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How y'all doing? I hope you are all doing well!

The winner of the draw this week is Kathy M!

I will announce another winner next week and then 4 more at the end of the month :D

I also want to welcome our new patrons onboard! Thank you so much for your support! I hope you like it here! Be careful though....don't drink the kool aid and watch out for strange reptilian creatures...and ransoms! Only kidding! Its not THAT cray in here (ahem)

What are ye up to for the weekend?



The Celtic Colonel 




Beware of Frau General, she ate the Creamy Pussy! :( I'll work on my thesis I guess. Or kidnap someone. Whatever comes first.


And also, a big big congrats to Frau Kathy! ❤️❤️❤️


Yes! Congrats Kathy!!!!!!


I'm not really doing anything over the weekend, like most weekends, probs just gonna catch on up your audios and masturbate over and over and Ahem I mean do something productive like university work hahaha whoops


Good morning Gael. Hope you are having a good day. How can I change my support amt to something other than the $1 and $3 ?


You don't want newbies drinking the kool aid? Oh, wait it should be pineapple juice instead, right? 😊😈🍍💦

Charlie Laila

Does sleeping count as big plans? Because that's all I'm doing from now until Monday


💖CONGRATS Kathy!!! I know you're a happy girl!!😁 Happy weekend to you Colonel Force!🤗 I was in the middle of some hot Sauna Sex so if you don't mind, I think I'll go finish! 😉. Mwuah 💋


Kathy!! 🙌👏😀 Congratulations!!! Xxx


Oh, Frau Kathy!! Beware of the Lizard King`s Cock!... it has the strange tendency to appear in PA`s! Bahaha...


I don't relegate devilment solely to weekends. My mind is almost always up to no good! ; p Unfortunately I spent yesterday afternoon in the emergency room so no shennanigans for me this weekend. Passed out at work and bumped my head. : ( But I get the day off today! I hope you have big plans and enjoy! : )


Good Morning Gael! Hope your Friday is off to a great start. Nothing but errands and a weekend of relaxation for this girl.


Well when someone tells this newbie NOT to do something... I say challenge accepted!!! Someone hand me some Kool aid asap!!


Congratulations Kathy! And good morning Gael and ladies! Much better today than I was yesterday. Still dealing with mental stuff but I've got a fighting spirit. 😊

Kelly S

Good Morning... afternoon?... darlin'! Hope you're having a good one... everyone else too! No Devilment here, sadly. Just spent an hour at the kids' school watching the weather balloon launch (pretty cool, honestly), next up is a meeting with our Autism center rep... Then I get to spend tonight with the super fun task of doing laundry! WOOHOO! I am a WILD WOMAN! 😎 Tomorrow morning, kids have skating lessons, then we're all going to see the Lego Batman Movie. I am DYING to see it. Of course, so are the kiddos. (First movie with dude on his meds, so we'll see if he handles the theater better this time!) Sunday... I'M CHILLIN', dangit! Okay, I'll probably hit the gym but mostly chilling and finishing laundry. I do, however, plan to enjoy my nights this weekend, seeing as Mr. will actually be home! hehehe Hope everyone else has a fabulous weekend! Hugs and love to everybody!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Happy Friday, ladies and gent C'mon, let 'em drink the kool-aid! It makes a difference in the whole experience! Weekend plans? If I'm not fired after growing ballz and giving my boss my two cents of wisdom, I'll get on my car and just drive around the Island, spend some alone time to relax...

Kelly S

Hey darlin'... I hope you're doing okay. I love that you have a fighting spirit and you know it! Keep it up girl.


Hey!!!! Congratulations Kathy!!! I am currently on a bus with 25 high school girls (and 4 other adults) on our way to a cheer competition 400 miles away. Competition is tomorrow so today is all fun.

Kelly S

Oh goodness! I hope you're doing okay. Have you been sick? I know I'm being nosy, but I don't usually know of people just passing out, like it's no biggie. I hope you're feeling good and you can get back to devilment and shenanigans very soon! (But maybe save the tomfoolery until you're quite fully healed. Though, you could always blame it all on a head injury! hehe)


Yeah - congratulations to Kathy M!!!! 🎉😀💕💕💕 Enjoy your PA luv 😘 Welcome to all the new Sirens - we are so glad you are here! Be sure to check out the Community page for lots of shenanigans, as well as joining us on Twitter. My weekend plans.....my son is coming over tomorrow to hang out. Not sure what we will get into, just trying to keep it relaxed. I also have lots of work to do on the new blog (very excited about that!), probably film one or two new videos for YT, take care of some personal business stuff, do some social media work for my day job, meal prep for the week, clean the house, try to sleep in a bit on Sunday, hang out with my girls online (that's you peeps! 🐥💋), hopefully listen to a new audio (hint, hint Gael 😂), and then stare at the wall for a bit and wonder where the hell the weekend just went.....😳😂😂. Hope everyone else is doing well and has a wonderful weekend!! ❤

Kelly S

"and then stare at the wall for a bit and wonder where the hell the weekend just went....." - So me! Every.Single.Sunday.Night


Happy Friday! My nephew told me they discovered Darth Vaders moms name, it's Ella Vader.😊 Be Happy and have a great day everyone!


