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Seanie's new single (Bootleg)

https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Seanie's new track..... god love us :( -Video Upload powered by https://www.TunesToTube.com





I definitely needed a laugh after a long day of study 😂😂

Kathy M

Perhaps just a rethinking of bum and hot pockets could go a long way 🤔


"Dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit dit" 😂😂😂😂😂 That was so funny. Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂


😂😂😂 not all together bad, but that hot pocket reference... oh boy😂😂😂


Hilarious! Best thing to wake up to. I'm a vocal coach hit me up to learn some tips 😋


Lmao! Oh god...youre clinically insane! 😂😂😂


From what corner of your brain does this crawl? 🤣


Oh mein Gott! Finally! ... Seanie on Patreon.... Hilfe - help!!! ...ahhhhhh.... *runs away* XP


Just listened to Harry styles new song and straight after get the notification for Seanie...... No contest, Seanie is my hero (and Gael too) 😁😉💗💗


Holy crap 😂😂😂


'He loves to fapp ' that line got me. 😂😂😂


Keep practicing, Seanie! You're getting there...slowly. Very slowly.


Seanie is a slow fast learner


I love it 😜❤


uuhhmmmm ....yeah ...when you get in touch with Beyonce ask J to help you...wit dem bars...but E for effort!!!


Is Seanies stereo a blow up toy? 🙈


I'm gonna b real, it was good...but also pretty bad...but I still ❤️ u Seanie lol 😂 I might have to go into my vault and pull out some bars 4 u 🎤


Gael, will you beat box for us on a ramble? I think there was some hidden talent in there that Seanie picked up on.


So you two are actual brothers? Seanie's not just a guest?


Listened to it first on YT a couple hours ago and about died laughing. And like everyone else, the "Words flow out like hot pockets from your bum" about did me in. I hate "rap crap" but this was definitely something else!! Gael, you keep me in stitches!! I may have to invest in depends!!


I agree! He was spittin' some sick beats. Holding out on yet another talent.


I'm laughing at the hate comments he's getting haha I love it!


Lmao poor dat.


I wonder about that monstrous gold chain, it must weight a ton... and be worth a small fortune... Though it´s highly likely fake, probably finest plastic?... else it would snap his delicate neck like a twig... XPP


Finest leprechaun gold-plated plastic. :D Since his boom box is fake, good chance the chain is too.


I'm dead... 😑 well... different kinda "dead" from gael "dead"... yaknowwatimean?... nonetheless still dead... so yah... keep it up seanie boi... 😑


<b>(This comment is actually about the "fun in the back door audio" below, but Patreon is the fucking worst and won't let me post it in the right thread.)</b><br><br>I'm sure many of you ladies here are familiar with Matt (aka British Filth/Audiosexual/spurious). I stopped listening to his audios some years ago for a few different reasons, but one thing I have to give him credit for is that - beyond him being a very talented audio artist in his own right - he does a very good of job of trying to make his audios sexually inclusive for many people. He has a number of audios that are gender neutral, and there are at least a couple that portray male/male scenarios (e.g., "Two Guys, One Shower" and his collaboration with TryingYouOut in the days of yore). So I do applaud him for exploring different kinds of scenarios (that he feels comfortable doing, of course), because there are as many sexual preferences and interests out there as there are people. As far as my personal preferences go, my back door is a one-way exit. 😎 Hence, I didn't think that I would get a whole lot out of Matt's "Two Guys, One Shower" audio, but I gave it a listen because why not? And to my surprise, I rather liked it. It didn't sell me on the prospect of anal or anything, but what I really enjoyed was the playfulness and naughtiness and just plain sexiness of the audio. Sometimes it's not just a matter of <i>what</i> is said, but rather <i>how</i> it's delivered. In the case of this audio, I still don't have a burning desire to have my booty plundered by Gael the ASMRRR-tist (<i>see what I did THARRR? Sorry, I'll stop, I know that was lame</i> 👎). But I nevertheless liked the audio. As many of you have pointed out, he does handle the topic of anal in a considerate manner (emphasis on the lube, moving slowly and gently), whereas I've heard some audios where artists get a lot more forceful and rough. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that if that's someone's preference. As far as I'm concerned, as long as it's safe, sane, consensual, and legal, it's all good and different strokes for different folks and such. But there's definitely a line between being alpha/dominant/tastefully rough and being borderline scary, and I've certainly never heard Gael cross it. So even if back door fun isn't one's cup of tea, you can still get the same moans and sensuality and fappity fap fap in this audio, just like any other GF one. For that, I will give this audio an arbitrary 4 sexy treasure chests out of 4! <img height="195" src="http://mrsrmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/treasure-chest.png"> <i>(This is probably the most SFW result you get if you Google Image search "sexy treasure chests". Consider yourselves warned 😝)</i> (And while we're on the topic of pirates, maybe there will one day be a sequel to "The Curse of the Scurvy Dog Pirate", who sounds suspiciously like Seanie when he's trying to be sexy. Dare to dream, right? 😏)


Oh Seanie, you're adorkable! 😁


Had they played this at the party I went to last night instead of the shit they were playing, I would have had way more fun 😂


That was the laugh I needed.


Natural talent, Slim Boy Seanie!


i cant breath!!!😂😂 im in tears my coworkers think im crazy i cant even tell them why im laughing so hard....