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I want to wish each and every one of you a very happy Women's day! I hope you have a lovely day!

You who are mothers, daughters, sisters and just awesome sauce Females! Big hugs and loves to ye!

Have a great one!





Thank you!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Hugs everyone!! Happy woman’s day to moms and all!💜😘


Thank you G 🤗❤


Thank you Gael, Happy woman’s day to you all 😘


Thank you Gael 😆


Awww. Thank You Gael!! 😚


Hugs everyone 🤗💝

Jasmine sanfi

Thank you king Gael 💜


Happy Woman's Day Sweeties. May everyday be our Day💝


I need Gael to cool it with his perfection


🥂to everyone in this community! 🤗😘💖


Aww, thank you Gael! Big hugs and love to you, too, sweetness!😙😙😙❤❤❤


Aaaaw ~~ Thank you Gael 😄💗🍀 Happy Woman's day to all of you Lovelies ! Hugs 💕


Awe! We get a day? How cool is that? 🤣 Thank ya, G! For bringin so much happiness, sunshine, n shexay feelin's to us all! You are one of my favorite humans on this planet!!! No, really! *smooch* 😙


Shout out to all my fun, fearless females and all those who make our lives a happy one! ❤️❤️❤️


Lots of love to you Gael and all of the lovlies here 💖




Thanks G! Happy Ladies day to all you BA Women ❤️


Thanks Gael, you always manage to put a smile on my face. <3


Thank you for the acknowledgement, it is such an important day.. Still today there are many, to many, issues about violation and discrimination.. A huge Hug and Love and Kisses to you too.. Have a wonderful giddy day 😆 Goodass Prana 😄😊😘❤️❤️❤️😄😃😃😃


Thank u Gael! daughter, sister, friend, lover, was a wife, a mother and servant of my country... Hi and happy women's day to all of u beautiful ladies!


I'm LITERALLY supposed to be sleeping, but I shan't miss this opportunity to spread some GRL PWR LUV! I wanna wish every single one of you QUEENZ A MAGICAL BODOSS DAY!!! DON’T FORGET HOW FUXING POWERFUL YOU ARE? OKOKK?? 💗💖💘💝 “Here’s to strong women! May we know them. MAY WE BE THEM. May we RAISE them.” -✨⚡️💪🏼


Thank you, Gael, for all you give us ya sweet man! 😘


Thank you, G! Happy Women's Day, ladies. 😘


happy women’s day ladies! 🎉🍾🥂 cheers to us for being badass bosses ✊ And thank you, Gael 💋

Deborah Deardorff

Made me smile just a little bigger today 😁 Thanks Gael!!




Thank you so much G!!! You are so sweet!!! 😘 Happy Women's Day ladies!!!

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

BIG freakin' *HUUUUUUUGS* to all you Lovelies from your resident self-diagnosed, borderline sociophobe! 😁 Haves yerselves a magical, empowering, relaxing, marvelous, magnificent, scrum-diddle-ie-umptuos day! (okay... that mighta been a little much... 🙃)... and thank you, Mr. Gael, as always, for your sweet and thoughtful - well, everything! 🤗 *HUUUGS* for you, too 😙 (and a smoochie)... okaybye! (😪💤💤💤💤💤)


Thank you, Gael. Happy Women's Day to you ladies of Gaelandia as well 😊

Greek Goddess

Thank you Gael!Happy Women’s Day lovelies! 💕


Tssss... why do you tassty humansss need a special day for women? Of courssse the femalesss are ssuperior to the weak though juicy maless! Every day isss women´ ss day. *rolls her amazing eyes* ... sssilly, little humansss...


Thank you, G! Happy Women's Day to all of the wonderful ladies here in Gaelandia! 😊💕💕


Thank you, Gael! Happy Women’s Day to everybody in this community. ❤️


Thank you Gael! ❤️Happy Women’s Day to all you lovelies here! 💗


Happy Women's Day too to all lovely ladies in this community😘😘


Good Morning! Happy Women's Day to all you Bad Ass ladies😁 and thank you very kindly Gael for reminding us how amazing we can be and how your words influence your lovely Sirens. ❤️


No references to one of the best scenes in Deadpool yet? 😎<br><br><img src="https://68.media.tumblr.com/48174b38f441b10b082d533977311c5b/tumblr_o6i6d8o1kM1qhphz2o5_r1_250.gif" width="195"><br><br>Happy Women’s Day to all of the Wonder Women* here, and good luck to all of the fellas who’ll be going the distance to pay tribute to the ladies today! 😃<br><br><i>(* I know making allusions to both Marvel </i>and<i> DC in the same comment could be considered poor form, but I’m not sorry 😎)</i>


