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This scene turned out longer than expected, lol. Eventually it may even get polished enough to post to social media.

Child care within the clan system is usually done by non-reproductive members. Tadder and Relaghul have misinterpreted Doug's response as a "yes, that's my role in the clan."

Part one is here. Part 2 is here. 




He Doug.


Doug's wistful expression as they leave... The amount of Complicated Feelings there must be raising Talita totally outside her species but if they hadn't... Well That's R-selection for you 😬


Realizing now that they presume Talita belongs to a sky chaser clan that has married in *Doug*… certainly explains some of his expression in the final panel, that Talita has no impression of what she is until now.


I wonder what Talita and the other centaurs were talking about before they found Doug


*sniff* Yes Talita you *will* be so good at kickball.


aww small talita. especially taken with the Extreme Dash panel, so good


Oof that Expression Doug has watching the brothers leave.... Is he thinking of the responses they got when Talita was a baby, telling the foster care center to just cull her? Is he sad for Talita because she'll have so many challenges when she gets older, interacting with people who look like her but don't understand why she's different from them? AH!! That look on his face just has my heart breaking for some reason TToTT


I love Talita’s big splayed-out puppy-paw feet. So much growing to do to!


Next week: "Talita gets banned from kickball" Sweet girl.


Working as a Social Worker, this two panel comic made me cry. I love it


I just came back to this comic because I suddenly realized - Talita started wearing her corrective glasses willingly just after meeting other centaurs who had to use corrective lenses as well! Is it possible she saw the two brothers using monocles to look at signs and maps and stuff and (in addition to not wanting to get lost again) realized “hey, if others like me have that problem and correct it the same way, maybe wearing them won’t be so weird?”