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Hello Swaftnation! 

We're looking for suggestions for this month's RambleClub podcast, so if you see any matches from March 2018 you'd like us to review please let us know below.

Ideally, could you pick from companies that have decent On Demand services. I've heard there was some good stuff at All Pro Wrestling on March 17th (including Ellsworth vs. Gillberg) but I can't find anywhere to watch it.


Luke x


Phil Stopford

Also, in nXt. TM61 v AOP from two week ago. The SICK power-bomb from AOP#1 guy to TM61 #2guy over the top rope on to the apron. Looks mental, and SO painful.


I know it sounds like a daunting task, but give us a rundown on the 2018 njpw cup. Just the actual cup matches, not the lower card filler stuff


Pete dunne vs Adam Cole


Mustafa Ali vs Drew Gulak

Tal Schulmiller

The gillberg/Ellsworth match you can find a link on reddit (r/squaredcircle)


Luke and Oli please review the New Japan Cup and the rise of Zach Saber Jr. in New Japan through beating Naito, Ibushi, Sanada, and Tanahashi. It seems Zach’s submission style and unique new aged British style of grappling can have a significant effect in New Japan’s future. I could see this cup win catapulting Zach into a high midcard to even main event status. I would also suggest New Japan might be angling for a Zach Sabre Jr. led faction break and collision later this year with Suzuki. I would love a new faction based on getting over Zach’s style and eliciting the phrase “ Just Tap Out” and giving place where New Japan could bring in more technical wrestlers who could emulate some of Zach’s style and be a new stable to weave stories around which could gain interest from European and American viewers. Please review the NJ Cup and maybe give a little fantasy booking or speculate on what this cup win will mean for Zach and what New Japan will do with him as a new star.


Hangman page vs Jay white was an exceptionally great match

Jeremy Hyrkas

i'm sure you already watched it but of course you should catch the golden lovers vs the young bucks. okada and ishii vs sabre jr and suzuki was also excellent


Chapter 65 Rampage vs Walter

Mark Nothard

This past NJPW show the whole thing is awesome

Rob Pontin

We need to get some southside on there maybe review the speed king tournament that was on last weekend available on FITE in a few days