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Hello Patreon Swaftnation!

It's that time, once again, for everybody to hope aboard the POOOOOLLLLLLL Train!

Vote below for our next Fantasy Booking Warfare topic - as suggested by $25+ Patreon backers!

The poll closes Monday 19th March, and the episode will go live on Monday 26th March.



Some good stuff here, hard to choose

Jared Conatser

For real. I want about three of these.


I want a few of these!

Jam that James

If your suggestion was the Curt Hawkins streak ending, don't sell yourself short. I have been thinking of some decent ways it could end too.


There are way too many great ones this time, including yours. I'd love to see his streak end in a really hilarious way somehow.


Currently winning when I voted was the MOD one which I would very much like to hear - but I’ve been pecking my head to try and figure out who can beat Asuka - so that one deffo for me!

Chris Merryman

Damn these are some good topics, I hope that if yours does not win you bring it back up next month

Lorenzo Haynes

Ambrose or Asuka needs to win....

Matt Noble

Just signed up. This was a tough one. I dont wanna think about Asuka's first loss, and we've had enough KO/Sami/Shane. I went Cena, but happy with Black's Ministry of Darkness as presumably this will include his main card debut. However i kind of like him running solo.

WTextra Pollmaster Lendell Brenson

If asuka’s fitst loss doesn’t win this month, I may suggest it again next month. I think they’ll be a good Fantasy booking for Luke and Oli to go over. (And as soon as I say that she’ll lose at WM 34 lol)

Connor Barth

I think another good one would be booking the Bullet Club All In main event or better yet the whole card.

Jared Conatser

For the next one, would someone suggest the return of Big Cass? Oli and Luke would most certainly do it better than WWE will.