... Could be wrong, but I'm assuming the king of lizards wouldn't be messing with anyone with a lower rank than General 😉


Kathy, enjoy sweetie! This weekend will consist of a little freelance design work and a whole lot of play with friends. I'm off this coming Monday so it will be a little more play than usual😊.


I get to watch my son play hockey all weekend. no time for much else. i'm sure I can squeeze in a little audio, though. lol! Happy weekend, everyone.


I couldn't keep that one to myself!:D


<h3> Herr Celtic Colonel!</h3> Speaking of ransoms... you still owe me!! Don`t you forget!!! ...I´m sure in celtic folklore there is a special, inventive punishment for oathbreaker!! Hm? Sincerely Frau General


Hello Celtic Colonel! Hello new Patrons! 😊 Gonna spend most of my weekend outside as it's super sunny here and do usual stuff, working on a new project! Hope the weather is great in Ireland as well! 😝 Congrats Kathy! 🎉

Kathy M

Me? Yay! Thanks all you lovely people for the love ❤️


Just take off the tinfoil hat when you listen - that gives you a better experience! ;)


Happy Friday! It's going to be raining all weekend in LA so I will be catching up on reading and probably binge watching show.


Hello Sirens and Colonel!Kathy congrats im happy for you and i hope you enjoy your PA.New Sirens welcome to Gaelandia!Colonel Force not much for the weekend.Yesterday started the Greek Halloween i went out with friends its tradition to wear costumes and eat barbeque.Today im going out again at a Halloween party where is going to be a male strip show also.Haha.So the weekend i guess im gonna stay home relax and be a good girl.I saved the devilment for today! xD


*fetches cups &amp; pitchers* Cherry, pineapple, or Great Bluedini? Ice?


Need wall fuck. Thanks. Need. It.


Cuz it's Friday. Friday wall fuck.


After my extra-godly weekend last week (mmm), I'm going to split this one between needful errands &amp; delicious devilment. Mwah-ha-ha-ha! And possibly some sleep. Congrats, Kathy! Hope you ♡♡♡ your PA (&amp; I'm sure you will)! Welcome, new Sirens! The craic &amp; banter here are fantastic, but they can make a gal thirsty, so remember to stay hydrated! Luckily, Gaelandia offers its lovely citizens free, unlimited Kool-Aid in a variety of thirst-quenching flavors...


Up to no good this weekend. &lt;evil grin=""&gt;&lt;/evil&gt;


Good afternoon, Gael and Siren sisters! Big welcome to all new Sirens (try the strawberry kiwi kool-aid ;) )! And congrats, Kathy :D Have fun with your PA! No real plans for the weekend, other than relax and catch up on some sleep. It's suppose to be fairly warm today, so I'll go outside for a while.


Scratch the 'no real plans' line. I just found out that we're taking my dad out to a special dinner this evening :)


Youtube audios posted??? AND HEARTBEATS!!!!! Awwwww... *fingers crossed* I hope my headphones don't share sound!!!!!


<h3><font style="color: red;">Herr Gael!</font></h3> I have a little request... you know what I really miss in letzter Zeit - lately? Hm? I miss "Story Telling Gael"...I just wanna listen to you, telling a nice Geschichte - story... No ASMR tingles, no sweet talk, no panty soaking sexiness, no fancy mic... I don`t care what kind of story... something from your past, something made up, some folklore... You know how I liebe - love a good story... and you mein Lieber are an excellent seanachie!! So would you please tell us a story anytime soon, ja? Bitte? :) Danke Claudia

Kathy M

Completely agreed or even just a rambly ramble where you just gab along to your hearts content 💗


Man, everyone sounds like they have fun weekends coming up. Since there's no rest for the wicked, I'm planning on spending a good 10-12 hours a day getting caught up on paperwork this weekend, with intermittent breaks to eat, use the bathroom, swear like a sailor, and dwell in existential angst. 😫 <img height="200" src="https://media.giphy.com/media/3QRwC61rtxQLC/giphy.gif">


🔥 I'm a hot mess, or a cold dead fish depending on the moment. 🐟 🎹 I was sitting at the piano yesterday, pouring my heart out into the keys; I didn't even sing. I stopped and turned around. My 6 yr old niece was standing there with tears rolling down her cheeks. 😢 "Why did you make that song so sad?" She asked. All I could muster up was, "I'm just joking around..." 😆Lol, I don't know why that story is humorous to me. I love that little girl! Children are so perceptive. 💞 🤺So I'm fighting the pain and emptiness that envelops me this weekend. Boy, they're gonna be embarrassed after I kick their emotion wrenching butts!!! 🥊 🏅


I'm being sweet and innocent as always :p happy weekend!


Hello Gael and you lovely ladies 🌿 Congratulations Kathy ✨how exciting! It sounds like everyone is having a great weekend! I'm having a lazy Saturday today ~ I might go get my nails done (because they look awful 🌚) and I want to buy a book by Brian Cox...might even take myself out for lunch...maybe it's not so lazy 😹 &amp; tomorrow, I may be going on a roadtrip out to a town called Dubbo (I love how silly our names are down here, lol) just to celebrate the end of my internship and get out of Sydney for a couple of days. Have a lovely day all 🌻


A male strip show? I think you've won the award for Best Friday Night Plans. 🏆


This weekend will be completely uneventful for me. I plan to just lay up under some sheets and catch up on sleep. I also need to finish reading some books and catch up on some missed tv shows/documentaries.


