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We're going on a bit of an adventure today lads!



witch's brew



I recorded this before my man flu really hit. There may not be a Sunday audio while I sip on ginger beer hot toddies and rub Vicks vapour rub into my manly chest xd


Ooohhhh this will be a fun late night snack! Hope you are feelin better there! 😘


Finally ❤


Oh you and your manly chest rubnin!! I volunteer tribute! Haha!! Omg...toys? Haha!!


Well colour me intrigued! I know what I'll be doing while 'Mum's Taxi' sits outside Saturday morning dance class. 😉 Hope you are feeling a bit better Gael, and if you need help with that Vicks I'm sure we can form an orderly queue! 💕😚


🙌 FOR SCIENCE!!! Remember the wisdom of Mythbusters. The only difference between Science and just dicking about is recording your findings! *hands you a lab coat* You is official! 😂😂😂 (Gael, can I just say, this is gorgeous and I love it......but do you ever sit back and wonder '.....what the fuck is my life? 😂)


Feel better Gael. Take care of yourself sweet man. Thanks for the audio!


You are a much braver scientist than I, my friend 😳




"I think this could fool a penis!"🤣 ok...this is so funny...Im gonna just go lay down and listen 1am here...cause it's wierd knowing you're right *there*! Gnite!


(In the whole, I have just received a random box of kinky glory way not the 'what am I doing with my life?' Cos you are doing a grand job furthering the cause of science!) ^^


If you find the right soothing combo let a girl know...Influenza B here. 😣 Your audio does help a bit. Lots of fluids and rest for you. Doctors orders.

Ariel Diamond

This had me laughing... and then blushing so hard. Holy hell, the things you do for the purpose of...well, science. Definitely going to listen to this again later on. For 'science', naturally. 😊 Hope you feel better soon, Gael - and thank you so much for this little treasure. ❤


I don’t know what this is yet but yey something new to listen to tonight. Thank you!😉 Looks like a funny one. And get well soon Gael! Hmmm. Funny. I was just listening to the man flu audio yesterday.


My Friend said he warms his in Hot water lol


...if ya need help, you know where to find some hot nurses 😂😜


What is a ramble fap? WHAT IS A RAMBLE FAP? I'm so intrigued! However, since I'm a bit busy at the moment, I'll postpone listening to this. It'll be my sweet reward.


"...and that was the day Gaelforce stopped making audios." 😂 I'm 5 mins in, but this is the laugh I need right now, ya langer. 😂❤


I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours? Herbal remedies, I mean!!! Come on now, boi!! DUH! 🍵🌿 No but srsly, I’m doubting I’ll make it through this one alive. GOOD LUCK WITH YER MAN FLU 🤧🤒😷 *runs back to pillow and blanket cave*


Five minutes in and I can’t stop giggling.


I got up to like 4 minutes in and I’m laughing far too hard to listen right now but my burning question is, Have you named it yet? Or them... yet? Or is it the same ~lady~? Ok I need to go work on my oxygen intake hahaha I am barely hangin’ on! 😂😂😂😂


You said PENIS!! 😂.😏 Sex so good, My dick is a Penis. 😳😂


Wow G! It seemed a little awkward at first but hearing you start to get into it made it quite exciting to listen to. It was funny hearing you try to critique it while using it but that is what made this audio interesting and different. Well I definitely enjoyed listening and had fun along with you 😁. Glad you enjoyed your new toys! Thank you and much love always 💜💜💜


Oh God, I ♥️ Science!


MI FAV AUDIO!!!!!!!!!


Ok, had to come back after and say how much fun that was! Unscripted, laughing, sexy....you! Those surprise moans made for major feels! Rest well! ~Debs


This is the first unboxing that had me squeezing my nipples, curling my toes and definitely playing along with you. Hearing you talk dirty and give commentary simultaneously was golden. I FUCKING LOVED IT 😍😍. Science is a beautiful thing.


drink lots of green tea and get better!


Feel better soon, thank you for the ramble fap. More science in the future 😉 and more ramble faps.


whoo hoo. gmail from the g... male. wait! gmail from the G man.. ok one of these days, I'll get it. can't wait to hear this!! thanks!!! *huggies*


Eve you killed me with your avi. I thought it's G's comment/review and couldn't figure out what he was talking about😂


Hahahaha!! This was so ridiculous and fun; I can’t stop laughing! Those toys have really great reverb! Also, this was a great little seed sprout of an amazing butt stuff audio, just saying! #morebuttstuff🍑. Enjoy your weekend, not that you need me to tell you that...😉✌🏼


This. Was. Epic. 🤣🤣🤣 Holy shit! I laughed so hard at this. I definitely enjoyed you experimenting with this. It sounds like you had an awesome time. This was so me when I tried out my brand new Hitachi Magic Wand last night 😂


I'm loving this fucking science and playing along with you!


I loved this a lot more than I thought I would! Had me laughing and blushing and throbbing all at the same time. Dang it Gael. You got us again!


What about Seanie?Does he love science too?something tells me he and his Mickey will definitely have a big party with those sex toys 🎉 😂😂😂


Now, thissss one iss different... juicy Irish langer. It getsss my Royal Ssseal Of Approval...


Brands and shops, please, send this man more toys!! I need more unboxing ramble faps in my life! 😄 So funny and sexy! I always wanted to use this kind of toy on a man. Thanks for the fun! (and feel better soon) 😝


Oh get well soon G. I love the way you were lost for words when you opened the box. Thanks for the laughs. Honestly it's great that you share trying new toys. Like everything else if it's fun why not? Soo good to really hear what it feels like. I was always curious!


Did he even say cock? I don't recall. I can't listen again. I caaaaant.


