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Well, it took a hot minute but I finally have the time to work on this comic again. The two brothers here are named Tadder (tall) and Relaghul (chubby), and by popular vote in the Discord server, they're from the Pahk ethnicity.

Part one is here. Part 3 is in progress.




i want to protect baby talita with my LIFE also i love the background event of that person disembarking and immediately going "nvm lol" also do centaurs have a gendered way of referring to people or does it translate as "it"? or are they referring to talita as though she's a mystery creature


Oh I love the way you do alien clothes. The monocle is GENIUS


aw, they're so nice :) i like these two


is penkhalla “child”?


i love how intensely you manage to make every character a Character. these guys give immediate and strong impressions of their personalities, all while feeling extremely natural, and i love it so much!! it's something you're super good at.


I remember Jay saying that centaurs tend to have a pretty cavalier attitude towards juveniles because they don’t really see them as “people” yet; maybe that’s reflected in the language?


I think that juveniles are regarded as people, just not infants. They cull most of their infants, but it sounds like the ones that make it long enough to speak are seen as people. At least that’s the impression I got from Jay’s posts.


Something I missed seeing this the first time — I get the impression the one with a diamond, who calls his brother bad with kids, might have children of his own? And so takes the softer more parental approach when his brother fails.

Jay Eaton

Penkh: person/centaur, -alla: diminutive suffix. It's not gendered, but an appropriate translation might be something like "lil lady" or "lil man"

Jay Eaton

Tbh I used "it" here because it's not gendered, and because I've occasionally heard English speakers use "it" to refer to young kids they don't know. I'm not sure about the pronoun situation for the language that the Lechek speak.


i love the way you do dialogue for broken english its so endearing and accurate !!!


I love this so intensely. Without knowing anything about the setting, someone from the outside would immediately understand what's happening.


I love the detail of casually spinning his monocle to explain centrifugal force.


I just realized that the brothers crossing trunks like that is them whispering into each other's ears. Clever!


They both use monocles!! And Talita wears glasses.. Do a lot of centaurs have what we would consider vision problems?

Dylan Bajda

They're predators with good range of sight at a far distance so it's probable they need help reading things up close.


That would make a lot of sense!! Its little worldbuilding details like this that make me adore Jay's work


These just get better and better every page


Very late to the party, but it reminds me of the tendency to call children "little friend" in mandarin