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What's the story lovely peoplings? As some of ye may know, I loves me some positive enerdree! I feeds on it like...

Have you any fun or heart warming stories to share? Or just musings?

We are here...

We are listening

Let the bantz began ❤️

Ps: careful of the hungry monster! Copy your comments just in case like




Good morning btw I am about ya get up and make my breakie! I shall also sip some tea 😜


Happy Tuesday to you, handsome! 😘 It’s Monday night for me. I don’t know that I have anything significant to share, but my little boy is FINALLY potty trained (he’s 3), so there’s that. 😋


Hmm nothing too worthy of a story for me but my best friend got married to her highschool sweetheart which they've been together for like 10 years now they actually met cause I wanted to go for shakes one night and I had invited them so I feel I match made them :P


Happy Tuesday G! 😊


Not an anecdote, just a huge thank you. ☺️Your sleep and relaxation audios are pretty much the only thing I can stomach since starting chemo.


It was about to be good night, but Gael came calling. 🤗


It's 5:50am and I'm just getting ready to go to sleep. Normal sleeping schedule whomst? I don't really have much to say either, other than that I've finally gotten my university exam results back and I did much better than expected!


Good morning, G! Happy Tuesday 😁 Nothing too exciting happening. I’m just hanging out and watching Supernatural at almost 1:00 in the morning. Night owl, like 😎😂


Latest heart warming story: had a nightmare last night and I woke up from my own whimpering. After I woke up I felt lost and was breathing heavily. My cat came up from sleeping on my legs, purring, headbutting my face and curled up on my chest, close to my heart and started purring louder to calm me down. 💕


positive enerdreee haaaaa. guess i’ll shush xD the most enjoyable part of my life rn is the twelve hour sleep i shouldnt be getting ;) Well this week, an asmr-tist posted a asmr vid just chilling with his dog that i just discover he has! And another youtuber just got a dog! Thats pretty exciting for me 😆😆😆


Hi G! It’s 10 pm here in California. I don’t have anything exciting going on :) I’m looking forward to my Disneyland trip in a few days though. Hope you’re doing well 😘😘😘 Thank you for your wonderful and warm attitude.

Stella Rose

Happy Tuesday afternoon, Gael! You're definitely a vampire of positive enerdree 🤣 Just finished sipping my lychee tea and running off to interview some bright kids for an article. Let's start our day on a positive note 💕


I just saw SpaceX launch the Falcon 9 (from far away, but still impressive). 😄 Only nerd to be out watching in my neighborhood too since it was around 12:33am here. 🤓😅🚀


Got invited to a party with some calendar model firefighters today. ☺️ So that’s funny! 🔥 🔥 I mean hot!


Hi Gael! I have had some really positive things happen lately, which feels great. A couple of weeks back I got a new job and am really enjoying it, and hitting the daily goal every time which feels amazing. I also got to see one of my favourite bands over the weekend which was so much fun. I almost last my voice but just managed to save it in time for work this week. I had a slight health scare of sorts but it cleared up on its own this time so no need for the hospital which is great, and I have my singing lesson tonight which I am really looking forward to. How was your weekend and the start of your week?


Morning Gael! I do have a wee bit of something to share. These last two weeks have been very rough. My monster who is 3, decided it would be fun to flood the bathroom by shoving toilet paper down the toilet and pour the cat water into the litter box all before I'd had a chance to get out of bed and he wakes up at 6 am. :/ (Destruction level 100) and as frustrated as I was with him, once I got things cleaned up and cleared away to make breakfast and we both had a chance to sit down and eat he came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my neck and squeeze hugged me while saying "squeeeeze" and said "I love you Mommy" once he was done "love choking" me. Haha! Most days I feel like a failure as a mother but at least he still loves me failing or not. :)


I work at a pharmacy (it's a convenient store and pharmacy, and a photo lab). I hear the photo machines start to print something one day and I go over to see what it was. It was a collage photo of a family pet who recently passed. I grab a photo envelope and a pen and I write, "I'm so sorry for your loss" in a part where it can only be seen when opened. The next day I get a call from the lady who ordered the picture, she asked if I was there, and when I said that I was she, she told me that seeing what I wrote brought her to tears and it made her day to see that, and she thanked me for it. A few days ago she came into the store and thanked me in person, and that she tells her coworkers about the message I left for her. :) I'm just glad that I could help her smile during this process.


Yay Tabitha! Shure you did the best you can do... when ya look back so 'Fook em' Bahahaha


Nothing exciting happening in Cali??? They LIED to me Cristina They LIED 😫


Hmmm. Not much to report, Good morning to you Gael! It’s Monday evening here just trugging along at work. I’m finally gonna be getting my tattoo next Sunday! I’ve been wanting it for years. It’s for my grandma who passed 10 years ago! So yay to goals being reached!💜

Ariel Diamond

It's barely Tuesday where I am in sleepy Ohio, and I'll be off to bed soon, but good morning just the same! It's been a season of change for me, coming out of a four-year relationship and kinda finding myself again, so there's a lot of rediscovery and renewal. On spur of the moment, I decided to get a new acoustic guitar - since the one I had suffered an unfortunate accident - and start learning it again. It's a small thing, but it's a good thing. 😊


Oh lord If that was near me I'd fall out my fookin window in jaw dropped awe 😜


Hi Gael! Not much happenin here , except countin the days til spring break! Woot, woot! 18 days to go!


