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Rambling and reading your comments on this mornings thread!

Thank you for your lovely stories and jokes!


Edit:  I added on a bit at the end so



Stella Rose

Gael, my man! 💕


Yay!!!! I love your rambles so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️☘️ Hope you have a wonderful day!


You tricked us?!!! 🤭😮 lmao


I’m at school right now, need to represent a science project but you know what, screw it!


Ah yay!!! What a great birthday present!!🎉🎉🎉 I’ve been doing research all day so this is a wonderful surprise ☺️😘💜💜💜


Whaaaat??? I'm not gonna sleep tonight until I hear the whole audio! 😂😂 Gael... You're The Boss! 🙌😘


You're a trickster 🤣


Now I wish I had commented 😁

Ariel Diamond

OMG... seriously? 😁 And I'm at work right now! I'll be listening the first chance I get!


tricky. prepping my tea for the ramble!! eeekk


Very, very sneaky sir! Now I have something fun to listen to at the gym today -- Yay!!


Girls... He advised... "Be careful with the hungry monster". We just didn't have enough imagination... 😝

Samantha J

I really look forward to these. Thank you **smooches**


You now what is really cool? Hear you...


Haha. Looks like you've temporarily dethroned Laura. 😅


Omg....nooooooo way G. You're reading our comments😂😂😂why?and I was so active today. I'm going ok. Bye🙈🙈🙈


Don't you ever DARE, Vale!!!!! You. Stay. Here. 😂😘


Wait what?? Hahaha!! I was not prepared for that! *Hides under blankets for the rest of my life*


Cheeky lil devil xp haha!

Stella Rose

That little story about your kid is so adorable, Megan! Squeeeeeze! 💕💕


Thanks for this ramble. 😊 I really like the story about George during the WWII, it's a lovely story. Some really heartwarming stories like Miss LJ's one. Have a good evening. 😘


Didn’t know you could edit and add on to the audio after its already finished. Interesting 😁 And I was surprised to see that you made a ramble out of reading the comments. So glad I didn’t tell any embarrassing stories 😂🙈


I was actually listening to some Gael when the man himself posted this 😏 My Gael time was interrupted by more Gael time. Mi hump day morning just got better 👌 Happy Wednesday guys! ❤️


It was a really good idea.. First chat then a ramble.. And I wonder, did the snowman look like Trump?😂😂 Have a wonderful night sleep and Goodass Prana 🤣🤣😘❤️❤️🤣🤣🤣


I love when you talk "Gael time" and "Celsius" - finally someone who runs (almost) on the same things I do XD


This was just what I needed; it's cold and raining over here and this perked me right up 😊 I was smiling and laughing through most of the ramble; you girls have some amazing, cool stories! And I just read the Dildo story! Berta, you (and Emmy) freakin' rock!! 🤣🤗❤️


Ah thank you! Going to listen to it right now and hopefully it will distract my brain from my new and very itchy tattoo! 🤣


Don't feel too bad. Kisotchka comes from a book i read years ago and it's supposed to mean something like "little cat" in russian ? I think ? Maybe ? Point is, i have no idea how to pronounce it either 😁


Gael, can I just say you are so lovely and sweet for interacting with us? Taking the time to read and respond the comments. You’re precious.💜 btw I LOVED how you said my name omg.😍


You said my name correctly! Wow, on the first attempt! You're awesome! Mad respect for you.


😳 'Emmy the artist' Cue me genuinely losing my footing and fucking falling on the floor as my heart grows about ten sizes in a nanosecond Grinch-styles because oh my Fucken STARS! I’M NOT EVEN ASHAMED OF HOW MANY TIMES I LISTENED TO THAT ON LOOP. (And then getting hit with a freight train's worth of regret for all the HRH erotica I've been uploading recently ooooohhhhfuccckkk Gael *head in hands* I am soooooo fucking sorry for all the lizard porn. And bless you kind Sir for not reading the vibrator story out 😅😅😅😂😂😂)


thank you, G thang (with that Texas twang!) This was awesome to listen to on a Tuesday afternoon while drinking ma tea and working! stay awesome!


