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Hi sexy earthlings!
I just wanna give ye a heads up about the Community Page

If ye are posting there it may be a good idea to select: 'patrons only' when ye do...

That way no one outside of Patreon can see your messages and replies.
Just to keep yer privacy, ye'll also get more reaction to what ye post... I just thought I let ye know here as more of you will see it.
Ps: If you've already made a post you can change the setting easily ;)

I hope humpday is good to you

Big big leprechaunic love 😜❤️❤️🍀



Happy hump day G! Xoxo 😘 Big huh? 🤤😏




Happy Wednesday, G 😁


Good Morning handsome and sexy ladies💝


Happy “middle of the week” to you, sweet G! Much love always 💜💜💜


Happy hump day sweet G. Hope you're not *suffering* too much in Her Majesty's lair. 😜


uh oh 🤤, that's what i get for drunk posting...or was i hungover when i posted about rugby? i better go check what i did. thank you, o g!! um what does leprechaunic love consists of? sounds like a band name.


Stay hydrated, G!! 😘 drink all ze waters. you need it 🤣


Thanks, G! ❤ Out of curiosity, doing anything fun for Saint Patrick's?? I'm not Irish, but it's my saint day, so you better know I'm going all out 😎


Happy almost "humpday" to you. I'm officially off to sleep now. Cali love to your leprechaunic love. Have a great day m'dear Gael and the same to the lovelies. 🤗💖


Happy hump day! I'm so sleepy... 😴


Leprechaunic love back at ya, G! Though, I’m only 1/4 leprechaun. (My mom is half Leprechaun)


ok, DONE! 🤭


Haha! We thankest thee for thy warnings Gael! 😋


Happy hump day! Guessing I should drag myself out of bed and do this thing! Oh but it's so warm and cosy...just another 10 minutes 😂


Happy hump day to ya, G! 🐪 😘 Hope your day is good.. stay hydrated 😜 I should be sleeping since it’s almost 230am here but of course I am wide awake 🙃


Happy hump day everyone!!!


Happy humpday! I just woke up to my dog licking my face! 😂😂😂 Not quite your sensual kisses!


Happy Humpy Wednesday! ❤🐪


......all the dumb crap I put in your Community page G and you had to spot THAT one 😂😂😂


P.S.: speaking of Patreon does anyone else have this issue? When I have probably more than 8/10 downloaded audios it’s impossible to scroll further back to select one.


happens to me too 😕 must be the app that’s got the problem


Namastè 🌍 Merci Gael ! Have 🙌 wonderfull day all 🐻💚 Hugs 😘


Happy humpday Gaelforce😈


Happy humpday Gael,you are one sexy Leprechaun <3


Excellent advice Sir! Wishing you all the humpiest of humps today!! 🤣😙


Happy hump day, G! Big leprechaunian hugs and kisses to ye! 💚💋


happy hump day and pi(e) day to you, G!! i hope you enjoy this beautiful day!


Happy hump day, Gael! Thank you for the Community Page reminder. And to our ever expanding group of lovelies, I have whipped up an extra-large batch of kool-aid and am serving it on the Community Page. I am inviting new Patrons to come introduce themselves and lovelies who have been here awhile to come and tell some Gaelandia lore. All are welcome -- Sla'inte! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/17549703">https://www.patreon.com/posts/17549703</a>


And of course you are invited to tell stories as well, Gael :^)


YAASSS, Happy Pi Day, everyone!<br><br><img height="190" src="http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/files/2016/03/PiDay2016.jpeg">

Meghan McDonald

After two feet of snow It is going to be a crazy day.


Piiiiiiiiii! Frankly, I use e more these days, but still. Piiiiiii! It's delicious.