Girl right there with ya! I saw the title of the post and was like, "...grumble, grumble....stayed late at work and still didn't finish so tomorrow is another damn work day.... Fuckity, poop!!!!!!" I opened some wine for self pity, so cheers to you and the others still working through the weekend!" *hiccup*


YAY, Kathy!!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Packing for my trip to Nashville and getting caught up on mindless work (getting my nails done is top on the list too)


My Christmas present from my friend finally arrived in the mail...a brand new pair of high-quality wireless headphones. Way better than the crappy broken ones I was using before...which means I have some audios to catch up on and enjoy to the fullest!


Guten Morgen Sirens of Gaelandia! Hope everyone has a nice Samstag - Saturday!? Are you somewhat good today? Ja?... So, here are the same never ending daily random questions as yesterday, `cause you naughty girls didn`t answer! :) Would you rather have an unlimited international first class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants? Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again (you won’t feel tired or suffer negative health effects)? Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors? If you put out a magazine, what would you name it and what would be in it? What’s the most important file on your computer? What piece of tech do you hope is invented in your lifetime? What board game always ends badly? Sooo, danke für eure Antworten... see ya... XD


I'd take it no matter what day it is. It's been over 10 very LONG years. Can't sleep and having a feel sorry for me pity party about now. Where's a hunk of sexy manhood when you really need it??? GAEL!?!?!? I really really really need it!! Guess I will have to settle for a glass of wine or two or a bottle. :'(


I'd rather never have to pay for food again at restaurants; never have to sleep again (since I rarely can sleep anyway); not be able to close any open doors; my magazine would be called Gael and his magic tongue...for obvious reasons; most important file on my computer is my pictures of the kids; a gadget to cure cancer; monopoly.


I'm new here....who is Bobby?


I'm sure most of you guys have listened to the Lovers in Bed audio on YT, right? I've probably listened to it 4-5 times so far because it sounds like there's something a <b>lot</b> different about it compared to other audios recorded using Magic Mic, and I'm not just referring to the heartbeat. One thing that struck me about this audio is that it sounds really realistic. Like, really, REALLY realistic. I don't usually get the tingles, shivers, and goosebumps that many people get when they listen to ASMR audios, but this audio had my body responding at every turn. I was pondering why this was happening and I noticed a few things, which many of you might have observed as well: - The background sound of rustling fabric is realistic (as it is in other 3Dio-recorded audios), but it's not overbearing. I've sometimes found in past audios that the rustling was a bit too intense, as if it was happening just a little too close to Magic Mic. - That quiet creak-like sound when Gael presumably shifts his position around Magic Mic. - The kissing sound effects sounded a bit softer in this audio. Not entirely with regards to volume, but they sounded a bit...blunted? I mean this in a good way because it enhanced how realistic the audio sounded. So what I'm wondering is, did Gael actually climb into bed with Magic Mic and record the audio from there? The surrounding objects (e.g., bed, pillow, quilt, etc.) would've reduced the reverberation of sound, and I'm questioning if this why the audio sounded so different than his others. You can hear him fiddle with the mic just before you start hearing his heartbeat, which sounds slightly muffled in your right earbud. I would guess that he actually picked up the 3Dio and placed Magic Mic's right ear directly on his chest. I had to crank up the volume in order to actually hear his heartbeat, and during my first listen I was worried that anything he might say would sound painfully loud since I had the volume jacked up. But his voice wasn't deafening at all, and I wonder if that's because he wouldn't have been able to speak directly into Mic's left ear with the 3Dio placed right against his chest whilst lying supine. I could, of course, be completely wrong about all of that, but I still think it's a fun topic to speculate about. 😝 Realism aside, it was also a very sweet and intimate audio, but this comment is long enough already without me going into details about how it hits you right in the feels. But I think this may have just become my new favourite GF audio. 😏 Overall rating: <img height="175" src="http://i.imgur.com/4EVIvv0.jpg"> (Forgive the shitty hair and bags under my eyes. I literally woke up 20 minutes ago and I'm still lying in bed like a lazy mofo 😛)


