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I have been a little quiet lately and so this is an explaination....




Last? Last.




Hot stuff, wow! 💕


Omg popping a bouncy house. Now that's a wild and crazy night!!


💖So sorry to hear about your co-worker but I get how you're dealing with it and you taking the time to talk about her like this is very heartwarming! She knew how to grab life by the balls and really live!😊 I lost my only sister a year and a half ago to cancer so my heart goes out to her family. Thank you for sharing her with us.😍😍😍


I'm so sorry for your loss.


She sounds like a special person.


Holy shit! The bouncy house!!! Those are the best!!!


💓 So sorry

Rose from Ash

It's okay, Gael. I can survive on old audios for a little while; don't feel pressured to make more when you're suffering a loss. (Btw bouncy castles are called bouncy houses in America fyi :3) 💖


& how are you sick again?! 🙃


😷 always with the cooties.


Thank you for sharing her story! :) ❤️

Kathy M

She sounded like a truly special lady and its a blessing she's not suffering anymore. If you're not around I figure its not my business to question so its very kind of you to share your personal life with us. Hope you're feeling better xo.


I really enjoyed this! And it was really good to hear from you. I'm glad you are taking things in stride. I just heard about another passing due to illness. Life is about so much more than we think it is....warm regards, G and sirens.


People share their illnesses fairly efficiently ;) But.. it's nothing but a sniffle.. I'm full a beans like :D


LoL Don't worry I kicked its ass This strain is gonna vanish from the planet after I'm done with the Langer


She sounded like a vibrant and funny woman. All you can do in tough times like that is just be glad you knew her and hope to bring a bit of her spirit with you as life goes on. Hope you don't feel bad for taking some time to yourself. I'm certain we all understand. Have some cyber hugs from me! 😊❤


Thank you for sharing your memories of your friend. It sounds like there was never a dull moment around her!




I just took some time to listen to more of this. You still remain happy and smiling in spite of it all. Take all the time you need. We will still be here waiting. Blessings


We have all been passing the same cold around here for months and now we have the allergies starting ! So fun! Claritin during the day and a hot toddy at night or skip the lemon and honey and just drink the whisky! Feel better :)


She sounds amazing. take as much time as u need...u also gave me perspective on life so ty for that ❤ btw the bouncy house episode sounds exactly like something me and my bestie would get into😏...it made me😆


Thank you for sharing a little about your friend. She sounds like an incredible lady, who left a wonderful legacy of laughter and love. I was crying over the bouncy house (that's what we call them, even though they are castles) 😂😂💗


Thanks for sharing this story.From the things you told us she was a wonderful Lady.As far as your absence concerned ive told you before and im gonna say it again: We have all the time in the world to wait! :P You have so many things to do but you have personal life also :) Take care of yourself!


P.S. I've heard both 'bouncy castle' and 'bouncy house' here in MN. But I've also heard 'bouncy ship' and 'bouncy dog' since they were in those shapes. My friends know how to party. 😉




I find it's easier to kind of pull back from people and the outside world when grieving. Either people hover too much or don't know what to say. So take time for you to celebrate and mourn your friend the way you see fit. Thank you for sharing with us.


You friend sounds like an amazing person. 💜 ... ... so what happened with your car? Is there a good story there?

Kathy M

Oh yeah! The cah! What happened? Did you dipsy when should've doodled? I've owned 3 cars is my life. 2 of those 3 were totaled by men drivers. In the US it's a 'thing' that women drivers are worse than men but to that I say, "My ass!!!"


Mein Beileid, mein Lieber.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Thig liom tua ceatha a fheiceáil. Maybe it's her?❤️


Lol! Good story: 🍷🍻👑👏👐👏🙌👠💥🙊😳😲😭👑🚫 I feel like we are privy to a small Irish wake for your beautiful friend! She is an awesome example of living selflessly; what a great reminder!! Thanks for sharing 🙂. ❤ Sardonic hugs, kisses, back pats, stopping bys to deliver you a vegan casserole, sitting on your couch and awkwardly staring at you, staying way too late as I constantly glance at you through the corner of my eye, and offering to help you shower... I think I just slipped into a different fantasy... 😉.


Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I just lost a friend a week ago who'd been battling colon cancer for over 8 years. She was only 34. Hope your cold is better. We've missed your sexy voice. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and kisses.


