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Something to bring some chill....




I hope I get really freakin' stressed today so I can enjoy this to the max tonight


Yay! 👏🏻👏🏻❤️


Also good morning Gael ❤️


OMG! My long overdue audio massage? 😍 I am dying already...


I'll massage the lot of YA!


What a pity...I am totally relaxed atm :(..hmmm,need to do something unrelaxing right now...


Yay! I've had a shitter of a day after therapy so this is exactly what I need. So glad it's nearly bedtime, thanks Gael! ☺️


I gotta let my masseur listen to this later and do it accordingly... ermmm... maybe not... forgot abt the kisses


Well done, kind sir! I love the music choice! Very relaxing.


Oh CajunRaginSage...you can call off the riot now! 😂


Will be listening to this tonight once I get home from work, glad to see you back Gael 🤗


Ooooooooo new audio! And good morning to you, Gael!


And as for needing to relax, my muscles will be just wrecked with knots from here till election day in the US, you just come on over and massage any time you like! 😉


The train needs to get here so I can listen to this. Or maybe I'll wait until I get home. Do you think I can wait one more hour?


One time is never enough so im gonna play it again :P


Argh! I have to wait 4 hrs to listen to this new audio :-( I'm working, my back hurts so much and I see all the Sirens talking about... massage??

Gri (Sassy_One)

Morning lovelies! Morning, Gael!Now, this is a nice one. Great audio! Almost fell back to bed but gotta head to work. It's going to be a pretty relaxing night tho!!!


Good morning everyone! I've got a busy work day ahead of me that starts in 10 minutes so I'm just dropping in to say hello! Here's a question: What's your favourite time of year? Mine goes straight from the beginning of October to Christmas. I love everything about autumn as it is, as well as the very beginning of winter before it gets too cold and stormy. And I REALLY get into the holiday spirit from about mid-November onward, everything is just so fun and festive and magical!~


Morning Sirens & Gael! 😊 I'll have to wait a while to listen to this one lol


December/Christmas is my favourite. I love Winter! I'm the kind of girl who waits for Christmas since July! :-P


Morning Mr Gaelforce! Hope yr one eye is better already 😊


Well, this was really lovely. Now I need cuddles - that would be nice.


No worries Angie, move over to YT for hot kisses 😙


Take yur sweet ass time! Gddammit. Great, just opened mine eyes and I'm aggertated. 😤


Shhhh, Sage no need to rage. Down girl! It's okay...He gave us two presents today. Go listen now!


This was lovely Gael.


Good morning, Gael & Sirens! So much to catch up on... woke up with a sore throat and feeling all achy yesterday. These 2 new audios are super lovely and bound to help with a speedy recovery. Happy Tuesday all!😚


Ok ladies! Thanks for the bantz 😙😙😙 I love ya all, expecially sage, claudia, B and sas. I m turning in. My massage had worked really well. See ya in 7 hours. 😙😙😙


What a lovely audio to wake up to. Thank you Gael.


Afternoon ladies and Mr.G, hope ya'll are having a great Tuesday so far 😊 Audio will have to wait till later, but reading the comments I'm sure it's gonna be good ;)


There you go Claudia ⬆️ Catch him if you can.


I seriously have to invest in some chains!! He`s on the run AGAIN!!...the tease XP


What a lovely way to start my day, a double dose of Gael nourishment. Oh that man...💋 In other news, hello sirens! I hope Tuesday is being kind to you. Sending y'all love...and an extra dose for Sage! 😘


That was nice :) And I just got off work, so this was perfect!


2:30pm here and a day off! What's everyone up to today? Cool and rainy and breezy here (which is my favorite) so I'm channeling my inner domestic diva and experimenting in the kitchen. Nothing crazy, just trying my Grandpa's roast recipe without the beef... my favorite parts are the veggies anyway and the meat just gets in the way... could be good, could go horribly wrong! Excited about it either way.


Took the day off, packing because I'm moving on Friday. And at this point when I say packing it's more like I'm reading Twitter and occasionally tossing something in a box 😬 Aaahhh ! Hope your cooking ventures turn out well!! 😘


Man I could have that massage on loop for a few hours. SUPER relaxing.


Right? I 💖 it!!!! It's been on repeat all day😊


I feel so relaxed and sleepy, it's almost like it has a slight effect on my back... When the mind is relaxed, the body is too... That's the power of audio. Good night girls :-)


Good morning all 🌻 this audio knocked me out in about 5 minutes last night ~ it was perfect! 😍


Just what I needed today :)


Hello everyone!!! I hope you all are having a wonderful day. ;). I fear that if I listen to this in my current state it will render me in a deep sleep standing up. I will have to stash it away for another time and place... A paper to write is on the agenda :/ ooh and my favorite season is autumn, you can wear Capri's and a sweatshirt (my favorite!!!), its (american) football season, turn the air off and open the windows, nature is absolutely beautiful with all of the colors changing, thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because its time with family without the hubub of Christmas, and my birthday is in November! Soo. Long story.. I love autumn ;)


And there's something waiting for you on the community page ;)


perfect! something to look forward to for bedtime :) thank you gael!


