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I thought it would be fun to bring you along with me as I worked out!!

Also be sure to check out the updated Overview page to see the updated links, ad and information on my newest album 'Gettin' Hot & Heavy' that is now live!!




Yay! Another unexpected Ramble!! 😁😁 Have a good weekend G! 😘


I beat Laura?!


Yaaay. :)


Another ramble?? Woo! Can’t wait to listen to it later 💗💪🏼


whoo hoo. G man workin on his fitness. saw the pic and said out loud "daaamn, son!!" so yea, everyone at work is looking at me weird


Sweet! Been looking forward to this one! Well...every one....but this one especially!! 😘


Woo hoo!! Let's workout! Can't wait! 😋




Yum....something to keep me awake and my mind occupied!!


Yay!! And just in time as I'm off to the gym myself 💪😚❤


Gael you've let your secret out. You aren't really playing with yourself when you do your Erotic audios. You're just getting swole. 😂


2 mins in... And.I.Can't.With.You.G!!!! I think I lost some poundage listening to this!!! 💪💪💪


Will the new album be released on any platform other than itunes?


Well my darling, with biceps like that I can see why you can have so much fun, for so long, at one time! lol You hottie you!


Ooooh see, context is important. My poor french brain understood "i'm out of bread" which would be very unfortunate but would make much less sense than you being out of breath


Gael my handsome, I'm sure you’re working so damn hard and mad respect for you for that but the jangling, clacking sounds and the heavy breathing just legitimately sounds like you’re having a wank while juggling a stack of plates 😂😂😂


Talk about NSFW.....is it quitting time yet? I need the quiet solitude of my Jeep for this....


Ok back again...I would love to see actual video of this workout.. No face I know 😁😁 but some arms..some chest..some legs!!! 😝😝😝


I'm not gonna lie. I have had a horribly shitty day and I'm really hoping this puts me in a better mood.


Hi Judy Lynn! It will eventually show up on Amazon music if all goes to plan! Xd


You're such an intense beast! 🦁😏

Ellen (Gaelandia's Chief Justice and Personal Trainer)

Gael, what kind of workout do you do during the week? Different body section daily (arms, legs, shoulders, back, etc)? Any cardio? I do daily strength and cardio, and your audios work my pelvis. 😂😍


You'll be my virtual workout buddy for my next workout session 😂💪🏻


Ooooh! I love a sweaty man!! :) it’s my birthday on St. Patrick’s Day. Would love a special birthday ‘treat’ vid one day soon 🤤


🎶 It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight Risin' up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger...👁🐯 I feel the muscles grow💪🏼👩🏻🏋🏻‍♀️😜


Who needs to go to the gym?Not me anymore...we have our own sexy personal trainer right over here on Patreon😋💪🏃👟


Haha out of bread would really be unfortunate yes! 🥖


Listening to a person exercising, while I'm eating chips. Very well Crissss.


I'll show you gains *unhinges jaw for pizza*


*poke poke* (((((hugs you))))) Hope your day improves, Lovely!


So you have a workout playlist or


You sexy beast!! 😍😍😍😍


You really burned some energy there.. More than, when you record??? 😉And don't forget to stretch.. or any yoga exercises 🤣But I agree, move in life.. both in body and spirit 😃 Have a good nights sleep 😃 Goodass Prana 😄😘❤️😃😄😃


You have good taste in music 😋 And you also have sexy growls 🦁😍🔥


G! I need to concentrate at work 😏How am I going to that with all the sweaty grunting, damn, so fucking hot🔥🔥🔥


I love your music taste🎶♥️♥️♥️


After this, I must say that gyms in Spain are such a boring thing... Hey G, you can work out with me whenever you want, baby 😘😘😂😂


Yes! Motivation and laughs! 😍🙂 I'm wondering if that new album will be available on Audible at some point?


Great motivation when I was at the gym before


You know Gael, I love your audios and even growls in a work out is arousing 😋 but I'm seriously digging the music in the back ground.


Awww hecks yeah! "Unforgettable" is on my workout playlist too! 😄 Bodyrolling while lifting 25 lb free-weights can be tricky, but I gets it done! 🤣🤣🇳🇬🇺🇸


Keep it up, Gael!! 😃😘


Yayyyyy cannot wait to listen!😍


Someone inform me: is this a SFW (Safe For Workout) piece, or will I be putting myself at risk for major injury or breathlessness by playing this on the elliptical tomorrow morning? 😗


I have to wait for maybe... 8 hours until I can listen to this. Aaack! I am excited ❤️ Especially since yesterday was a really bad day for me.