Our lives are made immeasurably better by time spent with the vibrant souls we meet along the way, however brief that time may be. It's just lovely to hear the happiness in your voice when you speak about your friend. I'm sure she took much comfort from knowing how loved she was by those around her and that you all, in turn, will be able to take comfort from the fact that she had said that she was ready for what was to come. I have no doubt that she would be delighted to know that you are sharing some of her funny stories. It made me laugh to think of her "clip clopping" up a storm - she sounds like an absolute joy. Thank you for sharing - you don't have to and you shouldn't ever feel that you do. You are entitled to take time away for whatever reason you wish. We'll all banter about amongst ourselves in the meantime!! Clearly you may not be able to defend yourself against some of the razor sharp wit that is bandied about but that's how the cookie crumbles!! And you! I thought you were sounding a little t'roaty there - don't overdo it and get some echinacea down your gullet.


Pretty sure he took it down because some of the girls mentioned that the beginning was a little off for them, and he wanted to fix it. :) (We ARE the first listeners, so we are pretty much the feedback, and since Gael wants to put this up on Audible, he wants it to be perfect. ;))


Your friend sounds like an amazing woman, and I'm glad your paths crossed while she was still among us. Thank you for sharing your memories & stories of her with us. I'd like to find something harmless (or helpful) & fearless to do in her honor this weekend -- it seems like the most fitting tribute that someone in our (Sirens') position can offer from far away. And as always, *hugs* on offer, should a moment come when they'd be helpful (for any reason). Re: the head cold, I hope you feel better soon, a chara!


Did the audio from this morning disappear? I don't see it. :(


So sorry to hear that Marcia. My father died of colon cancer at the age of 40 - it really takes them young 🙁. Sending hugs dear 💗


I think he's reworking it - some of the girls were talking about it earlier. 💗


Your friend jumped in a bouncy house in stilettos!? That's awesome :D She sounds like a phenomenal person. People with nice, selfless attitudes who don't care what the world thinks of them...I admire those type of people. I'm sorry she passed away. And I hope you feel better :)


Thank you for sharing snippets of your friends life with us, it is a testament to how special she was and reinforces how important it is to not just exist….but to LIVE! She was apparently a blessing to those around her! 💚💚💚


Hugs 😘❤❤❤

Gri (Sassy_One)

Cancer is like the mean bitch around the block. Relatives and close friends lost to it, an aunt just diagnosed around a week ago and my mom, a survivor/fighter. I hope her family and friends find comfort on the good memories, and the privilege of having met such a special soul. Take care, kiddo, find some 'Gael time' to relax,and feel better ;D




I don't think that anyone is ever truly prepared to lose someone they care about, even if that person had been ill for months or perhaps years prior to their passing. I guess the proverbial silver lining of a terminal illness is that it can give you some time to say your goodbyes, but no matter how much you see it coming, there's just something...a bit unreal about when it actually happens. Like, one minute they're there, and then the next minute they're not. Even though death is as natural as breathing, I think there's always some period of numbness, brief or otherwise, before we fully start processing the loss. I'm honestly not sure about how I'd want to go myself, other than the usual "peacefully in my sleep, preferably of old age". If I were to die of a massive heart attack or a major stroke that wiped out my brainstem, at least it would be quick and I wouldn't have to suffer. But then I wouldn't have the benefit of being able to say goodbye to my loved ones beforehand. If I died of a protracted illness, I'd have time to talk to my family and my friends, and maybe even cross a few last-minute things off my bucket list. But the downside is that I could have some prolonged suffering, or worse yet, see my family suffer as they watched me decline over time. Probably the worst case scenario for me would be dying of something like dementia, because not only would that take a long time, but I would also slowly lose everything that makes me <i>me</i>. Like, the <i>who</i> of me would eventually disappear, while the <i>what</i> of me remained and potentially became a burden to my family. Regardless of how I end up shuffling off this mortal coil, I hope I have a good send off. I think I'd bequeath some money in my pre-arrangements to buy a round of drinks for everyone who shows up to my funeral. But only once my remains arrive 30 minutes after when the procession is supposed to start, because if anyone is going to be fashionably late to my funeral, it's going to be me, damn it. And then as my (bright pink) coffin is lowered into the earth, blaring from some speakers will be either Pink Floyd's <i>High Hopes</i>, Megadeth's <i>A Tout Le Monde</i>, or possibly Snoop Dogg's <i>Gin and Juice</i> (I'd want to lighten the mood and get everyone pumped up for the upcoming round of drinks). I'm sorry to hear about your friend, though, and I hope that her family is doing okay throughout all of this. Take it easy, G'force. Magic Mic can survive going a few days without being sweet talked and seduced.


