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Hey all! Happy green drunken leprechaun day 😂
I'm currently stranded in a tiny village down west ( car trouble )

Could be here til Monday coz everyone else is drunk haha. I have some sporadic internet tho so woohoo!

Have a good one!!



Uh oh! 😂 Stay safe, G. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you. 😘


Need me to ring AA for you lad? 😜


Happy paddy's day Mr. G!!


Happy St. Paddy’s day sexy Irishman! 😍😍😘😘😘 Have a wonderful weekend G!


Be safe


Stay safe, Gael! Let us know what you're up to :)


Hope it leads to a wonderful adventure you can share in a later ramble. Have fun! It seems to follow wherever u go.

Gri (Sassy_One)

It’s a cool day to be stranded in a village, tho...Enjoy your weekend!


Enjoy your time G.

Greek Goddess

Good evening Gael!Happy St.Patrick’s Day!


Haha good luck with your car! And Happy St Patrick's Day 😘


Happy St. Pats! Have fun!! Watch out for lizards!!


Stay safe Gael. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you 😚


G, you can lift the car on your own (we have seen that arms...) and get home


Oh no! Stay safe!


Happy St. Paddy's day G 😘😘


Uh oh, car trouble? Does someone need some ASSistence?😍☺️I hope you have a lovely holiday, G.😘💜


Uh oh. It's the universe tellin' ya to take time to celebrate.

Ariel Diamond

Stay safe out there and Happy St. Paddy's Day weekend, G 😍😘


Oh no 😕 Well stay safe. And happy St. Patrick’s day 🤗


Happy Paddy's day sweetness


☘Happy St Patrick's day!


Oh god 😂😜 take care Mr Mayor ❤


I was lucky I made it to the village! I drove through like 30km of hill before the oil light flashed. I tried to pop the hood but the cable snapped!


Have some fun, make the most of the adventure! Happy St Patrick's Day!


Happy Paddy's Day! Hope your car trouble get sorted quickly and you have a great weekend despite it. 🍀🤗💖

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Watch yer back, Mr. G!!... especially around all the tipsy village ladies... they may be lookin' to get their grope on 😉... or maybe you would enjoy that 🤔... anyway - be safe and enjoy what you can!😘


Stay safe, and have a happy St Patrick's Day!!


It’s St. Paddy’s Day and my birthday! Double whammy of drunken shenanigans :) if you can’t beat them, join them lol


Oh no, you poor fella!😙 Stay safe and watch out for the other drivers when you can get back on the road safely. Happy St. Patrick's Day, G!🍀 Try to have a good celebration, I guess. As good as can be had with impending car repairs. :/ 😅 Kisses and hugs!❤❤


Happy St. Patrick's Day, sweetheart! ❤️ Just scream very loudly if you want some company. The Dutchesz is at your service 😏😉


I hope there aren’t any listeners in that village or you might be in trouble! 🤣 Stay safe and happy St Patrick’s Day!

Dana Fear

Stay safe everyone


I hope you‘re ok😬😘 „Happy“ St. Paddy‘s 🍀♥️🍀


Enjoy your unexpected st Patrick's day, slainte 😙😙could be an audio idea 'stranded on St Patrick's day' 🤔😚😚


Hi gorgeous! I trust you've managed to construct an amazingly naughty PA scenario for our favorite Irishman? 😍 Have a lovely weekend, sweetie 😊❤️


There are likely worse places to be, I'm sure. I would jump you if I were there - I mean jump start your vehicle.


Happy St. Patrick's day to all! 🍀💚


Happy St Patrick's Day everyone! Have a safe & ultrafun weekend! 🍀💚🍀


Try taking your shirt off, I hear that helps with car trouble. 😉


Happy St Patrick's day! Keep safe..it's freezing tonight 💖💖


Seems like some leprechauns made a trick on you!! 😂 Be safe! 😉 And a happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone!! 🍀🍀🍀😘😘😘


Lá Fhéile Pádraig Shona 🍀🍀💚


Hope you get rescued soon! 🤞☘️Be safe!


I hope your car trouble is not too serious. Try to enjoy the celebrations while you are in the village. Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 🤗 🍀


Oh god you’re not the only one 🙄 I’ve been stuck in the Lake District for 3 hours tonight! I’ve just been rescued though and it turns out I’m just an imbecile who didn’t realise her alternator had gone so the battery wasn’t being charged! I think I need a night down at some form of pub... 😂☘️ get yourself rescued and follow my lead!


Goodness, G, glad you are safe! Enjoy the rest of your St Paddy's Day and your impromptu vacation -- hopefully you'll come back with some great stories to share! 😚💕


Somehow I believe this is all Seanie’s fault lol Stay safe, G. Hope your car troubles aren’t too bad and can get it fixed ASAP.. and enjoy your last min getaway 😜💗


Happy St Patrick’s day!! Enjoy your unexpected weekend out, I’m sure you will have a good time despite the car problems! You will have some nice stories to share about this in the future hahah. Stay safe and enjoy yourself!