Get to feeling better Gael 😙🤒😷. Btw, I was so intrigued that I had to give it a listen when I woke up. Never heard a guy with toys before but have to say its very enjoyable and arousing 😎😈. Btw... The growls!!!! Love them!


Oh geez, this has got to be one of the best audios in the history of ever 🤣 You win. Everyone else can go home now 😝 At first I was worried that this was going to be a bit cringeworthy, especially since Fleshlights don’t exactly have the...err, coolest rep. But once I got over the hilarious absurdity of <i>“Am I really awake at 4 in the morning listening to the sound of someone fucking a Fleshlight?”</i>, this audio was a blast to listen to 😄 I mean, you were having fun! <i>Unscripted</i>, off the cuff fun! This wasn’t Gael the fictional character, saying all the right things in the sexiest tones in the context of an impossibly perfect fantasy. This was Gael the actual relatable person, able to laugh at himself and at the generally awkward situation of navigating sex toys for the first time. My own first attempt at using sex toys involved a lot of staring confusedly at the instruction manual and thinking, “Is it <i>supposed</i> to look this? It’s not anatomically correct at all. How do I even- like, is there a specific angle that I’m supposed to- am I even <i>holding</i> it the right way? Oh God, this is going to be a total disaster, I can already tell.” So the fact that <i>Gael himself</i> can crack up and maybe even feel a bit bashful when it comes to using toys is actually a bigger confidence booster for me than a roleplay audio where he talks about how sexy the listener is. Because it shows that we’re all human and while things can sometimes get unexpectedly awkward, it’s okay to see the humour in a situation and to laugh it off as best we can as we sort things out through trial and error 😏 If you’re looking to use the Fleshlight in future recordings, maybe this audio can serve as the basis for a Ladykiller prequel. Perhaps in preparation for his upcoming job as a male escort, he decides to brush up on his sexing skills by practicing on a Fleshlight. All sorts of wacky hijinks then ensue 🤔 Either way, kudos for not only being gutsy enough to record this, but for actually sharing it with us for some<i> “I’m completely amused but also unexpectedly aroused” </i>enjoyment 😝 The Fleshlight might’ve gotten an 8.5/10, but I’m giving this audio an 11/10 😎👍<br><br>(Also, you know an audio is good when the Lizard Queen herself likes it. Achievement unlocked! 🤓)


Oh dear.. Oh dear.. Oh dear... I was speechless.. Jaw dropping... And the sounds you made!!!! Not to mention your dirty talking 😂BUT... you were not so loud, when the volcano erupted.. as I expected you would be 😆You are a giddy Irish man 😊 Have an energetic wonderful day 😋 Goodass Prana 😅😘❤️❤️❤️😄😄😄


That should be a thing and tag: The Queenie Approved Audios 🦎👑


I. Fucking. Love. Science. 🔬


Hope you feel better soon gael, the lovelies are here to nurse you, (once we've decided who gets the rub the vicks in 😉) I honestly don't know whether to laugh or be super turned on by this though. The little awkward bits and the 'no's and gasps where it was too much were, well, too much! (in the best possible way of course)


Gael, I was giggling right along with you, not sure what to expect. You're starting to see the merits. XD However, the moment that you really started to get into it, saying, "It'd be really, really nice if you could do this for me" and "I wish this was your pussy", wow, that was the moment this became undeniably sexy for me.😍 I squeal giggled the same time you did at "I'm breaking my toy virginity for ye."😅 Your laughter and just regular talking as you attempted to continue your scientific review under such pressure was so endearing, as this was just so... you. 😙 I said it once and I'll say it again, you're a trailblazer. XD Now, if you need anyone to rub Vicks all over your manly chest, I'm always here for you. ;) I hope you feel better soon, sweetness. You'll beat that man flu yet!😙


Yeah yeah, we believe ya......you definitely didnt order these yourself 😂


Okay. I had to come back to comment. I am listening to it right now. As. I. Type. Wait. What. ? What? Wait. Wait. 😶😶😶 uhm. 😆😆😆 Guys. I don’t know how I can recover from this? How are you guys okay? Aaackk! 😂❤️


The sound of a giggly, unscripted review? Sexy. The sound of the Fleshlight in action? Less so. Hilarious adventure? You betcha. ❤️


2 hours later and I'm still not sure what the fuck I just listened to. 😅 I do have to say, though... I did anal the night I lost my virginity and I can tell you, it was anything but gentle or sensual. XD


Oh......my.........God! This is my first unscripted listen and fucking hell!! Fuuuuucking helllll! 😍😍 (sorry for the swear). You had me laughing, gasping and turned on all at the same time. I can now take my hand from over my mouth and breathe 😍 that was awesome. Hope you’re feeling better soon my love and thanks for making my Saturday start with a bang (literally) 😍💋🌭


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I just... Hahahahahahaha I could only heard the first 5 minutes, but... Hahahahahahahahahahahahah what's this??? Oh, God... 🤣🤣 Gael, baby... it seems you're gonna have a really good time... 😂😂😂


This was hilarious and sexy as fuck XD


I've been trying to come up with a coherent response b/c I LOVED this, but honestly, all I can think about is riding that dick. Ughh, it's five in the morning on a Saturday and I'm too fucking horny to go back to sleep. Unbelievable G, how dare you (never stop, oh my god, please don't stop).

Greek Goddess

Oh my God!I didn’t expect that! 😂 The audio had it all but most of all it was very intimate because you didn’t use a script.I felt the awkwardness of the moment when you were laughing.Really cute!I really liked that you decided to share your new adventure with us.I laughed so hard with the “afterglow” comment.I had a few laughs during the audio because you were hilarious.Generally speaking unscripted audios are the best!You are so good with words 😍 It was freaking hot!Definitely one of my favorites now!