Sending love &amp; good thoughts 💞


Bealtaine h trócaire ar a anam i bhfianaise spéartha. Grá, Dílseacht, Cairdeas, 💕~M


Oh my! I forgot to say ...Guten Morgen sweet Gaelandian Girls! Have a nice Samstag - Saturday! Try to enjoy your weekend and maybe do something... hm... interesting? Ja? :) Bis später, my dears! XD


Guten Abend, Claudia! I wanted to find you a picture of a lizard wearing lederhosen to celebrate the weekend, but unfortunately all I could find were these adorable puppies: <img height="200" src="https://www.futter-und-tierbedarf.de/tierbedarf/Fancy-Me/Maedchen-Jungen-Haustier-Hund-Katze-Oktoberfest-Lederhosen-Halloween-Weihnachtskostuem-Outfit-Kleidung-XS-XL-Maedchen,-XS-von-Fancy-Me-991721.jpg"> You have to admit, they do look pretty snazzy. 😃


Gosh, cancer sucks! She sounds like an awesome lady though. Line dancing to Garth Brooks and sneaking into a bounce house in the middle if the night? What a fun person!


Well ladies! Just back from the funeral.. a funeral held in the Irish countryside.. which was beautifully done tbf.. It was more of a celebration than a mourning season which made it so much easier to say 'goodbye'.. even though it's not goodbye.. This week was a strange week and it took its toll on me physically.. and mentally as well.. I'm a little ill as you know and standing out in the lashing cold rain in the countryside didn't do me any favours ;) Once again: I will bounce back fairly soon and I promise you all some good audios and banter.. I'm sorry that this week was a disaster but: life happens Thanks once again for your support and your patience :D You are so kind :))


We heard lots more stories today The church was in stitches!! She was a live wire


Take a big nap Gael. Rest, let your body do its thing. I hope you feel better soon! Lovely your friends farewell was a celebration. That says a lot about the life she lived. Abrazos 🤗💕🤗


Thanks sage! I'll have a big catnap!! Xd


A BigCat nap! :D Is é sin mo buachaill maith. 😋

Kathy M

Rest, put your feet up and take care of you. 💕💗💕 My friend's dad's memorial service is tomorrow. It's gonna be a rough day, it's been a rough week already. Just feel the love from all of us because I know I do.


Hello girls! I hope everyone had a good Saturday!


Guten Morgen, Schätzchen - dears! Hope everyone has a nice, relaxing Sonntag - Sunday!? Maybe you are in the mood to answer some silly questions again? Ja?... :) Let`s see... Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard? Would you rather use a push lawn mower with a bar that is far too high or far too low? Would you rather live in a house with see-through walls in a city or in the same see-though house but in the middle of a forest far from civilization? Would you rather eat a box of dry spaghetti noodles or a cup of uncooked rice? Would you rather find five dollars on the ground or find all of your missing socks? Would you rather have all of your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and sheets in existence? So, that`s it. :) Danke for your answers... enjoy your day, bis dann - see ya! XD


Dance or sing: both are fun. Dancing burns calories but I'd have to go with sing. I pretty much sing along to everything already 😉. Lol! Lawn mower question: too high, definitely. All glass house: I'd rather not be far from civilization. I guess I'm getting some curtains! Noodles or rice: both would suck but definitely noodles. Undercooked rice is the worst! $5 or socks: All my missing socks. Then I'd use them to make a game called sock wars. You clean the socks, roll the pairs together and sew them up, and then play dodge ball with them. All the fun with none of the pain! Clothes or sheets: Clothes fit perfectly Have a great Sunday Claudia!! ❤


Oh my poor Gael


Hmm... 207 Patron Sirens... and it´s sooo quiet!? Come on we don´t need Gael to have some fun here in Gaelandia! ...pssst....if he´s not around we can tratschen - gossip about him! Ja?.... XPPP


