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Hello Lovelies! Its October!!! And I think its time to kick off the season with a Horror/Asmr audio! I wanted to upload here so I could give you all first listen...It was inspired by one of your beautiful brains! Hope you enjoy!







I think we have a male succubus here...or should I say SUCKubus?


Morning Gael and ladies 🌻 lol, 4:40am here (sleep problems 😒)...oh man, a new audio but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to listen it if it's scary and it's still dark here...may have to wait a couple of hours 😹 I'm such a chicken, haha.


Yay! I have the day off and im not feeling well..but a new audio always cheers me up :)


ok, so Nightmare On Elm street meets sexyyyyyyyy :P unique!!!!! thanks :D


Ok....soooo whoever inspired this. Right. Here. I love you. I love u. I loooooooovvvvve this sooooo much!!! Once I realized there was no zombie sex, I figured I didn't inspire it.


"oh baby I'm kissing down your stomach, I want to eat your...braaaaaaains!"


I have a new kink....


That demon snarl/growl scuured me! I like the heartbeats, nice!💓💓💓


It's okay Gael, it's not like I wanted to sleep tonight. Or tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or like, ever again. (XD)

Kathy M

Christ on a cracker! We need an old priest and a young priest! ⛪️✝ Loooooved the added sound effects but demony stuff scares me. Perfect for Halloween . Great job even though Gael was done in by the spawn of Satan. Gotta go watch shadow dancing Gael and Bobby and cat videos for a few.


Claudia, Ashlee- did you see the muahs xx in the description? My Gael kisses the other night- nailed it!!💋💋


Ô_Ô I'm impressed by the sound effects and by how you play with the different tones of your voice! The story is amazing!! Big thanks to the Siren behind it, the idea is just brilliant! :-)


Oo, creepy dreamland is so fun! Love the imagination of whoever inspired this audio.


The backstory: The idea was for a slightly more erotic piece: A lady is being chased through a forest by a demon ( Possibly just a voice) So, what I did was change the demon to a vampire and added the 'dream' sequence....I wrote the dialogue and stole a David Bowie line to boot haha...I thought that having the vampire seduce the muse in her sleep while her boyfriend slept next to her would be dead sexy...and a betrayal of sorts...then I thought: What if the bite in dream was actual and it changed the muse into a vamp...and then she wakes and kills the boyfriend hahaha.... I am going to go back to the original idea and make it erotic...I think the idea is just so so cool! I love it so much! I had LOTS of help with the sound effects! I think that they really really added to the creepiness of the piece


Haha you have a new calling... A Gael kissing impersonator 💋😙


Hot damn! That was creepily sexy! Nice touch to change him into a vampire! Much sexier than a regular ole demon. The heartbeats and that guttural growl! 😱 My lunch break is complete! 😅


The ending definitely shocked me for a minute! Nice twist.


Oh yeah...totally off topic request. We need a little help on the community page. I think we need another Gaelic grind, Professor Gael. When you are not haunting us in our dreams that is. 😁👉👉


Loved loved loved this!!! The sound effects were stellar - so f'n sexy! 😈


👏 Loved the use of sound effects. This was so good, and I'm not usually a horror fan. Anxiously awaiting the erotic version. Great job Gael!


Ok so just wow, Gael is getting so much better. I love the sound effects and how it was a dream turned into reality. That growl/hiss part made me jump lol. I enjoyed the layers to the Vampire voice. Gael somehow makes "scary" sexy. This is perfect to start out October. Who here loves Halloween? 🎃


LOVE Halloweeeeen, love Autumn! This is my favorite time of year!!