💛💚💛 Thanks, G! Happy Woman's Day to every woman here. You ladies are amazing!! 💜💙💛


I’m not ashamed to say I sent this very gif to 5 different male friends today 🙃🙃🙃🙃

Stella Rose

💝 Happy Women's Day, my lovelies! 💝 I'm so blessed to be amongst a community of amazing, strong, hilarious, intelligent and beautiful women. To all who say that catfights and jealousy exist when women are together, have they seen us? Together, we radiate love, positivity and compassion everyday. Such a beautiful place to be. Thank you, Gael for your sweet message! Sending our love back at ya 💘 ❤️💛💚💙💜


Thanks Gael, you sweet thing you 😉😎😊. Sending some love your way dear. Sending some to the ladies here too even though I am still a newby 😋


Aw. Happy day to us.

Monique (Mimzz)

Thank you Gael. Even though I feel that everyday should be women's day. Hell we bust our butts running after the kids, cleaning our mans drawers, cleaning our homes, buying the food and cooking the food, being the soccer moms and showing support, breaking our backs out in weird sexual positions (now I know some of you can relate 😒😂) but dammit I wish that this date should be a law where we're required to be pampered and have our feets rubbed 😂 ijs


Oh happy day! 💃🏿


😍😍😍😍😍 Thanks G! You’re so thoughtful. Have a wonderful day lovelies xoxo. 😘😘💃💃💃

Jessica ( Gaelandias Zookeeper)

Thank you G! Or Gael don't know if I'm meant to be less formal yet! With your audios everyday is Womens day!!!!


Thank you, G 😘☺️ Big hugs and love back at ya 😘 Happy women’s day, lovelies 🤗


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHS1jzQynbg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHS1jzQynbg</a> ♀ Oops? ♫ We all still in love, yeah? G'day. ♡


yAaa!!! *takes out lighter and sets bra on fire and quickly puts fire out* oh shit! perhaps i should take it off first. jk! thanks O G! you ladies are awesome!! big hugs to ya!!


Yayyyy ladies!!!! Go us!!!


Happy International Women's Day, Lovely ladies! Thanks for this post, G! And as for drowning in estrogen, I rather suspect your testosterone is up to the challenge, haha! 💪😉😆🤣😊 💟💟💟


Hugs to u too.


You are so Sweet! Hugs &amp; Loves for you too! Thank you for making us Women feel Loved &amp; Special! ❤️


Thankkk You, G! Hugs and smooches to ya.❤️ My fellow Lovelies, Happy Women's Day, continue being the wonderfully resilient, ass-kicking women that you are!❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for the love, G! Hugs back to you! Happy Women’s Day to all of the amazing ladies on here! ☺️💜💜💜


Thank you, sweet hugs!❤️


Males are weak but juicy, eh your Majesty? Even the Lizard King too? 😜 Happy International Sexy Lizard Monarch day then to you instead 😂


Congrats ladies!!! 💪💪 (and you too Gael, to the most inner feminine part you have! I think everybody - or most people- has a little of the opposite sex inside) HAVE A GREAT DAAAAAY!!!! 💞💞💞💞


Thank you so much G 😘 I am awesome sauce and so are you for just being you! Big hugs and kisses. HAPPY WOMENS DAY YALL!


Thanks Very Much, Gael!!! Mmmmmmuuuuuaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ❤❤❤


Happy Womens day to all the Amazing Womens🌎🌍🌏.Thank you G for take such a good care for us all. Your creation support me and my innerbeing .your creativety heals olds wounds , it gives me a change to explorer &amp; discover who i'm . A sexy women ,full fantasy ,humor that love life and the funny things that brings .I thank G &amp; this community for this dirty hot experience .You make me feel like a Naturel Women ....💚Hugsss😘


I think like most women here I’m proud to be a woman (even if I do get a little bit of penis envy from time to time 😱) Happy Woman’s Day everyone :)


Thank you Gael. Hugs all round. Happy Women's Day lovelies, you are all amazing wonderful people and should be proud of everything you achieve! 💕💕💕🤗


Thanks G, love yaaaa ! And Happy Women's Day you all dashing ladies here 😊❤❤❤ Stay strong forever 😘


Bless you good man!!! 😃


Stay classy, sassy, and a little bad-assy, lovelies! ❤️


Gael, you are a treasure ❤ Stay gorgeous, femmes ❤💃🏻


What really sealed the deal for me is your love and respect for women. None of this means anything if there isn't respect behind it. It's that and this wonderful community of lovely women that keep me here. 🖤💋💕


Aww thank you Gael! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you Gael😊❤️ Have a great day everyone!!🌼


Who run the world? 😏 (I would post something meaningful and intelligent but I’m extremely tired) ❤️ love to all my fellow ladies! ❤️


