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Will I run with this title?Thoughts?Most of you mentioned 'gentleman' and Saskia had the most likes on her suggestion.. Claudia's 'if only' is very catching too!But in the end it was a brainstorm! And what a sexy storm it was!So will I run with that and release the audio into the wild?



I love this title!! It perfectly describes the audio! :-)


I like it! Perfectly captures all the elements in my opinion!


I would make a small adjustment. switch it and make it: If only...A gentleman's desire. That way the title reflects the theme of the audio. But that's me being my detail-oriented self :-)


Actually I still haven't listened so my vote shouldn't really count haha. Oopsie😶


Personally, I thot it should be name "A safer way to relieve yourself". But let's go with this. 😂


Will there be a sequel?


Yep! This is it! Erin has a point tho. If Only...A Gentleman's Desire does flow better. 👏🏻😀 Thanks for letting us help! This was fun!


Great title and I like Erin's suggestion.


I agree with you Erin, I don`t like brackets, in a title! :)


Trish dear, I think mayor gael did see our requests. He is, after all, mayor 😂


I like Erin's take 😊


You mean safer as in the comfort of your own home? xD


like it!


Y'all are making me blush ;)


Gael- an ellipsis should have three periods, not two (...)😬 I'm Sorry!! Don't hate me, the grammar nazi made me do it.


Phew, thanks Rhea :)) He did say he wants us to make him better... ;PP


I think you should run with that title, it's a nice blend of both suggestions.


Look at this sexy think tank we have! I agree the title is great! Especially with the tweaks. Good job team!!!


This is not related but had to post: Adele was on the radio. And because I know you (Gael) love her so, I turned it up and sang my heart out. Haha! ;)


Just study this Vampire Weekend song, Oxford comma, for your semicolon and comma puzzlement. The comments on this song are a riot! <a href="https://youtu.be/P_i1xk07o4g" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/P_i1xk07o4g</a>


Ladies and Gael. That title so perfect! Erin, great tweeking! You guys are so inspiring and fun!


I love Erin's idea, I agree with everyone you should go with it. It's been interesting and fun brainstorming for a title 😊




I love it! 😃


Soo now, that's settled...? Well, Erin, Saskia and meine Wenigkeit - my humble self, kinda, sorta helped naming your creation (does this mean we`re Siren-Godmothers ?) Hahaha... How will you show your eternal appreciation to us, Gael? Hmmm? You know I`m not serious...unless, you insist...nah, just kidding! XD


Looks like it is a hit on YT too( not that I doubted that)! 👏🏻👏🏻😃


Morning lovely sirens! 😄😄😄 or good night for most of u 😊😊😊


Good morning!!! Just popping in to say Hello to anyone here now before I get on with my day. Gonna be a tough week and I'm likely to put in even longer hours than usual so I'm not sure how much I'll get to banter here with my lovelies!


Good morning Anna, and good luck to you! Go out there and rock it this week, we've all got your back!


Good morning to everyone!! It's a beautiful day today over here...breezy, slightly cool, and finally feeling like autumn! I can put on a cardigan and not die of heat! I realize that some of us have a tough week ahead of us, so I'm wishing everyone the best for today and the rest of the week! Go out there and rock the world like the sweet, sexy superstars you all are! On that note, a little discussion question: what are the little things you do to boost your confidence and put yourself in a good mood for the day? For me, it's waking up early and having some "me time" before the hustle and bustle begins. If I can have my breakfast and coffee, fill out my planner, get dressed and have my makeup done all before 10AM, I am in a good place. Like today...it's only 9:30 and I'm free to do housework until my 12:30 class! And with that, I must part. Bonne journee, mes belles!


Good morning Miss Amanda! Mine happens the night before. I set clothes out on my victorian chair and anything I need for the next day goes next to the door. I am not a morning person so this help me feel relaxed in the morning, not like a frazzled chicken with its head cutoff running around. This way I really don't have to make any decisions until I'm out the door. And a little spritz of perfume always makes me feel confident ;). Love the smell. Have a great day everyone!


Good morning, Lovely Ladies! Just poppin in to say hello and have a great day! 🤗


It's been two days, and I STILL have that <i>'Chim chiminey, Chim chiminey, Chim chim cher-oo'</i> song stuck in my head... Seriously it just won't leave!


