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Working so closely together... the attraction between us has been almost impossible to resist.  Tonight, it's time to undress each other with something other than our eyes.




You're such a fucking tease sometimes gael 😂❤


Mon Dieu! I just died. Gael you are so fucking hot!! 🔥🔥🔥


Oh boy, a Sunday treat for us? We're so lucky! 💕 Thank you! 💋


Oh my G! Ultimate fantasy 😍😍😍😍 Happy Sunday!


Ohhhh 30 minutes!


its about to go ..........down. #nopunintended


Happy Sunday love. Hope you're behaving yourself. ❤💋


Yay! I'm so happy to be a part of this group of lovely ladies that you gift with wonderful surprises. It feels like Christmas all the time! This is the only place I get happy surprises. Thanks!


Spoiled on a bad weekend? Awesome! Now to listen to this at least 3 times before reviewing it.


It's 5am im glad i ain't asleep yet <3 Have a super duper sunday night too gael! since we already would. [edit] FUCK YAS BELT SOUNDS SHITZZZ things are getting so hot so fast


*earbuds in* 😌😌😌


oh no you didn't!!! another office/work related NSFW audio! *keep on listening to the audio and feeling lucky not to have met a charming bastard like this one at work!or maybe not! XD*


Girl, I haven't even listened to the last NSFW. 😳 I'm gonna summon the courage to listen to both tonight. 😥


What would make the ladies swoon more than pictures on twitter of Gael at the gym? Gael holding that goddamn belt. Come on G. SHOW IT TO US! Just a quick pic with it wrapped around your fist. PLEEEEEASE?


Hawwwwwt description🔥💓.Gonna listen when i'll get some tasks done .Have a nice dimanche luv🌺^^


Very excited to get off work now so I can listen to this 😏😏😏


12:09-12:19!!!! 😩😩😩


Saving this for tonight after I finish typing up my report for the meeting tomorrow😊 The way it was described sounds interesting😊


Didn't see it till i saw your comment! *looked at it again* : what a nice present🎁🎁😄!!


Does anyone else literally physically flinch at the ass spanking sound? Every. damn. time. Total involuntary reflex. But I LIKE IT. 😍

Greek Goddess

The last 5 minutes OMFG!What an ending!!!YES!So hot 🔥


Dearest Gael, your intensity is something to be envied. I find myself involuntarily holding my breath when you’re building up to an orgasm and finally breathing again when you do. Happens every time!


The PANTIE game was strong today!!! I actually thought you were gonna put them on your head at one point!!!! 😛😛😛😛


♦️ F I N A L L Y ! ! ♦️ He shoots, he slides... down her throat he goes! 👄💦👏🏼👏🏼 Thank you Gael! I’ve been waiting so long for you to cum in her mouth! ❤️👄😁


Achhh... alwaysss these office scenariosss. Don´t you have a shed or a cave or a dungeon or sssomething classy like that? Hm?... tsss...


G, you had me hooked with the description alone.🔥Then on the desk, and all that action with your belt, yes, please.😍 Plus that ending with the panties, man, you are so creative! This was hot!💋💋💋💋


is it bad I immediately thought of Mulan???🙈


Mulan!! ❤️ yes!!! Let’s get down to business and defeat the huns!! 🎶




Oh my God, I think my ovaries are having a melt down 😍😍😍so 🔥 ❤️💖


I come for all business related audios. Wait... what did I just say? 🙊😂😂😂


As if your legendary tongue lashing didn't turn me to goop already, 18:50 happens!!! O///O And sixty-two stories up, no doubt! You mentioning your hard chest made me think of that photo &gt;///&lt; And those moans and whimpers :3 And your climax was delicious! Mmf!! ...Dang it, girls. Now I'm thinking of Mulan...XD *hums to herself* <i>You must be swift as a coursing river...</i>


😂😂😂 clearly you came prepared for the meeting.


