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This is an amusing Irish Documentary that I've shared with people in the past...its worth a listen! Its an amazing true story!I hope you all wake up in a good mood today! And remember: Hump day will pass...

Just like everything  else :PPP 


Don't Go Far...

Keith Byrne with his mother, Theresa, at Coolock Garda Station in 1985. (photo: Dermot O'Shea, The Irish Times ____________________________________________________ Dublin in August 1985 and two boys aged 10 and 13 hop on a DART train for a ride that will take them a few thousand miles beyond their stop.



Thanks Mr Gaelforce 😊


Going to bed on my side of the world 😴 good morning to those of you across the pond.


Apparently I'm officially a gutter puppy as the phrase "hump day" took a detour down the street and around the block in my head-


Hi Gael, can you please tell us where we can find the Irish cream Audio? Thanx so much! (check this out amarach)


Such a wonderful adventure! Naughty Irish boys! XD


Good morning! I'll listen to it tonight, I have to go to work right now. Thanks for sharing. And good night Sirens from the other side :-)


Night Rhea!


Morning Gael :) This was fantastic! Loved how the music and TV show clips from the 80s threw me right into the story and era. The shenanigans of a couple of "enterprising young lads". LOLed in disbelief from one stage of their journey to the next. Thanks for posting, and have a great day 😊


"With a bit of boyish charm, cunning, and a few words" Sounds like someone we all know :) It was a great story- kinda of makes me want to go stow away on an adventure... On that note good morning sirens and goodnight, it's midnight here so I'm off to try and sleep.😘


Good Morning everyone! 🤗 It's my bed time here in the southwest. Hope you all have a great day! 😊


Good morning all, from my neck of the woods! I have just joined in the fun, I couldn't resist the pull to be a supporter for Gael any longer. I am looking forward to all the fun we will have together. I remember hearing about this adventure when I was a teenager (dating myself I suppose!) - I also remember thinking, "it's my turn! I am ready to just hop a plane and see where it takes me." I am feeling a lot of that again this morning as well


Good morning everyone! I hope y'all have a great day/afternoon.


Can't believe they got that far haha. Streetwise is what they are indeed, adventure is what you make of it ;)


Ooh! I'm gonna have to listen to this in bits and pieces at a time, but it sounds like a fascinating adventure story! I hope you all have a fantastic day today! :D


Right? I love the part where the kids thought they were drugged so they wouldn't get off the plane in Shannon!


OMG, I just realized he put up an Irish podcast. So, technically, ladies I didn't lie to my coworkers 😉


Lovely story :)


...Nevermind, just listened to the whole thing. Once I started I couldn't stop. That was HILARIOUS! You Irish boys are always up to some mischief, aren't you?


True!! Now he needs to visit New Brunswick so my story can be semi-true too 😂


Good morning everyone! Peace and blessings to you!😙😇


Starting my day here. Had to pop in real quick to say hello and I hope all of you are having a


Hi! I'm new here! I just wanted to say hello to everyone. :)


Hi Laura! Welcome aboard! So glad to have you here!! ♥


Jillian with that cliff hanger! ♥ Hello and hugs to you mama!


Hi Laura!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


When I first heard this, I was surprised how far they got. But then I thought about all the times that I flew alone as a child.


Soooo I just listened to the documentary. I would have beat their little behinds when they got home. "Where the fock were you? You did what? Now we are on the news! I look like a neglectful parent!" Pissed me the fock off it did. 😑 😌☺


awesome story. it's always good to have that friend that is always up for an adventure no matter the time


After crying and kissing them, would've beat them with love. Omgosh....too crazy...


Alright ladies, has anyone ever heard of Kama Sutra Yoga?


Ladies...Do you find your minds wandering to when Gael will be posting his next creation, sending your personal audios, or popping up in feeds just to say "hi"? Do you find yourself listening to his audios in lieu of doing things that you know that you would be doing otherwise? Does Thursday find you chomping at the bit for Rambles? If so Miss Tina and I would like to invite you to take part in what we like to refer to as a continuous Gael Intervention. This is your one stop shop for help down from your Gael tree! If this sounds like you, comment under this post.