@V We are the best! Tattoos are fun except during the healing part! lol

Ariel Diamond

Me: *listening to and enjoying the post, laughing along* Gael: *says my name and reads my comment* Me: *pauses* Did he just - *rewinds a bit, squeals aloud and hides under my blanket, blushing furiously* ...and he said it correctly. Awesome. 😶😶😊😊




I'm on my way to see my brother who's hospitalised ;; need to keep my tears in check ;; this cheers me up thanks lots!!


I'm sorry Yenny, I'm sending you and your brother lots of positive vibes. 💙


Yay!! I love your rambles!! ❤️💕


I'm the traffic light girl! 🚦⚡ 🤣🤣 oh God... If he would have read the other comments, Emmy and me will be laughing till death 😂😂 Oh G, I'm still with a smile on my face about the comments and your jokes! (But now that the worst has passed, I'm curious about what you would have said of the dildos experiences 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂). By the way, I think you're the first English-speaking person who pronounced my name correctly! Good night for you all, sleep well and be happy! I'm gonna dream with some sexy traffic lights... (my forehead stills hurt a bit) 😝😝😘😘


Gael, this burst of positivity from you and my fellow lovelies is just what I needed today (not to mention that hilarious cameo appearance by Seanie🤣), thank you for this! When you said that we're all doing our best at any given time, that really resonated with me.💕 The thought of you being able to be lulled to sleep by your own audios really makes me smile. Proof of effectiveness, right there! XD Aww, and your tale of a young Gael being pulled to safety by your smart, concerned pup warms my heart. Dogs are such special creatures, and love with such purity. We're lucky to have them in our lives, even if it's only for a time.💕 I have a question though, why is it that everywhere you go, kids are drawn to your bin lol? It must be inhabited by the spirit of the pied piper.😂 Also, I recently started watching Outlander myself, and it's been fantastic so far. I love a good epic, so even if it's a way off, I'm really looking forward to hearing your new saga.😍 Yay!😄 I hope you have a blissful night's sleep. Sweet dreams, handsome. Kisses and hugs.😙😙😙❤


Guten Morgen Einwohner - inhabitants of Gaelandia. A pleasant Mittwoch to everyone. I had a long day filled with annoying Papierkram - paper work and tomorrow may be the same... ughhhh... So I just took a looong, hot, relaxing late midnight bath. :) But now I could need someone to give me a little massage... but my man is absent. :( Maybe the kittens could help out? Haha... I´ m not in the mood for the daily Fragen tonight. Can one of you Fraugen ask some? Bitte? Danke meine Lieben for your Fragen and answers. Bis später. XD


The trickery! You caught us slipping this time, G. 🤣😂 Thanks for the positivity throughout the day. It was a welcomed surprise. 🤗


Tbh I wasn't sure about recommending Outlander. I'm glad you like the show too. Perhaps I just started with season 1 and could watch 7 episodes till yet...can't wait for the weekend and the next episodes+2nd season😍😍😍


Did I just hear the word gothic??? Now there's another G word I like! I can't wait for that! Thank you so much for this, G. It has definitely put me in a better mood than I was yesterday. Muahs and stuffs. 💋💋💋


This was a much needed laugh in a very hectic week -- and it's only Tuesday! Thank you so much for encouraging the positivity and providing all of us with a truly lovely surprise. And to think you plan on doing more of these -- that's a very nice idea indeed. Hugs to you, lovely G!


Ooh can I hop in on this Frau Claudia? I actually give pretty good massages all told, *holds up hands, wiggles fingers* need a hand there? ^^ And I only have one suggested Fragen at this point cos it's 02:16 in the morning and mah Brain ain’t working so I’m sure others can throw in some more interesting ones and we can make it a group effort? If you guys could only ask Gael ONE question about him, his audios, this Patreon, the mysteries of life in general, what would it be? ^^


I've read a lot of the books and watched the whole series so far. I love it! Now granted I am baised when it comes to the Celtic culture but the story gets so intense!


