent, Independent, Cautious, and Analytical. She's not easily convinced and usually questions the motives behind actions and statements. However, as a spoiler, she has a knack for loving to tease, sexually and non-sexually.

Her Name (Patron Poll):

I already have her posed in various scenes and ready to be rendered. Just so everyone knows, I write the script last during development. I find it easier, being a 3D Artist at heart, to write everything last because it's better for me. I just have a general idea of what I want to be happening, and then make the scenes accordingly. So even though she's already implemented in the story, she doesn't have a name yet. Everyone else was easy to name since they are from the original Godson, and Victoria (new character) was easy because I already knew before I even remade the game I wanted someone named Victoria.

So, because of this, we'll be doing a Patron poll. Patron polls are for Tier 0+ and above. I'll have several names that I think would fit her, and everyone will vote on which name they like the best, and we'll go with that. I think that works and it gives you guys a way to help shape the game by naming characters.

Anyway, I'll have an actual development update next week, so stay posted for that.

See you soon.




The hip lines!!

zarok giant

bonerwill is calling me with the nect updates to the game