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for newest verison please visit this post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64819826


Hi Guys,

The Child birth mod has received an update and is now in version V1a.

🐣A new feature has been added to disable weight gain for those of you who do not want their sims to gain weight after birth. You can access this interaction by shift clicking the surgery machine, you will need to do this for every new sim that is pregnant.

Known conflict: 

any cc surgery machine

Scientist work at home mod by YourFalseHope

👻Bug fixes included in this version:

  • Fixed an issue that caused some players to no be able to get the epidural if the interaction is interrupted in any way
  • The Epidural, dilation and give birth option are no longer available after your sim has given birth
  • Made attempt number 374852 at fixing the arm glitch, please reach out if you still have issues with this
  • the succession chance for epidural is greatly increased for sims who are getting a C-section
  • Compatibility with Woohoo wellness, sims who are having an unwanted or indifferent pregnancy will no longer get the happy moodlet after birth and will instead get the moodlet that came with woohoo wellness for more consistent storytelling
  • Obstetricians should no longer constantly wet themselves or get filthy, in fact they should no longer feel anything at all
  • Yoga ball no longer has a flashing shadow
  • Fixed a LE related to Doctor reaction animation
  • Fixed another LE related to missing Subroot 0
  • Companion sim who are in the doctor's career can no stand next to the surgery machine or exam bed as if they are an obstetrician 

Im working on more bug fixes and this mod will likely receive another update when it becomes public


for newest verison please visit this post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64819826





I have a few issues, not sure if it's a mod conflict. Despite not having that many mods installed. 1. I cannot seem to get the birth partner involved in the birth, there is no option for them to watch or be there when the baby is born - despite them being at the hospital. 2. The male sims are getting moodlets for the birth randomly, even after the birth is done and its days later.


hi, do you see the accompany child birth option when you click on the partner sim? and when you say male sims, is that the partner sim you are referring to?


im not seeing the phone call option :((( idk why I thought I was doing it right


thank you so much for this mod!! I love your stuff <3


I’m having an issue where my two sims don’t have normal social options at the hospital. I did have her ask him to accompany her to the hospital. They’re able to talk with other sims but not each other. Also, is labor supposed to last 9 days?


does this mod clash with adeepindigo healthredux mod?


could you try with a different pair of sims to see if the issue persist? and no the in labor moodlet is not an actual representation of how long the labor will last


if you are not seeing the call option it is definitely because something happend to the script file, follow this tutorial closely https://www.patreon.com/posts/64133309


Will there be homebirth for the people that cant go to the hospital? :D


I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but the dr's at the hospital have the option to give epidural and check dilation, but they couldn't assign her a bed and couldn't do her checks. It kept giving me the I don't know how to get there bubble graphic.


My game keeps repeatedly coming up with the Sims 4 moodlet that counts down the "in labour" for 2 hours and then it wants me to pick whether to have the baby alone or with someone and I have to keep doing this. Also, the 'go for a walk' option does not exist.


I am such a newbie to all of this, I downloaded the deluxe base game so I have no idea what edition it is


im having an issue , im playing on legacy edition bc i'm on MacPro. whenever i go to the hosital, i only get the options for walk, dilation, and everything else. However, i cant shift click to get the options for birthing, it just keeps cancelling out. i have V1, im not sure if this mod is playable for legacy players?


i have a question how do you take off legacy just asking because i didnt see a yoga ball or nothing on showed up on the phone for me


Hi, just tried with a different pair of sims and I'm still having the same problem.


I wonder if it’s a mod conflict, I haven’t had any other report of the same issue so I’m not really sure why to suggest either : (


I just checked the mods folder. The only mods I have installed are the birth mod, the mosaic mod you recommended, buyable cakes mod, UI cheats, and MCCC. I'd imagine none of them would affect your mod, correct?