Holy shhhh... That was HOT! Where can I apply for a job in this company? 😀


im sure we have secretary hiding in here somewhere. xD


That ain't just no ordinary merger, mister. That's a soul contract you're asking me to sign. XD This is 30 minutes of pure heaven (not that I have a business/pleasure kink or anything. Ahem.)


30 ÷ 3 = 10 Perfect score! 💦💦💦


30 minutes of PURE AUDITORY INSANITY!! #CAPSLOCKFORLYFE 😜 Actual work production would be all shot to hell!! You make a woman feel more than powerful!! The moans, the licking, the imagery, the climactic end....fuuuuuuuuhh yaaah!!👅 I'd merge everything on yo ass for this right here!! 📝📝📝 #commanderbadass #hecangetit #hegotITandthensome 😛


Yes - that’s how you close a deal! 😍 Dude, I seriously almost lost it when you said “look at the city we’re going to own”....talk about the ultimate aphrodisiac. Confidence and ambition - swoon 😌❤️ Also LOVED, LOVED, LOVED all the successful, strong woman talk. Hit me in the feels. Excellent audio 💋


oh boy.........debating listening now or as a reward tomorrow for getting through a Monday workday!


There usually aren't very many factors that can make or break an audio for me, but one of them is the power dynamic between the characters. As far as BDSM-ish audios go, I've never really been into ones that have the listener's character always referring to the audio artist's character as Sir/Master (or Madam/Mistress), or where the listener has to follow directions down to the letter. Even some of Gael's Alpha audios are a little too Alpha for my taste, and I'll find myself thinking, <i>"Well, when you put it </i>that<i> way...nah, I'm going to have to say no to that one"</i> in response to something his character instructs the listener to do. Of course there's nothing wrong with a D/s dynamic, but it just doesn't quite work for me if I feel like the scales are tipped a little too heavily to one side. The same is true for femdom audios. I tend to enjoy those a fair bit because it seems like there's not nearly as many of them out there as male-dominated ones, and it can be fun to take charge. But there can come a point where I'll think, <i>"Okay, I feel like I've had my fill of issuing instructions. So...err...what do </i>you<i> want to do? I'm a team player, so I'm very open to your input and suggestions! 👍"</i> What I really, really liked about this audio is that the power dynamic seemed pretty evenly balanced between the characters. You see that from the very beginning of the scenario - they're both the heads of their respective companies. The listener isn't Gael's secretary, and Gael isn't the listener's intern. Heck, they're even <i>merging</i> their companies, rather than one of them buying out the other. I felt that that detail set the tone for the rest of the audio - two people on a level playing field, sexually and professionally. They're both in positions of power, but neither of them uses that against each other. The dialogue also reflects that same theme of equality. <i>"I think we're <b>equally</b> attracted to each other."</i> and <i>"<b>We'd</b> be good <b>together</b>"</i>, just to name a couple of examples. And the use of adjectives like "powerful" and "confident" was refreshing, a welcome change from words like "sexy", "naughty", "slutty", etc. (which tend to come up more often in erotic audios in general). I know everyone loves the belt, so it was nice that it made an appearance in the audio 👍 But how cool was it that the listener's character got to...I don't know, effectively use her panties as a makeshift cock ring? I can't say that using my underwear for that purpose would've ever occurred to me in a million years 🤔, but fair's fair, right? If Gael gets to pull the listener against him with his belt, then why shouldn't the listener grab the situation by the balls (well, I guess it would be the shaft in this case) with her unmentionables in return? 😝 As far as banging in front of the windows on the 62nd floor, it made me wonder how much of a mood killer it would've been if Gael and the listener, whilst looking out over the city as they boned, suddenly heard a loud crash nearby. Startled, they stopped dead in their tracks and their eyes darted from side to side, trying to determine where the noise came from. They both gasped as they spotted the source of the commotion - in the adjacent office tower, a large glass window had shattered and there was a man dangling outside of the building! He appeared to be desperately clutching the wrist of a young woman who was half inside the office and half draped over the window ledge. Horrifyingly, she was slowly being pulled downward by the man's weight. "What the fuuuck?" shouted Gael as he leaned forward, trying to get a clearer look at the nerve-wracking scene unfolding just across the street. His eyes widened in shock as he saw a third person, a bloodied but determined man, frantically grabbing at the woman's wrist and trying to free her from what would presumably be the clutches of death. And then it happened - the man hanging outside the window lost his grip on the woman's wrist and plunged several storeys to the ground below. Gael quickly pulled his lover away from the window and drew her close to his hard, muscular chest, hoping to spare her from witnessing the gruesome outcome. "Shit," he whispered. "Shit, this is really going to hurt the resale value of our building, isn't it? We'll be known as 'The Place Next Door to the Christmas Eve Tower of Death!' What's the name of that building, anyway?" Gael's companion shuddered and wrapped her arms more tightly around him, furrowing her brow as she tried to think of the name that eluded her. Surely it wasn't...no, it couldn't be... "That's Nakatomi Plaza," she breathed. ********** (I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it 🙇🏻‍♀️ Christmas is coming soon and <i>Die Hard</i> is my favourite Christmas movie! But all in all, this was a great audio, Gael! 🤓👍)


