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Hi All! Let me know what ye think!

Happy Friday!




All I have to say is this is one of my favorite orgasms I’ve heard from Gael so far, omg yummmm


Good Morning!


Good morning! Hello Courtnie!


Opps! There's a little transition break-down again....not to worry though haha! I had to split the naughty and the nice versions up...its not too bad though


Go for it!!!!! DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!!


Good morning! 😁 This should be perfect for my little road trip! I'll be on the road for at least 4 hours 😝


Seriously!? Right before work! Ugh...you are such a bad influence Gael! 😈


Guten Abend! Ohh, I absolutely love fire. Soothing and inflaming my inner pyromaniac...will listen to it later...by the fire! ;))


Yay! Good thing I packed my headphones today. :) Have a lovely Friday all


On second thought maybe I'll wait. I don't think I'm risque enough to listen with someone in the car right next to me 😂


It was 74 degrees yesterday. I got a sunburn! Who's thinking about fires yet?


People who live up north... Where it's actually feeling like fall...


I was actually listening to this audio on my break. My eyes was closed and I was sitting in a chair at a table, when I received a tap on the shoulder. One of my coworkers asked why was I slightly moaning and licking my lips and I told her I was thinking about something very delicious.


Well i had a difficult day and its not over yet.A small 23 min break its all i need (i think) :P Lets see...




Sorry to hear that your day isn't going as planned. Enjoy your break to escape for a while and go kick some ass when you're done! You can do it!!!


Just when I thought you couldn't get sexier, then you add French to the mix. Ooh la la!


Yesterday's Irish Cop audio never showed up for me. Did others find it?


This one, wow. Thanks!


Ohhh la la!! 😍 Gael you should speak French more often, this is the hottest thing ever!! Your accent is so sexy!! I'm a happy woman right now! Tu es absolument parfait!


Where do i begin???I have so many things to say :) Gael the arsonist(lol). Gael the French speaker.Gael the kinkster.Gael the ultimate sound creator.I think everytime you reach perfection mon amour! Once again you made my day and i love you <3 Oh and you should try other languages too.Have a nice day/evening Gael and Sirens!


The end of the day can't come fast enough!!!


Ooh la la is right @jessica rose. Love the accent Gael! 😍 Hope everyone has a great Friday!


So the first 5min were steamy & amazing... had to stop the audio though because no sleep + a naughty Gael audio while driving in LA rush hour = dangerous distraction. Thanks for the warning this time 😏 this is going to be the longest day EVER!


So I took this really magical nap this afternoon, which cured my headache, and then I woke up to this. Maybe I should take more naps, just in case. I just feel really loved (and well, fucked) after this. Great job! :)


Christmas is not for another 2 and a half months, and we're already talking about naughty and nice versions. I love where this is going hahahaha.


Just got off work, planning on listening to this during my drive home...here's hoping I don't crash !!


This is yummy!! That was some intense shake-inducing spanking!!! 🔥Yeeow. Nice post climax continuation😉😉


So funny story from yesterday... I am taking a jazz dance class and this current unit is jazz funk (jazz mixed with hip-hop. The song we are doing the choreo to is talk dirty to me... we do three body rolls in a row, Beyonce moves and booty popping. At one point the professor said,"Sorry if this is too sexual for you guys" To which I thought..this is nothin, thinking of all of you 😊 Uh the last time I did one body roll was 15 years ago. I feel so uncoordinated! Getting in touch with my sultry sassy side!


Okay Sirens, there is a point where Gael does this guttural moan and then says "Come here" in a gravely voice, right around 3:40, that completely undid me. Gael I am bowing down to you Sir, this has got to be one of my favorites, next to "Make you mine" from a while back. The entire mood you set is masterful and holy hell, you definitely need to speak some more French !!!!! And if this was part of someone's PA, hats off to you. Great idea !!!!!


"The best way to learn a language is to fuck interesting people. " - Raquel that is quite a life lesson!


Ok, I'm on my lunch break....audio time!


Gael...Tu es un âne sexy mâle alpha!


Ooooh lala! We got the best of both Gael worlds today! Romantic and Naughty! With bonus French and Fire! I need some cool water!!!


Nice squeak there at 20:50. Love you referring to your cock as "property"


I'm a sucker for continuation! Always has such lovely results!