Gael you are too sweet! Love you!🖤🖤🖤




**runs past y’all with my hands out hi-fiving like I’m on a sports field** 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Love ya, Lovlies!!🌈🚺💖


Hi beautiful people! This song has been in my head all day. 🎵It’s a blessing to see people With their heads up to the sky still. 'Coz honestly for the same people, Life can be so real. I’m amazed by all your strength, I am, &amp; I’m grateful you come through So I take this time to stop a moment and show my gratitude for you...🎵 <a href="https://youtu.be/nJ08C6nZ-6I" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/nJ08C6nZ-6I</a>


💖💓💖💓💖 Thank you to the rarity of a man who actually seems to "get" women, or at the very least, does his darndest to try to understand the female psyche and actually cares!! (Yes, there are quite a few others, but I only know of this one...) Much love for you, Gael and all the beautiful Lovelies!


So, Gael, umm, do ya have anything special in mind to celebrate this glorious day??? Me thinks there must be something brewing in that phenomenal brain of yours... 😘😘


Superwoman by Alicia Keys. Happy Woman's Day❤<a href="https://youtu.be/J4UOybm81cc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/J4UOybm81cc</a>


Thank you Gael! And to all you lovely ladies......thanks for being you!


Happy international women’s day everyone! and Thank you hubby I hope everyone has a great day today💕❤️💕


Thank you Gael! Keep on breaking those glass ceilings ladies 💪🏻


He certainly seems to have a way of turning us into puddles of estrogen. Drip. Drip. 🤣 and I willingly melt.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A happy Freitag to everyone. Hope you are all well!? I have a quiet, peaceful night here... Lil´ Seanie is doing his job, for a change. 0.o Sooo... I noticed that the last few daily Fragen were not really well answered. Maybe it´ s time for a break... ? After... let me think... almost 1 1/2 years!? Omg! You know, originally they were here to keep the threads alive, to have a little chat and fun, to get to know each other... and of course for good old science! Hahaha And there is pretty much activity anyway, which is really nice! ... so no need for the Fragen... I guess? :) What do you think my dear Fraugen? Ja, to be honest I will miss them and your answers, they are my nightly, little ritual. Hm... have to find something else. XDD Okay meine Lieben, I will see you later. Bis dann. XD


Hi, Claudia :) Weather is clear here, but very, very cold. I bought personal pizza for me and my mom earlier for our own tiny celebration of International Women's Day :D I honestly really enjoy the Fragen. The questions were really fun, and I looked forward to answering them (when I was able to stay up, but that's not your fault, Frau! Timezones and work! ) They were even one of the things that helped me to open up and talk more here :) I apologize for not answering them as of late. Though, if you want to do something else, that's okay, too. But thank you for creating daily Fragen in the first place! They really were fun!


Morning all! How she cutting? Are we in the mood for some stripped back audio today?? Lemme know 😘


Good evening Gaelman. What does stripped back mean? Are you gonna leak some nudes?!! 😃😁


Oooh I still have 57 minutes to wish all of the ladies here and everywhere a lovely, heart filled Woman's Day (So there Gael....aaaaand.... its 37°F here as well!!!😝) My beautiful Queens, let's rejoyce in all of our feminine glory!!!! Love you guys!!! (wait a minute....Guys?...that doesn't match...)


to all women out there, you are magnificent. you are beautiful. you are intelligent. don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. inspire. accomplish. cultivate. we will always prosper. hope you all had an amazing day 💗


Guten Morgen my dears. A wonderful Samstag to everyone. Were you worried that I wouldn´ t be here today? Awww... Haha... Of course we can keep the daily Fragen if you like them! I really enjoy to ask them or have one of you stepping in! I just wanted to make sure that you are not überdrüssig - tired of them. :) Danke meine lieben Fraugen for all your nice replies yesterday! And for all of your previous, numerous Fragen and Antworten! Bitte don´t feel compelled now that you have to answer the coming Fragen! Just answer if you are in the mood and like the questions... It makes no (big XP) difference if there´ s one answer or ten. As long as we all have fun it´ s fine. Aaand I think Herr Gael should become a Fraugen too! Come on, give us some answers some day! But don´ t you dare and send your annoying little twin to do it!! XP So, tonight there won´t be any Fragen... I wanna think up some good ones for tomorrow. Danke again, Schätzchen... muahs! Bis später. XD


Thank you for continuing the Fragen for us, Claudia. We love them ❤️ Looking forward to tomorrow’s. 😊 And I hope G answers! 😋


