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Hey all! Just letting you know that there are plenty of new audios in the pipeline so hold tight! 

My uploading schedule was kinda upset by Valentines last week and so I am gonna realign it....

Also, I am gonna be hitting Audible soon and will be uploading an audiobook called 'Moving In' 

( The whole book will be availible here to download as usual)

I already uploaded 'The Glass Table' ( LOL) and have some more ideas to add to the book...

Its basically a 'bang around the house' idea hahahaha

So....sexy ideas are welcome below!







Gael, I can't wait to bang all around the house😙 happy Tuesday!!!


I mean really? Who would enjoy getting banged around his house....and you know that glass table.


You sirens should be gunfighters Dems are fast trigger fingers like


Don't forget the basement


Bang around the house. So you like.. want stuff about hammers?<p><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/773ab2e0a2aac4f93baedf32b6764958/tumblr_inline_n30pnxHTsJ1sohk3w.gif"></p>




It's because we were already here listening to your sexy voice Gael!


I'm only fast with my hands when I have the proper incentive 😉


💖Mr. Mayor...Please may we have some sexy food fun in the kitchen??? Loving all the creativity cumming from you!! Leaving us breathless at every turn!💋💋💋


Idea 💡- The Kitchen - have sex in the kitchen!! On the counter, over the counter, on the floor, etc. While warm sunlight streams through thin white curtains because you don't give a fuck if the neighbors see. 😘




We'll see...


Idea #2 💡 - The Stairs: have sex on the stairs because you can't even wait to make it up to the bedroom.


Yay! Bang around the house party! 🎉 The stairs, luv, don't forget the stairs! 😝 And don't forget to take time for yourself. 😊 🛌 Or sleepy Gael will bang us around the house half asleep!


How about the backyard?


Audible? Wow that's classy! 👏🏼

Kathy M

What is audible?


Yes!! He's mowing the lawn and takes his shirt off. She's gardening in a halter top and short shorts. The sun is warm, there's a nice breeze. They stop to get something to drink and bam - it's on! The hedge row hides them from the neighbors and they try to be quiet but I don't think they can be 😘


The only thing that gets banged around my house is my toes on the coffee table.Gael's house sounds a lot more fun !,,😆

Kathy M

I've suggested a fun food fight type scenario but nary a word to be heard! 😜


How about a hike up the mountain? We're sweaty and the adrenaline is pumping.


Well, office space sounds fun... you know... distractions from work...

Kelly S

So... I finally figured out your day job! You must be an astro-physicist! You have learned how to bend time and space to your will... allowing you MORE time to do stuff... Just, you know, take care of yourself. I'm, of course, a huge fan of EVERYTHING. But, my God, how much are you trying to put out at a time now? Did you get a terminal diagnosis or something, hon??? Just, try not to tap that well dry... in all ways that could be taken! haha (Creatively, physically....)


The kitchen counter!!She is there washing the dishes etc...:P


I was a nice girl before the day i begin to listenning him 😋 i'm lost


Against the windows. All of them.


You've got dinner guests - time for a quickie in the bathroom?


Laundry room, on top of the washing machine. Hit SPIN cycle and saddle up!! 🐎


Sex in the pool. Strip chess in the library. Sex on the patio next to th fire pit. Game room on the pool table...my house is big &amp; fancy XDDD!


Idea #3💡 - The Laundry Room (for US listeners). He is taking laundry out of the dryer and she finds that extremely sexy (trust me on this!). They start making out, she gives him a lovely blow job while he leans on the machines, then he lifts her up onto the washer, eats her out and things progress from there. Not sure this will translate for U.K. and EU Sirens since most have laundry in the kitchen? 🤔


Yes Susie!! Brilliant- you have to try and be quick and quiet. So fucking hot 😍


We definitely don't have laundry in the kitchen... the bathroom actually. And we've seen enough American movies to know... XD


I'm not even going to say what I hope to hear... ::waits patiently::


DUNGEON! ....tell me you have one! Bitte! XP Alternatively... TERRARIUM! Bahaha...