Ya want a story?! I’LL GIVE YE A GOOD ‘OLE STORY TO THE FACE OK?! ALL THE FEELS💥🥊 My dog freaking ran away without me even knowing the other day...bc I’m a GREAT pet owner! 👌🏼💯 I got a call from the local pet shelter saying they had him, he had been picked up by animal control A HECKING CITY AWAY FROM WHERE I LIVE?!?? I’ve been an emotional wreck since bc I don’t know what I would have done if I had actually lost him forever! So HOWS THAT FOR HEART WARMING?!!,! 😭😩💀 *runs to go cuddle with dog*


Woohoo! That's a truckload of cool! My week has started good! Busy at work coz we gotta make up for the damn snow lol! But s'all good? Yay for your voice Prue! I know how it feels to lose it 😜 Scary when you use it so much If someone coughs next to me I wanna call the CDC That's how bad I am Bahahaha


All is well! Everybody is blessed and happy! Just spreading the love and planning my birthday vacation! Woohoo! 🎉 Enjoy your breakfast and the rest of your glorious day! 😊


Well, we had a lovely snowstorm yesterday, everything is pure white and beautiful outside.. It is freezing, but so what.. A nice cup of ginger tea with liquorice, and a beautiful view outside the window.. What a day ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ Have a wonderful whimsical day 😃 really Goodass Prana 🙂🙂🙂😘❤️❤️😃😃😃


At age 26 I finally have my first boyfriend, I honest to nature, didn't think I would find someone or have them find me. He is a farmer/handyman and is very sweet but like everyone else he has flaws with his unusual sense of humor. I am very happy


Oh man gorl! *Super duper hugs your face off* Glad it ended well though. 🐶💕


Yay! I don't know much about spring break other than what I see on tv Ya know, chuggin beers, making out in sand, dancing and shouting 'party' I get the sense that tv has fooled me a tad tho, huh Trish? 🙄


Alright, here’s a good, heart-warming story I heard from my dad: There was a man named George who worked on a navy ship with the same name as the one my dad served on. He was on said ship the day of the Pearl Harbor attack in WWII. When the attack was over George was unfortunately marked down as KIA. A letter was sent to his mother telling the family that they had lost their son serving his country. The whole family was beside themselves. George was their only son; how could he, at 23 years old, be gone already? About a week passed and George’s mother was in the barn milking a cow, her head leaned on the animal’s side as she wept at the lost of her son. Just at that moment, the mail man came running into the barn with a letter in hand and told her, “you won’t believe this.” She read the address on the envelop and nearly fainted. It’s from George. The letter told her that there had been a mistake and that he was, in fact, safe. About another week later, George was allowed home to see his family, and the entire town was waiting for him. George told my dad while they were walking through the ship that, “it was like walking into a parade. I’d never eaten more ice cream or been hugged by so many people in my life.” Hopefully you found this heart warming!


Hey, G, sending good vibes your way. I have a lot of exciting family stuff going on at the moment. Two of my older sisters just had their kids--Elizabeth, born in Febuary and Elijah, in March. It's funny because my sisters are twins, and I'm not really convinced they didn't plan this shit because that's the creepy shit twins do. One of them currently lives in Japan at the moment, but will be returning home after 5 years and I'm so excited to see her again and meet my niece. August can't come soon enough.


Awww that's sweet Alexandria! Tho you'll have to be on your best behaviour from then on in... coz she'll be a watchin you again Oh oh... she'll be a watchin her girl again Xd Happy Monday ❤️


你好! I just finished having 3 tests in one day, with accounting and anatomy. I'm so tired! Now i'm learning how to speak Mandarin, because my friend converses with me in Mandarin while I converse with her in Tagalog and Japanese. My brain hurts from all that studying. So much.


Good morning everyone ! I am super chipper, despite only having slept for 3,5 hours 😅 But that's my life story: sleep late, rise early. As for fun stories: Sunday I had one of my besties over and somehow we decided to read through some of my childhood poetry. Turns out I was the strangest kid. Of course I already knew that, but she didn't. 🤣🤣🤣 I had these really profound thoughts about love and life and death and the universe and the meaning of it all. We were actually pretty impressed with the stuff I'd come up with. I asked my mom once what it was like to have a kid like that. She shrugged and said that she mostly enjoyed it. That I was basically an adult stuck in a child's body. Which made me difficult to deal with sometimes, because I had some pretty strong opinions that I felt entitled to just as much as anyone else (maybe even more so). But it also meant she knew, no matter what, I'd be okay. That I could take care of myself. And of others. I find it funny though that now that I am an adult, I still have a childishly playful side about me, that I don't think I'll ever lose (nor do I want to). I guess I totally Benjamin Buttoned my way through life. 😅😂 No idea how this is all relevant, but I've learned not to question myself on my these matters 🤣


<b>Texas middle school student drives school bus to safety after driver has medical emergency</b> <a href="http://bit.ly/2oSctZ3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bit.ly/2oSctZ3</a> <br>On a related note, my 13yo has leveraged this story into driving lessons. In the parking lot of course. 😉 Happy Tuesday!


Just over a month ago, my friend donated stem cells to his Dad who was struggling through chemo. It took 2 days just to get enough cells for the transplant. He just messaged me - his Dad is coming out of hospital this week 😊


It’s a Tuesday night for me so I’m afraid I don’t have any special stories just yet 😅 Today was my day off though sooo.... I might treat myself tonight. I do have a nice story from the weekend. I held a baby! Nothing special but yeah... I haven’t had the chance to hold a baby in a looooong time. And what’s even more special is that the baby seemed to like me! *cough. I’m really not a kid person. I don’t know how to play with them or talk to them so they tend to shy away from me.. and I tend to shy away from them 😅 How do you guys do it? Play with kids? Haha! The baby was nice though. I took photos of her laughing so that was pretty heart warming ❤️ ... and then Gael uploaded The Promise audio the day after. Good timing haha!

