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Hi Gus! I hope you all are doing well! 🥰

I hope the child birth mod is working well for you, if it isn't be sure to reach out to me on discord https://discord.gg/Sk5j2yBJwX or send a dm here on patreon! 📧📧📧

Many of you have reached out to me already which im very grateful for. Everyone's game is different so its important for me to make sure the mod works in as many people's game as possible. I now have a laundry list of things that need to be fixed, however some of these things are harder than others and will take more time. Because the end of the month is coming up and those of you with 1 month subscription will lose your access next month, I plan on releasing an another update before the 29th to include the following bug fixes:

  • Option to opt out of weight gain after birth
  • Sims giving birth twice
  • epidural, dilation and give birth interactions still visible after sim has already given birth
  • Increase Epidural success rate for sims who are getting a C-Section
  • Compatibility with  Lumpinou's woohoo wellness to give sim consistent moodlets if they have an unwanted and indifferent pregnancy

you can still reach out to me if you need mod support at any time.

Here are the issues im looking into but will take more time to fix:

  • the arm glitch (if you are having this issue and dont mind receiving a test file please contact me)
  • companion sim from another household keep leaving (unfortunately this is a EA bug so it's going to take some time for me to fix)
  • Animation keep replaying

if i forgot anything lease leave a comment below

I have also started on the twin birth animation😍, it is still in early stages but here are some screenshots of what it looks like right now

the way it works is that your sim will continue to push once the first baby has been handed to them

and then the second baby comes out 

They will then perform skin to skin contact with both babies which I still need to work on.

It is unknown at this point when the twin and triplets update will come out, just because modding is very time consuming and can be unpredictable at times.

I would also like to add more activities for your sim to perform during early labor to help induce labor, Im thinking perhaps they can take a shower, woohoo, or ask the partner for a massage. if you have any suggestions please leave a comment below! 

once again thank you guys for your ongoing support, this mod received more attention than i could ever imagine. and I am very grateful for each one of you

I hope you all a lovely weekend!

here's a behind the scene photo of a broken baby flying in the air when i was trying to fix an animation issue



Kathryn Grace

I love this mod. As I said once before, I have more pregnant sims in-game than ever before. Here's my issue: when at the hospital the obstetricians walk to the cafeteria, drink tea and wet themselves. It's a glitch on loop. I mean, no one wants a filthy physician with his fingers up sim, whinging in the delivery room, right? lol Is this just happening to me?


a few people are having this issue, im gonna try fixing it again in the update that should be released later today


I love this mod. You've done such a fantastic job.


My only problem is why does the labor take k so long it took my girl 5 days till she gave birth is there a chest so it only take one day or a couple hrs


It shouldn’t take 5 days 😳 were you able to speed up the process by exercising on the birthing ball? Are you using any mods that modifies the game speed?


No I just fast forward the game but yeah I was using the ball but I love the mod


I downloaded the whole mod and i got my sim pregnant i pressed on the phone and the "home" icon and it didnt come up? i'm quite upset abt this!


Yeah, shift click on the surgery machine and click fully dialate


I don’t have that option when I click on the making it doesn’t say nothing until I’m fully 10 cm then it lets me


So you deserve another thank you, this mod saved the birth story of one of my legacy gen boys! Long story short his wife got pregnant through EA story progression (have since corrected that lol) while I was playing with his brothers. I didn't realize it till she showed up for a visit, IN LABOR, and I about had a heart attack! I was able to hop over to them, have her choose natural birth, que up dad as the birth partner and go from there. I may have missed the entire pregnancy but at least I got to enjoy a fantastic birth story (the ghost of one of my favorite "add to every save" sims even ended up as her OB!)


i love it so much


This amazing, thanks so much! You asked for suggestions, personally when I was playing through the birth, I felt that the partner, before the actual birth parth (which is wonderful and cute) was kind of useless. They could barely say a thing to their partner or do anything for them. So some interactions from partner to the Sim giving birth like "Check up on", "Ensure everything is okay" or "offer to get water for Sim in labor", that kind of stuff would make it nice too! Maybe the Sim in labour can vent to the the accompanying Sim: I WANTED A CAT BUT NOOO My Sim just kinda sat around being pretty, haha.


does the A.deep.indigo mods conflict or something it somewhat shows up in game just does not work like it should


Hey was wondering when the next weekly update would be ? I’m very invested 😂


likely later today lol its just gonna be a small animation update since thers so much animations that need to be made


its not showing up all the way in the game for whatever reason