Sounds like an interesting afternoon lol do try to stay out of trouble!! 😉 Lol this actually gives me an idea about an audio... What if you and your girl were out and about for st. Patrick's day, having fun and what not, but you notice your girl is getting hit on by like all the drunken dudes. In public you could act like it's no big deal, but when you get home you could get all possessive and show her that she is yours and no one else's. (Just a suggestion, but you could use things like "mine" or "who does that ______ belong to?" Or something like "I'll make you feel so good, you'll never want anyone else". Just ideas, not required) then after you've had your fun, she could say that she was flirting back with them on purpose because she wanted to get a reaction outta you and that she loves when you get possessive and primal or something like that. Anyway just an idea lol 😄 im done rambling so I'll just leave lol


Lauren from LI is having a great day! 😘 And for all you movie lovers out there.... And Shepherds we shall be For thee, my Lord, for thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti.




Aw man, that sucks! Hope you get rescued soon. Try and find the fun in this mis-adventure! 😉 Happy St. Patrick's Day, G! 😊🍀


Going on adventures is always worth it.. Talking about adventures.. A very famous saga tells the story, when the vikings started to trade in Cork..They meet a strange man there.. He kept crows as pets, and spoke in a very fast and not understandable language.. They asked him his name, and it sounded like "Schjaanee".. The Vikings thought that he was really scary, so they decided to leave.. So thanks to that man, that's the reason Ireland is not a part of Scandinavia today 😉So Happy Green day 🍀Have a wonderful green evening 🤣in a cozy little village 🍀Goodass Prana 🤣🍀😘❤️❤️😄😄😃


Gael..may the Luck o' the Irish smile...uh...oh...well shoot! Looks like those darn Gremlins have donned beard and hats with buckles and have thrown a monkey "shellelagh" into your plans. Be safe! Have fun! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!!!!


Yes!!!! Love the Saints, even if their accents are awful! 😂


So is it the oil pump or a leak? OR you've just been driving without oil, tsk tsk. I can say that because I finally took my car for oil change on Monday it had been 8 months. Ridic. Anyway, hope you have somewhere to stay. Be safe. 🍀❤


Stay safe, G ! Hope everything gets sorted out quickly and you make it home safe and sound ❤🍀


Stay Safe. Happy St. Patrick’s day ☘️❤️


I have heard that as well...it may have been just now..but still!!


*tries to hot wire car* I'll go get you, G! oh wait, here are the keys. i say you "it happened one night" that bitch and show some leg for a ride. remember, pics or it didn't happen.


Happy St. Paddy's Day, G! Gosh, sorry about the car trouble :/ Hope you make it home safe, bud. Be careful!


Happy St. Paddy's Day to my favorite Irish alpha male 😘☘ Hope your car gets fixed soon!


At least it's your car that's busted and not you! I had convinced myself you had lost electricity or gotten trampled by a desperate mob searching for bread. Good luck with getting your car running (and getting the hood to open) and weathering "the Son of the Beast," as your news media are apparently calling this round of cold and snow. May you have an adventure and not too terrible a schlep!


Unexpected things always seem to happen on March 17... 😅 Last night (it’s Sunday morning here #zonesoftime) I got dubbed the “pub fairy” because of a sticker from a play and I kept receiving free drinks that I didn’t want to drink! So I had to give them away to several drunken strangers 😂 At least this was seen as a good thing by those strangers, but it meant I couldn’t slip away home unnoticed until they were super, sUPER drunk 🤦🏼‍♀️ promoting long term liver damage isn’t my forte ok?! 😅 May I never be “pub fairy” again! 🙏🏻 Happy Paddy’s Day to all of you! Be safe and have fun!


I honestly want to feel some sort of sympathy for you about this, G. But I just can't. This was an easily avoidable mishap. Tsk tsk. I'm just kidding. Sort of. 😜 I hope you get rescued soon! 😘


Happy st Patrick's day Gael 😘


Happy St.Paddys Day Gael💚🍀🍀


Even though you are stranded I hope you are enjoying the holiday. Happy St. Paddy’s Day GF!!!


Sorry to hear of the car trouble! As long as you’re safe. Here’s to making the most of the rest of St Patricks Day for you!💜💜💜


Ohhhh no!!! Hope everything gets worked out! Happy St. Paddy’s day Gael!! 🧡💚


Two bottles of champagne and I’m eyeing a can of Guinness...happy St Paddy’s Day ☘️ xxx


Stranded??? I had assumed all of Ireland would be lucky today... of course that's probably due to my being American and growing up in a faux-irish tourist trap kind of a town...