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Hello, Mr. Gael 😊 Happy Tuesdee!.. not quite there yet in my neck of the woods, but gettin' close... I have to say that, under normal circumstances, a person as bright and cheery at the butt-crack o' dawn as you are would annoy the ever lovin' hell outta me (&lt;= NOT a morning person 😩 ☕), but I think it's safe to say the circumstances around here are far from normal, which is exactly the way I like it, so it's all good 😁... as for happenin's, literally nothing does in my life so the only thing I have to share is that I failed at quitting smoking again (don't worry- haven't quit on quitting yet!), but I have decided to start hiking every weekend... as soon as my tailbone heals from when I fell and cracked it in a rock *last* weekend... 😜... oh, and I got a raise (yay me? 😊)... not exactly heartwarming stuff, but it's what I got... have a lovely Þor's Day, ever'body 🤗 *waves vigorously*


Morning G! Enjoy your brekkie, am just going on the hunt for caffeine myself ^^ I've got quite a few things going on right now, but as you say, positive enerdree so I'll share the best bits ^^ Found out about two months ago that two of my best mates from uni whose engagement proposal I helped orchestrate (remind me to tell you guys the story of Calton Hill in Edinburgh one day!) are expecting their first baby! They’re calling the bump Pickle at the minute until they've decided on a name ^^ My Mum's ongoing cancer recovery which is now past the physical stage and more into the mental stage where she processes what’s happened to her and it’s been so hard but she’s doing so well and I'm so proud of her and I love her so much *joyful flailing* And I have gone from living with a roommate - who was a lovely, sweet, kind person don’t get me wrong but who had the habits of a zoo animal and it drove me up the wall! - to living on my own is the most positive thing happening right now. I'll have been in my flat a month on Wednesday and it. Is. Heaven. I swore when I was little that I'd have my own little place and fill it with plants and books and art and friends.........Well, I’m planning on adopting a small tree, my Japanese Peace-Lily (which I have named Nicholarse for reasons....) is flourishing, my bookshelves are groaning under the strain, my sketchbook has scarcely been away since I got here and my besties are coming round next week. 😊 (Everyone who comes round says it feels so peaceful which just makes me feel on top of the world. And all of you buggers are invited for a cuppa if you're ever in the area. I'll have the kettle on 😜)


Just keep iron, salt and holy water on hand and you're set for the night 😉


I’d love to know you in person my sweet friend, I wish we could have coffee together in a cute little cafe together, you’re adorable and so sweet 😘😘😘😘 have a wonderful week. I absolutely adore strange people.


@Kisotchka Yay, another SPN fan! 😁 I’ve already got the salt and holy water next to me. Couldn’t find anything made of iron, though 🤔😂 #SPNBanter 🤣 PS: Accidentally deleted my comment, so here it is: Update: it’s now 1:21 am. I just turned the light off in my bedroom, and I thought I saw my door opening 😳 I’ve been watching too much Supernatural 🤣


Good morning people ! I had a cute moment with my niece yesterday and i'd love to share the fuzzy feeling. My niece is the sweetest 10 year old i know. Always asking for her hugs and kisses. The day she was born, i gave her a kiss on her tiny cute forehead and it's been a tradition ever since. But now she's 10 and growing up fast. I'm only a small 157cm/5'2 thing so when she came over yesterday, i told her that i was kinda sad because in a few short months she'll be bigger than i am and i won't be able to do it anymore. She looked at me with her big brown eyes, went on her tiptoes and kissed my forehead and just told me "it's okay, now i'll take care of you". Shit but i love that kid 😊


Ariel, you are a brave, beautiful, kind human bean so have fun finding yourself 🙌 enjoy the time you’re investing in learning to be alone with yourself again. It honestly shouldn’t be difficult though, she’s a really nice lady ^^


Salutations earthlings!! I’m having such a great day today, for a few reasons and I’ll share ‘em for the warm fuzzies n all. Some of you who are on Twitter would already know the story of the ongoing nerf war I am currently in with my father... for those who don’t, basically two weeks ago he had his 57th birthday, so to celebrate I bought him (and myself) a little nerf gun each and left a note waiting for him when he got home. The note read: “Two things — 1. You have entered a war zone. This nerf gun is yours. I have one too. 2. You are under attack as of now.” Nerf-Hell broke loose and he absolutely loved it! We were in a big war all day, and it went on every time my dad and I were in the same room for a week. Today he came home from being away at work for a week, and before a word was spoken he handed me a new nerf gun. He’d literally bought us both upgraded guns and extra darts! 🤣 So the war is back on. The stakes are higher than ever. I swear he was practicing at work or something. But it’s not over for me yet, I have ninja feet and the art of surprise 😈 So this has been some serious father-daughter bonding and I’m so pleased how it’s turned out lol! Hilariously I don’t know if we’ve ever been closer in our relationship 😂 all’s fair in love and war, huh? Apart from the battle I’m perpetually stuck in, I’m also currently at my town’s local art gallery that’s been recently expanded on and improved, enjoying the heck out of the new space, drinking my own “usual” customised hot chai with mushroom complex (it’s amazing ok don’t judge me!), and they’re okay with me staying after closing because they’re used to me staring adoringly in the gallery all day! I’m big time In My Element!!! 🤩 And to top this off, my niece has been going through some tough stuff lately and there’s a good chance she’ll be coming to live with me for a month or so before I move away. She may even come along on the move for the first two weeks since it’ll coincide with her school holidays. So I’m very happy to be able to have her and just be with her during this time. It’s such good news for her to have a chance to leave the situation she’s in. YAY so great day!!! Ok I’m gonna go stand in front of artworks some more *super excited giggling* I’ve got a whole gallery to me’self! 🤪🤪🤪 Hope you’re all doing well today/tonight! Love to you all 🙏🏻❤️


Yasssssss!!!!!!!!! 👊*punches cancer hard right in the dick*


Only other solution i can think of is to have a hunter in your bed. Or an angel. Or bith. Both is good too 😁


Hello everyone! It's about 1:30am here but I have a small bit of positive enerdree for ya: I was outside, feeling all the sadness with him about the end of cheer season and his cheerleaders graduating and moving one when I realize I forgot to check the mail. So I started walking to the mailbox and he was still talking and all of a sudden I hit a patch of ice and did the most cartoon-like fall of my life! Arms spinning, legs moving, and then all of a sudden SPLAT! on the ice. Fortunately I don't think I seriously hurt myself but we both laughed so hard while I was moaning on the ice in the street. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?