Your laugh is so lovable &amp; communicative 😄


Those sounds nearly killed me! I found them kind of disturbing. But G. having the time of his life definitely made up for it! 🤣🤣🤣


Now this is some SEXY shit! Yes...baby! All day!


🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ Running to give you a hand, or two! This was the greatest ramble like EVER! Listening to the real you in the rambles always gets me and this one is just the 🍒 on top! When you said "Fleshlight" I knew this was going to be fun! The authenticity is priceless and add in the giggles and the surprising gasps during the dirty talk and it became monumental !! (pun intended) 😜 Absolutely love this!! ♥️♥️ #GaelNyetheFleshlightGuy #theRealest #ivolunteer👋👋


Wow that went from science to sexy real quick XD I enjoyed the ramble, and you trying so hard to speak normally between moans and giggles hehe ;P and now I need some water because I am pretty sure this one killed me lol


Hope you feel better ! ✋I am also a bit under the weather, so I'll be joining you with that hot toddy 🍻 Now, what did I just listen to...? 😂 Don't get me wrong, it was all kinds of sexy and hilarious. Got me giggly and giddy. Hearing you try and contain your composure was just...mmm 👌 A very interesting science experiment indeed👌😂


You got me.


Gael wins the internet.


Oh love rambles and unboxing for science...Ok. Love hearing you laugh it's contagious! Wait wha?! .......Tink dirty thoughts hahahahahaha it's like being there unboxing it with ya lad haha very descriptive hahaha. I applaude you for this! The best and I think the first unboxing ramble (w/ double the pleasure) ever.👏👏👏😏


The comments have me cracking up 😂😂


Now if using these gives us dirty talk like that!! You'll need spares!! For real!😁


And here I am thinking you had a fleshlight all a long!!!! 😆😆😆


You know, your reaction to the fleshlight reminded me of something. I’ll tell you a funny story. When I... oh, god. This is embarrassing 🙈 When I went to the sex store to buy a dildo, I was so shy. I had to psych myself up before going in the store. And I actually waited until no one was around before I went in there 😅 So then I go in the store, and my face felt so hot. I knew I was blushing. So anyway, I went in there, bought the dildo, and went back home. Opened the box in private, and I was surprised to see that it felt... fleshy 😳🤣 I kind of expected it to be made of plastic or something. But I guess that would be painful 🤣🤣 Sooo my reaction to my first sex toy was pretty much the same reaction as yours. Blushing, giggling because I couldn’t believe I went in a sex store and bought a dildo, and then finding a good hiding place for it. Lmao 😂😅 Anyway, this audio was very sexy, and I just had to play along 😏 But I had to be as gentle as you were being with the butt 😂😅 Still feeling a little sore from being too rough with my dildo the other day 😏🙈 Anyway... you sounded really sick in this audio. You poor thing. There’s my caring personality kicking in 🤣😅 Get some rest, and hopefully you feel better soon 💋😘


First off, kudos for trying something new and being willing to share it with us 👏👏👏💜 Second...🎧🔥🔥🔥🔥😳 that was fucking hot, especially when you started switching back and forth between the toys 😍. I would love to see you review this next - it’s a vibrator for men (before you ask, no it doesn’t go up your bum 😂). It looks really interesting and I’ve been super curious about it 🤔. This could become a whole series, Gael In Toyland. You know, for science 😉🤓😂 <a href="https://www.hotoctopuss.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.hotoctopuss.com/</a>


4 minutes in and I am in love. “I think anything could fool a penis...I love my job.” WELL I LOVE YOUR JOB TOO GAEL. Absolutely love how real and honest this was...and your giggles got me like. I love the “you” audios, wether rambling or cooking, and this was just another peak into yourself. plus as a woman I have always wondered about the fleshlight 🤔 I guess it does work. 😂😘🍑💦🍆 ...and I’m gonna stop now because I need to touch myself. Mmmm thank you love ❤️


OMG !!! Finally a fun UAT!!!! Testing can be fin but this was great!!! We could help in the test conditions...Gael, I'd blush -and get wet-next time I'll review and approve a UAT plan thanks to you my love!!!


I really enjoyed the fleshlight pussy part. You sound so cute and sexy talking about it being your first time using it 😉 Then when you start getting turned on, mmm mmm


One thing I didn't ever think I would say as a woman is "a fleshlight made me come". Well, a fleshlight made me come. Or a Gael in a fleshlight made me come. Or a giggling Gael in a fleshlight made me come would be more accurate but it sounds a bit like a tongue twister 😆 It was hot and it was fun 😊


Legend has it that Gael is still locked away playing with his flashlights. Will be missed XD


I loved this new toys!! I love them even more cause they made you make unexpected noises! I have to admit your giggles make me horny 😏. I hope you get better soon sweetie! 😚😚😚


OMG!!!! This was funny and sexy as hell! You made me snort laugh and horny!😂😂😂😍


The first hashtag 💀💀💀 goddd you always kill me! 🤣

Stella Rose

Gael, I'd be glad to gift-wrap all the toys you need, in exchange for the giggles and gasps I hear today. I mean, did I just hear new moans from you? Feel better soon, Mister! We'll miss you while you're away 💕


lol ok pics or it didn't happen. ha! welcome to OUR world of toys! ok so now you have to name each toy lol! i mean, you know, you can name the best one after me, i mean really, i don't mind at all :) so do we call you Dr Gael or Gael the scientist? i want to help with experimenting too. i got my safety gear ready 👩‍🔬. wait, i need a helmet 👩‍🏭


Joking and laughing and fapping hahahahaha! I love it when you're playful. And it's sexy that you're gentle when it's tight. 😋 Mwah! I enjoyed it very much. I'm going to replay this because hahahahahaha i want to hear you laugh and cum again. Get well soon big penis... i mean... big boy ! 😚