I know this is a little different! But never fear! Some sexy stuff is a coming 🍀❤️🍀


What a lovely glimpse into what it takes to stack that Brick House! My dear, we went from you all sweaty and grunting to imagining you in the shower...you ought naught do that to us... just saying 😏


Updated Overview page is tops!! 👍👍 Ya covered it all in fine Gaelforce fashion! Well done, good Sir! 👏


The sound of your grunts with those kettle bell squats 😈 and sit-ups, yah yah! And I thought sitting on the sofa WATCHING other people workout was crazy!! The power of the G! 😉Thanks for the workout tips and letting us tag along! 💪💧😊


No pressure to give away any trade secrets or anything, but do you primarily do circuits for endurance/leaning out? Because if you were going to failure during each exercise instead of doing fewer reps, I’m guessing this wasn’t entirely geared for mass building. (Although <i>holy shit</i>, you lift heavy anyway 😲) I’m not completely sold on circuits yet myself. I’m sure it’s a good way to diversify one’s fat burning workouts rather than forever being chained to a treadmill or stationary bike for HIIT, but damn, it’s tiring as hell. I need my 30-second reprieves between sets 😓


Okay, I need you as my trainer! You're like an all-in-one!! Weights, yoga, audio, etc., etc. 😊 #hesabadbadman


First of all, I just want to say, I have mad respect for the hard work and discipline you put into staying fit, G. I really do. But physical fitness has never really been my thing. Of course it's important to get out and get moving, but I feel such a disconnect from my physical body. I feel like it's more important to exercise your spirit. The physical body is temporary, but the soul is eternal.<br> If I'm honest, positive body image has always been something I've struggled with. But I feel like it's important that people realize that it's okay to not look like a fitness model. Everyone's body chemistry is different and we aren't all capable of having bulging biceps and rock hard abs. For me, there's too much emphasis on the vanity aspect of exercising and not enough on the health aspect. As long as you're doing something - anything - that's the most important thing.<br> They say laughing - and by this I mean a good, strong belly laugh - is one of the best way to burn calories. And we all know what the best form of exercise is. So, you have us all set on both ends. XD<br> Although I do appreciate what ya got, it takes much more than a well-toned body to impress me, honey. 😜 I care much more about that sexy mind. 💕


"My Hungarian accent..." We have to talk about this, Gael... 😝😂😂😂


Is that your arm? 😲😮😯 and hey this was still pretty sexy.


I was hoping for something related to this topic too....!!💦


Ugh, probably one of my least faves that I do are the super sets of 1min intervals - 15 kettlebell swings to plank for 10 minutes and they fucking suuuuuuuck. I truly appreciate my three minutes after I finish!!


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. Hope everyone has a nice Samstag!? How´ s the weather? Here it´ s quite cold... -11°C and the stars are soo brilliant! I´ m in a little rush tonight, have to kick Lil´ Seanie on the Schienbein - shin. :) Some quick daily Fragen... Are you listening to any music right now? Where are you right now? Does the weather affect your Stimmung - mood? Have you ever climbed a tree, or went up on a Dach - roof and couldn’ t get down? When you are trying to do something quietly, do you make more Lärm - noise with slow motion or fast motion? If you could only save one thing when your house was burning down what would you save? Danke for your Antworten my dears. Bis dann. XD Danke Frl.Doktimus for yesterday´ s sexy Fragen. :)


Aw, man! I think Patreon ate my comment. :( It's never happened to me before, though I've heard of Patreon's ravenous appetite. I was down about it, but because I'm not a quitter, I thought about my off the cuff comments, and will do my best to post them again. Gael, I do like hearing you work up a sweat.💋 The visuals of the glistening, rippling muscles of your physique all working in conjunction while doing so must be stunning to watch, indeed. But then, I imagine that the vision of you making audios must always be a mouthwatering sight to behold.😍 I cocked my eyebrow when you mentioned you see all those muscles working. It's interesting to hear what it takes to keep that manly figure.😅💪 Thanks for sharing your knowledge of fitness.🤓 Your phone call made me laugh. Does your love of animals know no bounds? You are generous and, dare I say, brave to harbor those deadly beasts.😂😂 Those are the only pythons I think I'd want wrapped around me. ;) By the way, I really like what you've written on the overview page. It's very well put. Also, congratulations on your new album being released, love! You deserve every success, and more. Kisses! 😙😙❤🍀 (Ha, take that, Patreon!😂🤣)


This was fun, G! BTW can you call the zoo back and ask them to send a pic of the pair of Pythons, then you can pass it this way, purely for science like, and identification purposes! 😁😉🔥


So I missed my run today for various reasons. Listened to this and just beat my pb! 5k in 26 minutes! I am going to *hurt* tomorrow but right now I'm top of the world. (midnight runs are awesome anyway but I said I'd start 10k training once I got down to a time I'm happy with). And to think last year I couldn't even run a marathon a mile! (sorry for the brag but this was the kick up the butt/inspiration I needed. Thanks Gael!)