Here's a funny tale from my childhood: I had a hamster growing up and after about the age of 11 my brother (13) and I were home alone until 6:00 during the summer. Well one summer we got bored and decided to fashion a parachute out of a handkerchief, some string, and a rubberband for little Herbie the hamster. So, began my hamster's daredevil phase of life. He parachuted off of the second story landing, the roof, out of trees, and quite fearlessly off of the moving blades of a fan. Don't worry, he died of natural causes at the ripe old age of 4, which I am told is rather old for a hamster. Imagination is the mother of invention and all that. It's past my bedtime, so I look forward to reading everyone's stories tomorrow. Buenos noches from California. Sweet dreams all and I'll catch you on the flip side. Xoxo


Hey Gael and all my lovelies! Made it through a manic Monday and can't wait for a Terrific Tuesday!! District Manager coming in tomorrow to do a "check up" with myself and my manager. Luckily our numbers are on point and our audit was literally perfect! Not trying to brag or anything it just keeps us off the sh*t list. 😰. *UPDATE* My Little *wannbe* Latin Lover came in told me he missed me (after 1 date and a few 40 second transactions, previous to that😑...come on now). He asked me for 2 more dates (because the 3rd time's the charm, right? 😕) I politely said "no thank you". Well he texted as soon as he left asking me why can't he see me again. Bruh... He went on explaining why i need to give him a chance because...wait for it...because he likes my body and wants to kiss me. BRUH!! I just stopped responding after telling him his biggest issue was/is respecting my boundaries. So I'm feeling pretty good about that....small victories!!!!🎉 Have a great Tuesday Ladies and Gentleman!


Awww! And cats are so wise Yesterday I was listening to a podcast on the Black Death and how the culling of cats contributed to it. Then a cat walked along my window ledge lol! I've never seen her before And her eyes are in the shape of love hearts She's gorgeous


#DatCass, you are best auntie and love you for it 🙌 .... But also *grabs own Nerf Gun* LET BATTLE COMMENCE!!!


Many things seem like they are spiralling right now so I'm trying to focus on the good and important moments. Last night gave me one of those. I took my 5yo daughter for dinner straight from school as a treat so we had a really cute date. After that I took her to ice hockey practice. For a girl who could barely stand up on the ice 7 weeks ago she makes me so proud. She was doing all kinds of 1-legged fancy tricks, scoring goals and tackling the coach for the puck. It was amazing to see and I got so much joy from watching her accomplishments, and her excitement afterwards telling me about it. 😍


I’m buying a plane ticket right stinkin’ now, just to meet Nicholarse!!! ✨🌿🌱✨ Aww, bb. I’m so glad everything is going so well for your mama! 💞💗 ALSO, YAY FOR PEACEFUL LIVING VIBES! 🌱☕️☯️


Isn't it amazing how easy it is for them? Especially if they like something.. It's so joyful to watch too ❤️


Good Morning you all beautiful people. Hello sweet Cookie.....so recently I had a two weeks of vacation which I did enjoy alot. I visited for some few days my Papa and Mama in Vienna, my brothers(Three Muskiteers) joined us too and we had a fun time all together...Back in Germany I took my time listened to your audios, read some beautiful novels and watched alot of Disney movies and Series. Btw I recommend Outlander to everyone😍Currently I'm preparing myself for our final Uni exams and working on a project for Children and Women rights in Afghanistan. So actually alot is going on. Maybe later I come up with some other boring stories. Let me have my breakfast first😋😜😘


I must be more sleepy than I thought.. Saw some of you answered my comment, but can't find it! Have I dreamed I wrote something? 😨


Ohh Elaine Life is so tough when you're being chased all over the place by hot Latin lovers.. 😜😂


Started work this morning at 6 in my little bakery. It’s a good week so far for me. The subject and design for my bachelor thesis have been approved and 2 exciting archaeological conferences this week 🎉🎉 Sending good vibes to everyone this week. Hope your week is as amazing as mine!!


Morning loves! ❤ Nothing special in my little corner of the world. ☺ I've been lost in books. But thinking about my first coffee of the day sounds like the best thing ever. ☕


That's very true! Finding yourself ridiculous is utterly refreshing I was gonna tell ya to put ice on your butt But you already did that 😂


My third week at my first job and I'm doing my best and trying not to over think. I'm enjoying it so far tho.


If I'm honest, I'm kind of running low on positivity atm. Yesterday was a really rough day for me. So, I could definitely use some of that today. 💔


Do you want some fun story? I've just bumped my head with a traffic light because I was looking at my phone like crazy looking for my comment... And still can't find it!