Lol I'm a scary cat 🙀 I can't do it, guys. Too scared 😩


I had such a vivid imagination with this audio, probably due to the sound effects I think...🤔 I imagined myself laying face up in an old castle room, in a canopy bed. It was night time, the moon was shining and the light streaming in through the open windows. The vampire walking around the bed. Dissappearing and reappearing around and in the bed, close to my face and away in the corner of the bed again... it was so vivid, damn! I dreamt about vampires before but it was nothing like this, lol! Btw, the kissing noises @7.29-7.44... 😍 lóved those! I ruined it a bit for myself though... At one point you said a gealic phrase, but I heard something in the line of: Is that a macchiato? (I was drifting a little, forgive me) And I laughed so hard I had to stop the audio a while to compose myself xD #HappyHalloween ya'll! 😊🎃


It's not really scary, it's actually quite sexy. Trust me here because I hate scary things. If I can handle it I know you can 😙


Macchiato 😂😂 oh Sas you make me laugh so hard


New audio and I'm trapped at work... I learned my lesson last time, though! 😇😁😈


Omg!It was creepy and sexy and the sound effects out of this world.I cant wait to hear the erotic version!


Omg the layers of sound and voices used in this is amazing!


I loved the pitch differences you did between the hero and the villain voices. I hope to hear that sassy authoritative devious bass sneaks into future audios. It's lovely on the ears! The beginning of this really could have been a relaxation audio. The hero voice was so sweet and adorable. Good enough to eat. *cough* Too soon?


Haha not too soon at all. 😉 I like the way you think lady. 😆 I loved the voices and the deep bass was niiice. 👍

Gri (Sassy_One)

Great audio! To the mastermind behind the idea, THANK YOU!!! @Gael, it was very very very sexy!!! Yummy sexy (is that even a thing?) As always, superb!!! 👏🏻👏🏻


Ohh, moment mal!! Wait, wait, wait!!! I just listened again, thoroughly! Someone pass me a stake, please! This vampire may be sexy as fuck, but I don`t trust him, kein bisschen - not one bit!! He just wants a quick "suck and fuck". Afterwards he`ll change into his little, leathery bat-self and merrily flutter away...to seduce his next victim!!! Don`t fall for him...sharpen the stakes ladies...:)))


Hola Everyone! I hope y'all had a great Tuesday!


That was so COOL!!!!! Halloween has always been my favorite! This reminded me of the movie Labyrinth and something Florence and the Machine would sing about. Scary, sexy, and very creative. Loved it!!! Can't wait for the erotica version 😨😍


Hi Trina! I love the Labyrinth movie! When I was little it scared me soo much...:) but now I love David Bowie..oh, and the muppet-gnomes!! XD


I did! I had only half a day of work, which turned out to be really busy and then stressful when ordering lunch because we had a meeting with on of our reps. Then when I got home I got to listen to this treat. 🎃 Hope your Tuesday was good as well! 🙂


LOL did the vampire dazzle you the first time, of course vampires aren't trustworthy. :P Oh wait I just reread that comment, you want to kill the vampire Gael!!! How could you!


Fantastic !!! Great job Gael...a wonderful balance between sexy and scary. And I LOVED the sound effects...there were unbelievably effective. Definitely has me wanting more, cannot wait to hear the erotica version.


Reading the title and description, I was puzzled how that could be sexy... And then I listened. Love the breathing, and the kisses, and the concerned (so sweet) boyfriend...who has an unfortunate ending to his life. I think somewhere someone mentioned the devil in this post... So listening I kept picturing Tom Ellis, which is by no means a bad thing. Can't wait for the erotic version! Excellen job. Spooky things aren't usually my thing but her masking the dream as a nightmare is brilliant...and kinda hot.


Oh and I can't believe how sexy it is when your voice drops an octave and you're all Mr. Sexy McTerifying


That WAS hot! Deep sexy voices are mmmmm. He was on fire with this audio. "Mr. Sexy McTerifying", clever girl 😆


Morning peeps! I have a Super busy day ahead but I am glad I listened to the audio in the morning. 😅 I have yet to catch up w the comments but imma drop my comment before I start grinding... ermmmm working for the day. 😂 So... THANK YOU whoever the sexy mind. You rock! 😎 and Mayor Gael, you are making leaps of improvement there. The sound effects, the story line, the surprises, the changes in yr voice, etc... TBH, I am not a fan of horror stuff, but this is a good mix of horror & sexy. U had me switching from one feel to another throughout the whole audio. 😆 Unfortunately, due to the shenanigans last night, I have images of Darth Vader doing ASMR heavy breathing from the beginning of the dream. 😂 (Damn, Claudia & Sage. U ruined me.) Luckily it was eventually replaced with Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgård) so I must say I love it! The last part had me burst out laughing tho! 😂😂😂


Morning P! 😙 I agree with everything you said about this audio. I don't like horror either but this was perfect. I hope your dreams were free of Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt. 😂 You're just as bad as me with giggling at the end lol.