We all know a merger is just a friendly term for an acquisition, G. There can only be one top dog. You can't fool me with orgasms...but they are greatly appreciated.


Yes I, erm... *clears throat* I do believe this will be a very beneficial business relationship. You know... for business reasons. Assets and all that. Totally professional. :P


This was so good, wasn't it? I may have flooded my apartment 😍🔥💦


As someone who is not as let's say ~affected~ by erotica audios but still enjoys listening to the scenarios nonetheless, if I were to have shared an ideal scenario on one of those posts you asked everyone to, it would have been involving heights, and the 62 stories thing had me all like "YaSssSsSs" out loud. I'm like a god damn cat. I love love loVe being up high. Towers, floor to ceiling windows, ledges, balconies, hillsides, cliff faces, anything with a view of the world below is such a big hit for my senses and this was FUN to imagine. It was dusk in my imagination, the colourful city lights lit below and the office space inside a little dark in comparison since the daylight has only just recently left and painted the sky in pastel pinks and oranges ok ok anyway I had a lot of fun, my head is Grateful. Everything else will of course be covered by the other comments I'm sure, so I'll just leave it to them! lol (I imagined the muse to have tucked the now retired panties into your pocket for you to find later. Commemorative gifts right?)


Ok... I was excited to finally have some alone time today after a short flight back home. So here I was preparing my phone, propping my pillows, burying myself under my sheets and then i realized... I left my earphones on the hotel table!!! GAAAAHHH! Now I'm a mixture of sad/frustrated/disappointed emotions. Huuuuuu... forced delayed gratification is ON. 😢😢😢


The tongue part was my undoing omg 😩❣️


G, you know I always have fun playing along with your audios, as usual. And I definitely had fun with this one. I will leave the rest to your imagination. 😉 A lady never tells of what goes on underneath the bed covers. 😏 Okay, g'night! 😁😂😂


Grades are in. Time to listen (finally!). See? I *can* be a cailín mhaith, given the right reward. 😎😋😘


I haven't finished this audio yet, but I feel like I'm missing out on part of it. Like these 2 must have confessed attraction a long time ago, flirted like crazy, and probably already fooled around a lot. You seem far too sure of yourself and knowledgeable about her for this to be a first encounter. I would love to hear the build up story for this audio. I'm a story junkie. :-)


😮😮😍😍😍❤️❤️🔥🔥 there is just no words


"It's official..we are now married." I've NEVA hit the stop button so fast in my life!


