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Baby really!  She means nothing to me!




I have been waiting for this all week G! 😍😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥 so excited! ....... wait, did you say edging! Yessssss! 😍😍


My body is ready!!


Femdom! Fuck yeah!!😁❤️


Ahh I love this already!! Lol


Ooooh, this is gonna be good! 😈

Gri (Sassy_One)

Uhhhh, you gon’ get it now, G!! 😏


I was just going to sleep.


Closed and turned off everything for this moment!


I had so much fun making this. I was quite riled up....I lost my words a few times like

Ariel Diamond

*sees alert for new Gael audio* I'm soooo not ready for this, I know it! *quickly plugs in earphones and presses Play*


Oh dear. Those tags are going to make my assignment very difficult to finish tonight. And processing photos/writing copy may be put off until tomorrow. Sorry editor! More important things...


Oooh...what have you done now???


Whoa!! Stop the press!! Bondage aaaaaand Edging!?! 🙃 Oooooooh snap! This one definitely has to wait a little longer! 😈 Goody goody!


And there I was, settling into bed for a boring night when BOOM! You drop this sweet treat into our laps! 😍


OMG!!! The flesh light! She is so mean! I'm loving this already!


Currently in the car with my parents on the way to church😅 Should I listen right now or after church?🤔 So tempted to hit play😫 HELP!!!

Ariel Diamond

OMG I knew I wasn't ready for this! Femdom and edging and bondage...fuck yes! *squeals and melts into a quivering puddle into the floor*


Yaaaaaaaaaas!! This is so me. Dominatrix for life 🤣 Well, not tonight. Tonight I settled for a movie and some cuddling in bed. And now sitting, writing poetry in the middle of the night, while there's a guy old cold next to me ❤️ Tonight I'm mellow. But tomorrow... Tomorrow I'll be a dominatrix again 😁


omg, G. you in trouble.


Girrrrl 😏 yaaas! I love a woman in control. Hope you’re well beautiful!


This is my reaction: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yes. This. All. The. Control. Looks like the old Judy is going to be coming out for a twirl tonight....How I've missed her....She may not go back to sleep after this...


Hesasuuuub 😍😍😍


Waaaaait! I wasn't readyyyy! 😥😥

Ariel Diamond

I'm dead. Just...dead. A thousand times over. This is such a huge fantasy because I'm used to being the one in submission. It's fun but I'm a switch by nature, so I love moments where I have control over the other person's pleasure. And this? This. Was. Fucking. Amazing.


Ooooh, baby. I love it when you beg.


Gael... you’re Sexy! 😌


Wow ! I may need to lie down after that one. It's good to see you're making good use of your new toys though...😜

Jasmine sanfi

This IS BUSINESS LIKE DAMN ok....Ok...I'm speechless as always, what can I say? Wow...just wow.


Hot damn, your growls and pleading I'm melted into a happy puddle, sooo very 🔥🔥🔥😘😘😘


Wow!!! I could get used to this👍🏼😋 So hot that I don't feel the freezing temperatures anymore.🔥🔥🔥But the problem is, I probably can't sleep anymore👎🏼😴 thank you for the heat under my blanket😜 Good night babe♥️😘♥️


Is everybody okay????!!! ❤️🔥


ALL of the begging! ALL of it!!! Absolutely everything about this is just yes!!! The intensity level in this is EVERYTHING!!! This is definitely my new favorite. 🖤💋🖤💋🖤💋🖤💋


Daaamn this was hot!!🔥🔥🔥🔥 I can't tell you the wicked laugh that escaped me 5 minutes or so in!😉😈🤣 I was licking my lips at all of your scrumptious begging.💋💋 And I must say, those toy removal sounds, though!😍 Very nice. In the immortal words of Magnitude from Community, "Pop, Pop!"😂😂🤣 Seriously though, this was SEXY as hell! Having big, strong Gael at my mercy and calling me Mistress was😍😍😍! I barely have words. Your finish was so explosive, I moaned loudly. This was incredible.😚💋💋💋


🙃🙃🙃 What a good sport; riiiight up to the hairy edge.. ❤️ Cheers! Dunno if Fleshlight is marketed to women for their men, but a cheeky advert in this vein would surely get my attention.


Resist! There is no way to not react to this one. Poor Gael is really in a bind this time. ;-)


I wasn’t expecting the other Woman to be the fleshlight 😂 But this was amazing 🔥😘 love when you beg ❤️


5 mins in, giggling uncontrollably. 8 mins until the end, devilish grin with mischievous look in the eyes.