I guess the reason why I've been reluctant to post much on this thread is that Gael discussed some pretty heavy stuff here (even though he was being his usual upbeat self whilst doing it), and some of the Sirens have as well. I was initially worried that venturing to other topics would make me seem bit insensitive, but at the same time, I don't think anyone here would want the community to go entirely somber and silent. So, with the preface that I'm sorry for all of the tough times that some of you may be going through, and that I hope your days get brighter soon, here are some answers: <b>Dance or sing:</b> Dance. I'm horrible at both, but I'd make less of a fool of myself attempting to bust a move than belting out a song. <b>Push mower:</b> I've never actually used one before, so I'm not sure what to choose. Whichever option would be the least inconvenient to work with, I suppose. <b>City or forest:</b> I value solitude and privacy, but I also need to do things like buy groceries and work. I wouldn't be able to do the latter if I was far from civilization, so my hands are tied in terms of me living in the city. I'd go with Ali's idea of putting up curtains, or perhaps line my walls with tin foil to make me look extra eccentric. <b>Spaghetti or rice:</b> I've actually eaten uncooked spaghetti before, and it's not that bad. But I'd pick the rice simply because there would be less I'd have to eat - I don't know that I could stomach a whole box of the 'ghetti. <b>$5 or socks:</b> I'd pick my missing socks. I've probably lost enough socks over the years that my overall loss totals more than $5. <b>Clothes or bed linens:</b> Clothes, hands down. It's hard for me to find clothes that are the analogous Baby Bear to my Goldilocks, because things are either too tight or too loose in the wrong places. I generally only use my bed at night, but I wear clothes almost 24/7, so I'd get the most bang for my buck with the perfectly-fitting, amazing technicolor dream clothes. And as a Happy Sunday gift for you, Claudia, here is a picture of some lovely Lizard Queens getting ready to go to a ball hosted by the infamous Lizard King: <img height="200" src="http://www.lizard-ville.com/home/cache/widgetkit/gallery/3/home_05-25583ce1d8.jpg"> Also, here's an artist's rendition of the Lizard King sporting a giant ginger 'fro. (Note: As shitty as this drawing is, I didn't actually do it myself. Somewhere out there is a person who, for reasons beyond my understanding, decided to MS Paint a huge lizard with a head of hair fit for Carrot Top. What a crazy, wonderful world we live in!): <img height='175"' src="https://cdn.drawception.com/images/panels/2016/3-23/eOpX3af89q-10.png">


Frau Doctimus, I can see your point and agree! :) ...though I´m sure it can`t hurt to lighten the mood with silly banter... That`s the foundation of Gaelandia... well... bantz and sex! Haha... Danke for your answers, and the pretty Lizards!! ...though there is just one Queen! Maybe they are ladies-in-waiting?? Ja?...XP


I came here hoping to find something to make me laugh. I'm one who has lost a dear one in the past week but I agree that we need to lighten the mood. I don't want to be in a down mood. It won't help me and it surely won't help our sexy Gael to recover from the loss. So now I will post my answers to Frau General's questions: I would rather sing than dance....dancing proves what a fool I am. Push Mower I'd rather have the bar too high. Glass house in the forest definitely. I'd rather eat dry spaghetti. $5 for sure (I DON'T wear socks EVER!!) I'd rather have the comfy bed linens (I hate wearing most clothes too. Due to health issues I spend 95% of my time in bed and all I wear is an over sized t-shirt.) Now back to the scaly green "thing"....does it have more than one head? How many "eyes" does it have? I hope lizards don't eat frogs (hmmm or maybe I do!!) but my nick name has been "Frog" for a very long time as I collect them. Not the real ones of course.


Uh Patreon deleted my comment from last night! I just wanted to say your friend sounds like one amazing lady with all of the fun she had and the advice she gave. The stories you told had me smiling from ear to ear. Though I doubt I could find a bouncy house...and I know I can't walk in stilletos.. In her spirit I am going to try to throw caution to the wind (aka not over analyze every decision) once or twice this week. (Baby steps)


I'm sorry to hear about your health troubles, Marcia. I've always thought kittens are the best medicine (well, unless you're allergic), so I present you with this: <img height="200" src="http://cathumor.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cat-humor-should-i-call-doctor-tail.jpg">


I'm sorry to hear of your loss...as a matter of fact..the loss of everyone involved. Again, you have a wisdom about life that I love to hear...sending love and light y'alls way &lt;3 feel better soon and I'm wishing things even out for you soon sir Gael &lt;3


She sounded like an amazing woman! We can all use someone that doesn't bullshit, in our lives. Thank you for sharing, Gael.


awww she sounds like an awesome woman I know I am late for this ramble but she sounds like an amazing person to know xxxx