Okay, so before I start this literal WALL of text I want to warn people- I listened to this audio NO LESS than seven times, including some time of it over again in chunks, to properly review this. So. this will be long and involved. I did make a short TLDR wrap up on the bottom. Let’s begin! Your opening is a little jarring- I think this is due to the four seconds of silence before your voice. Honestly this doesn’t retract from the experience after first listening. The reason being is me- personally- tend to block out everything else when I’m daydreaming and most certainly would be daydreaming if I was merging my company into another. Dreams and whatnot. The undertone of cars is a nice touch- and I did actually go through and check just how loud it should be at 62 floors up (as you state later in the audio) and you nailed it spot on as far as how loud it is. Now- that voice drop. When you go into how well ‘we’ will work together, your voice drops about half an octave or so and it suddenly becomes a very serious moment. Not overtly sexual, just a little more serious- my back braced for what was to come in an almost unconscious gesture of preparation. (Visualization is key to this) And not going to lie, continue to talk nerdy to me- your grasp of words and the way the flow; ‘I imagine you court many offers to enjoy your company after work hours’ – that was icing on the verbal cake, especially with the nearly coy sounding chuckle after. As far as the ‘Wouldn’t you?’ the rustling of clothing and your subsequent gasp (it was low in the audio but it was there), I will admit that it was nice that you left whatever caused such noises (the female pulling you, you pulling her, etc) to our imaginations to be a boon to the idea. I will admit, however, that this seems VERY much like the penultimate coming together after one hell of a slow burning flirtation, so the writer in me enjoyed creating that background as much as listening to this. Skipping ahead now to about the 2:50 mark in the audio, right before you ask us to turn around, I have to commend your voice work here. The audio levels don’t seem to change (note; I am using BOSE headphones) but your voice seems to soften and come from behind me. Upon about the third listen I realized it was your voice that had changed. Not sure if this was a conscious decision on your part, or if it was done in editing, but it adds to the idea that my back is to you for this moment. Around the 3:43 mark, when you start to describe what you want to do, I will have to admit that my own resolve broke and it gave me both shivers down my spine and a nearly awkward heat in the pit of my stomach. Another voice change that brought about a physical reaction from me came at 5:48-5:55 when you dropped a whole octave and growled out ‘put that fucking belt in your mouth.’ I didn’t realize such a though could even CAUSE a reaction (I openly gasped about the first 3 times I listened to this). Your voice does this again when you command the phrase ‘tell me that you want my cock’ around the 8:05-8:18 mark, though your shuddering breath gives away your own lack of control. This added another layer to the attraction in this audio, a nice thing that I’m unsure whether or not you even meant to add. Nice addition of throwing the merger papers at 9:17. My logical mind got very worried you were going to ruin them when you said ‘I want you on my desk.’ Small addition but definitely one that made my enjoyment higher. The oral from about 10:15 to around the 14:45 time seemed almost TOO overzealous. I will, ashamedly, admit that due to having no experience in receiving oral (or being around when a woman has received it) I had to go to porn and see what it should sound like. Given your enthusiasm at the idea and the vigor with which you were attempting to go at it- you were relatively spot on as far as sounds go. The breaks in the times, ie when you stopped to talk, were a nice break to the moment and brought my mind back into the moment. (Again, with no experience in such matters I can’t get into this part of any audio- how do I imagine what I don’t know when it’s a very carnal/physical experience?) You are a master at teasing, however, and this is pointed out time and again in your audios. The time I talk of here, though, is between 15:20 to 15:32, when you tease your partner and then command her to press your cock into her pussy. The sex doesn’t start there, but the moment of you bringing your partner into the action makes it such a tease. I would say that the sex starts relatively around the 16:10 mark and your voice control went out for about 20 seconds or so. By this I mean your voice got shaky, higher pitched, and then deep. You seemed to be unable to control your tone until you just decided to go with a lower growled pitch. You did continue to hop back and forth from a commanding and deep tone to a nearly keening higher pitched/breathy tone for the rest of the sex-on-the-desk part of the audio. At 19:00 when you whisper about doing something ‘really naughty’ I will admit that you jerked me back, in the best way possible, into remembering that this entire audio was meant to be business partners. Especially the words ‘let’s start this business venture off in a real exciting way.’ This brought my mind back to the fact that your partner is meant to be on close-to-equal standing with you, at least in some arenas. Now, my only complaint with the ENTIRE audio is bringing the cars back into the mix at around the 19:40 mark. My reasoning is this: why would they have come out of the audio background at all if they’d been hearable in the beginning and again at the end here? Were the papers signed next to the window and then thrown onto your desk? This audio choice makes me question things but it doesn’t detract from the audio completely. Putting the belt back in your partner’s mouth, the smack (sounded nice as hell, by the way), and then the subsequent command for begging was a nice touch. It is reminiscent of a traditional power play in a BDSM relationship, but it is also a dominant thing here too without being completely demeaning like some BDSM power plays can be. Nicely done, and not overly focused on before getting back to the action. Starting at about 21:45 to 23:00 you get a little intense. What I mean by that is on multiple sets of headphones (ranging from expensive to crappy) there is a little bit of almost feedback. Either your mouth was too close to the mic or something else in the recording created a general feedback in a couple places. Not too far detracting and it also sort of made the action more intense because of its presence. I’m just more letting you know it happened. (This happened again in the 24 minute, but again, not detractive) 22:55 to 25:15 is a delicious mixture of tenderness, aggression, and pure sexuality. Your words, the imagery of your breathing and the pitch changes- it all added to an intense few minutes. I’ll admit that after my first few listens I was finding myself closing my eyes and easily imagining such things between you and your partner. 25:17 to your orgasm at 28:30 brought more shivers to my spine. Your voice control waivered again and I have to say I noticed something: the longer you draw out these audios, the more you’ve put into it, the almost needier your orgasm becomes. In this I mean your voice will go high, your breathing will stagger, and you will also seem to forget to breathe too. You didn’t disappoint with this orgasm, however, in that not only was it loud and obviously heavy, you transformed from a moan to a growl to almost a whimper in the same breath. Different, but not bad. 28:45 to the end was a nice wrap up. You spoil us with these every time, too. I’ve tried my hardest to find more than one or two audios where you haven’t added some form of wrap up / cool down but I think I’ve managed one? Maybe? TLDR wrap up: Like your Bloodlust audio, you showed a range of abilities and skills in this audio. There wasn’t the same emotionality in this one but you didn’t shy away from putting your all into it- and it is obvious. Very good work, especially with bringing small details in and tying everything together towards the end.


