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I always knew that my Lovelies were amazing... but oh so selfless too... 

I haven't the words...I have many  😈 

I will try to hold on!  




Hold on, sweets, we’ve got ya 😘




We got ya don't worry. 😙


HH the FKN gif 😂🤣☠️ am DED. Git outta here go on git




Laura....hahaha....you are the Notification Queen!!!


I'm so sorry Gael😂😂


Training! You're gonna need a recovery plan. Assistance and TLC. I'll do that since I will not be traveling down a lizard pit for you.


You are so brave 😊😘


Armed and ready!! 💪😊


I can hear Eye of the Tiger playing in my head while reading this. 🤣 Goodluck, boiiii


I'm grinning already you hold out We all here for u


You've got the Powah! (..and the Cock Key! Right?) I'm still trying to figure the whole back story on this...lol...but I like It! 🤣


that's my life saying, "eye of the tiger"! omg, i just got the notice.. how is it over 15? i guess i have to train to be first comment. *puts on sweat band and thigh warmers*


Stay strong sexy! 😍😍😍☘️


Oh I cannot wait!!!! 🙆‍♀️


Excellent news indeed, training hard as always! So strong, so courageous, so tireless, so very, very sexy.😍💪💪😉 Be brave and hang on, Indy! I'm here for you!😙❤❤


Don't give up yet!!!! 💚 🍀


Haha..."Rocky" theme playing in my head as I read this!!! 💪💪💪


That’s right darling, we are with you! Flex those gains 💪🏻💋💋💋💋💋


We’ve got you Gael!! (and if you’re still feelin’ a little weak feel free to moan my name a few more times for dexterity) 🤣😘


I hope you are strong enough for this -- keep working on it, studly! Do your lovelies proud 😚💕💕


So are we really not going to talk about all the wonderfully delicious things such a glorious specimen would be good for....hmmm...ok😞.....im off to...errrr...contemplate this....😈😈😋😋😋


There are states in this country that would consider charging an extra $20 fee to access footage of this training montage...


Lmao I'm still trying to sort out exactly what's going on but I offer sweet whispers of encouragement and kisses😗😙


Stay strong, we're here for you!! ❤️


Hang on, G. We’ve got your back 😉


You're strong sir, we are all here for you sexy😉🖤


Hang on, G! You’ve got this! 💪🏼


If you achieve that.. You're gonna get into the Olympus, G... And become a deity. Not joking 🤣🤣🤣


Go Go Gael Go!!!! 💪👊👊


You got this ! In video game terms; Stamina Increased (+10) 😂💪


Yes, us lovelies are amazing... and so are you! 💜💜💜


Keep strong brave Gael, we've got you 💪


That gif! #dead


Somebody please carve a statue of this man! and I will bow down 🤣


...You can do this G💪😋<a href="https://youtu.be/PEp87ln4fxY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/PEp87ln4fxY</a>


stay strong gael!! we believe in you!!💪


There´ sss no way you will leave my famousss, sensssual pit alive, tender Indiana Gael... you will either die by my elegant, ssscaly hand or by yourssss... tsss... deliciousss fool! Though I am forever grateful for the masssess of juicy, fleshy femalessss you brought me...


Hold on, you can do it! There are many Lovelies eagerly awaiting your triumphant victory!! 🏁💪💚


You can do it Gael. Go beast mode as one of my ER doctor's says.


Love you too. 😊

Dana Fear

Keep going Gael! You got this!


You hang in there Indiana Gael! What ever else that we need to do, we will do it!!


As a bad-ass mountain girl, I am armed and ready to defend my boi! Don't worry, we got you boo!


Stay strong Gael, we'll get you out of there somehow. Limit break charging 🎮


You can do it, we believe in you!


This whole thing has me just 😂😂😂 Get it, G!!! 😈🖤💋🦁


Lol what a dingus!


I feel like we should all sing "lean on me" to bolster his courage :)


You can get it, G!!! Go get 'em ;))) 💪💪

Rachel Baird

Keep fighting Gael!!! We are your army!!!! Women Power!!!💪💪💪💪👊👊👊👊👊


In the unlikely event that Indiana Gael manages to break out of the Pit of Despair and tries to hobble away with the Limp of the Completely-Fucking-Spent-Like-How-Am-I-Still-Alive?, what are you going to do, my Queen? Are you and the Lizard King the final bosses in this level?

Stella Rose

HAHAHAHA You're hilarious! Pump it up, Gael!


Keep pumpin’, G! You got this!


Stay strong Gael, you got this 💪


you can hold on!


Oy gevalt. This is getting more and more meshuggenah by the moment! There are now <b>444 comments</b> on the names thread (probably more by the time I finish typing this). Hold on, folks, whatever this turns into, it's certain to be completely bonkers!


I love you 😘


Oh yes.. Hold on, you can do it, it might be tough but stay strong 😅😅😅when the going gets tough.. The tough gets going.. And the stamina.. Everything is relative 🤣🤣🤣😘❤️❤️😄😄😄

Greek Goddess

It is very hard isn’t it Gael??I mean to hold on! 😝😂😂


I’m titillated girl 😏😏😏🤤


I can’t wait to hear what he has in store for us! 😏😏😏💦💦💦💦💦


I wish I could be there to wipe the sweat away 😏😏😏🤤🤤🤤💪🏼💪🏼


I can’t even begin to think what’s going on 😬 but I have a very dirty mind and if it’s anything like what is going through there I will be one happy girl :)


*jumps on table, starts melodramatically singing Eye of the Tiger*


Hold on...but you have to let go...eventually ;)


We have faith in you to


it took me 10 minutes to understand this... help! my brain is not working!