Whoa what a nice thing to wake up to! I usually sleep in a bit on Saturdays but this was too good of an alarm cock, umm I mean clock! Yeah, that's what I meant...😆


I loved this.....so funny, your laugh, giggles and so sexy!! Love your rambles anyway but this was so 😳 😊😂🔥🔥😍 must be the weekend for it, I'm also on the hot toddies too, get well soon G 💖


I love a fun, giggle-filled sex romp. This was so good...I grinned like an idiot the whole way. More toy reviews, please! Also, this would have been perfect to try that Lens feature :)


Okay, as frigging hot as this was, all that laughter and giddiness at the end really buttered my crumpet 😂


If you told me just a few years ago that I would be thanking someone for a "RambleFap", I'd tell you to piss off. Look at me now 😂 Thanks, G! That was fun ❤️


Bravery brav·er·y ˈbrāv(ə)rē/ noun courageous behavior or character. Synonymous: courage, valor, intrepidity, nerve, daring, fearlessness, audacity, boldness, dauntlessness, stoutheartedness, heroism. You really got out of the box this time, man. I know you're shy, but take a lot of guts to be this open. It's so cool hear you laughing and giggling doing this, I found myself more into this new noises you made than in the dirty talk. Please explore science more often, thank you very much!🤓


Patreon: Gaelforce just posted "Ramble Fap - Unboxing" Me: Ooh, G got a fleshlight! This should be fun... G: "So I got sent this last week... it's a fleshlight... actually, there's 2 of them..." ... *lots of adorably nervous hemming, infectious laughs, general incredulity at the delightful ridiculousness of life as an erotic audio author* Me: *laughing along, tickled pink that you're game to try this &amp; record your real-time thoughts &amp; reactions for us* G: *surprised gasps &amp; moans* Me: Aww yeah, get it, G! Welcome to the wide, wonderful world of toys!* * Nota Bene: I have never actually seen a fleshlight in use, nor indeed outside a sex toy shop. But being moderately conversant with dildos &amp; vibes, it seemed the supportive thing to say. G, to Lovelies: "I wish this was your pussy, I really do... you teasing me with it, until I could get the real thing... could spend all day in bed with ya like this..." Me: 🤤😶🔥💦 o heck i was not prepare 💦🔥😊😋🤔😎🔥🔥🔥 G (much later): "... I hope you're playing along... cum with me..." Me: *giggling at the unexpected yet delightful turn this audio &amp; my Saturday morning have taken* Yes, Sir! Is cailín maith agus dána mé! 😈😋😄😌 G: "I'm not doing afterglow for an inanimate object -- no way!" Me: *dies laughing* Tl;dr: thank you for a fantastic start to my 3-day weekend. My review of your review: funny, fun, relatable, endearing, &amp; (unsurprisingly, given the above + your reactions &amp; the pops of dirty talk) pretty darned hot. 👍👍


U r gorgeous sweetheart


Hmmm, what’s this all about? Time for a listen. 😏😏😏 Happy Saturday everyone! 😘😘😘

Monique (Mimzz)

*gets eye drops* ok I had to make sure I read that correctly. Gael's first ramblefap???? 😥


Your shy, nervous laugh is too adorable. I get giggly when I'm nervous too, so it makes me smile. This was cute, and pretty hot too. It was funny to hear you lose your train of thought as your brain melted. Thankfully brains do reform after the afterglow fades. Haha. Have a great Saturday luvie. Hope you're feeing better after your bout of man-flu on Friday. Xoxo


Hi lovely! I loved this audio too! How’s the new toy😏???


This is my new favorite thing. I really like that you're not playing the Gael role and just being fully yourself. Hot as hell. Yes sir. More of this please. Please? I'll pout. Holy crow at 14 minutes. Never. I have never found a guy that would do that for me. It's my favorite. Oh my. You're dangerous. I don't want to leave my bed this morning. Naughty thing.


Forgot to say, your shy giggles are so adorable. Had me giggling along with you 😁😂😂❤️


I have a perfect laugh gif for this comment of yours😂😂😂 You're so damn right. I can't🤣


I read the title and thought "Na, he's not actually going to do what I'm thinking." Well shut my big ass mouth and call me Sally!!! That was the hottest fucking thing I've ever heard. Not G, YOU!! GETTING OFF! Lord, gimme more!! Big ol' silly grin on my damn face!!! 😁😁😁 You've outdone yourself sir. I tip my hat to you!


My face is redder then the red tomato. I may or may not have to throw away all my blusher after this. God damn it gael.


Easily one of the sexiest audios you’ve ever done, holy fuck &lt;33 (And that’s saying a lot, since I don’t think you’ve ever not turned this chick on 😎) Today is a great day for Patreon. God bless.


I was *not* first here. But I *was* over *there* (before him, anyway)! XD Not that it was a race, or anything, but you know...so fucking hot. I even couldn't help saying it out loud. C'mon, boys and gals, I know you did it too. Lots of "Wow", as well...and half the time when he mentions playing along (in general), I'm like, "Already started"! Am I right or amIrite? See, now, this is PRECISELY what I meant by "unabashed displays of raw authenticity". I wasn't making it up and I knew I wasn't alone digging it. Now that this couldn't be more official, maybe we'll get more of it when possible, oui? I can't say I've ever been (so) surprised, endeared, laughing and coming -- not all four (among other things) in the space of short moments. New interesting sounds from him. And many of us, I'm sure. How many of you (and how often) do you say the same things/laugh the same laughs, etc., at the same time? Doesn't it make you feel WATCHED, like DEEP IN YOUR SOUL? Haha. But really, I'm genuinely curious to know. I have more to say, but not now. Whew...just, whew. Oh, wait, maybe this: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQuQUn7Wjlw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQuQUn7Wjlw</a> And don't you fudge with me, Patreon. It's too nice a day. 🔥 Love and only love 🌶️ (and if he's reading this - listen to my medical opinion. It works). Edit: Yeah, this one goes at the top for me, now. No other choice. ↓ AND OH FUCK IS THAT A MISSED POST I SEE UNDER HERE ¸↓ I MEAN WE KNOW YOU'RE PERFECT YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUB IT IN OUR FACES...butwe'lltakeitifyoudo. *Goes to "stir it up"*


