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Hello $5+ Swaftnation backers!

Well, it's our longest episode to date! You voted and we talked about it - it's four hours and five minutes of WrestleMania 25 chat. To be honest, there's about 52 minutes of chat before we even get into the Money in the Bank opener. Then there's the women's battle royal and Kid Rock which takes up a chunk of change. Not to mention the awful main event. Oh, and of course, Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. A match that breaks Oli. 


Rob Pontin

The world's strongest man thing bugs me so much Mark Henry was never world's strongest man the best he ever did was 10th I know it's a nothing thing but It bugs me

Rob Pontin

And Luke the second one you thought was Kelly Kelly number 2 was actually Tiffany who you talk about later so the message to you is just do it better Luke lol


Isn't Chris Jericho doing the Rock and Wrestling Cruise?


When I was watching the battle royal right before I was going to listen to this podcast, I skipped the kid rock performance, and when the battle royal was going on and Roberts was still reading the rules, I thought that there was a delay in the audio, good god it was bad


So excited to just watch all of these tomorrow as I’m a new patron


This is my first ramble extra and this is sonething that bothered me. There is a big brother in the states it's on season 19 and in Canada it's on season 6.


Yes we do have big brother in America I think we're on season 5000 by now

Derek Ostrander

Big Brother is garbage TV lol The reason it has so many "seasons" in the US is because they basically count TV seasons by the actual seasons. So theres a TV season in summer, winter fall, and spring. Where I think everyone else just counts a year or 6 months as 1 TV season. My country is silly.

Derek Ostrander

We have what we call a Lobby. Its the ground floor, typically not much is there except entrances and exits. The next floor is the first floor because it usually the first floor that people work/live on. Basically it's the first floor from the ground.

Scott Agrella

The “cameraman” that failed to catch the Undertaker was none other than Sim Snuka. A bad night for the Snuka’s all around.


thought it'd be fun to comment my thoughts as a sort of alumni who came back to wrestling and wrestletalk because of Punk (not ashamed to admit it), and recount some of it with what I get from the recent podcasts and current day stuff. Luke was spot on about two night wrestlemanias being a good thing, I'm pretty sure everyone besides Oli is happy about that change. Oli talking about how much he loves boxing presentation in wrestling just makes me think about Hook. Lukes friend who was adamant that Michaels wouldn't retire was correct: unfortunately crown jewel did happen. Also something that I love but wasn't mentioned, when the tombstone near-fall happens, you can hear a large amount of the crowd chant 3 because they were that convinced that it was over. Loved the show, cant wait to listen to the rest of this insane backlog of shows