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Kathy M





Where? 😆


Isn't it past you're bedtime Gael? I once heard a wise man say early to bed makes your cock grow bigger 😂


Home alone listening to your rambles Gael. You almost had me with your engagement story...When you commit to a story you really commit you little shyster. Well I'm sure not *little*.. How about that overdue shoutout for the sweetness pretty please ;)


Oh Jesus Christ...that Aussie accent...shocking 😹😹


So much squee! when you sang some of "I'm Your Man" -- it's one of his classics for a reason. And I like that you fall into spontaneous singing too! Over here, I get such funny looks when people overhear me quietly singing my grocery list, but it's easier to remember things with a rhythm & melody... and I'm not sure I could help it anyway. X-) Are people as nosy/judgy in Éire?


Also, Mr. G-spot, if it's French lessons you're after, je suis certaine que Jessica Rose, Mary, and I could arrange for some private tutoring. In rotation or in tandem, we'll be très contentes to take your refresher lessons in hand, and we'll soon have you back to full confidence in your mastery of the French tongue.


Last comment before I toddle off to bed: I do wish you'd reconsider your decision not to read the thread Kelly recommended over on the Community page. It's a lot less all about you than you seem to think, and there's a lot of focus on the role that the Siren community plays for us too, as well as other tools & supports. There's some beautiful encouragement and bonding between Lovelies there, because shit got real and we doubled down on our sisterhood. The thread is so full of raw honesty, courage, and kindness -- imo, it really shows some of the heart beneath the banter. It's your call, of course, but I'd be surprised if it didn't prove more touching than uncomfortably ego-stroking. (Though l suppose it might also show you more than you want to know about those of us who posted there.) Well, you'll do as you will... *shrug*


My ears perked up at Superman bed linens!


You had me at Scream! 😂


Scream is my favorite!!! My best friend and I had that movie memorized when we were in like 5th or 6th grade


speaking of rough times...i needed these rambles...thank you for the laughs :)


Mr Gaelforce, I LOVE that u started the ramble w the Darth Vader ASMR 😘 with the mix of daddy kink. Had me ROFL! 😂 I had some good LOL moments too. Keep up w the pissing. 😆😆😆 I likey 😘


Oh honey, that was a really lovely whisper singing! ❤😙


And you are NOT a bad singer, trust me.

Kathy M

I like your singing voice. Has a nice tone to it. I'm tone deaf as can be and had a small child say to me once 'no sing' 😆😒🤗


Just a quick, GutenTag meine Lieben, mein Liebster - my dears, my dearest! Enjoy your Samstage - Saturdays! (Haven`t listened yet, but I heard the belt buckle in the beginning... YAY!! That brightened my breakfast! Danke!! XDD)


Happy Saturday Sirens and Dearest Gael. DAILY AFFIRMATION: You can own emotions, thoughts and even actions. But said ownership of these things is still predicated by the fact that they originate with you. The one thing that you cannot own is a person. The best that you can hope for in any human interaction, is a meaningful and mutually fulfilling kinship that will allow you each to allow the other walk freely into the other's mind, heart, and soul. There can be no ownership of the human spirit, and no price high enough to buy a soul. Love you!


The Dutch was as bad as you thought it was haha, but then again you already slapped yourself so... ;) Thanks for playing along and trying though, twas fun to listen to!😊


Beautifully said as usual! Thanks lady! 💖

Kelly S

that's what I was meaning... I know he has commented on the community environment here and I thought he'd like seeing an example of that 'in action' per se. :)


Lol, I love you Kathy! I love how you mention his nice tone before saying you're tone deaf ROFL. Seriously though, I agree Kathy, Gael has a great tone.


When you do another shout out can you whisper my name too? Only I want you to say, "Ali, Ali, Ali, take me to pleasure town." (Veronica corningstone- anchorman)


My Patreon girls!!! I hope y'all had an awesome Saturday or are having a good Sunday! America, remember we get an extra hour!!!


I know, right? He can totally carry a tune in a bucket!


Soo, I listened! :) I wirklich, wirklich - really, really enjoy these rambleses! Such an intriguing mixture - because of all the so very different themes and questions. Ja, and because of you, Gael! Haha... Aaand, did I get that right, you bake your own bread?? Ohhh, I think I looove you (even more!) XP You must come and visit me, I have a wonderful baking oven... I`d love to see how you shove your arán in it. ;) Aber - but you said you won`t wear sexy leather pants?? :(( Schande - a pity! Haven`t you seen Jim Morrison in his über-sexy, droolworthy leather pants, with this big belt buckle?? Grrrr...XP Welll,then I simply have to envision you without pants, lying in your bed, entwined in your sexy Super Man sheets. (I would have guessed you have at least "Fap- Man" sheets. Hahaha...) Danke für alles!... Oh, and a scrumptious Sonntag to y`all!!


I'll come visit in my faux leather pants! And I said 'faux' not fox Bahaha


Oh my god, Gael! Loving the rambles but Damn did you get me going with that story! It was just so long ,I couldn't help but think you might be serious! Hahaha... I was just listening in my car and I'm pretty sure my reactions were :"Oh, fiancée. That is a bit young.... oh no, don't do it.... you bastard! Can't believe you'd do that! ...... ooooo she has the ring, doesn't she? I can't even feel bad for the man. Hope he gets a stomach ache eating that fast.... WHATS IN THE BOWL? WHAT IS IN THE BOWL??? ... That charming ass! Wound me up again!!!!!HAHAHAHAAHA!" Nice job,Gael! Loved it!


I was in my car too! I would add "what's the ending??? I need closure!". And a few other swear words around the peni coment. He definitely had me going with the bowl!!!. Pretty sure my eyes were about to bug out ;).


I really enjoy these rambles, Gael. You got locked out of your hotel room, naked, again?! You poor thing XD!!


You bake your own bread & you garden, too? Damn, when you get done visiting Claudia in Bavaria, head over Stateside -- I need someone to dig a nice, deep hole in my lush front garden for my (new blueberry) bush this year. Then once you've cleaned up, we can heat up the oven & get to kneading... (I love making homemade bread!)


Next time you happen to be in the US and you find yourself naked in a hallway, let me know. I'll lend a helping hand ! (PS that girl sounds awesome...I like her)


i am starting to learn allot from you gael these rambles are awesome :) xxx