Hope it's fixed quick!!!


This is why I surround myself with lots of friends of varied and useful skills, including auto repair - it has saved me many a time over my long and storied history of owning beaters 😂😂 hope your car trouble gets sorted quickly!


OMG I hope you’re okay, I wish I was stranded with you...😁


Hope it's not too bad and you get home safe very soon. Happy St. Paddy's Day! BE SAFE!!!!I


Lock in!


How do people in Ireland celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Years ago when I lived in NYC, I had a roommate from Ireland and he was bewildered by the fact there was a huge parade and people day-drinking everywhere! (It was a weekday, as well.)


Happy Patty's day!🍀 Stay safe out there.


Guten Morgen allerseits. Hope everyone has a nice Sonntag!? My little niece is staying über Nacht - over night. Now she, the kittens, my man and a horde of cushions, blankets, books and cuddly toys are occupying my bed. It´ s really cute... :) I have some assorted daily Fragen for you... Would you work zu Hause - at home if you could? Or do prefer getting out of the house? What's the best Frühstück - breakfast food? Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you think it makes the elevator faster? :) If you had the opportunity to heimlich - secretly watch Gael while he` s recording, would you? Have you ever secretly watched a guy masturbating in real life? Danke my dear Fraugen. Bis dann. XD


Happy St. Patrick's Day to Gael and my fellow lovely lasses! I’m about to go out to my first bar hopping experience, as I’m /Finally/ 21! Wish me luck with tomorrow’s aftermath, though! 😂


Would I work at home- No I like getting out of the house. I would never feel like I was fully at work or fully at home if I worked at home. Best breakfast food- Pancakes, when I was pregnant I had to go to IHOP at least 3 times a week to satisfy the pancake craving! Elevator button- I push it once, once is enough 😂 If I had the opportunity to watch Gael record would I- Absolutely, without question! Have I secretly watched a guy masturbate IRL- Not secretly, but I have with his knowledge. Kisses 😙


Drink water every drink or two, drink a bottle of water before bed, take two Tylenol and if you lay down and get the spins put one foot on the floor and one on the wall. Happy 21st!!


Hey, this reminds me of one of your audios!! It was raining....the car broke down...you had to stay in a creepy B&B.... 🤤


Hello Frau!! 1. I would work from home, but make sure I could take my work with me to different locations. 2. Best breakfast food is a three way tie between bacon, corned beef hash, and scrapple. 3. Depending on my level of frustration, yes I push it more than once fully knowing it won't make it move faster. I have just had bad luck with not pressing it hard enough and missing my floor. LOL 4. I would LOVE to watch Gael create. I would love to assist in the creative process. 5. I have secretly watched a guy masturbate. It's not nearly as hot as having the guy know you are watching him...


You’re a genius!!!! When life gives you lemons! 🤷🏻‍♀️🍋


Happy Paddy’s day to ye!!! I hope you’ve all been having a better few days than I have...I got laid off suddenly on Thursday, so I’m spending a few days with my parents while I get back on my feet and prep my resume 😔 But enough about me. Cheers to Gael and all the lovelies on this most jolly day!! ☘️


Just dyed my hair green couple of days ago 😂💚💚

Monique (Mimzz)

Thanks for the update, we all were a bit worried. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Have fun and get home safely 😊😜💚💚


I hope you can get your car fixed quickly!😊


Please be safe, G. And happy St Patrick’s Days! Sorry about your car though, I hope it gets fixed soon.😘


Hope you get your car fixed soon.


My Papaw's birthday was yesterday. He loved paddy's day, and the green beer that accompanied the holiday XD It was a hard day for me though, as he passed last November. And my grandma landed in hospital yesterday. They both took care of me as a child, i was very close to them. Losing one and the thought of losing another, its just hard. I hope all the lovelies had a wonderful time and much love to you Gael <3


Im sure your papaw was looking down at the world with a green one in his hand going: Slainte! ;)


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. Hope everyone has a pleasant Montag and a nice week as well!? It´ s quite cold tonight, we had some Schnee - snow again. I´ m watching the kilns, the kittens and the snow... everything is fine... sipping some tea... hmmmm... I´ m much too lazy for the Fragen. :) Can one of you Fraugen ask some? Bitte? Vielen Dank for your Fragen and answers, as always. Bis dann. XD


Perhaps some sexy This or That? <i>Fragen</i> will do the trick if people can find them down here! 😯 - Try using a butt plug or nipple clamps? - Have a threesome or have sex on a live webcam show? - Be blindfolded or have your wrists bound? - Wax play or ice play? - Wear a naughty nurse or French maid outfit? - Get a sensual massage from or take a bath/shower with your lover? - Have sex/masturbate with the lights on or with music playing? - Have sex/masturbate in a tent or in a car?