Rough make up sex...


in the garage...on top of the car


Bang around someone else's house


I never cared for this, messes up my rhythm, hahaha!


Idea #4 💡 - The Fireplace. An oldie but a goodie. On the rug in front of the fireplace. Super romantic and so many options for positions. Plus the heat of the fire against your skin...mmm.


There could be a scene in the attic. It's a hot day, so even a few minutes up in the attic means being covered in sweat. But there's the tiniest air currents to occasionally relieve the slightly prickling heat on our skin. The heat makes our movements languid but it can't compare to our heat when we come together...


I love the stairs idea


Yes - you could be housesitting! So naughty 😉💋


Let's not overlook how many walls the average house has. Walls are very good.


Oh, on the desk in the home office. Then your endless varieties of tub and shower sex. Xd


💖Even a good closet fuck when guests are around. No door locks on those!😁


On the floor like savages 😊


Kartoffelkeller - POTATO CELLAR?? ...you Irish get turned on by spuds, don`t you?? Grrrhmm... XDD


I'd never say no to being bent over the back of a couch, told to hold on and don't dare let go.....


...more balcony sex?


Oh....what about a closet fuck in the morning! She is getting ready for work, you are super turned on watching her, and take her in the closet where she was picking out her outfit for the day. Would work better if it was a walk-in.


In the front hallway - right by the door, just can't wait ...


You caught your guest (me) in the pantry in the middle of the night searching for lollipops. You offer the one you have on you.


I've heard of house warming parties buy this is quite a take on it. I can get behind it though.


getting messy with each other whilst decorating the spare room


Mmm I bet there are some really creative ways to use a coffee table. Maybe we get creative just 20 minutes before our guests are due to arrive. And when they do arrive, and we're sitting around in the living room, I can't keep the blush off my face every time our eyes meet across the room because you keep catching my eye and then glancing at the coffee table and licking your lips..


I kind of like asshole Gael, so maybe somewhere a nosy neighbor might see, up against the wall, of course. :)


💖Outside deck underneath the starry sky😊


The garden of the neighbors while they are at work or everywhere else...


Ermmm, the Roof? Hehe


What if we're hosting a party in our back yard? It's a lovely day so everyone's outside. I come into the house, it's dark compared to the sunny day, to fetch something from the kitchen. You see me leave and follow me, unable to resist the temptation. There we are just on the other side of the sliding glass door, watching everyone as they talk and eat and drink and enjoy themselves.......as we enjoy ourselves in the shadows...as you take me from behind, standing, your arms wrapped around me..


Sexy comments aside- I think it's so cool you're branching onto Audible! I'm not sure such a world will be ready!


In the pool? Jacuzzi? 💧😊💧


the shed in the garden? with the garden gnomes watching... XD


Maybe one evening we're watching a movie on TV, sitting on the couch. We were in a cozy mood so I'm halfway sitting on your lap already. Then the movie starts to get a little racy. I notice you're getting turned on and I can't help the moan that slips out. You pull me the rest of the way onto your lap and we both keep watching as things heat up on our side of the screen too... (This is too much fun, lol. I gotta get back to work now tho)


Great idea Annabelle! So hot that they could get caught at any moment 😉💕


"Lust in the Dust" - Attic sex.


In the doghouse. Doggy style.

Kelly S

Um! Excuse me! We do NOT use the children's rooms when enjoying a house... What would Bobby think?!?! Gael would be looking at YEARS of Doggy Therapy!


With all the respect Mar go there is no such a thing as "asshole Gael".I think you choose a wrong word to describe him.There is Alpha Gael and even though he is rough sometimes he always creates the scenes in a sensual way..Not to mention the person behind the Gael character who has said many times that he loves and respects women.


The sex swing in the bedroom...


OH, I KNOOOOOW~ <b>MIRROR SEX</b> *runs off and sings*

Kelly S

This would be a great last scene... super romantic and sweet... she's all moved in... shoot, you could even go overly adorably romantic and end the whole thing with a proposal like that.