I'm sure most of you guys have listened to the Lovers in Bed audio on YT, right? I've probably listened to it 4-5 times so far because it sounds like there's something a <b>lot</b> different about it compared to other audios recorded using Magic Mic, and I'm not just referring to the heartbeat. One thing that struck me about this audio is that it sounds really realistic. Like, really, REALLY realistic. I don't usually get the tingles, shivers, and goosebumps that many people get when they listen to ASMR audios, but this audio had my body responding at every turn. I was pondering why this was happening and I noticed a few things, which many of you might have observed as well: - The background sound of rustling fabric is realistic (as it is in other 3Dio-recorded audios), but it's not overbearing. I've sometimes found in past audios that the rustling was a bit too intense, as if it was happening just a little too close to Magic Mic. - That quiet creak-like sound when Gael presumably shifts his position around Magic Mic. - The kissing sound effects sounded a bit softer in this audio. Not entirely with regards to volume, but they sounded a bit...blunted? I mean this in a good way because it enhanced how realistic the audio sounded. So what I'm wondering is, did Gael actually climb into bed with Magic Mic and record the audio from there? The surrounding objects (e.g., bed, pillow, quilt, etc.) would've reduced the reverberation of sound, and I'm questioning if this why the audio sounded so different than his others. You can hear him fiddle with the mic just before you start hearing his heartbeat, which sounds slightly muffled in your right earbud. I would guess that he actually picked up the 3Dio and placed Magic Mic's right ear directly on his chest. I had to crank up the volume in order to actually hear his heartbeat, and during my first listen I was worried that anything he might say would sound painfully loud since I had the volume jacked up. But his voice wasn't deafening at all, and I wonder if that's because he wouldn't have been able to speak directly into Mic's left ear with the 3Dio placed right against his chest whilst lying supine. I could, of course, be completely wrong about all of that, but I still think it's a fun topic to speculate about. 😝 Realism aside, it was also a very sweet and intimate audio, but this comment is long enough already without me going into details about how it hits you right in the feels. But I think this may have just become my new favourite GF audio. 😏 Overall rating: <img height="175" src="http://i.imgur.com/4EVIvv0.jpg"> (Forgive the shitty hair and bags under my eyes. I literally woke up 20 minutes ago and I'm still lying in bed like a lazy mofo 😛)


(Edit: I apologize if I inadvertently end up triple-posting this comment because Patreon is acting up for me today.) I'm sure most of you guys have listened to the Lovers in Bed audio on YT, right? I've probably listened to it 4-5 times so far because it sounds like there's something a <b>lot</b> different about it compared to other audios recorded using Magic Mic, and I'm not just referring to the heartbeat. One thing that struck me about this audio is that it sounds really realistic. Like, really, REALLY realistic. I don't usually get the tingles, shivers, and goosebumps that many people get when they listen to ASMR audios, but this audio had my body responding at every turn. I was pondering why this was happening and I noticed a few things, which many of you might have observed as well: - The background sound of rustling fabric is realistic (as it is in other 3Dio-recorded audios), but it's not overbearing. I've sometimes found in past audios that the rustling was a bit too intense, as if it was happening just a little too close to Magic Mic. - That quiet creak-like sound when Gael presumably shifts his position around Magic Mic. - The kissing sound effects sounded a bit softer in this audio. Not entirely with regards to volume, but they sounded a bit...blunted? I mean this in a good way because it enhanced how realistic the audio sounded. So what I'm wondering is, did Gael actually climb into bed with Magic Mic and record the audio from there? The surrounding objects (e.g., bed, pillow, quilt, etc.) would've reduced the reverberation of sound, and I'm questioning if this why the audio sounded so different than his others. You can hear him fiddle with the mic just before you start hearing his heartbeat, which sounds slightly muffled in your right earbud. I would guess that he actually picked up the 3Dio and placed Magic Mic's right ear directly on his chest. I had to crank up the volume in order to actually hear his heartbeat, and during my first listen I was worried that anything he might say would sound painfully loud since I had the volume jacked up. But his voice wasn't deafening at all, and I wonder if that's because he wouldn't have been able to speak directly into Mic's left ear if the 3Dio was placed right on top of his chest whilst lying supine. I could, of course, be completely wrong about all of that, but I still think it's a fun topic to speculate about. XP Realism aside, it was also a very sweet and intimate audio, but this comment is long enough already without me going into details about how it hits you right in the feels. But I think this may have just become my new favourite GF audio. :) Overall rating: <img height="175" src="http://i.imgur.com/4EVIvv0.jpg"> (Forgive the shitty hair and bags under my eyes. I literally woke up 20 minutes ago and I'm still lying in bed like a lazy mofo :P)


Hi Doc! I'm sure he did get in bed and cuddle with Mic, for arts sake. That mic is a lucky duck. It was a very good audio. He gave the right ear a good amount of love which I appreciated very much. That's my weak spot. Those heartbeats are heart aching as I knew they would be. Just cuz its his. He gives us so much... anyway I hope u have a good day.😊


Yup, these audios are like sexual crack and Gaelforce has turned me into a crackhead.

Meghan McDonald

First of all Doctimus you are beautiful.Second is interesting thoughts.


Work work work


D'awww, thanks Meghan! As lucky as we all are to have Gael and his audios, you have to admit, he's pretty damned lucky himself to have a fanbase consisting of all of the gorgeous, intelligent women here! (**This is the part where you all give yourselves a pat on the back for being awesome**)


I just joined. I'm so excited!


