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A date in the country side leads to some......... 

Made with actual Irish countryside sounds...

Good morning peoplings!




Scrolling through the library and came across this. FAVORITE ONE EVER, or so for now. On a hike has always kinda been a fantasy and this one was so sweet, loving, and romantic. LOVE IT!


So i picked this audio to steo out of my comfort zone, public sex isnt really my thing. As always, Gael made this the hottest thing ever and now all I want is a lovely hikeandsex date. Anyone else love when Gael goes absolutely silent just before coming? There is nuh-thing sexier.


This was so sweet and romantic and passionate that it got me wet 😊❤


The tenderness of this audio is killing me, especially when you asked me to "feed" you ❤


🔥 🔥 🔥


Good morning Gael. 🍀

Megan "Dollface" Smith

Oh yeah, that's right, it's morning over there~ lol have a great day, Gael ^.^


This doesn't have the ant porn does it? I don't want that ruining my brunch. Especially considedering how fucking early you woke me up on my day off 😜


I gave Seanie the ant sounds and he hasn't come out of the attic since


Oooh, it pays to stay up late! 😈


It's a beautiful, sunny, spring morning here in England. I shall listen to this as I walk along the river path into town. Let's hope it doesn't make me lose focus and fall in! 😂 have a great day ladies & Gael.


Wish I could listen to this now, but I have housework to do 🙁 Now there's an idea for an audio, seduction during washing dishes/cooking/etc. It could be either person being seduced too, you know, in the interest of gender equality.


Sweet and sexy! I like the autentic country sounds! Tanks for something sweet before bed! 😘Now, I'm off to peaceful slumber... 😴😴😴


I want to listen to this version so much but I keep almost falling asleep. I might have to leave this for tomorrow....... 😴


You really grabbed my attention when you said 🐎. The sounds were incredible!!! I couldn't help but picture you jumping over fences,walking past people with a set of ears,barbed wire etc.😂


The man brings us the good stuff! And also very nice ambient sounds xD


As a girl with this kind of fantasies (the possibility of being seen even if it doesn't really happen 😳) I love the idea of a romantic picnic turning into a sensual moment. I love everything in this audio, the sweet picnic, the level of intimacy even though it's outside, it's just so romantic, sweet and sensual. New favourite erotic audio! I'm in love 😍


Am I dreaming?😴 This is beyond... perfect.💎 So many things I loved. Why do birds suddenly appear? Every time... you are near...?🎶 Thank you Gael


So relaxing, romantic & sexy at the same time 😊 Loved it! 💚 Le sigh!


Awww.... that´s really sweet... and sexy as fuck! :) Though I wonder... did you record the whole thing outdoors? Ja?.... let your Celtic Warrior enjoy the fresh air? I hope so... And I missed some true Irish countryside sounds... don´t you have leprechauns, fairies and sheep everywhere?? :(...how disappointing. Hahaha....


I seriously had to take a moment, this is fucking amazing. My heart is still racing. It's beautiful. I love being out outdoors anyway and making love outdoors is incredible. The nature sounds are fantastic. It is sweet and romantic and so intense. I love it, I love everything about it. It's perfect. 💕💕💕 And, there was food 😆. Thank you so much for tromping around the countryside to record those sounds. It's almost just like being there. 😙


This is amazing all the sounds!


Best way to ring in a weekend ever. Worship at the altar of your awesomeness, Gael. 💋


He actually has one that seduces you while washing dishes. It's life altering. 👌👌👌


I can't believe he was up so late/early. I couldn't sleep (again) and notifications kept popping up!! Who wants to bet he naps today. lol I know I will...at least I hope I do. I've been awake for almost 27 hours. Dang fibro/insomnia/muscle spasms.


This was a nice way to wake up before work! Loved it!


He posted it around 9am (in Ireland, 10am for some other Euro countries), so don't worry it wasn't that early! 😝


JESUS CHRIST!!! Warning: Do not listen to this while high! it will snatch your soul! Gael your're like mf grim reaper! But this is really amazing! I've listened and followed you for a long time and to see your progression, is amazing.I NEVER comment because im shy 🙈 but your seriously changing the game and creating something new in the audio world and its stunning to witness! I just wanted to say your doing great and keep innovating and being you! your awesome! Sending positive vibes your way! (ps: ignore me im high af)

Gri (Sassy_One)

I have a sudden craving for grapes🤔hmm...wonder why😋 Beautiful, relaxing sounds, paired up with the sexy lovemaking...and your moans, man😵 I pity the ants trying to top your countryside sounds😜 Great audio!!!