Dang Gael! Now we know why you look like such a BEAST! Thanks for not doing the sex moans like the yoked out dudes at my gym. They give me a serious case of the giggles which I find so difficult to stifle. I shall consider this my sign to kick my ass into gear at the gym as I have been slacking in this cold weather and bikini season is right around the corner. Egads! So my fellow lovelies, what is your favorite way to work out? I like swimming laps and hiking. The hormones released in a good Zumba work out gives me the most lovely case of non-stop giggles for at least 5 min so I like that too.


You're good, Amanda 👍. It's safe and probably motivating while you workout.


I feel what you are putting down. Laughing is totally the best medicine. There are some pretty good studies which link exercise to decreased anxiety and depression. I work out cause it makes me feel good. Especially if I'm worried about something, a good run makes me feel loads better. Working out your mind is good too, helps with memory loss as we age. Best to keep all things moving and flowing.


Ok now i feel guilty for keep working late instead of going to the gym :'(

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Heya... 1. There's music on the tv, but I don't think that's what you mean... 2. In my living room... 3. Definitely... cold weather gives me energy; thunderstorms even more so - I get excited like a 6 year old goin' to Disneyland for the first time on Christmas, which is also their birthday!... the heat makes me wanna die. 4. I climbed a lot of things as a kid, but I only recall getting almost stuck once... went rock climbing at a place called Red Rock just outside of Vegas where I grew up... came down the face of a cliff to a little ledge and then was too short to reach the next ledge down and not strong enough to go back up... I think I was 10-ish... 5. More noise when trying to move slow... I think I over-compensate and then the klutz in me kicks in and I end up knocking something over or falling down... yeah - I failed ninja school... 6. My kid... I kinda like 'im 💜😙👩‍👦😙💜


Oh my damn! Came back to listen, and fantasize that Gael looks like Toby Kebbell (my obsession). 😍😍😍 Get those pumps in, G! 😗🇳🇬🇺🇸


Awesome!! I’m also currently training for an adventure race and it feels so great physically and mentally to hit those goals! Congrats on your time!!


Don't need to see ya to know you're gorgeous. Shine on G. ❤️


That's a pretty profound statement on the overview page: "This is my workplace."  I ♥️ that! You see, your workplace is our playground 😊 so it's good to be reminded now and then. PS. 24 kgs? 😮 *Looks at my little 1.5kg ones and lmao*. 


Hell yeah gym time 💪🏻


Oh my, time to work out. Love this!!


Very impressive


This legit makes me wanna work out again 😂😅


Your breathing was sexy. 😚 Especially during squats and pushups. I'm going to listen to do this again on my next run. I have asthma so when I run, I feel a little anxious when my breathing changes, despite it being normal during exercise. Hearing someone pant (sexily 😉) but still continue their workout might calm me a bit. 😚 Stay awesome, Gael!


I was listening to this last night in bed before going to sleep. I was a lazy sleepy ass, yet my heartbeat was up so much I felt dizzy, even lying down XD


It's so funny that we don't realize the sounds we are making when working out. I didn't realize how loud i was until someone had the music turned down and i actually heard myself... embarrassing. 😶 also, I'm afraid of the kettlebell. my biggest fear is to accidentally let one go and smash goes the mirror/ wall. and yes, that's my luck.