I think I just forgot my name! HOT DAMN!! 🔥🔥 The pleas, the moans, the dirty talk... I'm glad she didn't untie you!! The toy and then her, and back again... SWITCH! 🔀 Femdom is BOSSIN'! The sexy confessions...mmmm 💚 Took me over the edge ***free jumping***!! Weeeee! Braaavo, G! #pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease #aintnothingliketherealthing #SHEgotit


Just ur local Gaelandian water gorl casually walking through, making sure everyone is good. Anyone need water for their sh00keth souls??? Nice little spritz fan?? I’ve got it all!!! AM HERE 4 UR SAFTEY MY BBS!!!! 🆘🏥🚨


Breaks out the knee high patent leather boots, bustier, and mini skirt...Cranks up Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus ...God it's been too long. <evil grin=""></evil>


Just what a snowy evening ordered!


Let me get one of those, Cherry! I'm parched to the nth degree!


Second listen before bed we even better. Teasing this the best, because you know you're gonna get it in the end, but the anticipation makes it so much better! Pretty PLEASE with a cherry on top, make this a 2-part storyline, wherein you get your revenge, tit-for-tat! Revenge has never tasted so sweet, ahhh...


SEXY! It's amazing what that begging and lusty laughing does to me!😍🔥


Holy. Sheep. Shit. 5:14 and I am laughing so hard I've completely lost it. Like, imma have to start all over again. Damn it all, that innocent voice and I'm flashing back to the unboxing and fuuuck. I am done for. I'm officially a puddle on the floor. Boy, I swear. You are some kind of imp. And here I am, still not to the edging bit yet. Which is what I've been looking forward to all night. I was even so good and finished all my work for Monday. Processed photos and wrote copy. Even got two blogs scheduled, and all the time thinking about coming home to this audio. And now it's 5 minutes in and you've made me laugh like I haven't done in a long time. You cheeky monkey. Ugh. Okay. Going back in. *rolls eyes*


Oh wow, what a way to wake up 🔥🔥🔥 (Ps. Though I'm waiting for a time where she finally doesn't leave you tied up at the end 😜 cause she did this 3 out of 3 times, and it's not nice. 😂 No, but seriously 😉😊)


My tiny inner domme is having the time of her life 💋 Gael's such a little brat though, isn't he? 😂


Bahaha That's so true... Maybe she's gonna walk back in tho 😳 Maybe there are other toys hidden around the house Oh dearie me 😳😳😳


Hahaha the hashtags! Yeah, I kinda like doing lighter takes on femdom and Dom audios.. I find I enjoy them a little more when I'm makin them this way., And I was super turned on in this... sheesh! Sheesh! #lostforwords


..........Your man's a cuddly needy greedy sloppy sub. *and absolutely no one was surprised* 😂😂😂 Thanks for the audio G, was crazy fun! And thanks for getting me in trouble with my sodding neighbours! I cackled so damn loudly when Maisie (have already mentally named your fleshlight, sorry. The lass needs a name) made an appearance . And now I've just taken my headphones off to the sound of them complaining through my floor about the noise. These thin walls are going to be a damn issue when it comes to certain activities ...... 😒😖😂 Alright, getting up to go apologise now.....


More of these, Please! 😀

Stella Rose

Every time I repeat this audio (and Ramble Fap), I praised the fleshlight for being the second best gift ever bestowed on Gaelandia.


Whiniest, brattiest, neediest damn sub in the whole damn stratosphere. To be honest though, would we have him be any other way when he begs so prettily? 😈


Well, you're back, in shape, after the flu.. And how you have managed to work "hard".. with your hand... creating a new "manuscript" 😉.. So.. This was your version of Toy Story 😆 And "begging you" definitely has a new meaning now 😋This piece absolutely melts any winther cold.. Or iceberg 😊 Have a wonderful relaxed untied day 😆 Goodass Prana 😊😄😘❤️❤️😃😆


My favorite thing is hearing you cum Gael ;) <3


Patreon is hungry and ate my comment! Once again A BIG FAT YES to this piece Gael. I love your new ideas and recent audios alot....and that GIRTY mind of yours is yummy too😋😳🔥 I second Mel. More and more and more of these please!!!

Kiara. B

This is so hot! Well done Gael making use of your toys 🤣 Love having control once and a while. Keep it up Gael you're amazing! ❤❤❤


Well hot damn 😵❤️


Well, that was HOT! I was hoping for audios like this. Now you have the toys, it's full of possibilities! 😏 😈 (like a blowjob audio including your new toys that is on my mind since the Ramble Fap audio). And you being a sub is the sexiest thing ever!