It was really nice waking up to this, soo sweet and romantic! I loved the gentle lovemaking and the stunning nature sounds! Everything about this audio is pure bliss 😍 💕💗💞


I like the patreon version better 😏 Good morning, everyone! 😁 This was a nice audio to wake up to. The beginning was so sweet and adorable. If I had an Irish boyfriend waking me up with kisses I wouldn't be mad at all! But I would start a pillow fight just for the heck of it 😜😂😂😂 I loved everything about this audio. The nature sounds were beautiful and so relaxing 😍 And the sex part was just... wow. Your moans are so hot 😍😉 Sweet, romantic and sexy all in one audio. Me likey 👅 I know, I talk too much. Lmao. Thank youuu 😚😘


Divine 💗


I could listen to this on loop until Easter.




I had a naughty joke about the horse sound u made.....


I love this so much...! It was so cute and sweet. Ah, all those sweet soft kisses made me blush so hard! And when and how you said "I won't let you get cold."...Hoo, tingles X3 Goodness, I loved the ambient sounds. I closed my eyes and I could see the view so clearly; I wasn't even in my bedroom, I was right there with you. And you were so tender the whole time...! If making love is anything even close to this... I want to find and meet my guy...because this was so beautiful.


So, I may have listened to this a few more times and I have to say, the moaning in Irish...mmmm oh my fucking god! I don't think I've heard it before in an audio and it sent me over the edge everytime. The whole thing is divine from beginning to end, like my own little slice of heaven. I would love more audios like this. Pretty pleeeease and thank you, Sir! 💕


Hmmmm a man that wakes you up with kisses, feeds you grapes, ACTUALLY PLANS a date, and packs everything up by himself??? NIIIICCCCCCCCCEEE!! LOVE IT!!


What more could you ask for !!! :)


Oh wow, this is lovely. I'm speechless. 💕

Greek Goddess

Omg...Ive been waiting for so long to hear this!An audio about romanticism and making love only!I love it 😍 and the background noises (birds singing, walking on the grass) also!


Ooooh, this is so sweeeet and heart-melty, and the nature sounds are just lovely. <3 It reminded me of how relaxing it is to just have a wander around the countryside, so I think I'm going to make some time to have a nice walk tomorrow while the weather's still pleasant.


OMG! What an amazing audio! I felt loved and sexy at the same time :)

Kathy M

Seriously Gael, first the lusty hot sensual buttsex audio and then this sweet and sensual lover audio. You're killing it! I'm sick as a dog and I can still appreciate the great stuff you're giving us 💕💗💕


