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Hi-hi boys and girls! We’re borrowing our cheery greetings for Kelsey today because we’re in a cheery mood, not only because it’s a fresh new Monday’s beginning and a whole new swing at bat, but because it’s a good day in the beWilderverse! You might even say we’re in a teasy mood, so let’s tease! Progress reporting ahoy! Shall we take a look at some in-progress action as it were, before we hear some details? We shall!

Natasha’s embracing the bad girl with in as well as her newest toys to play with! She’s the head (and the best body) of this new unit, that perhaps one day she’ll shape up into real men of war, but at least for today she is now their everything, a lot like she is for us her at beWilder every other day!

Be ready to see Nat take on her new role as Capo-di-tutti-Capi for a day now that she’s well within Maeda’s pocket. The real question is… Can they put up a good enough show to entice her to stay there…?

Alrighty then. Time we tell some good news all about gettin’er done, son! Let’s start with some of the longer-term good stuffs first, why not? Unshi’s set up and working a stupor at his new place now, hot water and everything! He’s back baby! Still warming up the GPU in the new mini-office nook and getting the pace lifted, but back nonetheless. That’s the best news we can give, now let’s do our best to keep that going steady into the future.

Now then, to more directly in front of us newses. It’s been 4 working weeks since Spook took over the reins back when, and we’re making strides. After 3 weeks of forging ahead on script writing we’re 2/3rds+ down, and around about 35-40 CG’s left on the upcoming to-do. We’ve also achieved a week of Post-Production editing on said already set scripting too, right up to the current end line. That’s several days cut from doing them at the end, which is time in hand. We did Post-Pro over this last week as per previous mention, Spook had a Jury Duty call during that time as well which we had to work around. Long story short with that is it was a rare win for Epilepsy, as because of that he was excused from service (was literally sitting in the 12th Juror seat and facing a bible and a pledge for a minute there!). That speedbump is behind us for good now, so off we go!

As stated on Discord, it’ll be the next 10-12 days to clean up the last leg of the texts, now with Unshi working behind the line to concurrently catch up in the art department. Texts Post-Pro will take about 2-3 days after now that we’ve cut out a huge chunk of that, and we expect to be delivering the completed docs in engine readiness sometime in the mid-to-late-20’s of May… It’s really a question of just how soon the art can be caught up behind it as to when we can finally release. Art Post-Pro will take a day, and engine set up another. Likely building, testing and shipping will be the very next day after that, so it’ll be a 2-3 day clock from the creation of the last image to players playing, which can be any time after the completion of the scripted CG, again around about the mid-to-late-mid-20’s of this month. It’s a tighter squeeze than Nat into her whorish thug suit, but it’s what we’re aiming for from here. Stay tuned.

So, that’s really it, the state of all things in motion. The TL;DR of it all is we’re still looking at a latest of May release as progress mounts steadily again. So onward we go again, into another week coming up fast! We’ll see you again on here and/or Discord for more news by next Friday, and before then for general funnin’ and sexy as we do. Until then…

Be under new command and beWilder!



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