Mimmie Pedersen

Its a huge turn on when Gael is moaning and begging. Jesus motherfucking christ. I love this place.🤤💝

Greek Goddess

Omg my favorite type of audios 😵😍😍 RIP my ovaries! 😂😂 I loved every second of it!!Yes,yes,YES!Super hot!I love it when you beg!Its a huge turn on for me 😈 You didn’t tell us her name.Maybe Sinead?Bahaha 😂


If you ever need a lab rat 🔬 to run experiments with other toys... I volunteer! 🙋🏼


Well G you did say we were gonna have "so much fun" with these toys!!! 😁😁😁💦💦💦🔥🔥🔥


Loved this audio!!! Need more submissive Gael!!! Pretty please?!?!?🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


You cum sooooo gooooood. Fuck!Are there more toys? Please say there are more toys.


I enjoyed this WAY more than I anticipated!! I did get nervous each time Gael would say “where are you going? Come back!” because that is my exact fear- but was relieved every time in..... several ways ;)


Pull up a chair, grab some tissues and get ready for your eyes to start bleeding because here’s another wall o’ text! 🤓 <img height="185" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Cognitive_Hazard_by_Arenamontanus.png"><br><br>I can be a bit slow on the uptake, so I actually had to listen to this audio 3 times before I got a good handle on it 🤔 It’s very BAM! and intense, and all I could think after my first listen was, <i>“Hmm...I’m not 100% sure of what just happened there. I know there was a lot of moaning and pleading and sexy stuff going on, but I </i>think<i> I liked it!”</i><br><br>Since I had an idea of what to expect the second time around, I was able to focus more on the scenario itself during my next listen. And my final listen allowed me to hone in on finer details that I hadn’t noticed in Rounds 1 and 2. (It’s probably overkill on my part, but that’s just how Doctimus do 😎) One thing that I really like about this audio is that it’s exactly as advertised (well, except for the “other woman” actually being an inanimate object 😝). It presents itself as a femdom, listener-in-control audio, and I think it delivers on that (at least from my perspective as someone who doesn’t identify as a Domme in the BDSM scene). I mean, the fact that the listener’s character has Gael tied down to the bed already places her on the higher end of the power differential. But I thought that the dialogue also helped establish that the listener in charge. <i>“I would love to feel your hot mouth on my nipples,”</i> implies that the listener’s character initially presented that as a question, rather the request coming from Gael. Similarly, <i>“You want to suck on my tongue?”</i> suggests that the listener has just told him what she wants. Although lines like those seem subtle compared to the pleading, I still thought they were a nice touch. I remember that coming up during a few brainstorming comments about how to more clearly demonstrate that the listener is in control back when the audio formerly known as “My Alpha Girl Against the Wall” was released 👍 I might be completely off the mark about this, but one thing I’ve noticed in some of the more recent audios is that there’s a bit less narration of the scenarios, with more focus on sound effects and your own visceral responses to what you’re doing. I thought this worked really well in Slow Dance and 3D Orgasmic ASMR Whispers - it made the audios sound more realistic (because no one would actually be narrating a sex scene down to the finest detail whilst actually getting it on IRL 😛), but listeners could still easily tell what was going on. But at least to me, I think having less narration in this audio made it confusing at times. I know you mentioned that you were enjoying yourself so much that you were lost for words, so I can see why there were fewer descriptions about what was taking place in the scenario 😆 Now it <i>does</i> make the audio seem more realistic, and I’m not gonna lie - you sound incredibly sexy when you get carried away 😜 But there were a few points in the audio where I wasn’t really clear on what was going on. For example, when Gael’s character finally gets the listener’s juices, how did that happen? Did she touch herself first, then give him a quick rub ‘n tug with her hand? Did she briefly hop onto the Celtic Warrior? After listening to the audio 3 times, I still wasn’t sure what you intended to convey 🤔 And around 13:44, with the line, <i>“What are you going to do with that precum?”</i> I don’t <i>think</i> I heard anything that suggested what the listener’s character actually did with it, but I guess one could use their imagine to fill in the blanks. Maybe she licked it off. Maybe she slipped the Fleshlight back on. Or maybe...well, there are probably more comical or outlandish things she could’ve done for shits and giggles, but I won’t delve into that 😝 The audio’s sound effects did help to make up for the lack of narration in terms of understanding what was going on. The good ol’ fapping sound we’ve all come to know and love (har har) indicated the parts where Gael’s and the listener’s characters were boning. Using the Fleshlight makes a markedly different sound compared to when you use your hand...but if a listener hasn’t heard the Unboxing RambleFap beforehand, they might have trouble recognizing it (and that it suggests you’re using the Fleshlight) in this audio. There were also some parts where the sound of you using the Fleshlight was almost drowned out by your moans and begging. So I think even just a brief mention of when the listener’s character was wielding the Fleshlight would’ve made the audio a bit easier to follow along with. (With that said, I have to ask - what were those popping sounds at around 14:10? Is that what it sounds like when you pull the Fleshlight off your junk? That would be my guess, but you can never tell when it comes to sex toys 😝) <b>tl;dr</b> - While I think this audio didn’t quite have the best balance between narration and <b><i>dat pure sexual submissive enerdree</i></b>, it was still sexy and fun to listen to! I’m also super glad that you didn’t start crying towards the end when you were begging the listener’s character to fuck you, because there were moments where I was starting to wonder☝️🤓 I mean, I’m in full support of you getting as expressive or emotional as you want in audios, but maybe just give us a bit of advance warning first 👍