Morning lovely ladies! How is everyone? :) I slept like a baby last night. And I woke up late for work. I literally jumped out of bed when I opened my eyes when I realized how bright it is outside. I swear my spirit left my body for a moment there! LOL! I am sure I have some sleepy vibes left me in and I am sending it all out to all you ladies who are turning in soon. Sweet dreams lovely ladies! :)


Hey everyone. I hope y'all had a good day.


Finally got to this and...oh wow, Gael...I did not expect such an emotional response to this audio. The music combined with your voice got me teary-eyed! A really soothing piece, definitely a new favourite of mine. Again with the creaky stairs...haunted house? Do I sense a Halloween special!? 😈


Peeking in to say hello 🤗 Curios but what books are y'all reading? My inner word nerd is seeking new material...


Hey Jillian! Right now I'm reading Finding Fraser by kc dyer


Aww Jillian, thank you sweetness!☺️💖💖 I felt it.


Wow! I can hear crickets in here tonight! Everyone must be satiated from the new audios! 😆


Goodnight ladies. I'm gonna TRY and sleep, it hasn't worked yet...wish me luck 🍀


Night girl! Put this on repeat! 😙 sweet dreams!


Well, good night ladies, but also: good morning from under the blankets. I'm all cozy and warm. 😊


I moseyed over to Amazon to check out this book Jillian mentioned- Sex, Drugs & Coco Puffs. Didn't get any farther than typing in Sex, thanks a lot drop down search list, and that's when I discovered the "Queening Chair". Who else knew about this! Dear Santa... 🎄🎁


LOL! Sage! I just googled it. The world you ladies open up for me... I luv ya :)


I left y'all a little present on the community page...😏


Guten Morgen, Mädls, Sirens...a marvelous Mittwoch to everyone. XD


DAILY INSPIRATION! Sirens always remember that the poisons of the world are all the more deadly when administered to us by our own hand. Be just as kind in the words and actions that you speak and enact upon YOURSELF as you would A STRANGER. Each petal that composes the flowering of your consciousness is delicate. Each leaf precious. Each budding of self awareness, a gift from the UNIVERSE. Have care never to let your blooms linger too long under the harsh glare of self scrutiny. Drown in the flood of self doubt. Or, be uprooted by the unrealistic expectations of a world designed to prey upon your uniqueness. I love you all! Happy Wednesday! 💋


I hope that my words remind you just as much they do me, that you are special, unique, and deserving of happiness.


Good morning you wonderful sirens! 😙 I hope everyone has a happy hump day! 🐪😁 I've got to work unexpectedly 😝 but at least it's only half a day.


Morgen Ashlee! Hump day, hmm? You Americans have a special day for humping??...interesting...XP Soo enjoy your hump day! ;)


Hello lovely Sirens! Hope you have an awesome morning/day/evening/night! I'm on my way home, just had an amazing lesson with my kids. It was so good my mentor said he almost needs to make up things that needs some work. He's really satiesfied with my work, which means so much to me, especially after the other school I was at last semester. So yeah, I have a pretty good day, and a day off tomorrow! 😊❤


Hope you all have an awesome day! :) In other news, they found a bomb from World War II just a few streets down from where I live, so this should be an interesting day, let me tell you.


Hi Gael! I just listened to the Relax-audio ^. I liked the first part and the massage and your voice...etc. (As always :)) But the music was a little distracting for my liking, that is. Hope you don`t mind? :) (I`m picky with backround-relaxation music) Otherwise a really nice audio! :))

Kathy M

Love your audios as always even with the angry sounding silverware during dinner 😆❤️😚🍽


How lovely! Sweet and soothing...


this was perfect! thank you dear....being a psychology major, I was recently talking with my professor about stress, she suggested audio type therapy to relieve stress.....searching on youtube I stumbled across you...what a discovery!!!!! it really works!!! keep doing this please! :) <3

Kelly S

So, I usually am all "meh... Why listen to someone else get a massage... How does being jealous of someone else getting a massage relax me?!?!" :) Today was just a really overwhelming and stressful day for me and I had to venture out into the annoying sensory overload of the world around me when I just wanted to go home, get in bed and take a few deep breaths. Well, hell, I hear it's relaxing, I'll try it out on my phone with my earbuds. First, your voice just immediately puts a smile on my face. I'm just like that with some people's voices. Some actors, some voice artists, some family/friends, some musicians... It's just a thing with me. So, I've always considered smiles very infectious and a for sure "fake it til you make it" because if you make yourself smile, you start to feel happier for real. Well, that smile and the laugh from your infectious laugh, definitely put me immediately more at ease. Second, I take back my previous thoughts. Yes, still completely jealous of someone else getting a massage (even if it's just in theory or story) but I became so much calmer, walking through the store. So... Thank you! And, I passed a lady who was clearly having her own rough day... She seemed to stop for a second when I smiled at her and then she returned my smile. So, I'm sure she would thank you, too. (See, infectious!)