OMG I'm dying from laughter over here! I'm taking my last break of the day at work and this totally gave me a boost to finish the rest of my day. 😂(Notice, though, I didn't answer the question 😉) lol


Friends! Sirens! Lovelies! Have you ever been caught listening to Gael in public? Do you find yourself making references to him or anything that he's taught you? Have your friends, family or coworkers ever approached you about this sudden development? And if so, how in the WORLD did you cover up your dirty little secret!? Come on now! Crystal listens to an "Irish podcaster," I have an "Irish friend that I met through an exchange program"...have you told your own version of Gael? What do you friends know about this elusive figure? Step on up, ladies, step on up and FESS UP!


Dr. Frishawn, so I ummmm....get anxious when I notice he's online but I have to work with someone and can't get on my phone. My nerves go bad! Hope he's not reading this...


@Amanda....sometimes I casually say I have a friend who lives in Ireland....at least I don't say boyfriend....yet....


@MissTina You must first calm down. Then you must engage emergency distraction maneuvers. In short, do whatever you have to to put distance between yourself and your phone. Until your crisis has passed. Eating works well.


Morning sexy Sirens! Missed ya 😙


For my theatre design class our assignment for tomorrow is to choose the official flag of any country and design a costume based on it. Guess which one I chose? 😝


Hi Ladies!!! 🤗🤗🤗Wowzers. I missed a lot today! :) Hello to Julie Lulie and Laura! Welcome to our crazy, supportive home on the web! 😁


I can't believe those little turds made it all the way to New York!!! 😱 What a story though! Holy cow!


Hello my Sirens! Half the week is over and I'm still standing, woo!!! Took a quick scroll down the comments and so far I've concluded that there are some new Lovelies (welcome sexy ones!!!), someone is thirsty for Irish Cream, we've all come up with clever stories to explain our references to our virtual Irish boyfriend, and there is an ongoing Gael intervention??? Gahh I've missed you all haha ☺️


@Philotes Your story about our little group is fanfreakingtastic! You are so cute! You are so right...It was not a lie( well, except the part about our moderator being gay!) Poor Gael! 😆💋


Gael! I have a question!! Were you alive in 1985?! 😈


Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing Tina!!! 😂😂


Hahah thanks. As for Gael, I think technically I am also not lying. He CAN satisfy all genders 😎


These kids did have street smarts! reminds me of Frank Abignale Jr (catch me if you can). Thanks for sharing Gael!


Gael! Get off work early and play with us!! It's Thursday!🤗


Good Morning Sirens, I have a question for you. You had to spend the night at Gael's house. Your car broke down. You wander into his room in the middle of the night. A storm is raging, and it woke you. You find him sleeping. What do you see? What would you do? Or not do? Have fun ladies! Make it good. Happy Thursday!💋


Frishawn....Philotes....I may need an intervention...I'm in a mood today.


Hallo ihr Süßen - lovelies! I just drop by to wish ya`ll an ausgezeichneten Donnerstag - excellent thursday! And Philotes, I know you`re around :) Yesterday I made the egg tarts, they were köstlich - delicious! Danke for the recipe! I went down to the village and shared them with my favourite barkeeper...now guess what we drank?...Hmm? Hmm? I tell you, Chinese tarts and Irish cream make a good match! I drank a toast to all the sexy Sirens out there - Prost! Cheers! Have to go now...see you. XD


Heheheh Claudia! U go girl! I am sure your egg tarts are the best! OK... now I gotta try them with Irish cream. Hahahah 😙😙😙


Hello my lovely GGs (Gael Girls), I bet you're wondering, "Hey, what's Crystal doing at 11:51 am on her Thursday?"


Well, I'm glad you asked...I'm currently laying in the back of a firetruck with a firefighter (and might I add he's a sexy one)


Why you ask?


Because the effin' elevator in my building caught fire while I was in it!!! The roof was on🔥 and I don't mean the song


😱 that's awful, at least you got a sexy firefighter 😉


Crystal I am so glad that you are alright, and that you got the added bonus of a very sexy rescuer! Take care love.💖💋


I feel like someone jinxed me....last week the public Gael audio now a fire...I got back to work and passed by the elevator, now it's covered in plastic. I made a meme out of it 😆


Morning Ladies! 😙😙😙 T. G. I. F. !!!! WOOHOOO!!! I just woke up and is just feeling happy 😁 I wanna spread the cre... ermmm the joy 😂😂😂 Gael! Pls have some AWESOME uploads this weekend. 😙😙😙


Oh, Crystal poor thing! Hope you recovered a little?