Ohhh my! The belt buckle, those little breathless pauses...*shivers*...and I love your "fiery" sounds...hmmm. ;)) One of my new favourites...till your next one XD


Worst idea I've had in a long time is listening to this on my lunch break! I only got 10 minutes in when I was tapped on my shoulder... apparently I was paged twice and had to go back to work! And of course I had a bit of a blush going and I wasn't exactly breathing casually! Two more PAINFUL hours till I can get back to the fire!


Good morning & happy October everyone! 🌿 Gael, you've outdone yourself with this one! Wow. So creative and the sound effects were great ☺️


OMG guys I'll catch up on all the shenanigans later buuut I have some hilarious things to tell. I stopped at a rest stop and saw a flier for a national Banana Pudding festival. 😂 🍌 Then I saw this sign - Cummins Falls State Park 😂😂😂


Where ARE you Ashlee?? Maybe near Gaelandia?? Next stop Gutterville?? XP


Listening on my lunch break=bad idea. I almost choked on a grape AND, as I thought, have been completely distracted for the rest of the afternoon. It was SOOOOOOO worth it though 😍💋🗼


Haha you knew that would happen 😂 Is it worth the wait I won't get to listen for a while?


Really liked the audio, perfect combo of romance and naughty. Not really digging the French though, sorry 😋 Think I might be the only one here haha.


To each their own, nothing wrong with that. 🙂 I'll admit, though I like the French I hope he keeps the Gaelic.


When you're listening to Gael at minute mark 9:45 (amazing). And your mom calls...


She asked me if i was walking in a hurry somewhere (apparently I had labored breathing). I told her I just got done working out... Which technically is true because I was listening in my car in the gym parking lot. But it wasn't the gym making me breathe heavy this instance.


Is there a pouty mouth emoji out there? I need it....one with the lip poked out....


😗😣😒😡here are some alternatives... I survived now I need to focus on driving. The sooner I'm home the sooner I can lock myself in my room.😶


Hey Ladies. I'm not gonna say I hope your day went well because I KNOW it did because of this audio 😍


Um, saying "I'm gonna cum" is a triiiigggggeeeerrr!


Ooo la la, Gael! Loved the French!


Okay, I'm FINALLY done the days work and getting ready for bed. I wasn't going to listen to this tonight because I was worried about falling asleep (that's how overworked I am at this point!)...but from these comments I get the feeling this one is FAR too ~exciting~ for that. I'll give it a go!


If this is any indication to what a PA could be like...I CANNOT wait until my name gets pulled!


Sorry Gael baby, my PA was tons better. 😙😙😙 Edit: I love this too. I love it especially it made me feel like u gave me special attention 😙😙😙


I really enjoyed it! I had to take a few deep breaths because hoo boy~. The French was a nice surprise :) So was the joke at the end!


I agree it's always the quiet ones...


Claudia, I think it's a universal language 😉


Hahaha...you`re right, the language of...ehhrmm...lust, is universal!! ;)))


Dear Lord..... This was wow..... So hot 😍🙌🏻


Are you sure it was the French that made you take those breaths? 😉


This was so hot there are new Sirens commenting left and right! Hi ladies! 🤗


Thanks Trish! I was actually a little nervous to comment at first but everyone seems so lovely here. I'm glad I did :)


Welcome Meggie! 🤗🤗🤗 I hope we didn't scare u 😆 we r just comfortable with one another 😊😊😊

Gri (Sassy_One)

PA's hotter than regular audios?? Really??? Like, waaaayy better than "grip your property"??? You guys are building up so much freakin anticipation!!!😯😮😲😱


Hehe sounds great! Where are you ladies from? 😊


I know, right!? I can't freakin wait! 😱😰


Haha I don't think I know how to reply on here aha. That's really cool. I'm from Australia. I never been to the US before :)


Awesome! There are others from Australia here too. I've always wanted to go! I love your accents! ❤️


Ladies, does anyone remember the things we were going to talk about when he does the ramble? I remember us saying we needed to make sure it was in the ramble but now I can't remember.


Brush with death omg! What happened? If you don't mind me asking that is :)


Sorry, Trish! 😔😞🙁I'll stop cuz I'm making it worse. We need the GA meeting stat!


Which reminds me didn't he say he was gonna do a ramble last weekend?🤔 we joked about having him read that one thread with the 1000 comments but I don't remember what else...