I actually thought I wasn't going to have anything, because this conference so far has been a comedy of errors, but then I was at Target tonight... See, I couldn't find ANY of my swimsuits when I was packing for this trip. I have no less than 3 bikinis and a one-piece laying around, but damned if I could find them. (They may be at my parents' house for some godforsaken reason.) Now, I'm staying in a 4-star hotel. The pool here is gorgeous. And I was really bummed that I wouldn't be able to use it without getting myself banned from the premises. So I discovered that there's a Target on an easy route from my hotel to the convention center and back, and stopped there on my way home. Finding a new swimsuit (which still kept me right around my per diem today since I only had to buy one meal) isn't the heartwarming part. That came after my second circuit through the building in search of what I needed. I rounded a corner and caught a glimpse of a woman who appeared to have her arms full of several items. I didn't look too closely, however, because a plasticky <i>thwap</i> announced that something had just fallen from her grasp and landed on the linoleum floor: a cheap eyelash curler. She appeared to have her hands full enough that retrieving this item would cause her to drop two more, as these things tend to happen. So I didn't think anything of it; I bent down and snatched the curler off the floor and handed it back to her. She was grateful for the assistance, and then I saw why. In her arms, bundled in a little blanket for its comfort, was a tiny little black French bulldog puppy. It had its eyes half-closed in contentment as it had no idea of the pains to which its momma was going to leave it undisturbed while she shopped. I only got the briefest look, but oh my <i>goodness</i> was it cute. In hindsight, I wish I could have given it a quick scritch on the head, as I could certainly use a moment or two with a soft, cuddly puppy right now, but I was not prepared to be confronted with that level of cute in Target.


I got my dream job. I'm really happy.




Good morning dear G! All quiet here on the western front at the moment. My poor dp is dying of flu and has been since Friday, but he's up and out of bed today, and might even manage something to eat so yay! Improvement! My mum is coming to visit today too, her last day off before she heads off to India for a fortnight in an ashram doing yoga. So she's super excited about that (she's a yoga teacher /nurse) and I get such a buzz seeing her properly happy and chasing her dream for the first time in years. She damn well deserves it like. Once an buchail is in school there's a new vegan cafe that's just opened in the next town so I'll suggest there for lunch. I've been before and the food is amazing, and right up her street (she's a vegan in denial. She claims she's not but doesn't eat eggs or dairy. Or wear leather. Or have anything to with anything that involves hurting animals. But she's still a 'vegetarian' 😉) Oh and my best friend is getting married, I'm her head bridesmaid and she's making peace with her astranged father who might even give her away and I'm legit more excited for this than the prospect of my own wedding because she's wanted to get married for forever (and I'm pretty ambivalent towards the whole thing tbh) and she couldn't be marrying a better man. He worships the ground she walks on the beats off her depression voice with a big pointy stick. Such good feels! 😁


Here is the funniest joke 2017😂I just read that on Twitter.... Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"

Greek Goddess

Good morning Gael and lovelies.Happy Tuesday! 💕


Hello, everyone! I don’t think my story will be so funny to give anyone good energy but LMAO I’m gonna share it anyway just because I can’t keep things to myself. I was once at the airport for my very first all alone trip, so I was pretty nervous (what if I’ll lose my bags? What if I’ll lose the flight? What if I’ll say something stupid? What if I'll end up in an unknown place where they don't speak my language and get lost forever? Mom, dad, dog I loved you). I wasn’t really hungry but my brain started malfunctioning because I really didn’t have any sugar in my blood, so I decided to go and buy something to drink in one of those airport stores where they sell basically everything (food? They have it. Headphones? Yes. Cups? Of course. Pipes to fix your sink? Probably.), and despite not knowing the language at all I got some orange juice, I mean, you can’t really go wrong with some orangy liquid inside a bottle with an orange on the lid. I went to the counter to pay, filled with anxiety (of course lmao, I get terrified for no reason and remember I had no sugar in my brain so it decided to malfunction). He asked me “Deutsch? English?” and I said “yes”. Yes what??? Yes, I speak Deutsch? Yes, I speak English? Who knows. We stared at each other for something like twenty seconds, but then he decided to have mercy on me and he let me pay and leave. I went out, pretty embarrassed, but I said to myself “it’s ok, nothing bad really happened”, and I proceeded to open my orange juice bottle, that decided it was a good idea to explode in my hands and flood the airport floor. Turns out that the orange juice was actually a frizzy drink and that I somehow shook along the way. The cleaning lady looked at me with a death stare, because I think she had just cleaned that part of the floor. I am sorry, cleaning lady, I didn’t mean to detonate that orange juice bomb 3 This is it lmao, the end of my story. Oh, and this morning I baked a cake, proceeded to burn it, and now it tastes like shattered hopes and broken dreams, and it also has that smoky aftertaste that is absolutely amazing lmao


That's a lot of goodies tbf A vegan in denial is the best kinda vegan imho 😜


Good! Overthinking is well dodgy Just ignore those rambling thoughts and you'll be grand like Xd


I got the job I wanted!!! 🤘🏻😁 and so I'm going to move near London in less than a month!! So Happppppppy! So I'm in the mood for laughing here is a joke for ya : How do we call a shoe made from banana peel? . . . A slipper... (This joke is terrible sorry for that 😅)

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

After working my cute little ass off for a year, I’ve lost 50 lbs and cut my body fat more than half. I just started an intense 8 weeks where, I hope, I’ll be able to do my first fitness/bodybuilding show at the end! Me!!! I’ve never had an abdominal in my life and now look at me. 😍 Between this, and Gael’s voice in my ear, I’ve never felt more sexy. 😘


Teach me your ways of motivation - I'm lacking big time. :((( CONGRATS TO YA! &lt;3


I really wanted to have something positive to say, but... Eh... Not the kind of mood I've been in lately. But I just wanted to say hi to everyone, I appreciate you all 💖


Hello Lovelies and Gael! Just got back from a little trip in the adulting world. Nothing exciting here, but I have some plans like going back to Paris and Versailles for a weekend. 😊 I've been under a lot of stress lately and been feeling a bit of pain so I'm definitely looking for some positivity! Have a good day! ;-)