Just for once Gael`s <font style="color: red;">CREAKY</font> fucking bed! Danke!


I wonder......does Gael's bed have bedposts on all 4 corners??? That could be fun.


You ladies are all so creative!! So many awesome ideas and I am totally turned on, at work, again....😂😂 Looking forward to this book and audio series 💕💕💕💕😀

Kelly S

Wait... has no one asked for on the creaking stairs yet?!?!?! How has that not been asked yet?


Home gym? This could go so many directions.


<em>(I really need to close this tab and focus on work!!! but like Vacker said, here I am, turned on when I'm supposed to be working... but my mind keeps prowling around imagined houses looking for props or potential scenes, lol.)</em> There's got to be <em>something</em> fun that could be done with a coat rack.....


So many varieties of apparatus to be put to new and inventive uses!


I love this idea


At the rate people are offering suggestions, Gael might as well do audios for every room featured in the game <i>Clue</i>. 😝 I call dibs on being tied up with the rope in the study by Colonel <del>Mustard</del> Gaelforce! I think the only suggestions I could offer that haven't already been said would be a greenhouse (it's hot and steamy in there, and you'd be surrounded by exotic plants and maybe a nice fountain or two), or a studio (like a mini art studio in your house where you could do things like sculpt or paint, but just please don't reenact the Patrick Swayze/Demi Moore pottery love scene from <i>Ghost</i>). Granted, most people don't actually have greenhouses or studios on their property, but those seem like more romantic settings than, say, Pee-Wee's playhouse.


Hmm, not many interesting spots left... wait... the Meat Locker? ...well the Tofu Locker??... ;)


<em>Still wracking my brain for more house features to 'take advantage of'</em> Does the house have a front porch? And maybe a bench? If so, we could sit outside one evening looking at the stars, with a cozy blanket draped across us for warmth. It's not late enough for everyone to be asleep so there's the occasional passer-by. We stay sitting exactly where we are, but maybe your hand wanders beneath the blanket, hmm? Or maybe mine does?


Why don`t reenact the scene? It`s doable... just skip Unchained Melody! Haha...


Is it a walk-in freezer? Hopefully we don't get trapped—oh no!—and have to keep each other warm! (I'm sure someone will come by and rescue us though.)


All you ladies are so creative, so many great ideas alteady! I can't read them all on my phone, or elaborate more on mine because of this stinkin' app. Will have to wait until I get home to my laptop tonight.


Failure to properly install a sex swing. Hijinks ensue.


If you live in a remote area you &amp; your girl are on the roof cleaning leaves out of the gutter. After you bang her on the roof. &amp; No the shingles on the roof don't hurt if you take his hoodie off &amp; put it under your ass. Added risk factor of falling off the roof for some reason makes it more exciting. Based on a true story starring me!


Welcome to the gutter. Home of the Gutter Puppies. You will be among friends xD


Sexy time in the woods cutting down trees getting ready for winter. You could make the guy a lumberjack or something. Lumberjack fucks her up against a tree. Since he knows trees well he avoids pushing her up against a maple tree because that shit will rip your back up!


Oh Frau I fully believe your house with Gael would have a full on sex dungeon ;) ♥


You're having sex on a roof. Suddenly you spot a cat, you assume it's dead. When you go to pick it up you realize it's alive. You decide to scare the crap out of your girlfriend. You succeed. That's what she gets for being so drunk.


Housewarming party and his gift to you a remote control vibrator and he has the control. Walking around the party talking to guests... has a real....buzz about it..