You got this sexy ;)


Good luck G! My the odds be ever in your favor! 🙏🏼


Hang on tight....it’s gonna be a bumpy ride ;)


Several people commented "hold on," and now I've got Wilson Phillips stuck in my head 😅😅😅 these comments sections are hysterical, you ladies are giving me life!


I hope you have a Back-up fleshy!?!. If you use the original one, it's gonna burst with all the names. 😂Seanie has one under the bed. Prolly has food on it, but when in a pinch....HA!😂


I think we broke Patreon again O.o It's running as slow as cold molasses on my computer!


Since you already have all the votes of confidence &amp; words of encouragement that one intrepid explorer could ever need... ... I'll just be over here quietly shipping a pallet of lube to Her Sssscaly Majesssty's Pit for ya. You're like to need it -- I was name # 470-something, I think? I wonder how many days of epic edging it'll take to win your freedom without trading it for a Curse of Perpetual Chafing! Yeah... definitely sending lube. Maybe 2 pallets' worth...


Hhh indeed!!! and your profile pic matches with your comment 🤣 me likey


You can do it gael!! We believe in you!! *plays Don't Stop Me Now by Queen* try your best, never give up!! 😄 But most importantly take care of yourself!! Stay hydrated and don't push yourself too hard (Hard lol my mind is awful) seriously, you do everything you can to take care of us but don't forget yourself!! Also, is that your real hand/arm?? Cuz DAYUM 👌😍🔥I can't help but think of all the things such strong sexy hands could do 😳😍🤤 *tries to pay attention but gets lost in my dirty thoughts* well i... um... I have to do something... in my room... alone... *starts looking for every hand themed audio*


He does have a back up! The butt one, remember. 😂😂 I doubt the fleshlight is allowed in the dungeon though.

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

The anticipation is KILLING me here!... what's *actually* gonna happen? how's he gonna pull this off? WHAT'S he gonna pull off? (pants/trousers are always acceptable)... is he just going to sweetly and seductively moan all our names until Her Highness can't stand the sound of his voice anymore and ejects him from the dungeon?... will breaking the spell require an EPIC edging session that ends with an orgasm so powerful he propels himself free with the force of his cumstream?? *GASPS* 😲 (calm down, Kerrie - hold it together, woman) now THAT would blow my ever-frickin'-mind!! 💣 💥 *squeals with delight and wriggles fingers together* 🤗 I can't wait, i can't wait, I can't wait!!!! *jumps up and down repeatedly* 😁


You know what they say...<i>“Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!”</i><br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/aBJmtfB.jpg"><br><br>Good luck and godspeed, you brave Irish willy💂‍♂️🙏


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Mittwoch to everyone. I´ m really busy tonight... some urgent mugs are awaiting me. :) Can one of you ask the daily Fragen, bitte? That is if someone is still here... or have you all left to rescue Indiana Gael? Btw, he totally deserves his fate! He stole the Queen´ s Cock Key and her potion! So, back to my mugs. Danke meine Lieben for your Fragen and asnwers. Bis dann. XD


Hmmm...Let me go wrastle up some Fragen.....


Guten Tag, Frau Claudia and the rest of you brave heroines!<br>I like to avoid conflict so I’m killing time in the Queen’s spawning cave, waiting for all of this to blow over and for these eggs to finally GTFO. Hence, I think I can spare a few minutes to steal some more <i>Fragen</i> from <a href="https://conversationstartersworld.com/good-questions-to-ask/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">this website</a>.<br><br>- When did something start out badly for you, but in the end it was great? - What food have you never eaten, but would really like to try? - What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever bought? - What about the opposite sex confuses you the most? - What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis?


Oops...never mind! You got it Doc! 😉


So...to the Fragen! Thanks Doc n Claudia! 😘 1. Being seated at a communal table at a restaurant. I really wasn't up for the chit chat and just wanted to hang with my guy. It ended up being quite fun and we had some interesting conversations! 2. I'd like to try a good Pho. I don't think what I've had was particularly done well. 3. The most ridiculous purchase? I honestly can't think of something that stands out....hmm....maybe a dress I bought, but have nowhere suitable to wear it to! 4. I think sometimes I want to just talk out a problem and he is trying to find a solution..I.when what I need is a listening ear. 5. The most awkward thing that happens to me on a regular basis...it people finding out that the 8 y.o. is mine...but the 2 toddlers are, in fact....my grandchildren! 🤤


We al the army of lovelies would go to rescue our knight...global forces with the most diverse talents will release you Gael. Hang there! Beso!


Now it's at freakin' 500! Even assuming 10% of those are replies and not names, that's still ridiculous! Gael had better do this thing soon, or he'll have 1800 names to say...

Sascha Yelkim

Happy to help, my love 💋


Ok... what did I miss!?😏


What's up, Gael? Judo competition? Race? Whatever you're training for, you got this!!! Gogogo! *with pompoms*


Aww shocks I didn't get it. It's about the name thread. Hahaha! Mwah! Ready your throat and hydrate! Mwah!


I wonder what will happen if Indiana Gael skips a name? Will his cock just fall off or something?... XD


I’ll bet he has to start back at the very beginning of the list in order to break the spell 😯