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Hey all!

The fuller version!

Happy Valentines!!!




Dude, I need all the saints on this one, I about dieded. Whew! My heart is still racing. I figured Valentine's Eve was a good night to crack open this vintage audio, must say 2017 was a good year. Haha 😜


OMFG, so much perfection...the dirty talk sends me over the edge.....


🙏🏻 Dear Lord, sweet baby Jesus Mary and Joseph. 🥵 I am humbled and thankful my hearing is top notch, for audios such as these (omfg thank you Mayor) and for a healthy sex drive. I’m making mental notes as I listen to each...and let’s just say a certain man in my life will be very...very...very lucky. 😇 😈


I was saving this one on purpose just for this month while going through old posts and man am I GLAD I DID. Mmmmmmm....what an ideal Valentine's morning this is.


Schönen Valentins Tag Herr Gael!! Muah... :)

Kathy M

Ruh roh, is this one of the sweet ones that makes my life feel inadequate for not having it in real? I'll wait to hear some feedback first. Don't get me wrong, I'll always love your work but some of them hit me like a ton of bricks. Happy Valentines Day 💗


The Youtube one already gave me shivers, because those kissing sounds are just so real. So great job on those. Gonna see how this one works out, you know - shiver-wise ;P


💖 Happy Happy Valentine's Day, Sirens! What a delicious treat, Gael! Thank you, mwuah! 💋💋💋




You're so good to us! I hope you have a special night planned and take some time out to enjoy yourself! It's a good thing I didn't have a date tonight because anything else would have paled in comparison to this! 🔥💋💘




Mmm....vegan pizza🍕, chocolate🍫, ginger beer🍺, candles🔥, flowers💐, and this audio🎧. Hot damn, it's going to be a great Valentine's evening 💋. Thank you luv - looking forward to listening later tonight 💕💕💕💕💐


I JUST SHOWERED 😢🤔 *calculates time for listen/ second one before work 😋


You know when you can feel people staring at you? I'm sitting at a table in the break room listening to the audio. I'm at the table with 3 guys, I look up and they're all staring at me. APPARENTLY, they're wondering why my cheeks are red and why I'm smiling. I was completely lost in my own little world and didn't even notice them staring for what they claimed to be 5 minutes. That's the power of Gael 😍


Dem pheromones ;)


Yeah, still good. ;P You needy, needy boy. I loved it. I wanted to add something but I forgot... XD Another round of applaus to you Mr.


💖Hot AF!!! I haven't smoked a cigarette in 20 years but dayuum, I could smoke one after that!!! Mm, mmm, mmmm *fanning myself*


😍😊 Tank you lovely


ooohhh that was an imperial breakfast lovely.Delicious! Yummy! xD

Kathy M

So uhh... Is it safe to listen?


😆😆😆 That was just...yay!


Kathy, husband and boyfriends can be inadequate too (don't get me started). Happy Valentine's Day dear!


That breakfast seems to be... yummy, yummy 😋 😊 Delicious audio! Thank you Gael!


🎶Growl on dat pussy yo! growl on dat pussy aye! Growl on dat kitty yo, growl on dat pooty yay🎶 😏


What a dream 😻 is it terrible I wish this were real?


So i opted to not listen and now I have a break at work, Patreon is trying to play me by not working? *flips a table* 😂😂😋


<h3><b>Herr Gael!</b></h3> A wundervolle, pleasant Valentine`s Night to all of your many characters: Sweet Gael, caring Gael, sexy Gael, naughty Gael, Cop Gael, Lion King Gael, clever Gael, corny Gael, silly Gael, handyman Gael, ramble Gael, alpha Gael, nasty Gael, Colonel Force and so on and on... Oh and of course ...Real Life Not Gael Person (aka Gael`s athair) ... and my special greetings to the famous Lizard King (he`s a scaly basterd, but I love him anyway!) ...A good time to all of you!! XP


🔥🔥🔥 I am dead Just one thing......while there is no question that this "breakfast in bed" is thoroughly satisfying......if someone promised me what was promised at 18:23 and then decided to go off and make <em>real</em> breakfast? Hell no, get back here! You've got promises to deliver on!!! lol


Happy Valentine's Day, indeed~ :D :D Those growls and dirty talk, my goodness...!!