Definitely just put my Disney playlist to listen to the song ;). What Disney character would you be? According to buzzfeed I'm 60% Mulan and 40% Ariel. ;)


I dunno what Buzzfeed has to say, but I've always identified the most strongly with Belle :)


So, today in my acting class, we were instructed to find a partner in the class with whom we were not close friends, and then do an exercise in which we would close our eyes and just touch each other's faces for 5-10 minutes straight. Just sit together in silence, eyes closed, and take turns feeling and caressing each other's faces. The goal of the exercise was to understand that, as actors, we need to be prepared to have "immediate intimacy" with anyone at any time, because you could very well have to play out a sex scene with someone you only met five minutes ago. I'm not sure why I'm telling you all this story lol, but one of my first thoughts afterwards was that you all needed to know! So that's how my day's been going! lol


That is such an interesting exercise! Scary but awesome!


Hello everyone. It's evening here so I hope everyone had a good Monday and for those asleep I hope you have a great Tuesday. I saw a "Would you rather" quiz and thought it would be perfect for this group. <a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/benhenry/the-sex-edition?utm_term=.irn88vB72x&amp;bffboz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.buzzfeed.com/benhenry/the-sex-edition?utm_term=.irn88vB72x&amp;bffboz</a>#.nw8kkpwAbW

Gri (Sassy_One)

@Crystal that was a fun test!! and it'd make one hell of a ramble!!!


Good morning lovelies!


Morning ladies! 😊 I sure hope all of u have a better day than me. My Tuesday is ending and yours is just beginning! 😄😄😄

Gri (Sassy_One)

Good morning! @Philotes, hope you had a nice day!


Good evening P! Sorry to hear your day wasn't that great, I hope you wake up to a wonderful day tomorrow. 😊


Morning gri! Thanks! It's ending well at least 😊


I cannot believe that one greeting from Mr Gaelforce amassed way more likes than any of my posts. And I posted hundreds. #competitive


Good morning Sirens! I hope you enjoy this beautiful day. 😁

Gri (Sassy_One)

you know we have to give him some love...but we love u lots!!!!!


Hehe, he's kinda a shy, quiet guy, so we have to give him lots of reassurance.


Good morning/good evening ladies!


Good morning everyone! Trying to get going with some coffee but it has yet to kick in ;). Have a fantastic day!


Morning Ladies!




Good morning all you sexy ladies! I hope your Tuesday is super fab! 😜


Gael if you're paying attention to these comments, I thot I'd let you know this post is set for everyone to see.


Afternoon check in ;). I'm pooped after that brutal dance class! I hope everyone's day is going super fabulously.


Ooh, dance class sounds fun! I'm going to the first zumba class of the year this evening and I'm super pumped for that!


Ughhhhh! I have to keep an eye on that! So so silly of me ( Thanks so much Ashlee....its fixed now!


Hey lovely, awesome ladies. I have a PSA (Public Service Announcement) for y'all when I get out of work in about 2 hours... Stay tuned, it's funny/embarrassing 😉


Why are you gonna go and tease us like that Crystal lol


I forgot how much of a workout Zumba is omg. My roommate and I are just over here complaining that our thighs are burning XD Squats are painful!! Why can't my muscles just do the thing without the effort!? 😭 But then again it's fun enough that I go twice a week sooooo


But that is the good type of pain! You know it is working! 🙃💪🏻


I think it's bedtime for me 😭 good night, mes belles! Good morning to Philotes because time zones! Also, because I know I will never make it to the morning greeting from you because time zone...good morning Gael, well in advance!! 😘 K I gotta pass out I love you all peace out homies ❤️


Gri, maybe this is a good thing to have to help deal with a shitty work day 😆 <a href="http://www.lostateminor.com/2016/09/08/relax-by-fondling-these-stress-balls-that-look-like-actual-balls/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.lostateminor.com/2016/09/08/relax-by-fondling-these-stress-balls-that-look-like-actual-balls/</a>

Gri (Sassy_One)

Crystal, I'm totally rethinking my office space!!! LOL


For real! Could you imagine, though, looking over and seeing someone fondling that?! 😂

Gri (Sassy_One)

The Irish boyfriend-sex operator excuse would not cover that one tho...😂😂


It's all about how you spin it. Be confident in your lies!!! Lol