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This is an idea that was given to me by an author I know :)
The author asked me to do an audio for pain and I did but I misunderstood at the time and did 'pleasure for pain'  but I  promised I would get back to it.

The idea behind this is for a quick 'shot' of endorphin....so the audio will immediately grab your attention....no hugs or kisses...just!!!!

And the beauty is...its also just an erotic audio.. So its for everyone else too!

The difference being...its rough....sweet, sexy, respectful and...hopefully a help for anyone who has to go through pain like that..

I promised early on  that I would get to these types of audios..

It took a while. I know haha

Happy Friday night lovelies!!!   




Oh wow I think my heart stopped <3 Loved the primal sexual growling, I'm a biter so that line got me so fricking good XD


Really really enjoyed this one. I have chronic sciatica pain for over a year now. The pain sometimes keeps me up at night. Listened to this audio last night and I didnt even notice the pain anymore. Defintely helped, I've slept really good for once :)


Oh wow this is amazing. For someone who has chronic pain herself this is just what I need.


I knew if I listen to this one again, I’ll get my pain away. Like it’s the best medication for headache/migraine. @Angie if you read this, thank you for giving me the link😘


Oh my. 😳 Intense.


I just had the most magical experience I’ve ever had with or without a partner. 0 toys, lube or clothing removal. Therefore, I’m a sexual fucking marathon cummer, screaming, singing rockstar.. My throat hurts now. But now I know how I sound when I totally let go. Like a cat riding on a piglet. Grrrawr I waited until after the 10+ minutes of cumming to remember or check if I was the only one here. I literally forgot where I was or the fact that I live alone 🤣🤣 I am sofa-king proud of myself. 🦸🏻‍♀️ Oh and thanks for the audio ;p XD ;-* You can find me doing some aftercare for the rest of the day. But it’s Sinnerday so does it matter? Kiss kiss hug -`ღ´- *”Sexual Healing” 2015 + this + “aftercare”


🔥 🔥 🔥


Blew my mind! 🔥🔥🔥Growls on 💯 Forgot about my back pain for 9 minutes.


This has got to be my favorite audio by you now. I got gluttened the other day (i suffer from Celiac’s) and this was the only thing to take my mind off the horrible tummy pain. Thank you 🖤

Khelisie Salvatore

I had an essay written that was so long and I hadn't even gotten to the heart of the matter. I'm wordy and a story yeller so i will try to keep this as short as possible while getting out what I have to say. Well I have fibromyalgia & it's going on 20 years and everyone's story with that & other chronic pain issues is different. The 1st most important thing is to find a doctor that believes you and believes in treating in ways that will give you some quality of life. If I wasn't sick I wouldn't be depressed. If my pain didn't take away my ability to dance the only thing that makes me feel alive then maybe I'd be happier. No bottle of pills can fix that unless you can take away completely my pain condition and sorry folks but the 3 approved medications for it in mu case don't do jack and I almost had me... let's say no longer here. My metabolism is a damn yoyo when abuse causes you to have an eating disorder and I can't lose it for 10 yrs & I hate myself then magically 10 yrs later I can lose weight again but get so scared the metabolism will turn right back off leaving me looking like nothing but a cow. I'm underweight for the 1st time ever but almost happy with the mirror. Chronic pain is so much about control. For me the one thing I can control is if I eat or not. I get disappointed in myself when i actually give in and eat. Sex has always been an issue as well I have had cervical cancer twice (they say I'm cancer free for right now cross my fingers every time I go for a check up) and have polycystic ovary disease on both ovaries. Had a midwife tell me maybe my partners member is just too big and should find someone else when I asked what could be causing such intense pain EVERY time. This is before I found out anything about my gyn health. So I have just learned to live with the pain during sex and accepted for me the excruciating pain is just part of it. It's ultimately my choice I control when it happens with who but I always let the person finish. I never leave someone with blue balls. It's not their fault my body is the way it is. The same way if I could walk after I left ballet class I didn't but in enough effort. If I could have one good sex session that didn't leave me feeling I had just been brutalized I would pinch myself and ask if I died and we're possibly in the afterlife. I love being a submissive I love BDSM. But I'd rather the foreplay the build up the oral pleasure that couples can do for each other than a dick slammed into me because I get plenty wet but it feels like I'm being fucked by a cactus. Even the best lover I ever had still hurt but he was a huge & uncut monster but was the most compassionate person I ever knew or had the pleasure of laying with. I miss him... and his cock.


Yay! Thank you! Happy Friday. 😘


I can't wait to hear it!! Off work in just a few minutes. Perfect timing love.


Oh. OH. :D


Happy Friday to you too xx😊


This will be my go to on a bad Fibromyalgia day.. all of your audios put me in a much better mood. Thanks Gael :)


can't wait to listen to this AH! as a spoonie i know i'm gonna love and treasure it. you're a gem Gael!


Can't listen now. I'm about to go out. But I'll listen later. Thanks, you 😋 And happy Friday night back at ya 😘

Misa Amane

Ooh this looks interesting. Happy Friday!

Greek Goddess

It will be Happy Friday thanks to you dear ❤️

Kelly S

I haven't listened yet... So I'm not sure if it works. But thank you for even trying. I definitely find myself in need of something to distract my mind while waiting for my pain meds to kick in.


Fucked. HARD. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Finally just a flyin fuck...😏


Thank you Gael.


