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Well, this is what you voted for. Thankfully it means it will never be voted for again. Strap yourselves in folks and we review ECW December To Dismember. It's a crap show. Just really, really bad. But we did have fun talking about it. Expect a very distracted Oli Davis as he tries to talk about ANYTHING else other than this show.


“JVF” Jack VanFleet

For the record, I’m a younger Canadian, but I’ve never heard of take that or Robbie


I know the show was a tough watch for the guys but this episode was a lot of fun. I’m definitely up for them doing a terrible PPV every few months or so.


This is the first ppv that I won't watch before listening to this review. And I'm staying far away from it

Brian Fogarty

Thank you Luke and Oli for taking a garbage PPV and making an enjoyable podcast. Merry Christmas to all!


This is one of the best reviews you guys have done. The Taz impressions are hilarious.

Robert Rose

The elimination chamber's booking is VERY reminiscent to me of how Vince booked the ending of that Roman Rumble win in 2015.

Martin Putt

I watched it at the time and I have to say the only match I enjoyed was MNM v The Hardyz.

Chris Merryman

I dont know why people are disappointed with this. The point of these is to be entertaining and this was one of the best ones they have done. Picking something awful has just as much merit as a great show because of the reactions/commentary. Well done, and Happy Yule to yall


now i gotta watch this ppv. thank you very much

Tom Delves

I remember as a kid wanting to buy the DVD of December to Dismember, but i thought it only had 2 matches on it. once it went on sale I decided that it was worth it. So kid me was happy that i got a whole lot of extra matches


Morning guys, just a correction. Luke taking sabu out of the chamber wasn’t Paul heymans plan for D2D it was Vince mcmahons. Vince wanted the 3 to 3 heel face dynamic. Despite the reaction, lashley was a face. Paul told him it wouldn’t work and the crowd would hate it and Vince didn’t care. In fact this entire show was Vince. Not Paul. Your lack of knowledge shows through again. And bc heyman was right about how his own audience would receive the match after the show he got fired. Also yes the weapons were included in your opening package and no the opening tag match isn’t considered a “classic of the era”. Not sure how many more things you can get wrong on this one episode but I’m sure I’ll miss a few