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Hello there, one and all. It’s that time again, even a little bit overdue, but here we are again to formally switch the calendar month and lay out the next few steps ahead of us for the incoming 12th chunk of year. Ah, but first, we’ve also got check-in on the last few steps too, now, don’t we? Indeed, we do. Ah, what an exciting time this can be when things glow so well, but regardless, it’s important to do whether smile or frown, so then, let us go on and get stuck in once again!

Before we start with April’s review, for once we can say for ourselves that this month was pretty much scuppered from around about Day 2, as per the post we made here. Since then we’ve made a more hands on plan with the aims of making May a success, more on that below, and it’s going well, but that means we can say right now that despite whatever number comes of our goal summation, April was mostly a dud and that’s no good. We’re sorry for this, but as that post explained, we’re on our way to solving things once and for all, so God-F.C.U.K.-ing-willing… Anyway… To April then.

Our April Goals:

- Agents of Heels v0.26 to the Daring fans. Failed – It’s pretty clear, no game yet, no tick. The post above is all we need say on the matter as to why, but we’re sure that doesn’t matter much to many of you by now and we understand why. For those not yet in the know, the simple fact of the matter is that Unshi the team artist has been dealing with a flash eviction that unexpectedly came about at the start of April. We hope this means the settlement of all his living issues of late and a return to top form, but it also meant April was out the window. We progressed a fair deal on this goal over the month in non-art areas, but nobody wants our games without any visuals to make the experience, not even us, so that’s really no good anyways. Bottomline is that we’ve missed this again so there we are. Hold us to account as best you see fit.

- Handover and Progress Shown for Noemi’s v0.21. Failed– Even simpler than the last goal: We didn’t get Natasha finished, so we didn’t get Noemi started. Easy to follow cause and effect there, right? There’s little else to say on the matter other than we’re as bummed about it as y’all. Noemi and all your fans, we’re sorry. We’ll be around for dinner and service soon though, we need it.

- Call Time and Crown a Winner in our Witcher Themed Fan Art Contest! Complete! – This one, we did complete. Nice. Quite nice. We’ve successfully run our very first fan art contest, huzzah! 7 entries across 3 categories, 1 top winner picked and rewards given. All a lot of fun, it was. Congrats again art! This contest ran for 6 weeks or so and we are quite pleased with how it turned out, all things considered. That said, one of our side goals for this one, perhaps finding a fan artist who’d be talented enough to work with in future should we ever need additional artist help, well that didn’t really work out. Perhaps we’ll do this again down the line when/if we are more popular and see if that changes. Even so, a swing and a hit, so a tick please and some tasty fan love to enjoy for us all!

- Celebrate Easter with a Special Egg Hunt! Complete!– And other cleared goal to make a pair, alright! This one was indeed plenty of smiles for us, how about you? First off we put up a poll to find our which lady we lust after from our roster would bunny up for everyone’s pleasure. Would it be Raven (we wish!)? Asana (we also wish!)? Maybe either Frankie or Quiet (you know what we wish by now)… Turn out by a wide mile it was Natasha you wanted, and Discord decided she’s do it in red too, so she did! We had ourselves a super sweet Easter and we didn’t even have any chocolate! So a tick there, along with a shake of Nat’s new cottontail!

- Have more than a few April Showers of content with more News, Posts, Updates, our Discord fun and Twitter chatter! Partial (75%)– The usual last goal to round out our list. How did we do this time then? Well, we do believe we did pretty well on this one this time around, maybe even enough for a full tick, but given the fact we could perhaps made an extra posting in the early week or so, and with making the overall goal count more representative of the month’s accomplishments as it feels, we’ve gone with partial of 75%. Beyond that, we have been here and happening between working on Noemi and then Nat. We had the Easter bunny girl poll to start, then Easter celebrations themselves, the State of Play post for all about what’s going on, and an update to the progress made there too, plus the Fan Art contest closer on top. On Discord, we’ve been there and giving fan updates on the Backer’s space, we’ve talked Unshi’s move progress on Off-Topic, we’ve been there for all 45+ Noemi fan arts (cheers for the much love Zhuang!) uploaded this week and the contest entries too, plus a couple Friday Fan Fun Times this month. To round it all off, we’ve been on our Twitter plenty, including every #ScreenshotSaturday goes we can. Not sure what else we can have accomplished for fan contact beyond perhaps some DeviantArt time which we didn’t get to this month sadly, and of course, completing releases, but we’ve covered that. So then, a good partial tick on this one? We feel so.