Now srsly and honestly I didn't expect this today. You literally challenged yourself and surprised your listeners. I can't believe but I ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY loved it. This shit was live G. This was live. Ugh🔥💥 Infact you could do this again, maybe from time to time and surprise us while you Challenge yourself with some new stuff!!!😍


Aww 💕 I can relate, sweetie. I don't even have any. They just aren't my thing. I imagine they are a welcome change to using your hand all the time, though. 😅


My favorite audio ever G, that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Please do that again. Wow💀💀💀🔥🔥💦💦


the realness/rawness of this makes me blush so hard. this is not the character you and u keep talking like ur normal genuine rambles and i can't😳 im not sure if i can finish this video... this is more challenging and hot than any other audio i ever listen.....😳🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 #LateToTheParty


OMG. Aren't we all love science experiments by professor Gael. 😍


G, this was mind blowing! No script.. no rehearsal...raw and all you. I love how unhibited you are in sharing yourself and allowing us to be apart of this experience and if there was any thought or question in anyone's mind if you actually cum in your audios, you have just answered that question. You are truly someone erotic, sensual, and all masculinity wrapped in one to behold. 😙😍


Hottest thing ever. So raw and in the moment. Love when you lose your words or just say whatever. Not that you aren’t real in other audios but this was SPECIAL Hearing you play with toys is something I never knew I always wanted. Now I can’t wait to hear you use them again in future audios —please. It’s a great way to share and connect as I’m sure you know there are lots of toys in use on our end. Thank you thank you thank you. Ps your laugh is adorable and so charming.


Whoa... ehm... ok... well!!! I thought the highlight of my day was that I finally found a vegan white wine (which I need immediately). But no, this „review“ definitely topped it🔝😁 Adventure and science always sounds good in my ears, but I really didn't expect this😜 That was so funny😄, but above all sooooooo fucking hot🔥🔥🔥 OMFG, IT WAS IN REAL-TIME😱😋🤤 (why is there still no lip-biting-emoji?)🤔 Oh, your cute giggle when you spoke of your lost sex-toy-virginity. I love it☺️♥️ But an 8 1/2 out of a possible 10 points is a lot🙄 There is not much room for the real-thing!!! As a woman you are under a lot of pressure to keep up with that „magical toy“😜😂 Well, the most important thing is you obviously enjoyed it. And your happiness, makes us happy😘♥️ More, please! I enjoyed every second of it!👍🏼 P. S.: Still no way ❌🕳🔙🍆😳😂😂😂 P. P. S.: By the way, my favorite Toy is my mind💫🧠


Finally done... I'm not sure if it's safe listening to the whole audio in the bus... It could be... Ehmm...interesting?? 😋 (... Or a real "punishment") Don't know what to do!! 😂😂


Noooo!!! It’s not safe for the bus 👎🏼🚌 😂😂😂


Now that I’ve finally driven home I can listen!! 😍


Oh Sir G, your giggle is the most precious!


Saving for later so I can savor all the Gael goodness!


So, uh...yep *saves to 'Favorites' in her Gaelforce folder* Everyone has already said it before me, but this was among the greatest, and most different, things I've ever heard! I don't know much about sex toys, but I knew, I KNEW there was a fleshlight in that package (and they sent you two) 😆 And your stuttering and giggling 🤣🤣 You are too precious! But those moans...those raw, loud, unadulterated moans and gasps of surprise as you began to 'see the merits'...! That, plus more giggling, the <i>real</i> dirty talk, hearing you talk about how you were stretching them out (I thought and almost said out loud, '<i>Good God, how big is this dude?!</i> O///o'), and you started switching back and forth between the two...! Lord. Have. Mercy, that turned me on big time! Heck, everything in this audio was raw and unscripted; you were being yourself, which I adore to death! And you were having a blast, so that's a very huge plus! 👍👍


Oh my God... Oooooh my gooood... OH MY FUCKING GOD!! Gael... Seriously... Oh fuck.... Give me your address to send you more toys man... Oh God... Fuck, fuck, fuck...... (and "Little One III" passed away few weeks ago... No, this is not fair) Fuck! 😂😂😂😂


Wow! Just wow! These moans/groans should be illegal! 😊 What a fun and sexy one! Thank you!


If I find a box large enough I will ship myself to him! 😂😂😂


That was fun hearing you experience sex toys &amp; get turned on! 🔥❤️ your giggles are too cute 😂❤️


This one downright killed me. It was brilliant in so many ways. I loved that it was natural, unscripted Gael, the man behind the character with all of your genuine reactions. The embarrassed giggles, the unexpected moans when you saw the 'merits', being lost for words or saying what first came to mind, and then telling us some of your favourite things about sex. It was a real treat and in many ways was more intimate than some of your quiet whispered audios. It was unexpectedly hot, and I wished throughout that I could play along, but given I was parked in a school car park, studiously ignoring all the other mums in their cars, it would have been a tad inappropriate 😂. Some of them were probably wondering why I had a goofy grin on my face though! Looking forward to being able to have a second listen with a bit more privacy!


