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This is something to help you de-stress...maybe before bedtime...or if you just want to sink into the pleasure and feel how sexy you are..

Because being sexy is about feeling sexy..and if you feel sexy...you are sexy!

Coz the mayor says so, like!

Its all about you!



Ariel Diamond

I'm so glad I found this one... it was just what I needed. 💋


I..came untouched..and in a trance. I don't know what to say 😥 I felt so high and couldn't stop shaking for a awhile...truly a surreal experience


I love this for sooo many reasons, sexy and sensual, and mmm mmm good


Back to back posts? You spoil us, Mr. Mayor! Muah! 💋


Thank you gael, this is lovely x


2 new audios in quick succession?! What are you trying to do to us?! 🤔 😁


And the Mayor is always right!


You are spoiling us 😘 Can't wait to listen later 😋


Well, I know what I'm doing tonight. Thanks Gael 😊 Excited to hear it!


💖Mr. Mayor...Always good lookin out for his Sirens of Gaelandia 💋

Greek Goddess

And we can't argue with the Mayor, are we? 😝


2 posts in a row? Alpha Gael and sweet Gael? Good god, Jesus has risen


Between fibro and arthritis, I've hurt soooo bad the past few days that I've only had a few hours sleep. Everything, even my gruaige fhada hurts. I even considered chopping it all off. Maybe this will help? If not, I still have the other one to look forward to. Thank you Gael, Mo grá, for taking such good care of us. What would we do without you?


Been needing this kind of audios lately 😐 I love LOVE it! ❤️ Good night! (400 patrons! Congrats!)


That was exquisite torture. Your nearness, your voice, your moans and sighs. The pace of it. The sensations it produced nearly took my breath away. That was fucking awesome. Thank you for this.

Lois Geal

I fucking love you, Gael. Seriously. You're my go-to if I feel lonely or simply if I'm feeling...yanno 😉


This audio makes me want to melt. The slow methodical whispering sends me over the edge! (Girl Growl)😍💦


Love this so much!! ❤️💕😍


Oooooh this was NICE!!! I even liked the crickets in the background.......nice work Mr Mayor.....really nice


This was breathtaking! Simply heavenly 💗


Thank you Mr. Mayor, you always do wonders to my self-esteem! ❤️❤️❤️

Laura Almeida

It's not that I'm not into the harder audios, but I really need to be willing to listen to it, like feel in a mood for it... However, regarding relaxing audios like this one, I'm ALWAYS welcome to whispering, breathing and giggles, it's my favorite triggers from you, especially when you laugh =D It was great listening to this, I feel like looping it and just melt to it all night long <3


I loved how this started out. The end wasn't quite as enjoyable, not bad, just seemed to be lacking something for me. But I stil love the whispers and the imagery. 💕


11:34 .... MY GAWD!!


Aww, Trouble, my sib from another crib! I agree, it was a lovely audio but it didn't completely do the trick for me. But I know it's the thought that counts, right? 👍


I am sick. When you have a female version of man-flu (i.e. you feel really horrible, you really are sick, you pretend not to be but you are and it bites you in the bum when you least expect it but there's no one around to pamper you), you don't feel sexy. If you wear your comfiest jogging pants, an ugly conference T-shirt you nicked from a friend and a fluffy floral nightrobe, you are not sexy. I.e., I am not sexy. Now can someone please lend me their butler? At least they get paid to pretend.


Sweet, sensual 😍😍😍😍😍

Kathy M

Finally had a chance to give this a good listen and I loved it. Divine shivers aplenty. I can see this being a go to for a sensual slow build up and...whatnot 😊😘💕 awesome job!


Mr. Mayor. I listened to this when it came out a month ago, and I'm sure I enjoyed it, you haven't missed the mark yet... but I listened again last night when I went to bed. Thank you, it was perfect... really those words don't do enough to express how lovely this one felt. I've been sick, but not able to slow down and take care of myself plus a lot of other stressful things and it was so... 💕blissful💕 just to have someone- even just a voice- take care of me for a couple minutes. *muah* thank you, luv.


Sweet Christ Almighty.


I've lost count of how many times I've listened to this audio! It has the most incredible calming effect on me whenever I feel restless! Your voice is just pure magic ✨✨✨


omg wow