Yesssssss love, clean your plate and come back for seconds!!!! Ahahahahaha!!! SO DAMN HOT!!!😈😈😍😍❤️💥💥💥


LOL!!!!Damn you Tina, you have me cracking up right now!😂😂😂😂


I'll probably get scratched off of some list but I just can't get into ginger beer. Apple beer, birch beer, root beer, all amazing (and alcohol free)! But otherwise, cheers Shyla!! 🌷🍻💞 and all the other lovelies!


You're a gentleman and a class A fluffer. Thank you "lover." I see what you did there 😉.


Didn't expect me to be so effected by this audio. Listened at work and literally needed to change panties I got so wet.


The funny thing is that that doesn't even sound like TMI anymore.


I'll never be satisfied with roses and candy again.


Was listening to this at work. One of the guys asked what I was listening to. So I let him listen! He asked for it! Finally after 12 yrs a perk to being a ironworker! He just smiled &amp; said "oh thank god! I was afraid you were listening to talk radio!"


You get a like from me for the mere fact of being an Iron Worker. Hats off to you, I admire women who break the mold!!!!


In order to outdo yourself next year, you'll have to create a line of Gael-themed Valentine's Day candy to go with the V-Day 2018 audio. May I suggest the following: <img height="200" src="http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/images/feed_assets/52fd58fb8dd8d.jpg"> <img height="200" src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-02/5/17/enhanced/webdr10/grid-cell-6836-1423175056-41.jpg"> <img height="200" src="https://cardfool.s3.amazonaws.com/cards/assets/low_Candy%20Heart_cover.jpg">


Haha, girl you crack me up! The one in the middle is my personal fave. Well done lady! 👏😂😂👏


I am thoroughly satisfied...ty Gael 😘😌❤️


Guten Morgen wonderful Sirens! I hope everyone has a happy Mittwoch - Wednesday!? Ja? A few random Fragen - questions, if you like?... (I still like the "would you rather" ones, so here we go...) Would you rather be locked in a room that is constantly dark for a week or a room that is constantly bright for a week? Would you rather be transported permanently 500 years into the future or 500 years into the past? Would you rather be able to control fire or water? Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept growing as you got older? Would you rather be fluent in all languages and never be able to travel or be able to travel anywhere for a year but never be able to learn a word of a different language? Would you rather live under a sky with no stars at night or live under a sky with no clouds during the day? That`s it for today, thanks for your answers! Bis später... XD


Well, don't know if anything was different about that but I got the ASMR thing 🙌 Not sure I should really have been listening in the car, on the way home from work after a 10hr shift at 0300 😄 I liked.... muchly... thank you xx


Omg perfect thing to come home to listen to 😍

Kelly S

I try to tell myself that this is just an 'intermission' and the breakfast is to refuel before things get REALLY "physical". Not to mention, he DID promise dessert! haha

Kelly S

Okay... I have a question for you Mr. Force. (And I'm likely to forget it before the next Ramble... and even then, God knows you get eleventy billion questions every time so it's a gamble on the question even being seen, much less answered! haha) So, you've said before that you don't record unless you're actually turned on. Now, once in a while you give us these amazing audios that are literally 100% all about "us" and zero pay off for you. See, I can't believe that you are getting THAT FUCKING INTO IT without actually getting more turned on as well. So, the question I have is - What's next? What do you do? Do you turn off the mic and actually just 'take care of business' without recording it for once? Do you take that already raging hard on, turn the mic back on and record a completely different audio? Do you just let things 'die down' on their own? (And, if so, how do you avoid "blue balls" then?) I know, it's a weird question, but I'm one of those who is more interested in getting him off than me, so I always feel like a complete shit if things stop before he finishes. (Not that I feel that way from audios, but I DO get a little twinge of guilt right after it ends. Maybe knowing your, um... method?... will make that little twinge go away completely. And, of course, I'm just a nosy person to begin with! hehe)

Kelly S

Okay, I did my question... now I'll give my thoughts. Um... Yes please! And, how does one go about making Valentine's Day into Groundhog's Day and get to live that moment over and over and fucking over again!?!?!?! Holy shit! As usual... You're bringing the heat. And the typical 'foreplay' style stuff is always a winner in my mind. Fingers and tongues and groans and growls and wet sounds and... Oh my... Seriously tho, who the hell needs breakfast when this is what they could be waking up to? Bravo, sir. For the four hundred-thousandth-ish time, Bravo to you. I'd offer you a standing ovation, but my legs are still a bit weak. 😉


Hey, Claudia! I'd rather be in a room that's constantly bright. If the room is brand new, I'll know what and where everything is. 500 years into the...future. Control over water. It's way more versatile. Hands or feet? Umm...I honestly don't know... I'd rather travel anywhere and not learn another language. Learning languages but never being able to see those places with my own eyes would drive me mad. A sky with no clouds during the day, hands down! I love looking up at clear blue skies; it's like seeing infinity :)


Sooooo good! Packin the HEAT! I love that it feels like you are right there! So many shivers! Another job well done, sir!

