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Finally finished this set of illustrations. There's naked versions on the website page, if you're curious about their anatomy (NSFW link, obviously). I tried to portray a diversity of ages and body types, and make them feel like individuals with unique tastes and personalities.

These clades are androtherians, Magpie Bridge Project, Cetásereio (aka Cetasers), and tailed spacers. I need to write more detailed descriptions for the first 3, but basically:


An extremely diverse clade, not all androtherians are equally compatible. In the medical community, they are usually divided into several subgroups based on basic medical care requirements and reproductive compatibility. Most mammalian modifications on the catgirl to anthro scale  fall under this umbrella.

Magpie Bridge

The recent project of a Chinese genetics firm working with city planners on an idealistic layered city project, where housing availability on the ground can be maximized by designing a city with a "canopy" layer that is most accessible and easily populated by lightweight flying humans. It was also a show of progress because the Magpie Bridge clade are both extremely humanoid and upright, and extremely efficient fliers. Previous versions of winged GMH tended to look human at the expense of flight or be good fliers at the expense of an upright humanoid body plan. Min is a Magpie Bridge GMH.


An aquatic clade designed for exploration and reconnaissance in flooded regions of Earth. They're more common on Earth than in space colonies like Jovia, and have settled some regions that typ humans can't tolerate without mechanical cooling do to extreme heat and humidity. Although they have gills, Cetasers cannot stay underwater indefinitely do to the high caloric demands of their human brain and mammalian physiology. In well-oxygenated cold water, they can stay under for a maximum of 4 hours.

Tailed Spacers

I've already written a lot about these guys. Take a look over here. 




Great variation in design, you for sure accomplished what you set out to in making each of them feel like their own people.


The Cetásereio are so delightful!


Are there any GMH attempts to mimic alien sophonts?


Love seeing all these different folks! Especially love that the Magpie Bridge and Cetásereio folks have specific niche Earth/planet-side communities they do better in than typ humans and would love to see more about them in the future as you continue developing this world. Side question: I vaguely remember a while back you saying you disliked the “upright digitrade” anthro design, but I can’t remember the context. Is it only a specific kind/style, or am I misremembering entirely?

Jay Eaton

I'm not fond of it from an evolutionary standpoint, because every irl example of an upright bipedal animal biases towards walking plantigrade. I think people designing GMO furries and such would very much want the look, though. I tend to bias my digitgrade humans to have a fairly low ankle with a longer shin because I think it works better mechanically, but I have a feeling that foot pain issues in older digitgrade humans in this setting are pretty common. The kind of feet and legs they're usually being designed with aren't really structurally intended for bipedalism.

Jay Eaton

I've avoided this for two reasons, first of all first contact happened fairly recently for humanity in RttS (a little over 100 years ago) and second of all because it seems... politically incendiary? I have to wonder if there's legislature about it in some polities, because I KNOW there's parents who would try and commission stuff like that from gene labs.


I love all the thought you put into the anatomy of your designs, super cool ^^

John May

Cool information.👍 Thanks for the link to the biology of genetically modified humans. A bit of an “Uncanny Valley” and a little uncomfortable looking in terms of 90% of more human looking GMHs, but I can see how it’s more scientifically accurate. 👍 It’s a thought provoking idea and design choice, and I’m wondering how accurate it would/will be when we start doing stuff like that in real life? Overall a really unique take on genetically modified humans and furries/scalies. Just interesting to see a more realistic take on them.

Jay Eaton

Honestly the political situation around GMH creation here probably the most wildly unrealistic part of these designs. As far as physical accuracy, it's gonna be hard to say until we start trying to do extreme modifications to animals. Which is also probably not gonna be happening any time soon, at least in the US. There are a bunch of very obvious ethical problems with the whole thing. And yeah, they are kinda creepy! I like making designs that feel uncanny and using them for relatively mundane story situations and ordinary characters, it's a roundabout way of talking about body vs personhood.


i LOVE the magpie bridge designs, such a fascinating and cool-looking take on winged humans!


Is the tailed spacer on the right scratching their back/hiding their arm, or are they an amputee?