Be back later when I've recovered... Wow

Kiara. B

Is it normal to be automatically turned on the minute he starts talking 😶

Kelly S

Um... HOLY FUCKING FUCK... You know what, sorry ladies, I'm just gonna go ahead and believe this one was made straight up for me! haha My God... So good, Gael. Hard and dirty, but not getting too far into that... Sexy. Definitely LOVE that it just grabs right from the start. And yes, I completely forgot about my back and my feet while I was listening. :) That was truly awesome and VERY, very much appreciated. (From someone who deals with major chronic pain... and also from someone who likes rough, 'primal' sex! haha)

Charlie Laila

Oh my God. I'm not even sure how I'm alive right now. Jesus


So I just found out this instantly makes me less likely to be able to pay attention at work. God, why did I click play? I have to get this work done! First I need a fan, some ice water and a cold shower. DAMN!


I may make an afterglow called 'raised from the dead' Release it on Sunday haha


Omg Gael. :o....


Thanks for making therapeutic erotica! My scar has been painful lately 😔 When in pain (or when I was healing from the surgeries) I usually avoid erotic audios except oral ones and Pleasure for Pain because they are 'softer' and include 'soft sensations'. In my case, rough audios or anything including more than oral or soft moves give me anxiety about my scar and sexuality when I'm in pain 😐 It's still a good erotic piece tho! I hope it helps some of you girls! ❤️


Anyone have a defibrillator? DAMN!!!!!


This definitely makes the pain tolerable. Go raibh maith agat!! Now if the pain meds will just kick in, it will be a true Good Friday.


Holy shit, Gael!! Way to jump right into it!!! 🤣🤣🤣 But in all seriousness, I've secretly been waiting for you to make an audio like this...😋😋😋


No but I might be able to get a cattle prod for you. ;-)


Ded 😵 just ded. Loooove the biting in this one so primal. Also jumping right in like this, just so desperate to.. ugh so good.


I don't know long it will last, but my Fibro flare disappeared almost entirely! Holy Shat...you're quite the gifted healer there Gael. 😻


Holy...hell...I'm speechless...


I think this is probably the only GF audio that I didn't overthink right off the bat because it's <i>intense</i>. Like, in a temporarily-disable-your-cognitive-processes sort of way. I'm fortunate in that I don't suffer from chronic pain myself, but I can see how this audio can certainly be a distraction technique. 😳<br><br>The audio is, as Gael described above, rough. I don't know that I would necessarily agree that it's for everyone, though. I'm also fortunate in that I haven't had any really horrific experiences, but the part where <b>(potential trigger warning)</b> the listener is thrown onto the bed unexpectedly brought back memories of a night that I try especially hard not to remember.<br><br><b><u>tl;dr</u></b> I'm afraid I'll have to tap out on this one - although the audio is erotic and <i>not</i> derogatory, it can get pretty rough.


Whoaaaaaa!!! Now I could use a good ravaging like this after long, hard, tiring work week!!! mmmmmmm mmmmmmm HOT DAMN GAEL !!!! Baby do your thaaaaang!!


Well damn. I think this is my favorite of yours by far. Foreplay has its place, but sometimes you just want to jump on (or in, in your case) and enjoy the ride!


ok, i listened and i'm SHOOK. my flare left my body straight away.. i don't think i'm alive anymore.


I know what you are saying..but.this audio was requested by someone who suffers from horrific pain...and another girl backed up the idea (a girl not too far from this thread lol) The idea is to ZAP the mind out of its focus... When we are in pain it can really take over the whole thought process and keep us trapped in a pain prison.. So, it had (or has) to grab the attention of the mind ...to re-focus it....to bring not only relief but a natural painkiller look at kelly's comment above.... I don't suffer from chronic pain either...but reading her comment makes me think more deeply and wonder what else I can do..as in it opens creative avenues, like




This is what I pay attention to,.. and is why I put both audios up at once

Meghan McDonald

See this is what I want full fledged primal!Loud full of growls and roars.Was soaked in less than a minute.


Thank you...I knew you could do it. Beautiful!


I just........😮🔥🔥🔥


New favorite audio. More please. ❤️❤️❤️


For all things there is a season. It's raining Gael over here in Oklahoma.


Oh my. This audio... ♡♡♡! I'll be honest, I didn't know if this would work for me (from a pain relief perspective), because I don't always get a reliable endorphin response, but! I didn't notice my fibro pain for pretty much the whole length of the audio, and a chunk of the pain is still gone, and -- and -- and! Despite having hauled lumber &amp; installed 80 sq. ft of lattice to a height of 20 ft today, I can wiggle my shoulders now! :'-D (Ok, I know that sounds like a ridiculous thing to be squeeing over, but I couldn't move my shoulders at all 20 minutes ago -- the fascia were too bound up.) So yeah, the sexy zen shock worked over here! Hooray! Oh, yeah... &amp; thanks for the pain relief. ♡


So, the first time I listened to this I wasn't quite prepared (despite the warning), and it was a bit jarring to say the least. I turned it off about 2 minutes in. Decided to give it a second listen today, and was better prepared for what to expect. This was pretty hot, especially the ending (hold me in there, etc....). I liked that you included a bit more aftercare in this one and chilled the mood out so it ended on a mellow note. Based on the testimonials above, it definitely seems to be effective for its intended purpose, so bravo :)


Love that you released these two audits (it's all about you). So great to have options depending on the type of relief needed. 🤗😗👏🏼💋💋💋


Thanks for the endorphins just perfect whoever asked you for this , amazing. Xxx


Oh my god 🔥🌡


Oh my DAMN!!! I could put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit!!!!!


Oh. My. God. I was trying to find an audio to make me feel better when I was feeling down and well, this was it. Jesus Christ, Gael, you are incredible, do you know that??? This audio was so electrifyingly good that I think I actually lost my memory afterwards. I have genuinely forgotten what was even bothering me to begin with, and what I even did before I listened to this. Moral of the story: listen to Gael and you’ll end up cumming so hard that you lose your memory, along with all of your stress and worries. I love that. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I love the intensity with this one!


omfg I have gone weak at the knees 🔥🔥😍😍