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Here are some 360° shots of Marnie's Sister (nude).

Again like before, I like stuff like this so I figured you guys would too. She has a slender yet still somewhat thick body, which is how I wanted her to be as being thicc runs in their family.

This also gives you guys an idea of which women you want to pursue the most depending on their body/how they look. You'll have to get over her attitude though because she can come off as a Karen.

The next patreon post will be picking her name (Saturday), so everyone above Tier 0 will get to vote on it. If you have any ideas on names for her just drop them in the comments or message me in Discord and I'll add it to the voting list.

Download the images in the attachments below, and see you in the next update.




You're a wizard at creating these models. Can't tell if I like Marnie or her sister more. Great job as always!

Javon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-11 13:32:23 Hmmm she has this young milf look her.... Lauren Laurie Deanna Phoebe Eliza Josie
2023-09-28 15:31:22 Hmmm she has this young milf look her.... Lauren Laurie Deanna Phoebe Eliza Josie

Hmmm she has this young milf look her.... Lauren Laurie Deanna Phoebe Eliza Josie