Yeah good idea my Sir


Guten Morgen Sirens of Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag!? It´ s quite cold tonight and the stars are sooo sparkly. Yesterday the kittens brought me a blackbird and a mouse they demanded a piece of pancake in return... seems like a fair deal. :) Here are some random daily Fragen for my dear Fraugen... (I will make a little Gaelandian Trivia Quiz for you soon. :)) Bungee jumping or sky diving? Can you Noten lesen - read music? Do you like popcorn, with or without Butter - butter? ;) Have you ever created an account for something but forgot its password and had to make a new one? Which direction should the toilet paper roll, under or over? Danke meine Lieben. Bis später. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Fragen, which sadly got a little lost. :( :)


Guten morgen Claudia! I have been itching to answer your daily fragen! Here goes: Sky diving (as long as I’m strapped to a tasty instructor 😜) I can read music a little I love popcorn in all its forms although butter is best 😁 I’m always forgetting passwords Toilet roll MUST go OVER!!!!


Thank you for the heads up on that....


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any interesting weekend plans? My little niece will visit, so I will be veeery busy. :) I´ m in a rush tonight... Lil` Seanie needs my attention. I´ m sure one of you sexy Fraugen has some daily Fragen, bitte? Danke for your Fragen and answers, as always. Bis später. XD PS: Does anyone else wonder where Herr Gael is? Is he maybe really "suffering" in Her Highness Sensual Pit atm? o.O


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! What, no Fragen yet? May I, my dears? - What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to? - If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done? - What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen? - If your life had a mascot, what would the mascot be? - What is the funniest doomsday device a super villain could threaten the world with? PS: I'd imagine Herr Gael's putting himself through some calisthenics ahead of his daring escape from the Sssssensual Pit of Despair...hehehe...


Guten Morgen Mädls. A wonderful Samstag to everyone! Happy St.Patrick´ s Day if you celebrate. :) I have a special Fragen quiz for you...I hope you like? Maybe one of the numerous Lehrerinnen - teachers here could make a better one? Well, I tried and picked them from Amy´ s very nice thread. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/17549703">https://www.patreon.com/posts/17549703</a> I hope you won´ t schummeln - cheat! :) The Gaelandian Trivia Quiz What is Gaelandia´ s official kool-aid flavour and why? Which item did Indiana Gael steal from the glorious Lizard Queen? (And will he survive the Sensual Pit?) What is the colour of Gael´ s cum? What does Frau Claudia do with all the Fragen answers? XP On what day is Gaelandia´ s first official holiday and which fruit is celebrated? What is your official Gaelandian title? And why? As we are talking about Gaelandian customs... do you remember movie night? Maybe we can revive it? Hm? I have no clue how it was done technically, but I´ m sure one of you clever girls knows how to do it!? So, danke for your answers meine Lieben. Bis dann. XD Danke Rachel for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! It's still Thursday over here, but Happy early St. Paddy's! Oh, the quiz! OK, I'm ready! Official kool-aid flavor of Gaelandia and why? ...I...I actually don't know. I've never caught what flavor the kool-aid is, but I think it's pineapple (or spiked with pineapple juice), because it makes your cum taste better. Which item did Indiana Gael steal from the Lizard Queen? It was the Cock Key. And I'm...&gt;.&gt; thinking he is going to survive the Sensual Pit (unlike me 😭) The color of Gael's cum? White. What does Frau Claudia do with the Fragen answers? She keeps them for science! On what day is Gaelandia's first official holiday and which fruit is celebrated? Ah, dang it! I don't remember the exact date *restrains from looking* but...I'm gonna guess September 15th, and the fruit is a banana 🍌 I remember this because I joined that day! What is my official title, and why? I'm Gaelandia's Pillow Fighter, because I'm a martial artist, so I put my skills to use here and partake in sexy pillow fights, where mass hilarity ensues 😆 Do I remember movie night? Yes 😄 I only made it to one, but it was so fun! Maybe we can revive it? I think so. It'll be similar to gaming livestreams, so it's possible. Sadly, I don't have the right programs, or the know-how to do so. The way it was done with the chat and stuff reminded me of Twitch, but I don't remember the website where it was done.


Thank you for the tip daddy 💕


Happy Saint Patrick's Day Gale!!! Blessed Be


From your favorite Witch ⛧


Anyone else concerned that the storm over on the Green Isle may have knocked out Gael's electricity? He's been very quiet... We've had a few bad nor'easters here and a lot of people have lost power for big chunks of time, so maybe I'm just projecting. I hope everything is okay!


Maybe he's just down at the pub celebrating St. Paddy's day