I'm starting to think I can girl-fap to just about anything if it sounds good enough to my hormones. Incidentally, this is a nice picture. Nobody believes me when I say that I'm not USUALLY, PARTICULARLY, into muscles. Sure, I like a nice pair of shoulders (think of a farmer or a construction worker), but muscles alone won't necessarily turn my head on the street (it's probably mutual, so we're good). But ironically enough, the men who have given me the most confidence (and pleasure) when I felt weak were into fitness, big time. One day I will write an article or a book about them and call it "The Sexually Generous Alpha Male: Why It's Important to Cherish and Whore-ship Him". XD


We are grateful for the new album. Will purchase tonight. Edit: By the way, he referred to Patreon as his workplace...so it HAS become his full-time job, then? Group High Five? *Consults kgs to lbs converter* Holy shit. He lifts like one third of my entire body weight (5'8" Endomorph, 144-154 lbs here) with each arm. And for some reason I just pictured Gaston. I like to lift myself off my computer chair. Because I live like a poor person to invest on land + tiny house on wheels. Also, every day starts more beautifully for me with bacon and eggs, so I stack up whenever possible. Which reminds me...I need to look up these plant heme-based "super meats" and see if there's any progress or availability in my area. Indulgence without guilt and murder sounds awesome.

Stella Rose

I'm with you on the shoulders bit. I appreciate a nice pair of broad shoulders when I see one. Biceps normally comes fourth or fifth for me. I used to have a crush on a dorky swimmer back in high school. Oh man, he looks good in everything (with broad shoulders and all). The fact that he was so gifted in accountancy made me weak in the knees too. Dorkable hunks are a gem.


this was quit interesting, I started doing some yoga and cardio. really wanted to get my butt into shape this year and I say it's going very well so far.


I was out of breath just listening to this 😂


Congrats! It's no easy thing. Getting enough sleep and knowing our body somatotype = tremendously helpful. So in my case, now that I'm back to that generous hourglass figure I love, becoming fitter/toned means a big breakfast (protein + fat), lemon water, doing more chores by hand, going apeshit on elliptical and lifting myself off the computer chair every chance I get. Also: tons of squats, laughing and fapping. XD I'm looking into "Super Female Vitality", which, like its equivalent for men, helps our bodies function the way they would without inadvertent exposure to all that contemporary crap in our food/environment. That means more energy and working out less to achieve desired results (unless you enjoy it)! Good luck and keep us updated, if you like.

Monique (Mimzz)

Omg I missed this yesterday! It was my birthday but I'm glad to see you do a ramble! Also glad to hear you feeling well 😉


Is it wrong that this turned me on a little ? ☺️☺️☺️


About the album - does anyone know if it absolutely requires the iTunes app? I want no part of it. I would like to simply buy the material and keep it. Or if I download iTunes till after the purchase, is it going to be like one of those despotic apps with their own format that will become unreadable after uninstall? Thanks in advance.


I managed to get it on Amazon music as I don't do iTunes


Yes. You should be ashamed of yourself and go to his playroom at once, Missy. For SHAME. Clearly, you do not know da wae. Why are you running? Why are you running? Fake Queen!!! ...too many memes, so sorry. XD


gael- this is vey inspirational! Do you use some kind fitness device such as a fitbit or an app of some sort to keep you on track? if you don't mind me asking, of course.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Sonntag to everyone. It´ s sooooo kalt - cold tonight... I have to run back into my warm bed right away! And I don´ t have any Fragen... ´cause you didn´ t answer the last ones properly. Tss... tss... tss... :) Maybe one of you wanna ask some fresh ones? Ja? Danke for your Fragen and answers my dear Fraugen. Bis später. XD


Hallo, Frau Claudia and the rest of you party people!<br><br>I’m feeling a bit apprehensive today, my good Frau, but I’m not entirely sure why. I just have this hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach that something not-so-awesome is going to happen, but I don’t know when, where, why, or to whom 😕<br><br>Hopefully this is just a strange manifestation of indigestion or something, like the 6th (and never mentioned) symptom that Pepto-Bismol is supposed to treat. You know how the TV jingle goes, yes?<br><br><i>“Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, (dark sense of foreboding), hey, Pepto-Bismol!”</i><br><br>On a brighter note, here are some questions that are supposed to make you think (hopefully positive thoughts) according to the website I stole them from! - What is your life motto? - What will you never give up on? - What’s the best decision you ever made? - What do you appreciate most about your current situation? - What’s something that used to scare you but no longer does?


Of course this gets posted while I'm visiting my parents for two days...


Well I feel like a lazy azz after listening to Gael get his workout on. Bad man, indeed. Whew... Guess I should get out of bed and do something (else).


18:35...jeez Gael, all joking aside someone actually thought you were 'up to something else'. I swear I giggled at that.


Damn, you sound sexy even working out!! Yumm😘😘

Scarlet Kitten

Anyone else suddenly wanting Gael to do some audios as a drill instructor or personal trainer? You know something to help get those of us that are a little more sedentary up and moving. With maybe a sweet treat at the end of the week if we are good or bad? ;) Lol.