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I'm not going to lie, since James left I've been pretty much unable to face the world of Eradine. I skipped the Isle of Man TT event, which will be coming out soon, but should have been ready 2 weeks ago for the washout that was this years bike festival. In fact, James PC which has the Android code on and all the bits to build the Android asset bundles has been unplugged since I moved his PC next to my own... the day after he left.

So what does all this mean for the future of CryptidTech? Having worked so hard to get Taps into a position it runs itself, Vadim and Tamara are both still actively working on new content. The trouble is, without my own input, it will mean other than events and sexy new animations, which don't get me wrong is still fantastic for Taps fans, it doesnt really do anything new. I'm sorry to say that my appetite for its development is practically 0 at this point. 

Mentally, Im struggling; I think in all honesty we've achieved all we can with it and James decision to move on when I don't feel we've fulfilled everything we promised or wanted to has hit me harder than I was anticipating.

But I, Delmorpha, need a new challenge. You guys and girls have been my rock, and in return I have always been open and honest with my audience. So, in an attempt to fine my mojo again, I've bought a new graphics card, dusted off the Oculus Rift and plan to start working on a VR tech demo in the adult space.

Yes, its a yawning gulf away from the beautiful, hand drawn 2d world of Eradine but if the tech demo goes well, maybe it will inspire me to start sitting in front of the PC at evenings and weekends, which is a huge start to sorting my shit out. 

I'm still contracting to make ends meet at present, but I guess one positive of James leaving is it does make the goal of coming back into the studio full time lot more in reach. That said, I've always invested heavily in the company itself, so a better plan might be to work towards build another member in the team.. 

For now, I just need to find my fucking mojo again! :D




That sounds about like what I expected, and I don't mean that in any way to fault you. There was a lot of stuff that hit all at once it seems and I know I would have lost all my own motivation if I were in the same spot. I think a new project would be just what you need to get your mind in a state of "excited accountability" again. So I wish you all the luck in your next project, keep us posted ^w^