Gri (Sassy_One)

I was in love with 'Valentine's Hotel' and the revamped version, but fuck, Gael...New V-Day favorite right here!! All the word choices, the dirty talk while your fingers play...damn hot! Feel free to turn it up a couple notches😉, 'cos audio death is hella fun!

Meghan McDonald

This is amazing.I just want to hear more on the right ear .


Meghan I was beginning to think it was just me. My right ear is the RIGHT ear for dirty talk. Or blowing or licking or everything.


I know what I wanted to say... ❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE HOW MUCH YOU ENJOY IT ❤️❤️❤️


You speak the truth!


It`s really sad how quiet it is nowadays! 167 Patreons and no one around... in the good old times there were 20 Sirens and the threads were overflowing with banter... ;) (I´m not really serious! ..well, maybe halbernst - half serious XP)


LIZARD SPY!!!! *gets out frying pan* OH!... hi Frau General! *hides pan behind back* Uhm... you look.... good...?


HEART POUNDING, BEET-RED FACE, STEAM COMING OUT OF MY EARS ORGASMIC AUDIO........ long story short I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning and keep my hips still with my hands from grinding into the chair😳😳❤️❤️❤️

Kathy M

I haven't had a chance yet to listen to this audio, saw the dr today and I have bronchitis 😣 maybe I will take some palinka so I can sleep this off.


Hello Patreon, I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's day whether it was with your SO, friends or alone 😉


I did. Best one I've had in years. I hope yours was just as nice :)


Guten Morgen my dears! A pleasant Donnerstag - Thursday to y`all! :) Here we already have a little springy weather... How`s your weather?... Some fresh daily questions... I still like the - would you rather... (Though we have many new girls here, I think I should re-ask some of the old sexy and juicy ones soon! XP) Would you rather have all dogs try to attack you when they see you or all birds try to attack you when they see you? Would you rather have no eyebrows or only one eyebrow? Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a sailboat as your home or an RV as your home? Would you rather be the best in the world at climbing trees or the best in the world at jumping rope? Would you rather have everything you draw become real but be terrible at drawing or be able to fly but only as fast as you can walk? Would you rather become twice as strong when both of your fingers are stuck in your ears or crawl twice as fast as you can run? That shall be enough for today! Danke for your answers... see ya! XD


Hi, Claudia! Weather here is...chilly. And flip-floppy. Sick people everywhere. I'd rather have birds attack me. Some pecks and scratches beats deep, gashing bites. That's a tough one...I guess...maybe...I dunno X( As much as I love sailing and being on/near water, I'll take the RV. I'd rather see different terrain than miles and miles of ocean everyday. Climbing trees! I'd fly as fast as I can walk! I can walk pretty fast. I'd be twice as strong. I could use my elbows, legs or feet.


💖Frau General, your twisted thoughts amaze me still...how do you come up with these questions? Too many late night movies, maybe? Love the randomness though!😊 Weather here still going back and forth weekly from Winter to Spring. Plants are budding and leafing (is that even a word? *shrugging* Oh well, it is now!😊) So, to answer your interesting questions: 1) I'm a bird watcher so birds it is. They would be calmed by my love vibes for them so I wouldn't be actually attacked. 2) I'd have to say no eyebrows because I'm a bit OCD so everything should be symmetrical, otherwise I'd feel as though I'm listing to one side! 3) As much as I enjoy being around water sources, I'd have to choose the RV. Being on the ocean all the time would be grand but it's frightening thinking of what could be beneath you and not being able to see it! 4) Climbing trees even though I don't like heights but I absolutely love my tree sisters! They're gorgeous and all have their own individual personality! Besides, my boobs sag enough now. They be down to my ankles if I jumped rope enough to be the world's best. I could use them for the rope!😁 5) I'd do the flying because I walk slowly and you don't have to necessarily be too far off the ground to fly!😊 6) I choose being strong because if I crawl twice as fast as I run, I'm basically just walking. Have a glorious evening, Frau General. Soak up as much sunlight as your new shiny scales will hold so you can be cozy for the evening ahead!😊


(169 Patrons... and still stumm wie ein Grab - silent as a grave! :( Maybe I´ll start a daily good evening routine too? To lure somebody here?! :) ...so) ... Guten Abend, dear Sirens of Gaelandia! A wonderful evening to y`all! Hope you are good? Anything interesting to share?...