Guten Morgen Mädls. A wonderful Sonntag to everyone. I´ m enjoying my lazy-cuddly weekend... it snows like crazy here! Mmmmhh, I love these snowy winter nights. The smell and the sound of the snow... the sparkling snowflakes... And I´ m safe and warm inside, sipping a hot tea, about to crawl back to bed... heaven! So, enough of this :) I have some daily Fragen. Are your legs crossed right now? Are you good at puzzles? Would you rather go to the movies or watch a movie zu Hause - at home? Do you have a Uhr - clock in every room in your house? Do you believe in urban legends? Which ones? Do you like Kaugummi - chewing gum? Danke my dears... bis später. XD Danke Steph for yesterday´ s Fragen. :)


"One of my favorite things to do. Put my whole cock deep inside and hold it there. And put my arms around ya and squeeze ya... that really sexy feel." ✌️✌️ Remember me, y'all. ⚰️💀🥀


Exactly the same goofy grin I have right now... Jajajaja oh God... So sexy! I'm still dizzy 😂😂😂😂


This was hilarious and yet so deliciously sexy 😹😻💕


"Anything could fool a penis, it's not like penises have high IQ" 😂😂😂😂😂


Omfg when you laugh so genuinely like that in the midst of sexy time (with or without an inanimate object lol), it is the HOTTEST fucking thing 😵 It's super intimate in how authentic it is and it adds the jitters of laughing to the sexy jitters (all the jitters all together, yay!!) 😏 You got sooo honest too, which was mega hot (case in point for me being when you talked about why you enjoy slipping out and going back in *drools*—I mean, we knew from previous audios that you liked doing that, but it's ten times sexier when we know why you like it and how it feels in your body 🔥). Anyway, I'm going to go die now and do some more listening from the sexy sexy grave.


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! It's pretty cold, murky, and wet over here, but I had a good Saturday. I saw <i>Black Panther</i> with my sister earlier (in 3D! Neither of us knew it would be in 3D); it was really good. Are my legs crossed right not? Nope. Am I good at puzzles? I'm pretty good. If the puzzle is too tough, I'll take a break form it. If it's REALLY tough, I'll ask for help. <i>Breath of the Wild</i> is my primary example of this. Would I rather go to the movies or watch a movie at home? Both have their perks; you'll be one of the first to see it at the theater and it's kind of fun reacting with the crowd, but then you can make as much noise as you want at home and even pause/rewind the movie. Do I have a clock in every room in my house? No. My room, the office, the living room and dining room don't have clocks (bathrooms don't count, do they?). Do I believe in urban legends? Ummm...Some of them are very believable, like the 'babysitter' and the 'headlights' stories, but I can't really say about believing them. If anything, they make me think. And be careful. Do I like chewing gum? Not really. It's okay, I just don't chew gum much.


that was the most real and so genuine thing and I LOVED it!! The giggles especially- it was PERFECT 💜🙌🏼🔥


This may be TMI, but I am sitting in a bubble bath listening to this. DAMN, Gael!!! ;~) ♡♡♡


I.... uhmmm.... yeah. Fuck. I’ve never been so damn turned on by an unboxing 😧😏🤤 lmao like what even is life. 😂 It was seriously so fucking sexy hearing your raw reactions tho and the dirty talk like goddamnnnnnn. 👀💀🔥🔥 I could def see a sequel to Lady Killer with these and ohhh a Seanie audio too 🤣🤣🤣 Also can we make Ramble Faps a regularish occurrence bc like I said: DAMN.


GUARD MY HEART. 😣🌟✨ this my first ramble and it was a first for you? Im so glad I had the house to myself 😂 FOR SCIENCE. 👌✨🌟


I think we need more of yourself, not as a character. Like in this one❤. 'Cause your pleasure is what most causes us pleasure. The real thing it's much better, as you said. ❤ PS: OMFG, I LOVE THIS ONE (×1000)


Best. Science. Experiment. EVER! 🙌🏻 I love how candid you are! You rock!


You should do more stuff like this! Ah you’re so sweet 💞


Wow! I loved this and would love to hear more like it! So fun and sexy all rolled into one. I came just listening. 😉


Side note: I learned a new word today. FAP: an onomatopoeic internet slang term for male masturbation. FYI, apparently the female term is "schlick" which sounds mildly Yiddish. Haha!


Oh my god.. that was.. wow that was so fucking sexy. 😍

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

This was perfection... I second, third, and fourth all the comments about how the obvious and genuine nervousness and vulnerability is exactly what made this so unbelievably sexy and incredibly intimate... a little bit of the man behind the mask was revealed along with some of his true thoughts, feelings, and desires... and I think we're all the better for it😙... and that laugh... *sigh*... can we get an audio of just Gael giggles?😄... thank you for sharing this, you lovely, lovely man💜 *huuugs*


I like how he said sorry at 23:13 👀 plus those moans. I can’t


Lol Gael ,maybe next time VR glasses test or Vib phone , experience. Whahaaha you so funny haaa 👅,is like you busy with your 🚲 bike .Flat bicycle tire .Rofl pump pump the jam . nice sunday all hugs 😘. Gael Thank you lol creative sexy male.👌👍 👏


More please 😩


Omg this was amazing. Loved loved loved it. Gael u r an angel and u always know how to spoil ur lovelies. Am I right girls or am I right?


That was THE sexiest fucking infomercial I've ever heard!!! You giddy shyness was sooo adorable! Who in the world would share such a new and intimate experrience with us??? Gael! That's who!!! Your sexiness just rocketed out into the cosmos!!! Loved the glimpses of "Gael's favorite things" while fucking. Your excitement throughout was intoxicating. Ooh just...all the things: the belt, the moans, the little squeals, the giggles, the cumming!!! You are too cute!! Thank you Gael. This was orgasmic and entertaining. I look forward to hear the enhancements in the audios you use these in. Oh yeah...I'm honored to have been a part of you losing your "toy viginity" Smooches!!!!!