Alright then, April come and gone, May on the way and all that’s between us and that now is putting a stamp on the outgoing month. So what does the math say? Adding up, it’s 55% (2.75/5) as per the list, putting April on the mostly accomplished side of things on paper. Yeah, on paper. We’re sure that number means little when there’s no actual game content in hands. It doesn’t particularly feel real to us either. Perhaps we’ll move over to weighted goals of Major for game content worth x2 and Minor for others, meaning our numbers will reflect game goals better? What do you all think? Want us to start doing that? Let us know. What matters is getting the games going out again, so let’s turn to May and how that’s coming along then, lest we all be bummed out for the future. That wouldn’t help any. So then, to the month ahead.

What to expect in May:

- Agents of Heels v0.26 to the Daring fans. Once again, it’s our top goal, of course. We understand if this is feeling a little repetitive and hard to believe in by now, but here we go again, with gusto this time! Since our last check in, we’ve switched management strategy for this and put the writer Spook2099 in charge of Unshi’s game to get things tackled from the script side as we do with Noemi for a needed change up. 2 weeks in and we’re already a good 40-50% through on that, which is good. Still work to do and still the art department to get up on their feet again, but things are moving and the train tracks are being laid right now (as well as certain somebodies getting laid too, hah!). We are optimistic to finally say May is the month, April and March getting links sent backdated too, so on we go to make it happen.

- Handover to Noemi’s v0.21. Come time to send Natasha out on the job, our work turns back to Noemi again! We’re already starving…! Now, we expect that at this rate it’ll be later May that we get Agents of Heels up and out, so that means that little more will be possible than breaking ground and pre-production for Noe (scripts already submitted, so that much is a cheer). We’ll endeavour to show off something even if that’s a much as an official handover to get us rolling, so that Noemi’s time in the sun to start our summer off come June will be streamlined enough to be our first crack at a 6-week cycle at last, as promised. Let’s try it.

- Yet more News, Posts, Updates, our Discord fun and Twitter chatter from us as we Make the Most of May for the Fans! Not a surprise to see this one, eh? We’ll keep up with posting things, talking and telling things about our games and content (teasers ahoy!), generally sexy things and being a part of our own fandom, because what other perks are there to enjoy about this job other than sexy ladies and friendships? We’ll see y’all in our posts, in the comments, on Discord, and Twitter too, between working on the women at hand. Come along and make the most of it for yourselves so. On we go!

That’s our list then, right there. Just the 3? Yes, just them. No fun-but-fluffy stuffs in the middle, not because we don’t want them, but because we aren’t committing to distraction while on a much needed surge to completion. If we can find the time for things like the belated New Years image or a late Easter entry for another cotton-tailed bunny girl or some such, we’ll be happy to oblige, but our focus is on Natasha first and foremost until that’s done.

So then, with that all on paper, time to get moving as May is already well upon us now. Before we do, once again we wish to send our thanks directly to all our beWildernauts. For tough times we need tough people and those with generosity in their hearts (and wanting in other parts) to get through. Those of you who have stuck with us to help us through these tough times, our sincerest thank yous again. We love you all, we very much do. Again, thank you. Let it be this month that your are rewarded, please let it be, and have it be but the start!

Alright then, onward to May’s mayhem, in the best and sexiest way possible! Until next we post…

Be spreading the good times while it’s May, and beWilder!


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