Happy Saturday/Sunday Lovely Sirens. So when Gael put his YT video up about Patreon, I was curious how many new people would join. We were at 169 and now we're at 179 so.....Welcome to Gaelandia, everyone! 😘


Guten Morgen, Schätzchen - dears! A wonderful Sonntag - Sunday to y`all! It`s early here, and I wanna crawl back into my bed sooo... :) Just some quick questions, if you like? Ja?... What is something that many people take seriously but shouldn’t? What is the most bad-ass quote from a real person you know of? What commercial convinced you NOT to buy the product they are pushing? What would be your strategy for surviving an apocalyptic epidemic? Who’s the worst guest you’ve had in your house and what did they do? What is the silliest reason someone you’ve known has completely lost it? What are some of the telltale signs that a guy is creepy? Danke for your Antworten - answers, enjoy your day... bis später - see ya... XD


Unexpectedly teaching Saturday school......I think my students took it better than me. Nice cherry on the top of my stressful/shitty week. 💩😤


I've been drinking so sorry ahead of time for whatever stupid shit I say... Alright so 1st question i think people take themselves too seriously. bad ass quote is from a guy I worked with a few years ago. "There's no such tHing as CANT. There's only can, do, try harder, or find a different way. Or say fuck it grab the torch &amp; cut the fuck out of it!". A commercial that pushed me away was for red bull. It annoyed me because it's a huge lie. Where the fuck are my wings red bull! Red bull did not give me wings! It gave me a bad after taste &amp; disappointment! Surviving strategy is grab my daughter, my bows &amp; extra tips for my arrows, backpack with essential stuff get up in one of the deer stands on the property &amp; shoot anything that comes close. Worst guest. Easy. My ex husband. Need I say more?! Silliest reason someone has lost it? My daughter &amp; her friend both lost their minds because they both wanted to be the blue guy while playing candy land. Seriously. WTF. Oh!!! Creepy guys!!! Fuck!! Alright so some signs are if he's a stage 5 clinger from the get go. Just met you dude! Get out of my ass! When he introduces himself then immediately asks if you're up for some anal. (I made fun of him for the next 5 min. Till he cried. Then I yelled "hey this fucker over here is crying because I hurt his vagina!" Another sign is if he pulls up in his car while your jogging &amp; asks if you like to party. Then he tries to grab you &amp; shove you in his car. (I learned that time that when you break someone's nose their face bleeds alot. Looked like a fucking murder scene! The police were waiting for him at the hospital when he showed up to get his face fixed. )


Boo-urns😞 Make sure you take some time for yourself today to rest and de-stress! <img height="180" src="http://www.marievibbert.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/goldstar.gif"> (Because teachers deserve gold stars, too!)


Come on 183 Patreons... it`s much too quiet here!! The Colonel will get angry!! He likes his troops banter - y! At least go down and answer some of the daily questions... or tell me ... something enjoyable?! Ja?... Bitte -please? ;))


I saw someone mention a community board. I'm on my phone on the app. Where would I find that??


On the main page you should see 3 headings: "Overview", "Posts", and "Community". The community board is under that third heading. If you're on a page where you're only seeing Gael's posts, then try clicking on his username - that should redirect you to the main page where the Overview, Posts, and Community headings are. (Edit: Actually, this is probably what you should do if you're on your mobile, but <i>aren't</i> using the app because of your inherent mistrust of Patreon. So I'd listen to Angie below 😝)


I think I was a bit spoiled with the Lovers in Bed audio, because when I listened to the Rainy Morning Romance audio on YT, I found myself wishing that it was a bit more ASMR-y. The sound of rain in the background was a nice touch, but it seemed a bit too subtle. Certainly you wouldn't want it to completely overtake the audio, but it would've been interesting to hear (if it's possible to do this) the volume of it change over the 16 minutes of the audio. Perhaps as Gael's whispers and breathing got more intense, the sound of the rain could also follow suit and become louder to enhance the whole "I yearn for you and your touch" ambiance. And then during the parts where the breathing settles and you get more of a "let's quietly enjoy each other's company" feel, maybe the rain sound effect could taper down to a light drizzle. Of course I've no idea about how difficult this would be from a technical standpoint, but I suppose a lady can dream. 😛 When Gael greets the listener with a good morning at the beginning of the audio, the assumption is that it's set in a bedroom. This had me really looking forward to hearing the realistic rustling of sheets and quiet mattress creaks that were present in the Lovers in Bed audio. But I didn't quite hear much of that in this audio, so I'm wondering if it was recorded in the room(s) where the rest of his audios are typically made. Again, I've no idea of the technical process that goes into making these audios, and for all I know, it could be really difficult or just plain infeasible to record an audio whilst lying down in bed. But I do think it could add something extra to the audio, especially if the emphasis is on the ASMR aspect (versus dialogue or roleplay). There's an audio artist by the name of <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/Ricky7Whispers" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Ricky Odriosola</a>, and he actually posts the videos that correspond to his ASMR audios. The cool part about this is that you can see how what he does (e.g., kisses, running his hand across his skin, etc.) corresponds to what you hear, and he actually does have an audio/video he recorded <a href="https://youtu.be/8vjBSPqDVRE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">while lying in bed</a>. I don't know what equipment he specifically uses, but I think his work illustrates how you can really use the surrounding environment to your advantage when creating ASMR audios. I'd imagine that using the environment to enhance the realism of ASMR audios probably comes at the cost of making audios a bit more difficult to record (e.g., having to find the best place to put the mic down on a pillow or countertop, or trying to avoid extraneous noise). But if one can strike a good balance between the two factors, I bet it can make for some pretty amazing audios. In the Rainy Morning Romance audio, I think Gael did a good job of generating certain sound effects on his own, like the kisses and rubbing the good ol' stubble. But I'm wondering if it would be possible to incorporate more of that into the audio, like actually running his own nails across his skin to correspond to the "nails across his back" part, or even the sound of a caress to accompany a kiss or a whisper. Overall it was still a nice audio, but I'll definitely be interested to hear how Gael's ASMR-y audios evolve over time as he gets better and better at using Magic Mic and using the surrounding environment to his advantage when recording. 👍


How is everyone today?