<i>Okay, you know the drill, ladies and gents! Boring Doctimus-style word vomit below, with the <b>tl;dr</b> ever so faithfully at the end.)</i> 😛 I had to listen to this audio a few times to fully process it because I found that there was a lot going on simultaneously. In fact, I actually ignored much of the dialogue during my first listen because I wanted to hone in on the countryside sounds, since I'd been looking forward to hearing them. And they certainly did not disappoint. Between the twigs/grass/whatever else crunching underfoot and the birds chirping overhead, it made for a very immersive sensory experience. The first setting I pictured in my mind's eye were those vast green hills and fields that tend to pop up in some of Gael's vlogs, which seems like a wonderfully tranquil environment. Well, seeing the occasional horse roaming around can be a bit jarring, but as long as they take the <i>"Just keep your distance and I won't kick you in the stomach with my hind legs"</i> approach, then it's all good. But the more I listened to the countryside sounds, the more I realized that one could regard them as the sounds of nature in general (unless there's a bird chirping in there that's native only to Ireland, but it's not like I would know the difference). And from there you could still listen to the sounds in the background, but also imagine yourself in a completely different setting if you wanted to. It's been several months since I last had the chance to visit my family, and I've been feeling a bit homesick lately. As I listened to the countryside sounds, I sometimes found myself imagining that I was scaling up a mountain pathway, since I grew up close to the Canadian Rockies and went there often on vacations. Other times I would envision walking through some of the forested areas around the mountains, places I'd gone to as a child on school field trips. It's remarkable how listening to something as simple as whistling birds and snapping twigs can fuel the imagination, and it was nice to be able to take a mini-vacation in my mind, even if I never left my little shoebox of an office. So that was a unique part of the audio that I particularly appreciated. 👍 When I finally got around to listening to the dialogue of the audio, that wasn't as...clearcut for me. I've blathered on before about how I have a tendency to hesitate and balk at the some of the ideas presented in romantic-type audios, even if I really enjoy the audios themselves. And this audio was no different, since I had the following buzz-killing thoughts during one of my listening attempts: <i>"Now, Doctimus, feelings are for artists. Evidence and cold, hard facts are for scientists. Think of all of the impracticalities in this audio. Eating grapes whilst in a reclining position seems like a legitimate choking hazard. If Gael doesn't know how to do the Heimlich maneuver**, the listener is (figuratively) fucked. And having sex out in the open in a public field, even if it is remote, is really quite insensible. I bet the fines for public indecency in Ireland are </i>staggering<i>. Maybe you even have to make a court appearance, too!"</i> At that point I got irritated at myself for overthinking and feeling flustered by, of all things, a simple audio. And since I have a bit of a stubborn streak and refuse to be bested by a recording, I resolved to listen to it again, but with my brain switched off. No thinking. Just <i>listening</i>. When one just <i>listens</i> to the audio...I mean, I agree with you all that it is very sweet and romantic. I'm too shy and paranoid to necessarily be sold on the idea of public, outdoorsy sex, and I initially wondered whether the dialogue would centre on the nerve-racking <i>"Shh! What was that? Oh shit, there's someone heading this way!"</i> angle. But to my surprise that wasn't the case at all. It was all about tenderness and intimacy and Gael being focused on the listener, and even those countryside sounds that I so enjoyed just kinda faded into the background. Even on the best of days, I have a tough time grasping concepts like romantic love and closeness. Mostly because they're not concrete facts, they can't be quantified, and I wouldn't even be able to do an autoethnographic study of it (that's science-y speak for I've never been in love/loved someone romantically before 😝). So while I think they're really nice concepts - amazing concepts, even - I can't quite make that connection in my mind yet. Which frustrates my inner scientist because I don't like <i>not</i> understanding stuff - sometimes it actually makes me pretty nervous. I suppose that's why I tend to enjoy these audios at an arm's length away, which...I don't know. I actually don't know what else to make of that. Consider me stumped. 😐 Anyway, enough of <i>that</i> silly emo digression because that's the biggest buzzkill of them all 😝 I had to turn on one of my metal music playlists in order to revert back to my <i>"Okay, time to get back to work! You have way too much shit to do!"</i> mindset and resign myself to plowing through some more paperwork. <img height="190" src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/66/55/14/66551428ed8f1e8b0971556f229bf48d.gif"> <b>Figure 1: A pictorial representation of my emotional comfort zone</b> <b><u>tl;dr</u></b> - "A Romantic Picnic" is a great sensory experience that you can use to supplement your own imagination. It also is sweet enough to partially defrost the souls of emotionally repressed individuals such as myself! 😝 With the help of the ever-expressive Tony Kakko, I salute this audio with some metal horns: <img height="190" src="https://i0.wp.com/afternoiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/DSC_0846.jpg?fit=578%2C900"> <i>** I believe that everyone who is physically and safely able to perform the Heimlich maneuver should know how to do it properly, because you never know when shit might hit the fan. If you're looking for a refresher on how to do it, feel free to click <a href="https://youtu.be/r9UnXLsfv4I" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">here</a> or sign up for a basic life support course in your area!</i>


Lovely audio here. A sweet scenario, so much more than just a roll in the hay, 😉 Absolutely loved the nature sounds! Is it possible that Ireland sounds as beautiful as it looks? Very well done! And no f***ing gulls! 😆


I love reading your responses! Lovely fodder for a wired brain! I agree with you on the sounds. Gael could do an audio just of nature sounds and it would be lovely (even with the ant sex 😆). I had a tape in college (yes, a tape!) that was a relaxation tape called Walking Through the Woods in New England, and that was all it was, too. Trees blowing in the breeze, lots of leaves on the ground, birds, wind, you get the idea. I absolutely loved it! When I listened to it, it was like i was back home on our farm in Maine. Helped with the homesickness as I was going to school 700.miles from home. Amazing how sound can transport you to familiar places!


I absolutely love this!


How did I not see this? No email,no alert... your stealth mode is on point, sir Gael. Dang now I want to sit and watch Top Gun! My random tangent game is superb today - hahah.


Ok, I have already listened to this twice, will probably go for #3 today 😉


I'm with you Mar go, I love romance and I've been listening to this quite often since it was posted.


I would be immediately out of bed when he whispered "I cooked". Fooooood! 😍😍😍


Luv it Gael!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