This was as hot and sexy as everyone has said. You had me the whole way through, enjoying the fantasy, and then....you stuck the muse in the window and that was it. Nope -- 62 floors or 6 floors, no way would I ever be able to do that. Mood would be gone for me! Don't care about the exhibitionism so much, but the height would be my undoing. LOL In all seriousness, this was really well done -- I enjoy when the Alpha Gael comes out to play, and he really seemed to enjoy himself this time! Bravo, G!


The other night I fall asleep with my ear buds in listening to this slice of sex. I wake up scared shitless because I hear someone in the house. Someone getting more and more loud. Immediately my mind flies to my daughter in the next room. And I'm thinking the worse , boy. I reach for my bat next to the bed and ready to knock somebody the fuck out! I get up out of the bed, and the voice it getting louder. I'm like "Ohshit!ohshit!ohshit!" I take a step and feel something snap out of my ears. Well, all of a sudden the voice went quiet and I'm standing there freaking out because I hear talking still. I look at my bed and see the ear buds and hear the faint sounds of the voice. Then it hits me....it was Gales loud ass orgasm that had me shitting bricks and ready to knock someone's head into left field. I sat on my floor and laughed my ass off @ 1:13 in the morning. This was highly exquiste though. Loved the idea of two alphas getting they freak on! Giving into the longing that had been building up over the course of the merger. I'm certain they began with the lingering lustful stares. Unecessary but telling touches. The leaning in close to see better...hear better. This was sexy all the way around! Well done, Alpha! See you in the boardroom tomorrow morning. I'll be sure to wear something...professional.


Gael, please do an audio where breakup at first, but sex at last. I hope the brokenhearted people can imagine spending time with an ex.


I love hearing you cum Gael &lt;3 ;)