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I wanna post a little animation for Chinese new year, since it's the year of the tiger and... well, Gillie's a big cat(girl) and Talita's an orange stripey carnivore, so somewhere in the middle there's a tiger.

If you want to see an animation of Talita actually snarling, that's over here. 




Oh man can we see some of the individual frames from that fast transition into scary tiger growl?? That looks like a fun .03 seconds


Love how Talita isn’t nearly as intimidating when she’s actually trying to be.


This is already so precious omg


Omg Gillie…I wanna see her smear frames, especially her growl face!


This is so cute 😭

Simone Spinozzi

You are truly talented! ❤️❤️ You set the rules for angry/aggressive expressions and then had Talitha mimick them while still maintaining the obviousness that she is doing a mimickry and is not truly angry. That's AMAZING! ❤️


Does Talita have two eyelids on each eye?

Jay Eaton

She has two dark outer eyelids and two white nictating membranes on each eye. The NM can twist in its position, and Talita uses it to imitate human eye and eyebrow movement.


I love this lmao


Speaking of centaur expressions, though- what does the centaur response to humour look like? I think that wasn't covered by the tumblr post, and we've only seen how Talita mimics human laughter.