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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

It's time for the next show in Season 10 of WrestleLeague - Impact Rebellion 2021!

Follow this link to get your predictions in: https://league.wrestletalk.com/
Deadline is 11pm UK time on Sunday 25th April!

After the first show of Season 10 -  WrestleMania 37 - let's see how the standings are looking...

Tied 1st Place (12 points)
Stephanie Griffiths
Vito Ventura
Zach Giguere

Tied 4th Place (11 points)
Ash; Bogdan Malitskij; Erfan Kord; Justin Martin; KAY CARSWELL; Kevin Fleuriot; Liam 'The Canadian Invader' Walsh; Pete Quinnell (that's me!); Stew Sizer; William Hall

There's 30 more of you on 10 points as well in Tied 14th Place - so it's naturally a close race after one show.

And for those of you curious who in the office came last in Season 9 and will be doing the music video punishment...well the less said about that the better. It's definitely not me. 100%. For sure. No way it could be me. Not in a million years. Categorically, unequivocally not me.

It's me.

Here's the office standings for the end of Season 9:

(2nd) Tempest - 45
(14th) Adam - 42
(14th) Louis - 42
(34th) Andy - 40
(34th) Laurie - 40
(45th) Luke - 39
(122nd) Oli - 35
(155th) Pete - 34

One. Point.


Misha Sumra

Petition to get Andy's Dad in as Creative Consultant for Pete's video.

Sean Dunne

Congratulations to Season 9 winner 🏆

Lucas Fidler

gonna get more points from a company i dont watch than from mania cos i forgot to use the drop down menu let's gooooo


I cant get in to my google account because of this stupid code verify thing... and i think my predictions from mania didnt get counted =(