I was literally just thinking about something like this. Gael must've read my mind 🙈😍


Damn reading this feels like I spoke my mind about what I think when I listen to these audios for the first time 😮


I couldn't listen to this one yesterday, so... double session tonight!! Yaaayyy!! 🎉🎉😊😊


Hmm... well, not too bad thisss one. You may proceed... juicy langer.


God... I had sooo much fun too... I'm gonna sleep relaxed and happy, thanks G!!! 😘😘😜😂


I think I was in too much of a mischievous mood to listen to this tonight. Toys are my favourite thing but that fleshlight just made me laugh out loud! 🤣😂😆


The growls at the end oh my lawd! Love this one, Gael!💜


The growls and the sexy begs! Love it!


I love how drunk on euphoria and pleasure he sounds. ANd that cute laugh at the end &lt;3 SO many tingles &lt;3


I was thinking the same thing xD


I was trying to picture how a flash light was giving you so much pleasure... then I realised. 🤦‍♀️ Oh my days!! 💋


It's been ages since I've been listening, but I started again yesterday. Me love me some tingles and boy did I get them. Njom, njom.


Listened again for the umpteenth time! Now if oral on him was interchanged with the other two pleasures, I swear...☠️🔥scorching hot🔥#cremation


Okkk😫. But she licked the pre-cum, right? At least in my imagining of this tale. 😳


I loved every minute of begging and when you said mistress mmmm I just love it when they beg😏

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

He can't keep getting better... he just *caaan't*!!... I pick a favorite (Ramble Fap), and then he does this... then I buy the audio book and hear The Black Kimono... I can't take it!!... I know that's an older audio, but I'm damn sure he did some adjustments on those and stepped it was waaaay up!... I had listened to some of the others in the book here on Patreon and they were not NEARLY as intense!!... I spent til nearly 3am edging right along... I was trying to do the whole album all in one go, but DAMN, boy!!! 😶... I done passed out after about 9 tracks!! 🤤👻... I don't know how much hotter and heavier things can get, but I'm startin' to get a wee bit scurred... 😕

Tayla J



"Pop, pop!" 🤣😂😂 I loved that guy &amp; I love you! ❤❤❤


The squiring part took me right out, completely...and I loved the exquisite begging...


What a great time it is to be a patron. Just did last Friday (It's @Ciervs on Twitter btw). I do not regret it one bit.


I just joing finally I hear you like I want...


XD I didn’t expect “her” to be a flesh light. Honestly, though, and maybe this is just because I’m single, but I don’t understand how some women can get upset at their man for Masturbating when they aren’t there. I mean, he could cheating, and he isn’t. :P


Someone help me..... There is an ocean on my bed....


Now this is what I love to hear! Being a switch myself, I love how you can play both parts, sometimes at the same time! New favorite audio! 💙


Flesh light? Lol


Yes, I can go with more submissive Gael... When he begs Mistress, holy hell! 🔥 I was waiting for her to climb on top and ride his mouth though. If I had tired down Gael, that's for DAMN sure something if take advantage of! He'd better focus more on making me cum than what Ms Floozy Fleshlight is doing!


I know, right? Especially if he sends sexts that definitely tell you he's playing w/himself while thinking of you, and you alone. That would set me up good for wanting some hot-as-fuck phone/Skype sex...because watching--let alone *thinking* about--a guy stroking himself is just...OMG! *fanning self before I melt away thinking about the guy I'D want to get with*


Finally, some ear-candy for the domme ladies.


If I have not said this before, I absolutely love this one. Love the edge play and how you let her have control. How you plead and growl and moan. Just love it♥


I love how this is so needy, fuck! I wanna hear more like this. So desperate and needy, unhinged. Those whines and moans, So fucking good!


Absolutely love this!❤❤❤❤ The growls, giggles, everything! It's all so sexy!💥💥💥💥