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Hi Guys,

 First of all I want to thank each and everyone of you for becoming my patreon. I did not expect the child birth mod to gain this much attention. This is both exiting and freaking me out a little bit.😳

I want to make sure the mod is working as smoothly as possible. Because everyone's game is different, alot of you have reached out to me with issues regarding to this mod, which hopefully most of them have been fixed with the latest update. However I dont hear back most of the time so its hard for me to know for sure if the update fixed everything or you just gave up lol 😅

Im currently working on some bug fixes and improvement including: 

  • non pregnant sim can ask another sim to "accompany childbirth"
  • Companion sim keep leaving if they are from a different household 
  • Option to opt out of weight gain after birth

The best way to reach out to me is through discord: https://discord.gg/Sk5j2yBJwX because discord allows me to give you real time feedback and send images or test files. 

the second best way is through Patreon DM, it doesnt allow images to be sent but it at least allow me to get in touch with you. 

if you could take a moment to participate in this poll I would really appreciate it!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any issues or suggestions! 

How has the child birth mod been working for you?:



I followed all the steps, but the mod isn't working for me


Then something happened to the script file, follow this instruction here https://www.patreon.com/posts/64133309


I have no sugery table CC, I changed the bed to natural birth bed but the colours of the bed are still those of the birthing machine.


I fixed it by using bb.showhiddenobjects and bought the natural bed itself. Then, I tried to turn another surgery table again, and this time it worked so. Either a small bug or I am an idiot. Or both?


it has to use the very first swatch of the surgery machine otherwise the color will come out messed up D : im looking for a way to prevent that tho


Works great for me except that, if the father of the baby is at work, he doesn't join his wife. I tried to include him but he didn't show so I got the baby's Grandmother to join her.


I was so excited for this mod, I still am. However for some reason, everything is working but the hospital as a whole. Meaning, there is no staff whatsoever showing up at the hospital. I've been trouble shooting for 3 days now with no luck. I have narrowed it down to an issue with another CC item or Mod I just have the slightest clue which because sadly I have a lot Lol. If I happen to come across what it is exactly I will update!


Wait, so there’s no staff at all on your lot? Sometimes the obs can fail to spawn and when that happens you just click on the sim and select have baby at hospital and join again. But if there’s not even a doctor at the hospital then it must be something else going on


Yea, I am not 100% sure what it is, I have been playing with my mods and content trying to see if I can find the connection. So far I have not. I have sims showing up as patients waiting hours before leaving. Other than that there is no staff what so ever, not even someone at the hospital front desk.


That’s really strange. It’s likely a mod related to the hospital which probably sounds very obvious lol but it could also be a mod that modifies the heeded world map the hospital is located in


Oh my God I am so dumb you said that and it clicked. I had a mod that required degrees for certain jobs and oh course, Doctor is one of them. I removed it and now it's working perfectly. I can't believe I forgot that existed in my folder LOL ! Thank you so much <3


That’s crazy! Glad you found it. What’s the name of the mod? That way I’ll know for the future in case if someone else have the same problem.


I removed all my mods except for the child birth mod and it doesn't work at all. I don't know what else to do. So upset right now.


i have that mod, and so far no issues like you have said. Very strange.


gamergirl93, have you cleared your cache files? I sometimes have issues with new mods not showing up in game or not working like they should, so i clear the cache files (including all Origin cache files too). However if that fails, perhaps starting a new save file? That is usually my last resort and always works. Let me know if you need help as alot of people dont know how to do it. :)


my sims glitch in the bed and the natural birth or c section just doesn't work I can change the beds but that's all


hi, can you describe what you mean by glitch? do you see the interaction to give birth at all, does the animation not play, etc


I obviously don’t know how this works or if items related, but after my sim had her baby (twins actually) and we brought them home, they literally never stopped crying to matter what I did. I removed the mod and they went back to normal!


I dont think that is caused by the child birth mod. as for why removing the child birth mod fixed it, it is likely because your sims were reset when you took the mods out and restarted the game


Hey panda do you think you can do a video of how to add the mods like making the folder and. Everything because I am honestly still confused thanks


I am so sorry but I really really can't figure it out please make one or at least make one and send it to me please