Hi Gael and all the lovelies here. My side of England have been very busy with good news lately. One of my friend got pregnant. She had an unfortunate first try where the small one didn't survived but now she it almost half way through and everything is fine with her and her little one. I am going to have my tattoo soon. It's going to be a guild mark from an anime I LOOOOOOVE. Because Fairy Tail is da best 👆👆 So another nerd here. And I am going to be a wife. I lost 10 kg in a matter of 2 months (another 5 to go). And I found out my son don't have any learning difficulity at all. More than that he fascinated with the Solar System at the age of 4 and he knows a lot of information about it and it is just amazing. ( he is going to be a nerd too) 😋 So i have a lot of thing to be happy about. Also I just love being in this community with all the lovelies here. Hope You all have a wonderful day. ❤


<img src="http://i.imgur.com/i02pAGA.jpg" width="180"><br><i>(This was the most positive one I could find! 😆)</i><br><br>D’aww, random bursts of cuteness (especially of the puppy variety) are the best 🤗 I hope the rest of the conference pans out well for you! I’m sure you’ll rock your presentation, but if anyone gives you grief about it, you could use this picture as your last slide: <img src="http://i.imgur.com/S80KOlD.jpg" width="180">


Oh I hope you'll feel better soon. Being in pain is never easy. 😕 Sending you some positive enerdree ☀️✨💝


Morning, G and lovelies! 💖 It seems like Mother Russia decided to freeze itself dead and take half of the world with her along the way😅 I, on behalf of the whole country, am terribly sorry for the dirty tricks of the 'Beast from the East' 🌬 As for me, I'm slowly getting my life together: started seeing a new therapist, going to the gym again (you won't believe how hard it is, to drag this potato-looking body out of the warm and cozy bed and through the snowstorm, just to lose a couple hundred calories), slowly returning to the dating scene. I'm both proud and exhausted 🙃 Hope you all have a great week! ❤️


I have my first date on Friday since my husband died five years ago. Wish me luck!


Bad one here: What d'ya call a bear with no teeth?? ... A gummy bear I'll get my coat


Hi everyone! I just came back from the morning routine at the clinic. There I had my first experience with llamas. And oh my... there was this one llama trying to give me some llamalove. He tried to give me some kisses and ear nibbles (or at least I hope he was and not the 'I'm-trying-to-figure-out-how-to-bite-your-head-off' move) while I was trying to take the temperature of his friend (romantic, isn't it? - ahum). That changed quickly when I needed to politely reject him, like, "Sorry dude, you're not really my type..." He suddenly turned into an angry spitting machine. So, I've learned my lesson, never ever ever turn down some llamalove. Oooohhh, and tonight I'm going to a concert of a band I really like!


Aww! You're not a failure! You're just doing your duty like That's why he loves ya


Second comment ever for me here on Patreon. Just wanted to say you guys are such a positive community. I haven’t been lurking around here long but I’ve never come across a single negative comment! Props to you Gael for being the Mayor of this wonderful place 😉


The toilet paper Incident Oh my god I want to die right now. In the bathroom at work, run out of toilet paper, take of previous empty tube to put on new toilet paper roll, putting on roll, toilet paper shoots off of holder, rolls out of stall (unraveling as it goes) all while I still have my pants down. Hurriedly finish stuff and pull pants up, flush toilet and open door, toilet paper had rolled across the entire bathroom to the sink on the other side. Person washing their hands is laughing. Toilet paper trail leads directly to my stall. No where to hide and no way to hide the evidence. Laugh it off while dying inside.


Heyaaa !! After 3 &amp; 1/2 miserables mounth looks like my luck finally came back 🍀🍀🍀 I'm Starting a new job on next Monday :D All i need now is my new treatment to stabilised and i'll be aaaall good ! 😆👌 I hope you'll all have an amazing day ! 😘🐱❤


Happy Tuesday, G and lovelies!😄 I'm late to the party, but if you like, I can offer you a slightly risque joke that I know. :) A man goes to the urologist, and the doctor tells him, "Sir, you have to stop masturbating." The man asks, "Why?" The doctor says, "I can't perform my exam like this." XD I hope you're having a great day, and keep up that positive enerdree, like!😙


I'm currently writing a story. Its Fantasy, Adventure, with some Romance cause I'm big ball of love. I'm super excited about my story I'm still working on the first chapter. I'm really happy to be writing again it feels really good.


What do birds take when they have a cold?.... Paratweetamol 😁


Two thoughts that I have leaned on recently <p> 1. Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible. </p> <p> 2. Because you are alive, everything is possible. </p>


My area's in the throes of another cold snap so I will be staying in bed with more blankets... zzzzz


Ok so one last post about a short love story that I just read online... *heart melts* *swooning* *Enerdree* *love* Accident with a happy ending❤ When Frank’s wife had a car accident, she was so injured that she fell into a coma. Years passed but Frank did not stop visiting his wife at the hospital. Even though almost everyone – including the doctors – had given up hope, he remained faithful that she would one day recover. Every time he visited her, he began talking to her, recounting all those beautiful moments they spend with each other. One day, when he showed her the video of their wedding day, she slowly began to move her hand. She whispered his name and began gaining consciousness. Several weeks after she had woken up, she had fully recovered and was finally allowed to leave the hospital for good. When the couple left, she told Frank that she heard his voice while she was in a coma and that it was his voice that was the greatest aid in helping her to return to consciousness😳😍❤

Stella Rose

Congrats on your new job, Fanny! Things are really looking great for you. Onwards and upwards from here 🚀

Stella Rose

So true! Ilamas are cute when they're calm and playful, but can get grumpy really quickly. Hope you'll have a blast at the concert! I'm curious: Who's playing tonight?