Btw, the telescope 😍 Always wanted one but haven't gotten one...🤔


This was nice G, especially when it's so easy to be consumed by daily, negative BS. This keeps us mindful of the good things happening to us and around us! 🤗❤️❤️


That wwii Story you told sounds a lot like Louis Zamperini. I’d be ecstatic if you met him! ❤️


Gael, what a fun surprise! You giving us shout outs for out little stories! Look at you! That was awesome of you! Thank you! I too want to look at the stars/planet. Lil Rey-Rey has told where I can go see Saturn with my own eyes!!!! I'll have to set up a time to go down town and finally see it!!! And now I will not be taking my wanna be Latin Lover!!!😏


Well that was awesome to listen to before going to bed. I am glad my story made you laugh and I have to admit I giggled a little when you said my name. So unexpected. ☺️ I think in a few months I will be a pro at understanding Irish accent for my upcoming Dublin trip!


That was fun to listen to, thanks for the ramble ❤


I am listening to this ramble pretty late, I just can't stop laughing from the snow man story to the inspirational/funny stories well to me they are, and I love how Gael you get really into the story, you really put a smile on my face


I'm so happy he read my comment. Im not gonna lie I was fangirling a lot. People have never really took the time to notice my comments so I'm really happy he did. Its the little things that make me happy


I had a heart attack @ this lmao, that was unexpected. (I may or may not saved the exact time he read my comment because I am THAT type of person I'm laughing @ myself tbh)


How we all today?! Xd


Oh shocks... i was late for the Tuesday chat... anyway, it's always nice to hear your voice so hooray still! My boss wasn't in a good mood earlier so I just received a bit of a sermon before leaving the office. 😥 Soo... will listen to this to feel better. Mwah!


Hi Gael! I always love your rambles. They bring a smile to my face. Anyways, Things are decently well here in South Dakota. I've been working overtime for months now but wasn't able to get to work last week because my lower back basically gave out on me and I couldn't sit upright let alone work in an uncomfortable chair for 11 hours. It took 3 weeks but I'm back and so happy to be working again, just in time to start my pay raise.. overtime baby!.. Oye that's sad haha. 😁 Loving the recent audios!!❤️ Have a great rest of the week Gael!!


Hi hunnie! I read comments here too when I do get the time and I find it can be a real roller coaster ride of emotions when you can relate to what many other patrons are sharing. Speaking of sharing, Iemme tell u something funny that happened to me yesterday at the mall when I went to buy new earphones. I don't store any music files on my phone so when I needed to test the earphones, I ended up having to listen to Party Time which happens to be the one and only audio file saved here. Sound quality was good so I bought it. I figured since no one could hear u but me, I had Party Time playing in a loop while grocery shopping. 😂 After I was done, I started making my way back to my car with 4 large bags of groceries. I would have listened to Party time about 5 or 6 times at this point (and still playing in a loop) and feeling like I just stepped out of the gym. When I got on the elevator, I was just relieved that I could rest my tired arms for a few seconds so When i stepped inside, I put the bags down and didn't bother looking up to see who else was there. Without thought, I slumped back on the steel wall and combed my messy hair back using my fingers and let out a big, trembling "Ohhhhhhhhh my gaaaaaawd... Ahhhhhhh, fuck," with my eyes closed, followed by a couple of really deep breaths. The elevator "dinged" when it got to the basement parking level and I opened my eyes... To find that my ex had been standing right in front of me the whole time! I froze! I'm absolutely sure he remembers what I look like when I'm in heat but at that moment, i was ON FIRE! He went, "Brie...are you... Okay? You look...well, hot." Since you were still talking in my ear, I quickly came up with the perfect save: "Uh, yeah. I'm on the phone with Gael," smiling, while picking up my bags. As I turned my back on him and stepped out of the elevator, he asked, "Who's Gael?" I didn't answer his question. I just quickly looked back, gave a naughty/triumphant smile and kept walking. Pretty sure it was more like a strut. Woohoo! Thanks G! U were my knight in shining armour yesterday...and you didn't even know it! Heehee. I wonder what other situations I could slay with you in my ears. Hahahahah.