Gri...te gusta este audio? 😆 yuumy sexy is definitely a thing...it was created by Gael! Mmmmmmhhhmmmmm!


Oh I also wanna add on. Mr Gaelforce, I feel like this audio already feels professional. An interesting proper script w twists and smooth delivery with maximum effort. All this qualities oozing from the audio. Feels like a breakthrough to mainstream role play audios there. Looking forward to more like that! 😎😎😎


Happy Wednesday...Sirens and Gael! DAILY AFFIRMATION: Knowing who and what you are, is about so much more than your awareness of your outer person. Knowing yourself...in all aspects, is a never-ending process of discovery. For we are never the same human when we end each day, that we were at its beginning. Never stop viewing each waking moment as a chance to learn, grow, and improve. Rather than shielding yourself behind the armor of routine and complacency. Grant yourself the freedom of true curiosity about the world that you are helping to create. So that as its creator...you may finally come to understand the true and unanswerable nature of the question that is your "self".


Morgen, Mädls! Enjoy your Mittwoch! I see I missed a lot!! Hahaha "green Vader"...Busy Sirens...XD And I see you`re still fawning for the Vampire!! Seriously...?? I mean the audio is ausgezeichnet - excellently done.The sounds, the sexy-creepiness...bla, bla, bla XP Aaaaber - buuut, would you really fall for him?? He sounds soo ominous, soo smug...would you just lie there, writhing, moaning willingly, letting him have his malicious way with you? What about the boyfriend??? Wouldn`t you put up a fight?...Am I the only one who feels like this? :))) (I will keep a big stake ready...come and get me vampire Gael...if you dare!!) ;))


Not gonna lie guys some of those animal growls kinda scared me ahaha. Even made me jump 😳😂


Hello ladies & Gael 🌜just about to fall asleep but wanted to share some words one of my tutors at uni imparted on me today. We were chatting about lack of self confidence and all that so I basically shared how I'm disgusted with my physical appearance, feel unworthy of love (how ironic considering that's literally what my name means), my struggle with PTSD and anxiety and generally feeling like I have nothing to offer men. I've closed myself off to the idea of love, put my walls up and accepted that I'd be single forever. She said "sometimes you don't have to love yourself before anyone else will love you. Stop holding yourself to a standard of perfection that is unattainable...accept yourself for who you are, accept your "flaws" because there's someone out there who sees them as your little quirks. Just because you're not in a relationship doesn't mean there's not someone out there who is going to love you the way you are right in this moment"... This probably makes no sense because I'm falling asleep as I write this but thought maybe one of you might've needed to hear it as much as I did ~ goodnight 💖 (sorry if this is shit and doesn't make sense, I'm exhausted 😹)


Hi amanda! I m still at work and it's already late. But I just wanna drop a quick message to let u know that I used to be a tad like u too. But more destructive. Like I destruct myself. 😂 yr tutor is right. U should try to take it in and really talk to more pple. U will be surprised how much it will help u when u r willing to open yrself 😊 and I also think u r a pretty girl. Dun let yourself and others tell u otherwise. U should learn to be kind to yourself. 😊😊😊


Hey Gael, dunno if you're around here at all today or if this is a thing that you do, but it looks like a few of your Lovelies could use a virtual hug if you do & have the chance: 2 above & 1 next door. If not (on any count), don't worry -- the rest of the Siren swell will step up, I have the feeling.


