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Hi Lovelies! 

So this was a reoccurring theme this week...Its fairly basic but I hope it helps any of you who struggle with falling asleep sometimes....Thanks to those of you who inspired it! 



Dropping in on this oldie to say I still use this and love it! Always get a great nights sleep when I listen 💗😴


Yay time zone diff! First! Gonna listen to it now 😎


Oh thank god! I'm all outta Melatonin.


Perfect timing! Was on YouTube trying to decide which video to listen to!


P- I never want to be first. I don't like to come too soon :P


I'm gonna say thank you now then listen :)


Is there a way to either save these or find a link to them directly? As you add more and more, you really have to start scrolling more to find an older one. Thanx


Perfect timing. It's 2 am here and I can't fall asleep.


There is afaik... I don't know how though (of course hahaha! ) But there certainly is a way :) Someone will help in a bit no doubt!


You just saved me from some seriously terrible reality TV viewing!


3pm is no time to fall asleep! The audio is really quite good 😊 I slipped into the zone a few times to jerk awake and remind myself that I got stuff to do 😑 Now I just wanna indulge myself in a afternoon nap 😑😑😑


I have been suffering from insomnia since I was 11 years old. It's nice to listen to an audio that helps you relax or sleep. You are a hero Gael ! ❤️


Yay! Perfect timing! I've been struggling to sleep this past week because of stress from uni, hopefully this'll help tonight! Thankyou! ☺️


Thank you!! I think I'll listen to it many times next week as I'll have a busy week at work with stressful events. I've been very anxious about it the last few days. :-)


I'm on a home computer and dont see any mp3 links. Just the links to Facebook, etc..haha I wont be linking THIS stuff to Facebook..HEY EVERYONE! LISTEN TO THIS FUCKING AMAZING MASTURBATION! WOOOHOOOOO!!!


Rhea, I dont use Twitter..you can email me at serafinsgirl@yahoo.com Thanx


That did it Rhea, thanks! I didnt sign up for personal audios...Gael is covering just about everything right here...the last two, the Sensual Lovers and the party one are fantastic. Would just like to hear more of him experiencing great oral sex...I cant recall any audio where he's cum in anyone's mouth yet..


Nice! The sleep videos on YT are how I found Gael in the first place. Thank you 😊


Ooh, I'm excited for this one! Gotta wait til bedtime though 😊 the sleep aid audios have done me so much good in the past so it's great to see more of that!


Aw, Jess, good luck with everything this week!! We're here for you if you ever need to vent 😊 You're such a superstar though so I know you'll rock it!


This was perfect! I woke up around 1am, listened to this, and fell right back to sleep! Thank you!


can't wait to listen to this tonight :)


Yay! Something to listen to tonight, cause my sleep cycle has just been off lately. Thanks for this Gael :-)


I hear ya! Good luck with getting some REM sleep ;)


Man... Between yoga tonight and this audio I'll be asleep in no time! Which is a miracle since I had caffeine today ;). 😲😴


Aaaaand I was so exhausted last night that I actually passed out without a sleep aid 😂 I will listen to this audio someday I promise!!


And I did fall asleep soon after the audio ended ;)


Thanks to whoever inspired Gael to do this 💜 I downloaded it to listen later, fell asleep then woke up at 3am ish to the sound of a voice in my ear coz somehow the audio just started playing itself ... freaked me out at first. But a nice way to go back to sleep. Especially liked the "Rewind" parts. Looking forward to more of these 😊


I haven't slept in over a month and a half due to some PTSD issues- I swear if this buys me even an hour of solid sleep, I'm flying to Cork to make Gael a cup of his favorite tea and breakfast in bed....although if I don't sleep it'll just be a cozy little day dream in my head- mmm - ever the optimist I am :) I'm feeling pretty hopeful based on the comments from you lovelies.


Melatonin alone, 3 hrs sleep. Melatonin + audio = 5. I'll take it!


I actually did fall asleep to it- I think I was able to get about 4 solid hours of sleep- it was glorious! :)


Jillian - that's amazing news!!!! And Julie too ;). Hopefully the trend will continue 💤👌👍💛

Gri (Sassy_One)

So, Jillian, when you get to Cork, say hi for all of us!!! So glad the audio helped you...Gael's voice is so soothing...never mind the day you're having, you listen to him and all gets better...


No kidding Gael, thank you so so so so much for this audio. Just been through a really rough patch with serious family illness and at one point the only things that could get me to sleep without nightmares was most of a bottle of vodka or this audio. Thank you so much for making it, it has literally kept me sane! ^^


I can stay asleep for a long long time, my problem is getting to sleep. This audio definitely helps me. I take some L-theanine for relaxation, put my headphones on and I'm out in a matter of minutes. <3