I was in an elevator at work and it caught fire. I was rescued by a cute contractor, who then passed me off to a sexy firefighter. I was wearing a dress and they didn't tuck it under while they were carrying me and my neon orange panties were displayed for the world to see! My bff was nice enough to take a picture of it as proof lol


No but it's usually around the beginning of the month isn't it? I was just thinking about it and our "list"


I was sick last weekend so I only caught bits and pieces of the threads. I was too overwhelmed to go back and read everything, hahaha. We're quite texty as a group


Haha! It's all good! We can have our meeting in the Gaelandia Asylum. Ashlee can show us the way. She has a padded room there!


Oh wow that would have been so scary! Lucky for the sexy rescue crew! 😉


I know, it made it all worthwhile and *fingers crossed* we get a firefighter audio out of it 😆


Gael + firefighter = mind blown 😍💦


Melbourne is such a great city. But I love Sydney too. I don't actually follow the NRL, simply because I just never really understood it aha. Us Victorian's are a little slack with the rugby.


I think my phone is about to go on strike between Patreon, OkC, and regular texts!


It seems so cultural and laid back...I can't wait to finally be able to compare Melbourne and Sydney myself, haha. I don't blame you, I feel like it's the same up here...we're all NRL followers and don't understand the AFL, it just seems like the fancy version of the footy, haha.


I just finished listening to this and OMG you ladies were all right. The French, the rain, the sound effects, the ending with shuddering breaths, and the corny joke just made it perfect. This is the best yet, and yet again a new favorite lol


How is it possible for this man to keep getting better?!?!


Is it weird that I listening to my PA while talking to y'all?


Well ladies...I am heading to bed. I may or may jot be listening again. 😱😈😂 Have a good night...sweet, naughty dreams to you! Muah! 😘


Um no I was listening to this new audio while talking to you lmao


Night Trish!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Night everyone! And have a great Saturday!!! Morning to the lovelies in the other time zones. May your sexyness multiply and your weekend be lots of fun!! Love ya!!


Good night and happy weekend everyone! Have some sweet (and naughty) dreams! 😪😈😇😉


Peeking in to say hello :) just got done with my day- it's albout 11:15p here- I'm getting ready to give this audio a whirl or perhaps I'm getting ready for this audio to give me a whirl 😉 I loved reading the comments- it was like Gael audio foreplay!😆 I'll pop in later...love you sirens & Gael! 💋


U ladies r nuts! I am away for an hour and 100+ more comments! 😂😂😂 Hey Amanda F., no need to think now. U just ask us when u get picked 😆😆😆


Good Morning P!! Someone had to help cause trouble while you were gone ;)


Don't you people sleep?


Good night ladies I've got to be up early. Sweet dreams :)


Good night Ashlee


Oh my god. Gael here's my answer- yes, yes, & fucking yes💋. Somewhere not too long ago there was some panty tossing from the sirens- I surrender. Also I've no breakfast plans and I love coffee & corny jokes so you know you can totally phone a friend here- I'm here for you...although I may need a moment to recover I think my knees have gone a little weak...😏😘😉


Hi Jillian! Hope I don`t disturb your afterglow :)) But I have to tell you, I made your carrot cake...absolute delicious, soo juicy and spicy and....hmmmm! Thank you, will safe the recipe for my grandchildren...XP


This audio was just all kinds of yes , yes, yaaaaaas , oh mah lawd , thank you daddy , More, please ? 👌🏾 look at me ... My innocence is fading ... What have I become?? 😂


Good morning girls! It's raining and it's windy today, still in my bed.. Perfect time to listen to it again... I'll take my breakfast later! :-P


Morning girls! Now that I've had sleep and a little more coherent...OH MY GOD GAEL. The shuddering breath! The BJ action! The way you just completely lost yourself to the pleasure! The "please?" DO MORE OF THAT. MORE "PLEASE"...PLEASE. lol And now I'm just popping in to say hello for a bit before another busy day begins! But part of that includes going to the farmer's market and a little nature walk...my favourite time of year is officially here!!


Good morning and happy October Amanda!! :-) I'm going to have a walk too and enjoy that autumn weather!! Get fresh air before it starts to rain again! So happy! Maybe with some sweet audios, to forget about my loneliness :-p Then when I'm back home: book, blanket & TEA!!


Happy Saturday Morning my fellow Lovelies 🤗. Hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing day. Off to more college football today, here's hoping we keep the cooler weather !!!! Man I love the Fall 🏈🎃🍁🍂


Hello! Have a nice weekend Gael/Sirens!