I give good hugs if anyone needs one 🤗 BUT, I want a Gael hug too. I'm fine, I'm just greedy. 🤗🤗🤗


About to pop in to work...just wanted to wish everyone a great day...be happy 💗😍🤗🤗


Buenas Beauties. Hey Philotes- Vader sends his regards? Tell him I said, "yo, 'Sup Vades?" And what does 亲爱的 mean, hmm?


Thank you so much lovely!


Atomic Heart Hugs all around!


Yay! Danke, du weißt wie eine Sirene umarmt werden muß!! With atomic heart power, nothing less!! XD


Thank heavens it's daytime o_o That short grunt/snarl in my left ear...it made me jump, I'm not kidding! This was really well done, I liked it! But holy cow, it left me disturbed :o


Good afternoon pretty ladies! What are y'all up to today? It's a day off for me so I'm trying my best to not do much at all. 😆


You should definitely enjoy it then! :) I was at school to teach my lesson, then came back home and just trying to stay warm. Still need to write a review about this class, but it's gonna be like... a page and then I can just enjoy some free time until I'm off to bed. :)


I listened to it in the dark before bed and I knew it was coming up but still got scared. I thought I would see something when he said open your eyes....so I didn't lol.


We haven't had a question of the day in a while. I have one for y'all. Do any of you play an instrument or sing?


I used to play guitar in high school but I didn't keep it up.


Ok so ladies lets talk about last nights dreams...Ash B, Crystal & Trish- weigh in on this....

Gri (Sassy_One)

Wonderful and powerful words, Frishawn! Thank you, lovely soul!!!This journey of self-discovery, this want to truly know, accept and love yourself is an interesting adventure that we must jump into every day...we must treat ourselves as our priority, we must fall a little bit more in love with ourselves in order to achieve true hapiness!!! Hope you had a great day!!!!


Hi Jillian....all I can say is that my reoccurring dream guy now has an Irish accent and Vampire tendencies 😈. Not sure I am disappointed by this change.... :P


Hey sage, u r my 亲爱的 (darling) too 😙😙😙. Vader asked me to tell ya that u can call him Darth.


Okay ladies, I have to be up at 0500 tomorrow so I am off to bed. Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your night/early morning 🤗. And here's hoping that our fellow Sirens in FL, if we have any, stay safe !!!!


Morning ladies! It's pouring over here and I love it. The air smells so fresh. Sweet dreams to all of u who r tucked in bed. 😊😊😊

Gri (Sassy_One)

Morning dear Philotes! Errmm...confused as to where the wetness comes from?


Morning Sirens & Gael- it's almost midnight in my corner of the world but I just wanted to pop in and tell y'all how special each of you are to me- this little siren family has made my life so much more beautiful and I love y'all. Thank you for always being a constant spot of sunshine in my life. ❤️❤️❤️


Awe! You too my dear! ❤️ I totes agree with ya!


Good morning lovely ladies! We also have a rainy day over here - it's always hard to get used to them after all the sunny summer ones. And I always forget how it's gonna make my hair all curly and wild and useless. XD Now that I wouldn't mind if we didn't have a Memorial Day today and guess who has to go with the kids to this one...? We're all gonna be drenched when we get there, and I have a feeling that this is not an inside thing and we have to stand in the rain... Hope there's still gonna be a class I can teach tomorrow and they don't get all sick. :P How's your day looking lovelies?


Guten Morgen, Angie, Mädls! Hope you`ll have a nice day, though! And curly, wild , wet hair sounds sexy XP! Here it`s saukalt, too! Yesterday in the morning my windows were slightly frosty!! If your kids get sick I can recommend my Oma`s recipes (none of the other Sirens would dare to try them :(( )


Hallo, Frau Salbei?! If you`re around, I left something for you next door...(...hint it`s related to your favourite mouth-thingy...) Hahaha...

Gri (Sassy_One)

Morning, sunshines! Good & positive thoughts going your way! Hope your day's full of nice surprises. Stay safe and beautiful!!!!😁

Sandra Lorenz

...it's midnight and I'm listening to this. Big mistake. I'm a person that gets scared VERY EASILY!! Ahh I will bury me under my blanket now ,-,