Recovering from a migraine, alas. But I have the day off tomorrow, so I'm going to try to get a bed or two ready for peas. :-D


Guten Morgen, Sirens! A pleasant Montag - Monday to everyone! Sadly I have to ask the same questions as yesterday, because I like them and got insufficient answers!! ...lazy girls! XP What is something that many people take seriously but shouldn’t? What is the most bad-ass quote from a real person you know of? What commercial convinced you NOT to buy the product they are pushing? What would be your strategy for surviving an apocalyptic epidemic? Who’s the worst guest you’ve had in your house and what did they do? What is the silliest reason someone you’ve known has completely lost it? What are some of the telltale signs that a guy is creepy? Danke for your Antworten - answers, enjoy your day... bis später - see ya... XD

Rose from Ash

I'm sort of afraid of winning something and having my name pronounced incorrectly... It happened at my graduation. XP


Spell it the way it sounds 😉 I'm guessing your name is either Kee-rah or Kie-rah? Or give an example of what it sounds like.


@Rhea, awesome answers 😂 @Claudia, I answered them but Patreon ate my response so I gave up 🙁 You shouldn't take what other people think of you seriously because what do they know?! "Always keep your eyes open and look out for the other guy" It's badass only because my grandpa said it and he was pretty badass 😆. I don't pay attention to commercials, they're too much! Just tell me what you're selling, what it does and possibly how much it costs...that's it! Befriend a crazy person who has been expecting it and is fully prepared (who now is obviously not crazy &amp; was right all along) My aunt who thinks it's OK to invite other people to stay just because she is staying. We let her live at our ranch because she had to move unexpectedly from her rental and she invited some of my "rougher" cousins to live at my ranch because its was rarely used and they trashed and spray painted the room they were staying in which was mine! 😠 I've never seen anyone lose it but I wait with anticipation for the day it happens and hopefully it's for something ridiculous😂 Creepy guy=someone who won't take no for an answer, someone who brags about their possessions, someone who stands way too close, gives you a can of pepper spray after your 1st date (you secretly wonder if you'll need to use it on him) AND last but not least...someone who tells you "I love you" in a voicemail after ONE phone call...blind date hadn't even happened yet!


I just wanna pop in and exclaim! I just checked out the teaser of "Bloodlust". It's beautifully put together, the background music was perfect. I went numb throughout the 2 teasers. 😘 A well put together vampire romance is my personal ultimate fantasy. Pls let it be good! I think I'm already in love 😍 Note: I will deny my love for vampire fantasy outside Patreon. 😂




I'm at work (can't listen to Bloodlust for another 7 hours... 😑)and I was on break and talking with a coworker when the notification popped up... just introduced someone to Gael because apparently it's out of character for me to sigh and make a lusty face at my phone while talking about fire drills!


What!? They don't find fire drills sexy? 😆


I just listened to Bloodlust, and... To be honest, vampire romance isn't really my cup of tea, but THAT was really, really good! I really liked it :D


Is Bloodlust a stand-alone audio, or part of a series? I wasn't sure if it was going to involve a collaboration with Kallisti's Bough, which would actually be totally awesome because it'd be neat to hear the human side of it in contrast to the vampire side. I thought the voice acting and the background music complimented each other extremely well, and the overall sound quality was phenomenal. But if we're working on the assumption that this is a stand-alone audio, I was so bummed out that <b>[SPOILER ALERT]</b> the lady just let herself get bitten like that. Of course unless Gael was doing a collaboration with a female audio artist (or could do a really good impersonation of a woman 😆), there's not much opportunity for the characters of the vampire and the human to discuss the moral dilemma inherent to turning someone into a vampire. Yet there's so much potential to create a backstory (e.g., how did they meet, what were the vampire's origins), as well as a sequel (e.g., how is the lady adjusting to life as a vampire? Surely it can't just be an eternal freaky vampire sex marathon, not if you suddenly find yourself with supernatural strength, immortality, and a rather inconvenient craving for human blood). (Or would it actually just be an eternal freaky vampire sex marathon? 😈) I otherwise really enjoyed the audio, though. I'm a huge horror fan, so I've always fancied audios that are along the same vein <i>(har har, see what I did there?)</i>, such as Vampire Calling Spell and Valentine's Hotel.


He invaded her dreams so when he showed up she was already seduced. Done deal. Maybe this is the backstory to Vampire Calling or Night Terrors or whichever. Also does feeding off a vampire make u a vampire? Or is there a ritual that has to take place, she has to be drained and refilled or something? So many questions. Who has the answers? 😂


Godsdamn, it had to be strings. That sweet, melancholy violin, the very sound of love &amp; yearning... I am utterly without defense against strings. Right in the feels, sir. Buaileann siad agam i mo chroí bog. *sigh* At least it wasn't cello...