Well it’s a funny story for me... My friend and I went to Brighton last week. We went to the pier in one of the arcades. There was a crane machine with fluffy dachshunds and I had to try since that’s the breed of my dog. I tried and got one immediately! The woman behind me was so stunned she let out an “OMG!” lol My friend took a picture of me immediately after and I had the biggest smile. Later she wanted a flamingo but failed. I tried and I also got one on first try! It was hilarious as all my Brighton friends told me it’s near impossible to win something. So yeah I might be single but who needs a boyfriend when you can win your own prizes? lol


A big freeze was just predicted for Australia this coming winter and I’m so excited at the possibility of seeing snow for the first time! Although it really shouldn’t snow where I am as I live on the east coast, I still hold a bit of hope ☃️❄️❄️🌨


Late to the party. Fell asleep early with the kiddos... on my birthday aaand...i was called ma'am today, ugh. 🤣😂😭😢 i'm getting old. i now prefer tea and coffee over alcohol. Damn the 30s. Have a great one, yall lovelies😄!!!


😳😳😳 you beat the Brighton claw machines???? QUEEN TEACH ME YOUR WAYS THOSE FUCKERS ARE IMPOSSIBLE


I just woke up from a terribly scary/bad dream and I immediately grabbed my phone and opened Patreon app to see what goodness is going on here to get my mind off the dream. Glad to see there’s a fresh thread of positive energy here to start the day! 😊🙌❤️ Question... does anyone else here hear Gael’s voice in their head when reading his posts and comments? 😂 (Note: I’m not complaining!)


Happy Tuesday, G and the loveliest lovelies around! I have a couple of very positive goings on. First, this community has been a large positive aspect of my life, both the past year (it’s my one year Gaeliversary this month) and especially in the past week. Because of your support here and on Twitter, I am almost to my goal for my fundraiser for my MS Challenge hike to benefit the National MS Society. I want to thank everyone so much for your support, donations, retweets, and wonderful messages. I can’t believe how this caring group of people has rallied around me – it’s brought many a tear to my eye, I have to admit. I am almost ready for my hike, just a few last minute things to do. I promise to take lots of pictures to show everyone! Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t snow and that the newly awakened bears will find more interesting things than me to visit. My second positive is that I have finalized my trip to Europe this summer – 11 days in England and France with a school group, and then I detour for 10 days in Ireland before coming home! I have never been anywhere, so I am really excited to go! I will post lots of pictures from that trip, as well. Have a great day, everyone!


That gummy bear joke just made my smile and laugh so big...and it’s been a hard morning as it is. Thanks G 😘


Woo hoo! Congratulations Amy!😄 That all sounds amazing, and yes, pictures, please! *hug* 💕


Joy in song format: Oh Happy Day - Edwin Hawkins. <a> https://youtu.be/6tSyzTIJ82g </a>


Yeah, he has infiltrated my brain too, but what a lovely brain worm he is, eh?

Jessica ( Gaelandias Zookeeper)

Hmm let's see.. I have a funny story from work so my job is working with animals at a museum I talk about them the science behind them and all that jazz ...but sometimes the museum will hold an event to raise money ...so this last event we had was called Wine and Whiskey at the wetlands and so basically you pay to drink as much as you want from different vendors and eat and have a good time..me being a shy person irl I casually helped people find things around the museum and tried to be as low-key because I knew there would be a fuck ton of drunk people...well as soon as I made face a very... we'll just say handsy gentleman decided to grab my ass as hard as he could in front of God and everyone there... My initial reaction was to just slap the shit out of him but not knowing how to handle social situations I just turned around bowed and ran to the nearest bathroom....🙄🙄.... I love my job but damn the things you do for science am I right.


Well, finally I'm done from an exhausting, crazy day at work. I was reading some of your stories and I've decided share the most funny and embarrassing moment I recall... I lived in England few years ago for a job... And one night, we were in a pub having fun (and many pints too) when I saw a vending machine in the toilets... Condoms (well, typical) Panties (not so typical, but OK, fine) and dildos. Yeah, that caught my eye and of course, couldn't help put some coins and get one! My friends broke their backs laughing at that 😂😂 But, when "Little One First" and me left, is when the fun stuff begins... Another girl and me were in Heathrow's security control queue (a very crowded queue) and my backpack started to beep. A huge security guy told me he had to open my bag because something metallic was inside... I said I was fine, and he started to unpack it. Then, I saw he had in his hands 'Little One's First' case... And I begged not to open it... Like hey, that's personal belongings, you know... Girl's stuff... Please don't open it... But of course he had to. I turned my back because I didn't want to see the situation... Saw my friend deep red of laughter, as so many people in the queue. Didn't know where to hide myself! God... What a moment... Then, what made the alarm start was a fucking can opener that I didn't even know I had, and the guy, still laughing told me handing me my dildo... "OK, I'll keep the opener, but I'm afraid I won't need this one". Fuck.. Few hours later, I went to the airport toilet, and the security guy was there. When he saw me, started laughing, pointed at me and said... "Hey youuu! Give me five!! You really know how to enjoy, girl!" FUUUUUCKKKKK!!!! (Of course, I did the 'hi five') 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I laugh at it now... But then... 😰😰


Accidentally took Tylenol PM instead of regular Tylenol. Slept 12 hours. wEEEEEEE *thud*


So, I saw this story today and I thought it was too sweet not to share. I hope I have that much energy and fun when I'm 93! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8oSONuVZMA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8oSONuVZMA</a>


Happy Tuesday y'all! First thing I thought of for a story is one from when I had just moved to the UK a while ago. I was stressed because I was on my own for the first time and worried I'd forget something I needed to function as a human being. So I'm in Tesco's, staring abjectly at the cat food (I didn't have a cat 🤣) when this little kid comes to the head of the aisle. He was super tiny, couldn't have been more than 3 or 4. And he just looks at me with the biggest grin on his face and yells, "Deodorant!!" in his little English accent. You could tell that it was something he had recently learned to say and was quite pleased with his accomplishment. 😙 Heck, I was pleased for him, we just grinned at each other until his mom came up and led him to a different aisle. She gave me a look of apology, but honestly it made my day. And then I stopped worrying so much. Life comes in steps, right? From "deodorant" to having your first apartment to beyond that. I thought of it as a reminder to take things as they come and be proud of your accomplishments along the way, no matter how small. Also, this past weekend I got accepted to the graduate school of my choice with my first pick of assistantship!! I'm hella pumped!! 😁 I'm sending all this love and positivity to you lovely beans (I creep on the Community page and I gotta say, y'all are just delightful 😘).