Night Saskia 😊

Gri (Sassy_One)

Goodnight beauties! Hoping you had a good Thursday and wishing an awesome Friday!!!!

Gri (Sassy_One)

So now we're into irish cream & sleepy Gael? I've missed allll the fun!!!!!! 😕


<a href="https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154532333623234&amp;id=156476778233" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154532333623234&amp;id=156476778233</a>


☝ If this links works, y'all should definitely watch. It's guinea pigs talking about pumpkin spice lol. Now, who among us likes guinea pigs?


These guys are cute! But uh, I have a little something to confess.


I dunno friends I'm feeling super sappy tonight so I just wanted to say I love you all and my life and my mental health has honestly been better since becoming a Siren and wow okay ❤️ I'm gonna take a shower and then get snuggly in bed and maybe be back for a bit if I don't fall asleep cuz I am wiped out lol


i just listened to don't go far. it was so good! thanks for sharing :)


it was really interesting...kinda makes you wanna be adventurous but then we realize we have jobs 😊


It's been interesting today ladies but I'm gonna turn in. Patreon and my internet are both fucking with me. Night lovelies. 😊


Happy Friday for those of you waking up!!! Haven't gone to bed yet here but hoping my brain will relax sometime soon.


Thanks, Erin! Angenehme Nachtruhe - sleep tight! :)


Good morning folks, Happy Friday!! What are your weekend plans?


Morning Sirens! Time to stir the pot with the daily question. What is one thing that becoming a Siren has helped you to realize or admit about yourselves? Have fun! Have an awesome Friday!💋


I know that I find strength in the promotion of others. Their happiness, creativity, wellbeing.

Gri (Sassy_One)

Being able to express myself, explore my wants and desires, and accepting that sensuality is a part of who I am without feeling ashamed is what I really have gained from this experience...its sooo liberating!!!!


My goodness @Miss Gri! Heeding the call of your inner Siren. You sing your sexy sing girl! You sing! I hear you. We all hear you!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Ohhh Miss Frishawn, much love to you!! You sexy thing are an inspiration to us all!!! 😘😘


Gael!!! It's Friday!!! Come play with us!!!


Hi Ladies😘 In response to the daily question- this experience has brought me back to life. I'm starting to own my body, my sensuality, &amp; my voice. It's giving me confidence- I started writing again and working with my camera and I've become a little more outspoken. This community is special. Love you Sirens!! ❤️❤️❤️


Jillian, I love your response but I wonder if the reason why men throughout history have made women believe that "owning" her sexuality was wrong was simply because they knew how awesome and powerful a woman would feel. I'm still amazed at the double standard that exist in society today. If you feel good about yourself and you are able to voice your sexual desires, then you are a sinful slut bucket. That's wrong. Sorry. I kinda went off.


And is it really worse if I listen to a man weave sexual fantasies vs. Him watching a woman act them out on a screen or at a strip club? Does the fact that the audios are personal with my name make things worse? Or what if I'm the one weaving stories for others, would that be cheating? Musing today...


Decide to come to the beach for my lunch break and read y'alls comments and I'm not even half way through


I think for me becoming a siren and a part of this group has really been educational. I have learned a lot about my wants and desires and it is okay to want and desire those things. As I have said before, I am really shy and it takes a lot to open up about personal things like sex and what I like. The audios have really helped me realize and embrace my "inner wild child" and this community has given me a safe place to express things that I would otherwise keep inside. I can be my silly, gutter brained self and I am lifted up by you all for being me! Outside of this group, I have noticed that I have been more outspoken, flirting is becoming a thing for me(I never knew how to do it before), and I actually now noticed when men are flirting with me. 👏🏻😆🤗❤️ The laughter we share has also relieved some of my anxiety and stress I feel day to day. Laughter is my new medicine! Much love to all you Gutter Puppy Sirens! 😘


It makes me so happy when I see stuff like this here. I feel the same way. I think this community is really something special.


Much love and respect ladies and Gael💋