Frau Claudia, someone caught a picture of the Lizard Queen next door 😉😂


We're up to 190 patrons already?! Wow


<b>(Edit: WTF is up with Patreon lately? This comment was originally posted a couple of hours ago, and it seems to have disappeared, along with Cat's and Brigid's replies. What's written below is what I've re-typed up from memory.)</b> Is Bloodlust supposed to be a stand-alone audio or part of a series? I wasn't sure if it was going to be a collaboration with Kallisti's Bough or not, although that would be totally awesome because it'd be neat to hear the human side of the story in contrast to the vampire side. The voice acting and the background music in the audio complimented each other beautifully, and the overall sound quality was phenomenal. But if we're going with the assumption that this is a stand-alone audio, I was so bummed that <b>[SPOILER ALERT]</b> the lady just let herself get bitten like that. Of course unless Gael was doing a collaboration with a female audio artist, (or could otherwise do a good impersonation of a woman himself 😆), there wouldn't be much of an opportunity for the character of the vampire and the character of the human to discuss the inherent moral dilemma of turning someone into a vampire. Yet there's so much potential for a backstory (e.g., how did they meet? What are the vampire's origins?), as well as a sequel (e.g., how is the lady adjusting to life as a vampire? Surely it can't just be an eternal freaky vampire sex marathon, not if you've suddenly found yourself with supernatural strength, immortality, and an inconvenient craving for human blood). (Or would it really just be an eternal freaky vampire sex marathon? 😈) I still really enjoyed the audio, though. I'm a huge horror fan, so I've always fancied audios that are along the same vein <i>(har har, see what I did there?)</i> as Vampire Calling Spell and Valentine's Hotel.


<b>(Edit: This is also a comment of mine that seems to have vanished into the Patreon abyss. For context, it was a reply to Cat's question about how exactly vampires are created, and Brigid's comment about 1) Would the newly sired vampire lover change over time?, 2) In doing so, would one (or both) of them lose some of the "light" that initially drew them to one another?, and 3) Brigid has impeccable taste and used to play <i>Vampire: the Masquerade</i> 😃)</b> I'm taking my knowledge from Bram Stoker's <i>Dracula</i> on this one, since he's the authority on vampires. My understanding is as follows: - If a vampire feeds on you to the point of killing you via exsanguination, and you <i>haven't</i> drunk the vampire's blood beforehand, you simply dies. - If a vampire feeds on you only to the point of weakening you, and you <i>haven't</i> drunk the vampire's blood yet, you're just weakened. - If a vampire feeds on you and you drink the vampire's blood in return, you start developing vampiric traits (growing fangs, lust for blood, etc.) The transformation is complete when the vampire drains all of your blood and subsequently kills you - you're reborn as <i>Nosferatu</i>. It would be a damned hard sell for a vampire to convince me to become one myself. It would mean giving up my family (since I'd live them to see them all pass away), the opportunity to have kids (since vampires technically can't have children of their own, and I don't think I could bring myself to turn a child into a vampire), being able to live in the daylight, and maybe even my soul (although I suppose it's never really been clarified if humans lose their souls when they're turned into vampires, or whether most vampires eventually become so disillusioned with their existence that they turn into giant, evil assholes). Alas, it would take more than a sexy accent and being great at dreamfucking to win this lady's heart. We would, at the very least, probably need a trial period of living together and a whole lot of couple's counselling. Like, the kind where you go on wilderness retreats and such to see if the two of you can overcome adversity without constantly being at each other's throats <i>(whoop, there it is!...haha, but no, I'm sorry for the bad puns)</i>.


Isn't that crazy! 👏🏻👏🏻He has had a busy week!


Everything you just said... and that goes double for the cello...


Hello My Dearest Sirens and Gael, Can it be true? Has the garden once so lovingly tended by our most resourceful bloom master finally reached the proverbial "winter of its discontent"? It sadly seems that this has become the case. And while there has been much private grumbling, finger pointing, and gnashing of teeth. What there has not been is a public acknowledgement of the current state of things, and the real reason why? GAEL. It is dear sir, you for whom we have and continue to gather. It is your voice, and the promises of comfort and carnal adventure, which brings our smiles, tears, and gasps of pleasure. You are indeed, the nurturing force responsible for the unfurling of the many blooms and verdant valleys which once made your garden a truly wondrous place. A garden which now lies fallow and cold. Please don't mistake my sadness for judgement. That is far from the case. What I am attempting to do, is to provide a gateway for honest and constructive discourse between audience and artist. A place where your needs and concerns as a creator of the art that we so treasure can be heard and addressed. With the same care and attention that has been a hallmark in your service to us. We adore you. As a creator, a man, and a friend. I am fully aware that much has been said of late. But what you haven't heard is this. We miss the security of your presence among us, and WE ALL NEED YOU! Most humbly, The Angel On Your Shoulder


Guten Morgen süße Sirenen - sweet Sirens! Hope everyone has a wonderful Dienstag - Tuesday!? No questions today! That`s the penalty for you, for too little answers! :( (The penalty the Colonel dishes out to me is too horrible to tell you this early in the morning!! XP So, enjoy your day... do something interesting if possible! And beware of the Vampires! (...though you can trust the Lizardsss! Promisse!) See ya! XD


So as a person who wasn't here when there was just 20 people here (i think it was 120 when i joined there will be over 200 by the end of the week) I may not understand the dynamic that was here at that time but I think that I can understand some of you feeling neglected in comparison to how it used to be. BUT I also think a lot of us can gather that the man has been pretty busy as of late and constant interacting in this barely working app is not feasible most of the time. I think we (the majority of us) feel we are benefitting from him being busy. I've also been privy to grumblings from people who feel there seems to be a good amount of entitlement &amp; selfishness among some of the Sirens. I don't think its fair to the man to demand more of his time. I believe he wants to give it and will when he can. While I am posting in response to what Frishawn so eloquently posted above I am not responding directly to her as I don't want this comment to be taken as an argument.