Oh, Agent K.! I see you changed your name... I like it...very unsuspicious! Haha... And ja, we really had a sunny day and I enjoyed the sunrays tickling my pretty scalesss...


I'm a mom. Im just excited I had the day off &amp; finally got to pee without a audience!


A colleague of mine had a baby last month, and she brought him into the office when he was a week old so that the rest of the staff could meet him. When I was holding him and fawning over his adorable baby face and teensy baby hands, part of me wondered if my biological clock was about to start ticking. But then I thought of my other colleagues/friends who also have children, and they've all made statements exactly like yours. At that point I thought, <i>"Err...maybe not..."</i> and handed him back to my colleague after giving him a smooch on his fuzzy baby head. 👶 Kids, I tell ya!


Guten Morgen Sirens of Gaelandia! A happy Freitag - Friday to everyone! :) Today it`s raining... but it`s a gentle night spring rain it`s really nice... (not like the downpour in the Valentine`s audio! Hehe...) Here are some of the never ending daily random questions... Would you rather have an unlimited international first class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants? Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again (you won’t feel tired or suffer negative health effects)? Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors? If you put out a magazine, what would you name it and what would be in it? What’s the most important file on your computer? What piece of tech do you hope is invented in your lifetime? What board game always ends badly? Sooo, danke für eure Antworten... see ya... XD


Still Thurs. Night here! Alright so I would take the airline tickets. I've never seen the ocean so that would be #1 on my to do list. I would choose to never sleep. I have narcolepsy so that would be a dream come true! I'm used to not being able to close any doors. I have a 6 yr old I'm used to it. So that's a easy choice! Magazine would be Pinterest fails &amp; I would fill it with my ten million Pinterest fails. Me &amp; Pinterest have a love hate relationship..... Most important file on my computer is my daughter brain surgery stuff. Her neurosurgeons info dates of follow up appts. Etc.. (shes great now! No cancer! 1 more MRI &amp; hopefully never have to see the inside of the hospital ever again) Theres a peek into my life not many people know about! I don't like talking about it, so on to the next question! A piece of tech. A better designed truck for short people like me to drive would be nice! Board game that ends badly. Apparently mouse trap. Fuck that game! We can't figure it out so me &amp; my daughter just sit &amp; find different set ups to trap the mouse pieces.


Happy Freitag to you too, Claudia - boldog pénteket! :) <b>Would you rather have an unlimited international first class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants?</b> Unlimited first class ticket. <b>Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again (you won’t feel tired or suffer negative health effects)?</b> I've been doing the not working for so long that I actually want to do it now... and I love my sleep. Uhm... SKIP :D <b>Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors?</b> I'd rather not open them - they are like old wounds. <b>If you put out a magazine, what would you name it and what would be in it?</b> Oh god, I don't want that responsibility. XD <b>What’s the most important file on your computer?</b> My research for my thesis. <b>What piece of tech do you hope is invented in your lifetime?</b> Some medical stuff I hope. <b>What board game always ends badly?</b> Mensch ärgere dich nicht (Man, don't get annoyed/Ki nevet a végén?). ALWAYS


Gael, When will you do another Ramble? I just became a patreon for you. I have a birthday coming up on 3/11 and wondered if I could get you to say Happy Birthday in Gaelic, grab my waist length hair and do one of your famous growls and say "Oh Fuck" and tell me what you'd give me for my birthday. *smiles sweetly* I also want to see how you pronounce my first name (98% of people say it wrong). lol I'll give you a hint. If you are familiar with the Brady Bunch show from the 70's, it's what Jan says.


I'm late to comment on this but everything from 11 mins onwards! 💦💦💦 Mr Gaelforce is getting the hang of the seductive whispers &amp; breathing... and we r all gonna combust 🙊 That sexy voice laced w seduction, tease, control &amp; urgency (eventually)... Damn... 😥😥😥

Rose from Ash

Just got here and oh holy God... I don't have words right now.


I keep coming back to listen to this one because it is so, so good. One of the parts that hits me the best is the sharing (10:04–10:37), especially how your voice gets at 10:12... -shiver-.


Every time he got close to my ear one of the muscles in my back tenses up and tingles a bit. I had a iron grip on my pillow from how good it felt. This was great! ❤️