Aw how about a dinner date that goes from <p><img src="http://goodtoknow.media.ipcdigital.co.uk/111/000013bbb/71ff/date-more.gif"> </p><p>to </p><p>um.. I was going to have a food sex gif here but the things I saw on google....I....may need therapy.</p>

Kelly S

Ooh! Working on getting her unpacked and settled (she's moved in, right? not y'all moved together? I don't know... I need to listen again!) and you run out to get something for dinner... when you return, she's vacuuming in a French Maid's Outfit, or just an apron?, being all sexy to surprise you... (Heels, pearls, etc... Or, maybe she needs a pearl necklace? teehee)


You can tell Gael was here because a post that has only been up 3 hours has over 200 comments 😂


He also very skillfully tapped into our sexy-time imaginations. 😉🔥


Maybe this magical giant house is your childhood home and maybe it has a really awesome treehouse that you spent hours in as a kid. Maybe you even slept in it sometimes. And now you've dressed it up as a big, cozy, romantic room for you and your girl to spend the night in. Think stargazing, twinkle lights, strawberries and champagne. Something like that. 😊


Wow! Looks like I missed a lot today! 😆Look at all these creatively sexy ideas! 👏🏻👍🏻


What about an Irish bad boy from the past? Smuggler or pirate or highwayman? You take your woman to a safe place and give her a lovely bit of rough! I'm English and find Irish male voices so sexy!


I'm feeling quite playful and creative.....lets combine 2 games and play STRIP HIDE AND SEEK!!!!!...we've been playing a while and I am now only wearing panties, so wherever I'm found is where it goes down😋! Come finddddd me, sexy!😍😍😍😈


Victorix, I like Irish bad boy from the past idea! Now we are getting somewhere! Like a old best friend that you used to raise hell with but never got to friends with benefits. But now it's time for some benefits! Dammit.... Now I'm sad... Just figured out my dream situation that will Never come true. 😔


I think everything in the house has been covered except for maybe pressed up against the 2nd floor front window that faces the street 😉


Morning routine. She is at the bathroom vanity patting her face dry, in panties and a tank. You come dragging in, walk up behind her still sleepy and put your chin on her shoulder exchanging morning pleasantries. You go pee and come back still yawing. She is now sitting up on the counter she warms a face towel and wipes the sleep out of your eyes wipes your face. You reach for your toothbrush and start brushing maybe she just watches you maybe she takes it from you and does it for you. Point is she cant stop looking at you and touching your face and your shoulders your chest, abs and that B.I.C. You know where to go from here.


To reply to a comment on the app you touch the comment it should slide over you will see a reply arrow. Then you reply below. A trick is to select all (your text) copy and save it just in case Patreon kicks you off before it posts. 😆


Ooo be careful about the back of the couch... makes for a pretty rough landing if no one is paying attention and the couch tips... ... ... ... for example... totally didn't happen or anything... it was a friend... yeah, a friend


💖 YASSSS!!! I keep forgetting to suggest that! Thanks Agent A!


Any chance of getting caught? 🙊😆


Right in front of a full length mirror. 😏


You want your face smooshed against the glass don't you, kinky Pyp?😌


Guten Morgen, Mädls - gals! A pleasant Mittwoch - Wednesday to y`all! Spring is coming... It`s getting warm, and we have a gentle rain. It smells so sweet... köstlich - delicious! It`s really good to see that much banter and fun again! :) So, I hope jeder - everyone will have a happy day! See you all soon! XD


Hi Claudia...the smell of rain hitting the dirt is the best! We have to keep up the banter when you're away. Enjoy your day 😉


Goodnight, everyone! Have a great Wednesday💋


Oh, just a quick question... Herr Gael!? Will you show us a pic of each Tatort - scene of the fuck? ;)


I know this is "Moving In", but if this would be "Moving In Together", then I'd say IKEA sex XD


I was wondering about Gael`s pipeline...


<img src="http://rafabene.com/images/pipeline.jpg">


☘️🎉🚨💥 TWO HUNDRED PATRONS 💥🚨🎉☘️ ❤️⭐️🇮🇪👏🏼🎙 Congratulations Gaelforce! 🎙👏🏼🇮🇪⭐️❤️


Congrats on 200 Mr G!


OMG, 200 patrons!! That's amazing!! &lt;3 Just a few months ago there was only about 20 of us...the OG Sirens...so many memories from back then!


Hello Everyone, I hope y'all had a good Wednesday!


OG Sirens 😂 Original Gangster Sirens or Original Gael Sirens? 🤔


Is this book gonna have a full storyline or just sex scenes?