Simply put... What Im saying is. We understand your need for diversification and wholeheartedly support all efforts. There are those of us who miss your regular posting of Patreon specific content and the ability to interact with you in respect to it. This is no way meant as a guilt trip of any sort. Or to diminish the import of anything that you have going on a present. I am also fully aware of life being a factor as well. What I am taking the time to ask however is... What can we as your Patrons do to help?


Hello! Good morning! I'm still here lovelies! I had to turn my attention to some projects that were really overdue and so I may have been that extra bit quiet... but fear not! I shall resume play in here VERY soon.. The main problem for me ( and one that I am looking to solve ) is work.. you have to keep in mind that I am juggling work life with my recording career.. I am looking into freeing myself more and so I'm taking steps :D But when both worlds collide you can be literally swamped! Recording is a tricky thang.. you gotta have aloneness, quiet and a lot of time... but you gotta live as-well.. you gotta find time for everything.. I will be spending more time on Patreon.. recording, doing rambles and as much as I can :D So bear with me! Imma cumming home, like.


I read "Recording is a tricky thong..." &amp; I'm like "wtf? Y does thong bring u loneliness?" 😂 But noted... Colonel... do ya thong 🙊


Even now they lie in wait for Gael to unsheath his Magic Mic...<p><img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/6809ba1ba6f7adc05394c7fb59949feb/tumblr_mszy4vKjBc1s8yvjho1_500.gif"></p>


(What is this talk about Möwen - seagulls today? What did I miss?.... I thought Gael`s nemesis were Krähen - crows?...)


I just got new tips for my arrows too! If there's any vampire Fish I also have a bow fishing reel!


Omg! Vampire fish?? ...the vampire pest is spreading!! Though most of you girls will love all those vampire creatures am I right?..."ohh vampires are sooo sexy, brooding mysterious, tortured souls, longing for love".... *swoon* ...get those arrows ready Agent Missy!


Why can I not reply to comments on the app? Am I missing something?


Science qns: Is there such a thing as vegan vampires? 🙊😂


Lol! Plot twist! Vegan vampire!


Hey Frishawn... I guess it all comes back to time... I get up every morning at 5 and work until 5.. I have to get home: cook, clean...get ready for work the next day... script, plan and work as hard as I can on my audios.. I've dedicated much of my life to the cause over the last six months or so.. I think it's very hard for people to understand as they don't live like I do ;) The thing that I don't want is to be coming across as a moaner.. like: 'oh my life is so tough' etc etc I had to deal with projects the only way I knew how: one at a time.. Otherwise I would get nowhere at all... So it's a complicated balancing act.. But it's one that I am trying to fix.. I dunno how or if it will all work out .. I really don't.. But me gonna keep trying And I'll be playing here a lot more ;) Trust me :))

Kelly S

Cat being all diplomatic. "Entitlement and selfishness" is a very nice way to put that... I don't know that I'd have said it so eloquently. Ladies. He can't record if he's dead. He can't survive if he's using all his time to record and respond to people on Patreon and Twitter. Let him get his "expansion" process done, get himself set up that this is actually helping support him to be able to cut back at work, then he may have more time for his 'fans'. But, until then... He's only one man. He may be amazing, but there's a reason eSensual calls them "impossible lovers for women"... Because it's a character. 'Gael' can do it all and make it look good. Gael's creator has a job and a life, aside from Gael.

Kathy M

As if you could get rid of us. I'm in a weird place right now and can't even listen to any of the stuff that's been released over the past week. I'll get back to it eventually. There's nothing to bear through with you. You'll be here and do what you can and please when you can. I'd never want this or anything you do in this realm to become a chore or "have to". I know I'm not going anywhere until I'm handed my coat and hat and the chairs are on the table and lights turned out and even then I'll still wonder if it's time to go 💗


And is bobby a vegan? What do they have in his dog food?


This is a sad, stockerish question. The only phrase that has been rolling around in my head today is, "you f%cky f%ck face!" Not pointed to anyone in particular though. Anyway... hi all.


Hi everyone, I just joined and felt like I needed to formally introduce myself, so I won't just pop up in the comment section one day without ever having said 'hi'... So HI I guess: D I would bring cake to each and every one of you as a good new neighbour is supposed to, but I hope my virtual [vegan] cookies will do :)


Hello Francine! Welcome! 😊 I accept the virtual vegan cookie 🍪 😊 Love your name btw!


Welcome to all the new ladies! We are always happy to have more Gael supporters! Ask if you have any questions and most importantly have fun! Here, have some kool-aid XD!