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Hello $10+ Pledge Hammers!

So we've been having a chat about the future of RambleClub. While we do enjoy doing the show, it has become something of a burden. It takes essentially a full day worth of work to get it all done, and while many of you got in touch to say that you do listen, it was still less than 10% of our $10+ level. This suggests to us that 90% of our Pledge Hammers aren't totally keen on the podcast.

We did have a bit of a chat about this on air but we've gone through some other ideas since then too. We're thinking of making this feel more like RambleClub. What that means is that myself, Oli and El Fakidor (yes, all three of us) will have a few drinks and talk about topics suggested by you guys. You become part of the RambleClub. Doesn't have to be wrestling related, could be anything. If you want Fakidor to talk about Smash Bros for 20 minutes, he can. We'll answer your questions, read shout-outs and things like that. Of course, we will talk about wrestling. We might watch a few matches and have a chat about them, it just wouldn't be as in-depth as the original RambleClub. Personally I'll still be watching things you guys suggest.

Oh, and we'll of course continue reading Big Apple Takedown - only this time we'll also have Laurie adding in his two cents. And he's funny so it should be better. We might get through it a bit quicker with this new format!

We're hoping this will make for a better product for everyone - but we do want to hear your feedback. After all, you are the Pledge Hammers and you're the most important (and best) people. Let us know in the comments below about the possible changes. 

Luke x


Chris Smith

To be honest I preferred the earlier Ramble Clubs when you guys seemed to be improvising. The top 5 list was a nice idea, but listening to you going over every move and sequence got a little dull after a while, especially for matches I hadn't seen. As for new content, I like the idea of non wrestling topics, although I don't play D&D or Smash Bros (no offense) so I'd recommend doing a poll for each months discussion. Personally, I'd love to hear you guys talk about The Simpsons (since that other podcast won't let you on), and the MCU in the lead up to Avengers Endgame. Also, what happened to your wrestling quiz game where Oli thought Bray Wyatt was Shinsuke Nakamura? That has endless potential.


I think this is a great idea. I think the conversations about random nonsense are the best and a few beers always helps.

Brian Fogarty

As long as Big Apple Takedown stays I'm happy. It would be nice to hear your collective thoughts on topics such as women, beer, Simpsons and Anchorman quotes, Marvel and DCU, your local sports team etc. if it's fun for you - it'll be fun for us


Hey chaps, as a long-standing supporter/listener, I didn't really partake in this element of it if I'm honest. Often just seemed a bit too much for me.,.. I agree with Chris above though, I think you need to be careful what other subjects you ramble about. Not all wrestling fans also like films, DC, D&D or playing computer games. Perhaps a 'starter' subject from one of us lot to get each episode going and see where it goes from there? I'm the worst at commenting and sending in questions/ideas, however others make up for it... however in the main I'm here to listen to you chaps be entertaining, so I'm ready to give anything a whirl. My only other comment is when there's been the 3 of you before, the audio quality hasn't always been brill. Is that getting sorted? Makes for a much more pleasant listen. All the best, Paul (Paul E Dangerously Jarman!)

Tal Schulmiller

I think structuring it similarly to the Saturday podcasts, just longer, would be my ideal format. Banter, mailbag, crap gimmicks, etc. Sincerely.... Jumping The Smark


Well. I'm a bit saddened to hear that we'll be losing the old format as I really enjoyed the in-depth discussion of all the matches, but I totally get that this was waayy too much work for a podcast that apparently only 10% of people watch. Let's just hope some of the 25$ backers suggest some more modern NJPW, ROH and Impact PPVs so that we don't lose all of it (unfortunately I don't have the ressources necessary to become one yet). However, as I get that you want more Pledgehammer-interaction, I hope this doesn't just become a longer, more in-depth version of the Saturday Ramble but rather something with a fixed topic month by month. I saw someone else suggesting making a "First ever"-episode above, which sounds very interesting to me, and I would like to suggest that you maybe do one episode about Wrestling-journalism and -Outlets. During the news I always here you guys say "This is from this guy/outlet so it's very probable/take it with a pich of salt." and I would be very interested to hear you talk about each of those outlets and journalists a bit more in-depth, since you know a lot about all of them given how much you read and cite all of their work. You could just ramble on about Bruce Prichard, Bryan Alvarez, Dave Meltzer, Jim Cornette, Sports Illustrated etc. and their tendencies, big things they have gotten right, big things they have gotten wrong and who you would rather trust and/or consult before reporting on a story. Sorry that this has gotten so long, I seem to get carried away very often when I write these messages. Best of luck with revamping the format. Sincerely Ascenge (by the way, I would prefer my name to be pronounced "Eskench" rather than "Assonch", though it has had multiple different pronounciations in the past. Don't blame you for getting it wrong, it's pretty poorly spelt.)


You could put a poll up at the start of the week. Where each of you choose one topic. We could then vote and then that episodes RambleClub will be based on that theme. That way the things that interest you guys, you can easily talk about it and not a lot of research can go into it thus saving you guys some time.


I personally like the current format. Maybe just less move by move coverage and analysis would massively reduce the time taken.


Also, I hope your coverage of Indie matches doesn't get lost when the format changes, since I remember the reason that the RambleClub was originally created being that a lot of people asked for you talking about more none WWE matches and PPVs and since the majority of Pledgehammers would rather see you cover old Nostalgia PPVs in the other monthly Podcast (which personally do nothing for me, because I didn't care about wrestling at the time) I'm kind of afraid that we won't get any of that anymore.


I do like the wrestling part. Especially non wwe. Sad to see it go. Signed up for your review of OTT. Disappointed that my month 2 sees it gone. I’ll give the new one a shot but if one review of an old show isn’t as exciting as hearing your take on modern day stuff.

Antonio Phillips

Thought I would also throw in my opinion, I prefer the $5 show as it is most likely something I have seen (although I do not listen to every one), with the $10 show I only really enjoy it when I have seen the matches you mention (seeing a pattern here?) and with matches you do cover I haven't seen, although it is nice to hear about good matches, I will never watch them due to time (oh, time... the bastard that holds us all back). Onto the changes, I am down for non-wrestling topics. As odd as it is to say, I prefer the paywall version of you lads because it feels less.... businessy? You get what I mean? So with that comment, I am more than happy for you lads to discuss non-wrestling topics no matter what they may be because I feel then you would genuinely care about it (not saying you don't care about what you do now but at times the "we have to watch so many wrestling matches" can come across I feel.) I get you walk a tightrope in terms of us, some of us are WWE only guys, some (like myself) will dip into NJPW etc. and some are mainly indie only. With the $5 + $10 shows you can try and cater to both audiences but as the numbers show this sadly didn't work. Although I do not listen to every $5 show I enjoy them a lot. To be honest, this was more of a heartfelt rant more than constructive criticism but as an on and off $10 pledgehammer for over a year who hasn't said anything I felt it was about time I did. Apologies for the barrage of text above, keep up the great work and I look forward to the new and EVOLVEd RambleClub. Cheers, lads!

Josh Razauskas

Maybe just choose one or two matches rather than would that help with the time? Also I doubt that this could work but just in case, what about a Discord or Skype hangout where we can hangout with you guys directly or maybe pick a pledgehammer a month to be able to be on the show with you that way.