Good morning sirens! 🤗 I hope I can use my phone at this conference, ugh I'll need the entertainment of reading the shenanigans. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend 😁


Man, I was so SO committed to sticking to healthy, locally-produced purchases at the farmer's market. Nobody told me the Girl Guides would be there with their mint chocolate cookies...


Morning ladies!!! You may want to check out YT...Gael left us a sweet treat! 😘


Those little girls are vicious...they don't take no for an answer. lol


Good morning, everyone!!


GAEL give it back! Give it baack!


Ladies, say a little prayer for me...in 2 hrs I will be in trampoline hell surrounded by 3-5 year olds 😭


Prayers that you'll keep at least some sanity, Crystal! Best of luck to you!


I know this is a tad off-topic, but... Gael! Your latest YT video near killed me! It was so sweet, it had me blushing! :D


It had me... I dunno, I don't have the words. Oh my god, I have no words!!😳


Happy October ya monkeys🐒🍌🐒 <a href="https://youtu.be/sOIt51w6cH8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/sOIt51w6cH8</a> <a href="https://youtu.be/aOHM2Qkt32o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/aOHM2Qkt32o</a> <a href="https://youtu.be/oG6fayQBm9w" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/oG6fayQBm9w</a>


There is a HUGE strawberry at this party 🍓


Hey sirens I hope your day is either ending well or starting out well. 😊 I survived all my lectures. 🤗


Hi, Everyone! I survived the kids party!!


Yay! Glad to see you made it out alive! 😆👏🏻


That is quite the eclectic mix! I had never heard the one from Feist...I like it! Thanks for sharing! 🙂


Any 🍌 to go with it! ( bad Trish, bad girl!) 🙂


Wow! 550 comments in one day...is that a record?


Morning ladies! Did I miss out anything interesting? Wishing all of u sweet dreams tonight 😙😙😙


Morning! I missed a lot today, hopefully there will be action tonight 😆


How is everyone doing? What's been going on with you ladies?


Hello Meggie! I just got back from a strip show.It was FUN :p How are you?


Hey, Meggie!! We're just dreaming of cowboy Gael lol


Ohhh Afroditi! So jealous aha! I'm good. Not having as much fun as you though aha.


Crystal I'm loving the idea of Cowboy Gael! 😵😍


If they danced with pants or boxer briefs on then fine but the thong?! Not a man thong fan lol


I dunno if any of you girls are makeup fans. But I was just playing around with some stuff I ordered from etsy recently and oh ma gawrd the eye shadow and highlighters from feather river body......... Wow just wow! If you girls love sparkle as much as me. Do check them out!


Wow! I'm missing out on strippers, makeup, and cowboy Gael over here! 😂


Man, it's been a quiet night in here!


🤗 Hope everyone had a good evening. Can't believe I missed the cowboy Gael conversation. Did someone mention makeup? 🙋 makeup hoarder right here!


Oh my, good morning! So I wasn't the only one who saw people in their underwears last night... 😅 I mean, it was a ballet, but a modern one, and somehow they always ended up like that.


Me too Poppy! I can't help myself especially eyeshadows! Why is it so quiet in here tonight?


Good morning Angie!


I know I thought it was a little more rowdy here in Guttersvile hehe


Goodmorning! :)


Good morning everyone! Loved the comments from yesterday ;). I took a mini day road trip to see and support a friend and his marching band. Had a great time and now I want to lay in bed all day... Unfortunately that can't happen. Have a wonderful Sunday!


Good morning everyone!


Afternoon!😙 From rainy and cold Netherlands! ;) On the couch with my hoody on, tea in hand and The mysteries of Laura and Rizzoli &amp; Isles on the telly haha. What you up to today B? 😊

Kathy M

Hi I'm having trouble with playing this audio. It says it's available offline but nothing's happening when I press play. Please to help?


Here mama, try downloading it directly - <a href="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.posts/11036312329405749428.mp3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.posts/11036312329405749428.mp3</a>


I thought you speaking Gaelic made me shiver but you speaking French should be illegal omgawd O.O


I'm French but I never knew it could be so ...sexy. Is there other nsfw audios where you speak French or maybe you speak fully in French ? And your accent was so cute omg ^^ there was a huge contrast between the sweet words in French and the passion, and it was ... just great and lovely