I’ve been projecting the positive vibes from this thread all day and feeling the benefit, and life just got BETTER because guess who got herself a matron’s position after 7 long months of trying?! 😁🎉🎊 it’s given me a brand new burst of enerdree and positivity and I am SO ready for this! 💪 happy Tuesday you beautiful earthlings!! ❤️


When I went to get my coffee this morning, the most adorable little boy who appeared to be about 6 or 7 yrs. old, held the door open for me. He sweetly said, "after you", with a dimpled-filled, 1 tooth missing, smile. I wanted to squeeze him!💗 But instead I said, thank- you so much, told him how much of a gentleman was, and high-fived his mom! You could definitely see how proud she was!


I have been training a temp at work, who has been making my life a living hell. She waited until I left yesterday to paint me as some harpy to her boss and myself. I have been nothing but kind and patient with a person who has consistently shown me she is incompetent and cannot do even the basic skills needed to complete the job accurately and efficiently. I put together all the information and notes she would need. I went over all the material. I coached her. Gave her positive and critical feedback. The physicians were frustrated with her to the point of the entire office being tense and on end. My office manager who has the professionalism of a drunk primate verbally chastised me regarding the issue in front of the entire office. Went so far as to tell other employees that I am "in for it, and I don't even know it". I went to the physicians regarding the situation. I now have three physicians who have my back. They are essentially telling not only my boss but her boss as well to stick it. It's nice to work in a place where those that matter believe in you and will go to bat for you when push comes to shove. &lt;3


I just got back to barbell lifting after over six months of being out of it due to a pretty serious swordfighting injury. It feels so good to be back, even if I have jelly legs.


Oh Ms S. I like that, "joy in song format". So I leave you with a favorite of mine, Little Things - India Arie. <a href="https://youtu.be/4xZPMlCkDY8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/4xZPMlCkDY8</a>


That is the sweetest thing EVA! Little gentlemen. ❤❤


Our school won a contest to have Jan Brett visit. She came today and I got to have my daughters come to the office to meet her and have her sign a book for them. It was pretty awesome! And she's a good, easy interview. I enjoyed talking with her.


Spent my very recent 50th birthday hanging out with one of my kiddos. She had the day off of school due to the snowstorm that was anticipated. Luckily it came late so that we could wander around my favorite stores and talk. We ended up getting some splendid aging advice from an elderly shopgirl at Louis Vuitton and almost 30 minutes chatting about positivity and global thinking with another at a swim shop...All in All a spontaneous joyous outing! And the snow waited until we were home safe with fresh food in our bellies.


I am. Learning. You can reinvent yourself at any time through your life, as many times as you want. Just stay kind. Keep loving yourself and others. I am.

Stella Rose

Happy belated birthday, V 🎉💕 Omg yasss, that's what the 30s will do to ya! Coffee over cocktails any day. These days, I'm into ceramic mugs and bowls, which is really strange haha! Cheers to being 30, V! 🥂


Yup! You sure can! The only thing that limits us is limited thinking Xd


I could tell some funny stories of the ER if anyone wants to hear some :p. I swear my ER could have it's own episode of "sex send me to the ER" 2hr special. Other then that, I have been working on a new book, finishing up another, working on some new characters for said books, trying to get my gaming channel on YouTube and twitch back up and running ANNNNND moving into a new house. So what Kind of lovely story would you like to hear *tee hee*


I feel like all my ER stories, in fact most of my hospital stories in general, would have the opposite effect of what people were looking for.. Maybe one day, there'll be a shout out for most hilariously disgusting things you've seen/done/smelled and I bet we could tear it up! Bahahaha!!


Hahaha, this sounds like something that would happen to me! Love it!!


Sadly when I woke up for work I found out a woman I called nana died. So I have a corny joke my patient yesterday said. What do you call the cow that jumped over the barbed wire fence? Udder destruction. So there is a corny joke from a patient who got basically a dinner and a show with the crazy that was going on yesterday.


I have to say this and I do not where, here? Have you heard the last audio? I'm so happy that I've heard it, I do not know how many times, I had a dream and I was listening to Gael in an intimate relationship listening to his sounds and You see the dreams come true ...


I'm sorry, hon (it's Chanelle, BTW). Can't read or listen to much else right now, but I wanted to express that. Great joke. XD


i have no idea why my dog does this but at random times in the middle of the night, he will get up from his kennel and into my room to what i guess is “checking on me” and stare at me for a few seconds and goes back to sleep. it may just be a german shepherd thing but on the other hand, our bond and engagement is so strong, he may be genuinely checking if i am breathing okay or something. he’s a sweetheart. whoever said “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” they’ve obviously never had a dog 😂💗


Hello everyone, I would like to know how I can contact Gael, I want to buy a private audio, I am new here and I still do not know how to move around here. Kisses💕


Hi, Lorena! Welcome to the community!<br><br>You can contact Gael through Patreon by sending him a direct message. If you’re using the mobile version of the website, click on the list icon at the top right corner of the screen, select ‘Messages’, enter ‘Gaelforce’ in the To: section, and write your message in the box below.<br><br>For more info on how to get a personal audio, click on this link: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-audio-13364696">https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-audio-13364696</a><br><br>(The gist of it is that you can’t “buy” a personal audio per se, but you can be entered into a draw for one. Further useful information about how to navigate his Patreon page can be found in the ‘Overview’ section of the website. To access that, just click on the Overview tab at the top of the page 🙂)


Thank you!💕