Guten Morgen girls of Gaelandia. A wonderful Sonntag to everyone. Let´ s have some daily Fragen, shall we? Ja? :) Well I thought about it and what better way to continue with them than these vintage ones!? None of you answered them till now... except the always faithful Frl.Doktimus and myself. XD If you are curious, it´ s a little farther down in this thread <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/business-will-be-7618717">https://www.patreon.com/posts/business-will-be-7618717</a> So let`s talk about the art of masturbation... and of course it` s in the name of "Sirenity - Science" XP When you make sweet love to yourself... how do you do it exactely? Where is your favourite location? ... do you undress? ...do you just slip your hand in your Höschen - panties for a quickie? Do you usually use your fingers, a vibe, a dildo, (a little aural assistance)? Do you normally streicheln - stroke your whole body, liebkosen - caress your soft skin, pinch your nipples? Do you writhe and moan or just finish off efficient and quick? When you rub your Kitzler - clit, do you use one finger, two? ...which ones? ...do you like to finger-fuck your pussy? ...to lick your sweet juices off? ...and how do you taste? Where is your clit the most sensitive? the tip? the sides? left or right? ...do you have a special "move" you use? Do you masturbate often? ...phew, have I covered everything important? :) Ja, perhaps at last... do you like the look of your pussy? ...and do you have a special pet name for it? ...do you shave/wax? Feel free to answer as detailed as you` re comfortable with... though I know you` re candid, sexy Sirens! Did I mention it` s for science? Haha... Danke for your answers my dear sexy Fraugen, as always. PS: Herr Gael you may answer too, just adjust it a little to your male parts. ;))


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you gorgeous ginger snaps!<br><br>Ah yes, I remember these <i>Fragen</i>, my dear Frau! I apparently answered them only a few days after I first joined Patreon, so clearly I just cannonballed right in 😝 I’ll repost my answers from 2016, but with a couple of edits here and there:<br><br>Where is your favourite location? - Bedroom <b>(this is still true)</b> Do you undress? ...do you just slip your hand in your Höschen - panties for a quickie? - Undress. Makes it much easier to move around. <b>(Yup, still true)</b> Do you usually use your fingers, a vibe, a dildo, (a little aural assistance)? - I'm a fingers n' vibe sort of lady. God bless the inventor of the beloved Hitachi magic wand. <b>(Geez, not much has changed, has it? I really ought to try new things 🤔)</b> Do you normally streicheln - stroke your whole body, liebkosen - caress your soft skin, pinch your nipples? - Ja, streicheln und liebkosen. <b>(Haha, I remember deliberately keeping this answer brief because I was too shy to elaborate 😝 Well, to add to the further body of scientific data, I like caressing different areas [e.g., sides, neck and shoulders, breasts, and inner thighs] before really going at my lady bits. Nipple play [stroking, pinching, tugging] is also something I do/enjoy in general)</b><br><br>Do you writhe and moan or just finish off efficient and quick? - Depends on the mood I'm in and how much free time I have. There's a time and place for both! <b>(Can confirm, this is still a thing)</b> When you rub your Kitzler - clit, do you use one finger, two? ...which ones? ...do you like to finger-fuck your pussy? ...to lick your sweet juices off? ...and how do you taste? - I'll pass on answering this one, but I just wanted to point out what a cute name "Kitzler" is for clit. <b>(Bahaha, another example of me being shy! 😛 I usually use two fingers - index and middle - and I’ll occasionally do a bit of fingering action. I don’t really do much in the way of licking things off, though)</b> Where is your clit the most sensitive? the tip? the sides? left or right? ...do you have a special "move" you use? - I don't know if I could pinpoint an exact location. But I do have a genital piercing that allows me to get a little creative during fun time (might as well end 2016 with some vague TMI!) <b>(Ah, never change, Doc, you socially awkward misfit of a lady 😆)</b> And do you masturbate often? - How stressed out am I with work and life in general? If I'm insanely stressed, then I might go at it like a lone bonobo in heat. If things are otherwise going okay, then maybe once or twice a week? Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on if I'm in the mood? <b>(I’d say this is still pretty much the case these days, although less “bonobo-in-heat” during times of extreme stress)</b> Ja, perhaps at last... do you like the look of your pussy? ...and do you have a special pet name for it? ...do you shave/wax? - My pet name for it is the Great Pit of Carkoon. (Just kidding, I promise, but Brownie points to anyone who gets the reference!) - Everyone's junk looks different, so I never really disliked how mine looks - with whom would I compare it to anyway? - My one and only attempt at waxing ended in a "AHH, KELLY CLARKSON!" moment a la "The 40 Year Old Virgin", so that's been a giant nope ever since. <b>(Oh, I still get sympathy pains whenever I think of the waxing debacle 😵 I can’t say that I’d <i>never</i> do it again, but I’d have to have a pretty compelling reason for it 😯 And no, I don’t have vagina dentata 😝)</b>