Doriana Gray

Yes, this was really fun, and SO sexy. It made me remember that tool/construction man roleplay video from quite a while ago, though this was real. My filthy mind kept thinking about the quote "We'll make it fit." 😆 I'm sure many of us would love to give a helping hand 😘


Ahh... Uhh... 😳😅


I love listening to your little rambles, you're so cute. ;-;


"I'm so lucky I get both. It-it really does look like a butt.." Oh my god, hahah! Oops.


I feel a little late to this one, but I just listened to the audio for the... third time? Fourth time? I've lost track... And I want to take a leap and share something that just happened. Backstory: I have never had been able to get over my anxiety and self-loathing issues enough to really explore sex in a satisfying way. I'm just beginning to do so in the 6 months or so since I've been listening to Gael's audios and, perhaps even more significantly (sorry, G!) lurking around this lovely community. I'm still incredibly closed off to dating or anything like that (primarily because I'm still struggling to convince myself that anyone could ever be romantically or sexually attracted to me), but recently I've been trying to be a bit bolder, at least privately in my own head and bedroom. So, a couple of weeks ago I ordered my first sex toy. (Well, pretty much my first. I may or may not have used a hairbrush handle for off-label purposes in high school.) I got something that turned out not to be as small as I thought it would be. Calling me anxious and inexperienced would be an understatement, so even though I realized that I could... make it work... with a little lubrication, I pretty much shut down on the whole idea. Just researching and ordering the thing was a huge leap for me, and I did not want to try to look into anything else new. So for the last week or so the damn thing has been sitting behind my bed, giving me something else to mentally beat myself up about. I listened to the audio a few times and then kept stumbling across some comments, recent and old, where you guys were talking about toys, giving advice and support. After seeing everyone here be so open about this stuff and hearing Gael try something new as well, I decided to give it another shot. You could say that in honor of the Mayor breaking his "toy virginity" for us, I thought I would do an experiment of my own. After some Googling, I got a little coconut oil from the kitchen cabinet and listened to the audio again while I, you know, had my own new experience alongside Gael. 🙃 I'm still pretty embarrassed to be writing all this - and I'm not sure exactly why I'm writing it in the first place! I hope it hasn't been TMI for anyone. For some reason I just felt the urge to share. ANYWAY... I really have to go take a shower now. I love the smell of coconut, but I don't really want to sit in it all day... Peace.


You go, girl! Self-exploration is always allowed and encouraged! I know I've done my fair share! 😅 Just take your time getting comfortable to try out new things. You are in no rush. Just do whatever feels good, whenever you're ready. Just be patient with yourself and you'll be surprised by everything you're capable of. Look at me: a week ago I didn't think I'd have anal sex or that I'd have sex against a window. And yet both of those happened (my sincerest apologies to the people in the apartment building across the street and all the people walking/ driving by. I live on the first floor, so I think they had a good show 🤣🤣🤣). Also, as you can see there is no such thing as TMI. Not with me anyway 😊


Tell him, sweetie! 🤣 How are you doing, gorgeous? 😘❤️


How nervous you were in the beginning was so cute omg 😍


I posted this OG on the VDay post accidentally, but I’ll put it here now: The crazy giggling, like a 10 year old kid seeing naked boobs for the first time. So. Much. Giggling. 😂😁


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A nice Montag to everyone. Was you weekend enjoyable? Mine was quite good... though, too short, always much too short. :) I have to look after Lil´ Seanie, he´ s clicking ominously. But first some quick, easy, scientific, daily Fragen... What Zeit - time is it right now? How many windows do you have in your Schlafzimmer - bedroom? Have you ever wanted to be a Zwilling - twin? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you consider yourself weird? Danke meine lieben Fraugen. Bis dann. XD

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

In a coffee hut drive-thru lane so this will be quick: Time: 5:24pm, Windiws: 1, Twin: No - one of me is enough, Love: Not anymore, Weird: Absolutely no doubt in my mind and I love it!! 🙃 🤣


7:46pm, I have 2 windows. I have wanted to be a twin, but not so much anymore, I believe in Lust at first sight, I am most definitely weird, and love every minute of it. &lt;3


Hey my lovlies!! Happy Sunday/Monday to you all! Just go back from grocery shopping and about to try and watch a scary movie As Above, So Below. I know i'm going to jump and scream and stuff, so I'm just gearing up. Fragen: Time? 5:28 pm mt Windows? I have 2. One facing east and one facing north. Twin? I already have one actually. So I'll answer "have I ever wanted a identical twin" No! We don't even look alike and people still get is mixed up! Love? I really don't think it's love. I believe there is physical attraction at first sight. I'm not speaking from a slated point of view, just realistic. Weird? I know I have weird quirks. Like, hating things surrounding my feet (shoes, toys , paper. anything!!!) I hate eating squeaky green beans. I have a phobia of grasshoppers, There's more but I choose not to say...So I'm a little weird That's it ladies. Enjoy yourselves!!!


So, I'm new here. I just became a Patron. And just from this one audio, I feel satisfied. Like I don't know how you do it but you are so amazing 😍


I'm back here AGAIN!!! It's my new favorite audio! Aweeweewee! Gael, you're so cute here. The perfect combination of cute and sexy... *pinch pinch*


Oh. Papi im waiting


Hey Gael, you sounded delightful, love your laugh!!


I think I've listened to this audio maybe... seven or so times now? I can't get over the raw, unadulterated pleasure, sounds, and reactions! My cheeks still hurt from blushing (I couldn't help myself). As many of the other lovelies have said, I, too, adore your nervous giggles and remarks. "Is it penises or peni?" Definitely made me laugh! Even still, your erotic sense is so contagious. I couldn't help but be drawn in! I can't wait to see what else you've got in-store for us, G~♡


OMG i love that "you've got sorted". and that your "fuuucks" turned into "faaaacks" after awhile. too awesome. i think a part deux is in order.