Guten Morgen sexy Sirens of Gaelandia! Hope everyone has a wonderful unsinnigen Donnerstag - Fat Thursday!? Do you celebrate it? Ja?... Here in Bavaria it`s very popular it`s called "Weiberfasching - hm.. Women`s Carnival". It`s a day where the crazy women rule! Hahaha.... So, bis später - see ya! XD


I'd never heard of Fat Thursday until now - that explains the huge display of <i>Paczki</i> I saw in the grocery store today! Now that I know what it is, I kinda want to celebrate it every Thursday. Maybe I can get away with it by telling my personal trainer that it's a revamped form of Cheat Day 🍰🍩🍮🍪


So I heard an interesting male phrase today that I think I'm going to steal. I was on break at work sitting by the window that overlooks the ocean and enjoying the view when I hear 2 guys talking in the hallway behind me. We have contractors working on our building and they were doing electrical work in one of our server rooms at the end of a rarely used hallway. I then hear this convo: Guy 1: Man, my girlfriend Sara was 7 ways horny last night. I told her no way I have to be up in 4 hours! Guy 2: 7 ways horny?! Guy1: Yea, man, 7! 😂😂😂


So... the YT heartbeat &amp; breathing audio: I likey v much ❤ Audios don't have to be fancy to be fantastic. It's the simple day-to-day sounds/ stuff that r magical.


He hasn't broken a bed yet, I think a swing is a good place to start Xd


So, I (foolishly) tried to use the app yesterday to add my ideas to this thread. Got through typing about stairs, kitchen counter, on/against the washing machine, coffee table, garden and/or hammock in backyard, walk-in closet, bent over a study or home office desk, and standing against the bathroom sink (from behind, so you can both see expressions in the mirror over the sink). Patreon's app ate my comment completely, then I had classes to teach... seeing that *all* of those ideas have now been covered, all I can say is: Sexy minds think alike, heheh! (It's good to be in one's tribe.) ;-D


I wonder what happened to Gael on Valentine`s that fucked up his tight schedule?? Hm?...XP

Kathy M

He wasn't busy. He's been a laying about recording his heartbeat for hours on end!


You mean he was cuddling for hours with Agent Mic??


Sleep deprived with a full day of work still ahead, but the sun is out and the birds are chirping so life is good. 😄 I hope life is good for you too today, Gael!


☘️Hey Gael, heard there's a crazy rainstorm over Ireland right now? Are ye a daaycint swimmer, like? Stay safe and dry...


I've heard the wind is really really bad. :(


I heard he swimms like a oiled up eel, don`t you worry! :)


Sorry... beans for tea!! We've been experiencing Storm Doris in the UK today - it's been a bit breezy!

Kathy M

I'll be darned, my grocery store sells Barry's Tea and of course because I've drunk the kool aid, I bought it! Kinda pricy for tea so I have high hopes 😊


NEWSFLASH! Barry's Tea Sales go through the roof unexpectedly in the first quarter of 2017 :-)


Ja, drink the unsuspicious tea Frau Kathy!! Muahaha...


I have always suspected that Gael is a sponsored influencer for Barry's Tea 😆😂


Guten Morgen Mädls - gals! A happy Freitag - Friday to y`all!! It`s really windy tonight, and someone down in the village has a really annoying wind chime!! It`s driving me crazy... ;) Soo, any weekend plans? Or will you just stay here, waiting for Gael? Ja??...hehe... Enjoy your (wind chime free) days... bis dann - see ya! XD


早安, 亲! 😘 The thot of the noisy wind chime just send me into a cringing mess tho 😯


Listening to the new Striptease audio on Literotica right now. I even got to be the first commenter!!!


Have a lovely Friday all of you! 😌❤️


Hope you (Angie) and all the rest, have a nice weekend. It's snowing here in MI (our snow has all been gone for weeks). Now we are on a winter weather advisory. But as long as we don't get more than 4", I will still be wearing my flip flops.


That is so wrong and so perfect LOLOL