Stella Rose

You go, Gabriela! I love it when you left your ex lingering and wondering who the hell turned you on. Well, not him 😏 Anyhoo, Party Time is my fave too! It's just sooo 🔥🔥






Oh Berta your poor damn head. *gives you some ice ❄️❄️❄️* Don’t worry, #TeamToyBox has each other's backs! 😂😂😂


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a wonderful Donnerstag!? It´ s such a nice warm-ish night here. I´ m sitting outside, wrapped in a blanket... the kittens are frolicking... hunting something... :) Are you in the mood for some daily Fragen? Hm? I have some assorted, vintage ones... Would you rather have teary eyes or dry eyes for the rest of your life? What would be your strategy for surviving an apocalyptic epidemic? What is the prefered way to schlußmachen - break up with someone? What is the most peinlichste - embarrassing thing you have done during sex? And what is the weirdest thing you ever put in your Muschi - pussy? Danke meine Lieben for your Antworten. Bis dann. XD Danke Emmy and Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s Frage(n). :)


With tomorrow being International Women's Day I just want to celebrate each and every one of you diverse and dynamic women. celebrate being YOU!


It’s women’s day today. Any new post? Lol jk


An-nyeong-ha-se-yo! I wanna answer! Would you rather have teary eyes or dry eyes for the rest of your life? Teary eyes. That way it'll at least stay healthy. What would be your strategy for surviving an apocalyptic epidemic? A Katana. What is the prefered way to schlußmachen - break up with someone? In person. But if I'm petty, via text. What is the most peinlichste - embarrassing thing you have done during sex? Texted to my best friend how bad it was with a man. I've done it before. I laughed at myself doing that. And what is the weirdest thing you ever put in your Muschi - pussy? Never placed anything weird up there before.

witch's brew

Your right Gael! It got less of the movement and more of them fighting with each other. But I am glad feelee is doing ASMR now. She seems to be doing good and found her calling through audios. Good for her!


Yeah! I think she learned a huge lesson in all of it and was able adapt. But, to be fair to her, she was listening to some really bad advice and prolly being controlled somewhat. The thing about YouTube is it moves on very quickly... the drama only lasted for a time and people were making big money from it. It's funny how money got in the way of caring about people too huh? And drama just eats itself up anyways. Most people get burned out and move on while only a few stick around and continue it. The reason being: if you are involved in drama it's basically pain, but pain can feel like pleasure sometimes and so there's a hook. But in the end you don't feel good at all and you know it inside. So you kinda have to move on, because feeling like crap sucks. You can see the whole vegan scene has changed for the better now, it's crazy how a couple of negative people were able to create such a vortex of blah. It's better for veganism to focus on the positives, like the animals and the good food. In the end it will attract more people to it... because there's enough crap going on on the planet right now! Still though, it always amazes me when people who are these positions act that way, be they community leaders, bloggers, authors etc It just seals their fate in the end. No one wants to be around people who cause trouble or harm, even the people they think are close to them. They just pretend s'all. But it's back to how much mango I eat in a day videos now 😳😂


Dang Gael, you’re chatty at 5 AM!☝🏼 😉


@jessica (Cinderella) talking about your long list, just look above #chattygael👆😁


Lol my comments are deleting themselves 😳


Oh Gorgeous Gael, so I’m dying for you to dish up the T.....do you record at home or so you have hot sex in a rented studio space?! Does your family friends know what you do? What do they think of it? And last question: when you make the sexy time audios, do you get turned on and do you really have happy endings when recording? ❤️😈🔥🤷‍♀️😉😍😙. Love you much xoxoxox