Please please please part deux! 🙏🏼 Your giggles, your moaning, your growls. So hot. Damn! All of the above ☝🏼 Thanks for treating us to that, Gael. Now someone send the man more toys!


Can anyone else just hear the blush from him? oh my Goddess... so cute.


Yeah, I hear you, Joan. I’ve listened to this like, 4 or 5 times. 2 personal, and 3 FOR SCIENCE.


Break my toy virginity free😂😂😂 I have been sick these last few days but I'm glad I had this to listen to now that I feel better.... Thanks Gael


your laugh is cute 😂


Ugh, I’m back here again like a goddamn magnet. Quick Q: has anyone here had any experience with a flesh light?! I’m super duper curious about it and I know I can’t be the only one who wants to stick my fingers in one, yeah?! ANYONE?! 😅


1. Science rules 2. Ribbed for YOUR pleasure, babe 3. I’m so glad you’re having a blast but it sounds like you’re airing up a basketball with a hand pump 🤣

Kerrie Virginia (Gaelandia's Mildly Amusing Ambivert)

Hey, Steph 🤗 I haven't seen one in person, but as someone who loves to watch men masturbate, I've seen lots in porn flicks... I have to admit - I'm a bit curious what one would feel like, too... only... would you just use yer fingers?... what about yer tongue? 👅 hee hee hee 😈


SO HOTT!!! 🔥🔥 Fuck 😍


I fuckn love it


When he said "I'm gonna cum so hard" I actually shouted "BE MY GUEST!" Lol :) This was so hot, cute and funny.


It’s not uncommon for me to tremble some after sex/getting off. But I am full on QUAKING. My boy hasn’t fucked me in 2 months I’ve been desperate. Listened to this, got my toy, and quite literally almost started crying. I’ve been tided over until my boy returns from Chicago. Thank you. 👏🏻


It’s 03:36am here. I was supposed to fall asleep 2hours ago and to wake up early for working next morning. Now i’m feeling so hot and my eyes are like bright stars. Feels like i’m a slave of someone ha.. haha what a clueless

‡ Diesis Key ‡

Wow I wish I could watch this in person. WOW! So good.


I'm wheezing rn 😂 good job babe 😘❤


If this unboxing is going to become a recurring thing here, I’m about airmail myself straight your way...for science!


Late to listening to this one. I'm 100% on board with Gael giggles, the real growls... In fact I'm actually torn between which is my favorite: the giggling disbelief and commentary, or when Gael gets absolutely swamped by sensation to incoherence.


Also also. Lady Killer needs to experience the fleshlight. And Seanue needs to find both of them. That would be hysterical


The growls man


mmmm when he says i wish you were doing this for me, i wish i was looking into your eyes while you do this for me &lt;3


Oh and I honeslty dont mind the noise as it seems to be driving him wild, so his moans growls and dirty talk are overshadowing the noise complelely&lt;3 sexy over all


Omg.... I came.... Twice! This was... #fml


I love it when you want to say something but stop in the middle because you have to moan OMG 🙄

Hallie Balloon

Yes. THIS. WAS. WONDEFUL....in every sense of the word


I’m so curious if this is an actual unboxing or if this is a fantasy.. I’ve wondered every time I see it in my downloads. Girthy part Lol. I just love it either way and the thumbnail is like 😱ღ


Agreement with the incoherence being one of if not the best part. XD


I am not ashamed of how many times I went back to 20:50. Just...the fact that he can’t speak and is all jumbled and silly with his words (seriously, I prefer the word penis) this audio is a GODSEND!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Edit: After the 8th time (for science...of course...heh) I can conclude that 19:00 (nononono) is...just...Gael we need to talk cause that shit should be illegal!! Like stop...but also keep it coming(;


I heard a different fleshlight audio before this original one. I'm with everyone else in the repeat listener club. The way you go from lol and a little uncertain to sex kittenish and adorably incoherent is the quality content I've come to expect from you 😁


I had a Full blown asthma attack... no pun intended, lol. 💜💜💜


This is one of those I keep coming back to because A) you are so fucking cute I can't even believe, like those giggles? Yeah I laughed right along with you. Fucking cute, man. Also "is it penises or peni?" I lost it, I freaking lost it. I cracked up like you wouldn't believe. And B) it's hot because you sound so surprised like "oh shit, this notactuallyapussy-pussy feels rather nice woah well hello" and it's just hilarious and fun and sexy at the same time. Def an all time fave ☺️


13:19 his little giggle 🥺🥺


Ohhh fuck, I had to soak my lady bits in a bath after this...LOL. One of your best rambles yet, thank you Gael &lt;3


as many times as I've listened to this, I'm surprised I haven't commented yet, but, I. Love. this! I live the rawness, the live-ness, its sooooo damn hot, especially when he realizes, ohhh, this working. my first favorite.


Back at 2020 😂


I love this audio so much we need a part 2 lol


First of all: welcome to the Land of the Lovelies. Second: You listened to the greatest audio ever known to womankind. And lastly: it's Gael. That's why you came so hard. As you may have experienced by now, he has a tendency to repeat that ;)


Well this was all kinds of wonderful. The adorable giggles were an added bonus to the naughtiness.


Commenting for posterity...I mean, for science, I mean for Gael. Pfft. This one has a lot of things that make G special. He's funny, sexy, affable, humble, grounded, centred, authentic with his sensuality, silly, and sincere. In some ways it's never been about presenting a perfect persona. Gael has his rough days, too. He's imperfectly perfect and perhaps that's why it's easy for us to believe that we're imperfectly perfect, too.